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Molecular modeling is widely utilized in subjects including but not limited to physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and engineering. Impressive progress has been made in development of theories, algorithms and software packages. To divide and conquer, and to cache intermediate results have been long standing principles in development of algorithms. Not surprisingly, most important methodological advancements in more than half century of molecular modeling are various implementations of these two fundamental principles. In the mainstream classical computational molecular science, tremendous efforts have been invested on two lines of algorithm development. The first is coarse graining, which is to represent multiple basic particles in higher resolution modeling as a single larger and softer particle in lower resolution counterpart, with resulting force fields of partial transferability at the expense of some information loss. The second is enhanced sampling, which realizes “dividing and conquering” and/or “caching” in configurational space with focus either on reaction coordinates and collective variables as in metadynamics and related algorithms, or on the transition matrix and state discretization as in Markov state models. For this line of algorithms, spatial resolution is maintained but results are not transferable. Deep learning has been utilized to realize more efficient and accurate ways of “dividing and conquering” and “caching” along these two lines of algorithmic research. We proposed and demonstrated the local free energy landscape approach, a new framework for classical computational molecular science. This framework is based on a third class of algorithm that facilitates molecular modeling through partially transferable in resolution “caching” of distributions for local clusters of molecular degrees of freedom. Differences, connections and potential interactions among these three algorithmic directions are discussed, with the hope to stimulate development of more elegant, efficient and reliable formulations and algorithms for “dividing and conquering” and “caching” in complex molecular systems.  相似文献   

Compelling evidence is building for the involvement of the complex, bidirectional communication axis between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain in neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression. With depression projected to be the number one health concern by 2030 and its pathophysiology yet to be fully elucidated, a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between environmental factors, such as stress and diet, with the neurobiology of depression is needed. In this review, the latest research on the effects of stress on the bidirectional connections between the brain and the gut across the most widely used animal models of stress and depression is summarised, followed by comparisons of the diversity and composition of the gut microbiota across animal models of stress and depression with possible implications for the gut–brain axis and the impact of dietary changes on these. The composition of the gut microbiota was consistently altered across the animal models investigated, although differences between each of the studies and models existed. Chronic stressors appeared to have negative effects on both brain and gut health, while supplementation with prebiotics and/or probiotics show promise in alleviating depression pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Bacteria have evolved an array of mechanisms enabling them to resist the inhibitory effect of antibiotics, a significant proportion of which target the ribosome. Indeed, resistance mechanisms have been identified for nearly every antibiotic that is currently used in clinical practice. With the ever-increasing list of multi-drug-resistant pathogens and very few novel antibiotics in the pharmaceutical pipeline, treatable infections are likely to become life-threatening once again. Most of the prevalent resistance mechanisms are well understood and their clinical significance is recognized. In contrast, ribosome protection protein-mediated resistance has flown under the radar for a long time and has been considered a minor factor in the clinical setting. Not until the recent discovery of the ATP-binding cassette family F protein-mediated resistance in an extensive list of human pathogens has the significance of ribosome protection proteins been truly appreciated. Understanding the underlying resistance mechanism has the potential to guide the development of novel therapeutic approaches to evade or overcome the resistance. In this review, we discuss the latest developments regarding ribosome protection proteins focusing on the current antimicrobial arsenal and pharmaceutical pipeline as well as potential implications for the future of fighting bacterial infections in the time of “superbugs.”  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni has a large adaptive potential due to enormous genetic exchange. Factors regulating natural transformation in this food-borne pathogen are largely unknown but of interest for the application of sustained reduction strategies in the food-processing industry. Using a single cell DNA uptake assay, we visualized that recognition of methylated C. jejuni DNA was essential for the first step of DNA uptake into a DNase resistant state. Transformation rates using a resistance marker correlated with the fraction of competent bacteria, harboring one to maximally four locations of active DNA uptake, not necessarily being located at the cell pole. Competence developed with rising pH between 6.5 and 7.5 under microaerobic conditions and was nearly insensitive towards growth temperatures between 32 °C and 42 °C, CO2 concentrations ranging from 0 to 50% and growth rates. However, competence development was abolished at pH 5 or under aerobic stress conditions, in which the bacteria ceased growth but fully survived. The DNA uptake machinery in competent bacteria shut down at slightly acidic pH and was reversibly switched on upon neutralization. It was dependent on the proton motive force and, in contrast to competence development, slightly enhanced under aerobic conditions. The results suggest that natural transformation in C. jejuni occurs in the neutral and microaerobic intestinal environment for enhanced genetic diversity and pre-adaption before host switch. In addition, highly competent bacteria might be shed into the environment, still able to acquire genetic material for increased survival.  相似文献   

Because of their small size and large specific surface area, nanoparticles (NPs) have special properties that are different from bulk materials. In particular, Au/Ag NPs have been intensively studied for a long time, especially for biomedical applications. Thereafter, they played a significant role in the fields of biology, medical testing, optical imaging, energy and catalysis, MRI contrast agents, tumor diagnosis and treatment, environmental protection, and so on. When synthesizing Au/Ag NPs, the laser ablation and biosynthesis methods are very promising green processes. Therefore, this review focuses on the progress in the laser ablation and biological synthesis processes for Au/Ag NP generation, especially in their fabrication fundamentals and potential applications. First, the fundamentals of the laser ablation method are critically reviewed, including the laser ablation mechanism for Au/Ag NPs and the controlling of their size and shape during fabrication using laser ablation. Second, the fundamentals of the biological method are comprehensively discussed, involving the synthesis principle and the process of controlling the size and shape and preparing Au/Ag NPs using biological methods. Third, the applications in biology, tumor diagnosis and treatment, and other fields are reviewed to demonstrate the potential value of Au/Ag NPs. Finally, a discussion surrounding three aspects (similarity, individuality, and complementarity) of the two green synthesis processes is presented, and the necessary outlook, including the current limitations and challenges, is suggested, which provides a reference for the low-cost and sustainable production of Au/Ag NPs in the future.  相似文献   

