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河湖水系连通作为国家新时期治水方略被提出,关于其内涵、理论的探讨成为科学界研究的热点。通过对河湖关系及河湖水系连通概念内涵的综述,以及对河湖连通关系演变关键影响因素的讨论,认为:河湖水系连通属于河湖关系的范畴,是河湖关系研究的重要内容;河湖水系连通的演化主要受地质地貌条件、气候变化、流域来水来沙条件、湖泊演化和人类活动的共同制约。此外,还提出正确认识河湖关系是设计河湖水系连通工程的前提和基础,河湖关系的相关理论是建造河湖水系连通工程的理论依据,直接指导河湖水系连通工程的建设。  相似文献   

科学认识河湖水系连通问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
徐宗学  庞博 《中国水利》2011,(16):13-16
近年,河湖水系连通问题受到了极大关注,各级水行政主管部门对河湖水系连通的理论问题提出了迫切需求。结合国内外河湖水系连通的实例以及不同专家的意见和建议,对河湖水系连通的相关问题进行了初步梳理和总结,提出了当前推进河湖水系连通工作应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

河湖水系连通的基本准则与评判指标刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河湖水系连通涉及面广,影响范围大,不确定因素多,其相关理论和技术研究尚处于探索阶段。结合我国河湖水系连通的实践需求,从社会公平、经济发展、生态维系、环境改善、风险规避等五个方面出发,提出了河湖水系连通应普遍遵循的若干基本准则,并在此基础上初步构建了河湖水系连通的评判指标体系,对各具体指标的含义及评判指标的选取原则进行了简单的分析与探讨。在河湖水系连通方案评价中,应综合考虑社会、经济、生态、环境、风险等各个方面和可测性、动态性、可比性等原则,并根据不同地区水资源条件、生态环境状况及经济发展阶段的差异和河湖水系连通的功能、类型、位置、规模等具体情况,有针对性地确定主要的评判方面,挑选相关指标对河湖水系连通方案进行综合评判。  相似文献   

河湖水系连通的特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河湖水系连通已经成为国家江河治理的重大需求,但相关的理论和技术尚处于探索阶段。根据新形势下保障国家水安全和提高生态文明水平的新要求,讨论了河湖水系连通的概念及内涵,分析了河湖水系连通的驱动因素、构成要素和连通方式,并初步构建了河湖水系连通分类体系,为河湖水系连通研究的深入开展提供参考。  相似文献   

河湖水系连通是国家江河治理的重大需求。面对我国河湖水系连通工程高速发展现状,结合新形势下保障国家水安全和提高生态文明水平的新要求,讨论了河湖水系连通的概念及内涵,分析了河湖水系连通分类方法,提出了河湖水系高质量连通和高效连通多种模式,为我国由高速度发展转为高质量发展新形势下河湖水系连通研究提供了理论参考,为面向高质量发展的未来河湖水系连通布局提供了新要求。  相似文献   

河湖水系生态连通是维系流域健康的重要举措之一。河道之间能否有效连通及功能的发挥程度与河湖水系的连通方案紧密相关。为准确高效地确定最优设计方案,以水系连通的理论定义为基础,研发了河湖水系连通“三层三库三模块”规划布局方案优选平台(RLCPP),以优选河湖水系连通的具体路径。数据平台以数据库、模型库、案例库“三库”作为支撑层,与功能层、交互层统一结合,并利用水系提取、图模型构建等关键技术,综合集成了水系连通规划方案优选分析、水量-水质-生态耦合分析模型集成及河湖水系生态连通案例库管理三大功能模块。平台可为河网水系连通规划制定及连通方案优化提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

国内外河湖水系连通发展沿革与影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前国内部分地区水资源问题严重的形势,国家"十二五"战略规划中明确提出,河湖水系连通作为解决水资源问题的一个重要途径。结合当前我国新时期治水方略和水资源管理形势需要,通过大量收集国内外河湖水系连通案例,探讨国内外河湖水系连通在不同时期的建设特点,汇总河湖水系连通工程对经济、社会、生态的效益和可能带来的负面影响。并在理解我国当前的基本国情和水利发展趋势下,结合国内外河湖水系连通的成功案例,分析其对我国河湖水系连通的启示,以期为我国河湖水系连通战略提供支撑。  相似文献   

