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鱼道进口水流对草鱼幼鱼上溯行为的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为使鱼类能够快速发现和顺利进入鱼道进口并成功过坝,设计了鱼道进口概化模型。以草鱼幼鱼为研究对象,在18±1℃的条件下研究了鱼道进口流速对鱼类上溯行为的影响。研究发现:鱼道进口水流存在一个最佳流速,在该流速下,鱼类进入鱼道进口的效率最高。利用诱鱼流道补水有助于进一步提高鱼道进鱼效率,诱鱼流道水流与鱼道进口水流之间存在一个最优流速比。针对草鱼幼鱼的鱼道进口最佳流速约为0.3 m/s,诱鱼流道水流与鱼道进口水流的最佳流速比约为2.3。通过对洄游区鱼类游泳轨迹以及流场耦合,可知草鱼幼鱼上溯的喜好流速范围是0.20~0.30 m/s。研究成果对于鱼道进口水力设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过改变鱼道进口的不同朝向、鱼道进口与电站的相对距离,提出3种鱼道进口布置方式,并利用Flow-3D计算流体软件对这3种布置方式进行三维数值模拟。结果表明,相对于开口朝向与河道主流平行的进口C、F,开启开口朝向与河道主流垂直的鱼道进口B、E能够形成更大范围的目标鱼类偏好流速区域以及适合鱼类上溯的低紊动区域;距离电站尾水闸门较远的鱼道进口B、E能够形成范围更大的诱鱼水流,同时在其下游处产生的不利于目标鱼类上溯的高紊动区域也相对较小;相比于布置于岸边的鱼道,布置于河道中的鱼道更能提高鱼道的过鱼效率。该研究可为以后鱼道进口的布置提供理论依据。  相似文献   

罗发  甘磊  林杰梅  李东亭 《红水河》2021,40(1):9-12,16
随着国家经济发展和人们生态环境保护意识的增强,国家对鱼道建设越发重视,因此,有必要对鱼道进行更深入的研究.通过查阅文献和现场调研,对鱼道附属设施的配置、鱼道监控和鱼类识别发展状况进行研究.经过调研发现,国内鱼道虽然经过了近70年的发展历程,已经有了长足的发展,但很多方面还存在不足,大部分鱼道监控系统设施非常落后,且无法...  相似文献   

我国鱼类洄游通道和生境恢复技术研究现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前处于水电开发建设的高峰时期,生态环境保护问题受到高度重视。人们对河流资源的开发利用阻隔了鱼类自由迁徙的洄游通道,大大影响了鱼类赖以生存的环境,亟需发展洄游通道和鱼类生境的恢复技术来加以保护。阐述了鱼类洄游通道和生境恢复的重要意义,总结了该类技术在我国的研究现状和发展过程,指出了我国鱼类洄游通道技术发展面临的主要问题和挑战。通过对21世纪以来(特别是最近5 a)国家自然科学基金资助的相关项目及研究成果分析,指明了目前我国鱼类洄游通道和生境恢复技术的主要努力方向,包括:①各种典型鱼类的生活习性和游泳行为能力;②鱼类种群分布及生境因子影响规律;③水电开发对鱼类生境因子的影响规律;④洄游通道和生存环境恢复措施及过鱼效果验证。  相似文献   

基于生态学与水力学的水电站鱼道进口位置优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了合理布置鱼道进口,基于生态学与水力学理论和数值模拟方法,计算了某大型水电站下 游河道流场分布情况,结合过鱼对象的游泳能力和生活习性,划分了适宜布置鱼道进口的河道区域。 结果表明: 尾水渠内流态较为复杂,存在不同程度的环流或横向回流。随着机组增加,下游河道断 面流速增大,最大值可达 1. 4 m /s,但左岸位置始终存在低流速带,有利于布置鱼道进口。不同机 组组合发电运行工况下,下游河道流速分布与量值存在较大差异,需要布置 4 个鱼道进口以适应 不同运行工况。通过加设不透水丁坝的河道整治方案,左岸岸边流场得到改善,鱼类适宜聚集区 域得到集中,从而将鱼道进口布置数量优化为 3 个。研究思路和优化方法可为鱼道工程进口布置 提供参考。  相似文献   

根据对尼洋河多布水电站影响范围内的鱼类资源的研究成果,针对多布水电站工程的特点,进行鱼道的布置方案选择和结构设计,并对鱼道进行了模型试验研究。多布水电站鱼道的设置在一定程度上减缓了河段水电开发工程对水生态环境的影响,对促进流域水电开发工程建设与生态环境保护的持续、协调发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

利用过鱼设施效果评价模型,分析得到过鱼设施进口吸引流是影响过鱼设施效果的关键因素。通过研究我国过鱼设施现状,指出我国过鱼设施在进口吸引流设计方面存在的不足。结合水利水电工程特性,从过鱼设施吸引流和竞争流的角度出发,给出了过鱼设施位置、进口位置、进口朝向、进口吸引流流量和流速等关键问题的设计思路,并提出了过鱼设施进口概化模型。  相似文献   