文章基于水资源可持续利用和人水和谐的目标,探讨南乐县河湖水系连通问题。从县域河湖水系存在的问题、工作措施及成效着手,初步探讨南乐县河湖水系连通的理念框架,解决水资源统筹配置能力问题,改善水环境状况,以期为南乐县河湖水系连通研究的深入开展提供基础。  相似文献   

合理调配水资源、改善河湖健康状况和增强抵御水旱灾害能力是水资源利用亟需解决问题。河湖水系连通作为河流健康的一个指标,已成为国家江河治理新形势下水资源科学研究的重大课题。结合河湖水系连通案例实践、总结不同学者的观点,解读河湖水系连通的概念和内涵,阐述其构成要素并制定河湖水系连通的评价指标体系,为河湖水系连通和水资源调配的深入研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

水资源是人们生产发展最重要自然资源之一,国家有关部门多次强调,基于当前基本国情、水利发展大方向,阐述现有河湖水系连通的概念、内涵、演变过程、关键技术,构建了河湖水系工程效益评价体系,为河湖水系连通理论研究和工程实践提供了借鉴,对推进水利现代化建设和发展改革提供一条发展方向。文章详细解读了国家有关河湖水系连通的政策,阐述现有河湖水系连通的概念、内涵、演变过程、关键技术,构建河湖水系工程的评价指标体系,为河湖水系连通的更深入的理论研究和工程实践提供了参考借鉴依据。  相似文献   

简述无锡市太湖新城水系现状,从河网水系、防洪除涝、水环境水生态、河道管理四个方面分析现状水系存在的问题。介绍水系总体规划布局,在太湖新城"三纵三横"主干水网格局基础上,蠡河以东太科园区继续完善"三纵七横"之框架性河道,蠡河以西地区则通过进一步强化"三纵一横"次干水网来改善北部区域引排调蓄能力。并对太湖新城水系规划在社会效益、生态环境效益、经济效益等方面进行了评价。  相似文献   

鉴于芍陂特有的历史地位和非凡价值,挖掘其在治水中的先进性及其对当代治水管理的借鉴性,具有重要的历史意义和实践价值。本文通过查阅古籍、文献等资料,梳理了芍陂灌排工程管理的历史演变,总结了芍陂在历史上的治水管水大事记,阐述了芍陂的兴衰给后人留下的宝贵的治水经验,明确了灌溉管理在水资源综合管理中的突出地位、“双河长制”在河湖治理的显著效率、退田还湖在促进河湖健康发展中的关键作用以及打造幸福河湖、传承治水文化的重要意义与价值引领。以期在芍陂兴废更迭的历史进程中吸取经验,探索灌溉管理与维护制度的发展规律,为当代治水护水提供思路。  相似文献   

介绍和论述了数字流域和数字灌区的基本涵义及其重大意义 ,阐明了数字西江和数字灌区工程建设的必要性和紧迫性 ,结合广西水利建设“万千百十”计划 ,初步探讨了数字西江和数字灌区建设的基本内容、实施方案及其主要功能  相似文献   

海绵城市建设中河湖水系的保护与生态修复措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析海绵城市建设中维持河湖水系健康的重要性,探讨河湖水系的保护与生态修复措施,认为要有效保护现有河湖水域海绵体,大力修复受损河湖水域海绵体,适度拓建河湖水域新海绵体,科学调度管理河湖水系海绵体,从而构建"蓄泄兼筹、丰枯调剂、引排自如、多源互补、生态健康、环境优美"的海绵城市。  相似文献   

针对乌伦古河流域水资源短缺、灌溉挤占生态用水等问题,以生活、工业、灌溉、河道生态基流、河谷林草及补湖生态用水为调度目标,设置开源、节流方案集,建立了以生态缺水量和社会经济缺水量最小为目标的水库群生态调度模型,采用人机对话模拟优化算法求解模型。结果表明:各节流方案的河谷林草和补湖供水保证率能够满足设计要求,缓解了灌溉用水与生态用水间的矛盾,但2017现状水平年和2025远景水平年需水方案的灌溉保证率未满足设计要求;当开源+节流方案调水量超过1.0亿m3时,满足农业灌溉、河谷林草和补湖的供水保证率要求,消除了灌溉用水与生态用水间的矛盾;随着调水量超过1.0亿m3且持续增加,对河谷林草、补湖缺水量、破坏深度等影响不大,推荐1.0亿m3为最佳调水量。  相似文献   

The management and protection of the world's major river basins have received increasing attention, and a series of related measures, including fishing bans and ecological engineering restoration, has been pioneered in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB). This paper provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of research trends and hotspots in the water environment of the YRB through bibliometric means. The database period was from its inception to December 31, 2020. This review combines the changing trends in the water environment of the YRB in the form of keywords. The results show that the governance of the YRB is based on the relationship between “water” and “sediment” as an entry point, focusing on changes in the “temporal” and “spatial” allocation of water resources; further, when considering the problem of “eutrophication” caused by the release of “nitrogen” and “phosphorus” from “sediments,” water quality factors such as “heavy metal pollution” and “organic pollution” are becoming more prominent; then water quality factor affects “biodiversity,” aquatic ecology becomes more and more concerned, and “ecological risk” factor is taken into consideration. Therefore, future management of the YRB requires consideration of all elements of the basin, including water resources, water quality, and aquatic ecology, and how to coordinate these all material elements is the obstacle and breakthrough point. In addition, further studies on research frontiers have revealed that ecological risk, emerging bioinformatics technologies, and, source apportionment will become the new and popular directions and trends in research. This review is intended to provide insights into the management of other large river basins around the world.  相似文献   

The granting of rights to the Whanganui River in 2017 emerged as an outcome of Tribunal hearings relating to breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed between Māori chiefs and the British Crown in 1840. As this expression of a river as having legal personhood with rights reflects a distinctively Māori perspective upon river systems, it offers the prospect for a new era of sociocultural approaches to river management in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using the Whanganui River as a case study, this paper explores prospective geomorphic meanings of river rights. The paper asks, “What role can geomorphology play in identifying, articulating and protecting the rights of a river?” Ancestral Māori relations to the river based upon mutual codependence (reciprocity) are juxtaposed against geomorphic understandings of a river's agency as expressed through self‐adjustment, diversity of form, evolution, and catchment‐scale connectivities. Relations between river science and indigenous concepts of rivers, framed under the auspices of river rights, present opportunities for different approaches to river management.  相似文献   

Lake management in Italy: the implications of the Water Framework Directive   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper constitutes the first consideration of the implications of the lake management in Italy arising from the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), in comparison to the provisions of existing national legislation. As a matter of fact, the Italian decrees anticipated the principles of the WFD and have substantially modified the legislation in the field of water in Italy. Important changes were introduced, both in the monitoring systems and in the classification methods for surface waters. The environmental quality status will be determined not only by monitoring the aqueous matrix, but also the sediment and the biota. The new WFD is the major piece of European Union (EU) legislation with environment at its core; it will guide the efforts for attaining a sustainable aquatic environment in the years to come. In the WFD one can see elements from all the different forces that guided the reform of EU water policy: environmental protection, deregulation and subsidiarity. Moreover, elements of the economic instruments approach (introduction of the cost recovery principle), quantitative concerns (setting of minimum flow objectives for rivers and abstraction limits for ground waters) and the quest for integration (river basin management with representation of all stakeholders) are all reflected in the WFD. The paper summarizes the present condition of the most important lakes in the Italian lake district and also highlights the case of Lake Varese, representing a unique case of lake management in Italy. Preliminary results show that there are very few examples dealing with the elements thought appropriate to lake water assessment as required by the WFD. The application of the objectives of the type specified is a largely unknown issue.  相似文献   

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