鱼道设计离不开鱼类行为特性的研究,智能监控是观测、记录和量化鱼类行为的主要手段,但由于鱼道紊动的水流环境对鱼体精确跟踪造成了困难。本研究提出一种适用于鱼道研究的鱼类游泳行为提取方法,通过高斯混合模型(GMM)和卷积神经网络模型(CNN)对鱼体图像语义分割,再根据鱼体像素计算上溯轨迹、游泳速度和摆尾幅度。方法的验证以草鱼为试验对象,分别进行基于UNet和SegNet的鱼体语义分割对比试验和鱼类游泳行为提取试验。试验结果表明:(1) UNet模型的图像语义分割结果(MPA=95.9%,MIoU=93.3%)优于SegNet模型(MPA=95.5%,MIoU=92.8%);(2)应用GMM-CNN模型进行过鱼轨迹跟踪,其坐标平均相对误差(MREx=7.1%,MREy=2.4%)低于单独使用GMM方法23.1%、11.6%;(3) GMM-CNN模型测算鱼类行为能够准确定位鱼体特征点,应用于提取鱼类游泳行为时具有较高的精确度。基于GMM-CNN鱼类游泳行为提取方法可以为鱼道设计提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Globally, fishways perform better when the target fish species are salmonids rather than non-salmonids. In the past few decades, engineers and dam managers have attempted to identify an ideal fishway type that can fit all migratory orders. To determine a general rule for selecting fishway types, we classified all fish orders into two groups (salmonids and non-salmonids) and analyzed the effect of different fishway types (i.e., nature-like [NL], vertical slot [VS], pool and weir [PW], and denil [DL]) on upstream migration for both groups by conducting a meta-analysis based on data from 64 studies of 76 fishways. The fishway performance was presented in terms of attraction efficiency (AE) and passage efficiency (PE). The results of a random-effects model, including 257 and 299 estimates of AE and PE, respectively, showed fishway types only had a significant effect on AE for non-salmonids. Technical fishways had a higher AE than NL fishways for salmonids, but were not applicable to non-salmonids. The passage results of four fishway types indicated that the PW fishways exhibited the best performance for salmonids, but the poorest performance for non-salmonids. Only DL fishways had a PE of over 50% for non-salmonids, whereas all fishway types had that of over 60% for salmonids. Variations in the slope and length of VS fishways could significantly affect PE for both groups, however, the phenomenon for salmonids disappeared when merging all fishway types. Elevation changes had a significant effect only on the condition that salmonids passed through VS fishways. The results of this study play an important role in designing appropriate fishway types for different downstream fish fauna and can be better generalized by complementing quantitative evaluation studies of various fishways as much as possible.  相似文献   

Box culverts are common hydraulic structures along rivers and streams, in rural and urban water systems. The expertise in fish‐friendly culvert design is limited, sometimes leading to adverse impact on the catchment ecosystem or to uneconomical structures. Basic dimensional considerations highlight a number of key parameters relevant to any laboratory modelling of upstream fish passage, including the ratio of fish speed fluctuations to fluid velocity fluctuations, the ratios of fish dimensions to turbulent length scale, and the fish species. Alternately, the equation of conservation of momentum may be applied to an individual fish, yielding some deterministic estimate of instantaneous thrust and power expended during fish swimming, including the associated energy consumption. The rate of work required by the fish to deliver thrust is proportional to the cube of the local fluid velocity, and the model results demonstrate the key role of slow‐velocity regions in which fish will minimize their energy consumption when swimming upstream.  相似文献   

浙江楠溪江拦河闸鱼道进口布置优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史斌  王斌  徐岗  屠兴刚 《人民长江》2011,42(1):69-71
常规的鱼道设计及研究大多侧重于其内部结构和水流条件方面,缺少对鱼类生活习性及洄游规律等方面的认识,从而忽略了鱼道进口布置的重要性。而实际上鱼类能否较快发现和进入鱼道进口是鱼道设计的关键因素之一。以楠溪江供水工程鱼道设计为例,通过物理模型试验,对当地鱼类生活习性、建筑物布置特点以及各工况水流条件进行了观测分析,提出将鱼道进口与电站尾水渠相结合的布置方式,并对其可行性进行了论证,该布置方式对研究鱼道进口具有较大的参考意义。  相似文献   

Nearly 200 fish were released below Lock and Dam 2 (LD2) in the Upper Mississippi River and tracked to determine both whether and how they passed through this structure, and if passage could be explained using a computational fish passage model (FPM) which combines hydraulics with fish swimming performance. Fish were either captured and released downstream of LD2 in Pool 3 or captured in Pool 2 (upstream of LD2) and displaced below LD2. Tagged fish were tracked using 13 archival receivers located across LD2. Approximately 90% of all fish approached LD2 many times with the displaced species likely attempting to home. Of 112 common carp, 26% passed through LD2 with 15% (most) going through the lock and 6% through the spillway gates. Similar values were seen for bigmouth buffalo. In contrast, although 42% of 31 channel catfish passed through the lock, only 3% went through the gates. Finally, of 22 walleye, only 14% passed through the lock and none through the gates. Ninety percent of all documented passages through the spillway gates occurred when the gates were out of the water and water velocities through these gates were at their lowest levels, an attribute described and predicted by the FPM at LD2. This study strongly suggests that fish passage through spillway gates of LDs is determined by water velocity and can be predicted with a FPM, whereas passage through locks is determined by species‐specific behavioural preferences. Both attributes could be exploited to reduce passage of invasive carp at certain locations.  相似文献   

为分析中国过鱼设施研究现状和发展脉络,采用文献计量方法进行可视化分析,绘制作者、机构合作网络图谱和关键词共现网络图谱,从研究主体分布、研究方向和研究热点等方面进行深入分析.分析结果表明:中国过鱼设施研究正处于迅速发展阶段,已经形成了规模化科研团队;过鱼设施研究主要围绕过鱼设施水力条件数值模拟、过鱼设施物理模型试验以及基...  相似文献   

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