Fine temperature control is essential in homeothermic animals. Both hyper- and hypothermia can have deleterious effects. Multiple, efficient and partly redundant mechanisms of adjusting the body temperature to the value set by the internal thermostat exist. The neural circuitry of temperature control and the neurotransmitters involved are reviewed. The GABAergic inhibitory output from the brain thermostat in the preoptic area POA to subaltern neural circuitry of temperature control (Nucleus Raphe Dorsalis and Nucleus Raphe Pallidus) is a function of the balance between the (opposite) effects mediated by the transient receptor potential receptor TRPM2 and EP3 prostaglandin receptors. Activation of TRPM2-expressing neurons in POA favors hypothermia, while inhibition has the opposite effect. Conversely, EP3 receptors induce elevation in body temperature. Activation of EP3-expressing neurons in POA results in hyperthermia, while inhibition has the opposite effect. Agonists at TRPM2 and/or antagonists at EP3 could be beneficial in hyperthermia control. Activity of the neural circuitry of temperature control is modulated by a variety of 5-HT receptors. Based on the theoretical model presented the “ideal” antidote against serotonin syndrome hyperthermia appears to be an antagonist at the 5-HT receptor subtypes 2, 4 and 6 and an agonist at the receptor subtypes 1, 3 and 7. Very broadly speaking, such a profile translates in a sympatholytic effect. While a compound with such an ideal profile is presently not available, better matches than the conventional antidote cyproheptadine (used off-label in severe serotonin syndrome cases) appear to be possible and need to be identified.  相似文献   

We are pleased to announce a Special Issue on the Genetic Basis and Epidemiology of Myopathies. This Special Issue is collecting papers pertaining to various lines of research focusing on the genetic basis and the epidemiology of myopathies. The Guest Editors’ note combines the contributing authors’ reviews and findings of relevant research, and we hope that future studies on myopathies will attempt to confirm these findings and, additionally, evaluate supplementary phenotypic and histological expressions of myopathies, as well as genetic factors in their pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Regular physical activity in cyclic sports can influence the so-called “angiogenic switch”, which is considered as an imbalance between proangiogenic and anti-angiogenic molecules. Disruption of the synthesis of angiogenic molecules can be caused by local changes in tissues under the influence of excessive physical exertion and its consequences, such as chronic oxidative stress and associated hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, sports injuries, etc. A review of publications on signaling pathways that activate and inhibit angiogenesis in skeletal muscles, myocardium, lung, and nervous tissue under the influence of intense physical activity in cyclic sports. Materials: We searched PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Clinical keys, and e-LIBRARY databases for full-text articles published from 2000 to 2020, using keywords and their combinations. Results: An important aspect of adaptation to training loads in cyclic sports is an increase in the number of capillaries in muscle fibers, which improves the metabolism of skeletal muscles and myocardium, as well as nervous and lung tissue. Recent studies have shown that myocardial endothelial cells not only respond to hemodynamic forces and paracrine signals from neighboring cells, but also take an active part in heart remodeling processes, stimulating the growth and contractility of cardiomyocytes or the production of extracellular matrix proteins in myofibroblasts. As myocardial vascularization plays a central role in the transition from adaptive heart hypertrophy to heart failure, further study of the signaling mechanisms involved in the regulation of angiogenesis in the myocardium is important in sports practice. The study of the “angiogenic switch” problem in the cerebrovascular and cardiovascular systems allows us to claim that the formation of new vessels is mediated by a complex interaction of all growth factors. Although the lungs are one of the limiting systems of the body in cyclic sports, their response to high-intensity loads and other environmental stresses is often overlooked. Airway epithelial cells are the predominant source of several growth factors throughout lung organogenesis and appear to be critical for normal alveolarization, rapid alveolar proliferation, and normal vascular development. There are many controversial questions about the role of growth factors in the physiology and pathology of the lungs. The presented review has demonstrated that when doing sports, it is necessary to give a careful consideration to the possible positive and negative effects of growth factors on muscles, myocardium, lung tissue, and brain. Primarily, the “angiogenic switch” is important in aerobic sports (long distance running). Conclusions: Angiogenesis is a physiological process of the formation of new blood capillaries, which play an important role in the functioning of skeletal muscles, myocardium, lung, and nervous tissue in athletes. Violation of the “angiogenic switch” as a balance between proangiogenic and anti-angiogenic molecules can lead to a decrease in the functional resources of the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems in athletes and, as a consequence, to a decrease in sports performance.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a multifactorial developmental neuropsychiatric disorder. This study examined the interplay of maternal infection and postweaning social isolation, which are prenatal and postnatal risk factors, respectively. Pregnant mice received poly I:C or saline injection on gestation day 9 and the pups were weaned at postnatal day 28. After weaning, male offspring were randomly assigned into group-rearing and isolation-rearing groups. In their adulthood, we performed behavioral tests and characterized the histochemical features of their mesocorticolimbic structures. The sociability and anxiety levels were not affected by either manipulation, but synergistic effects of the two hits on stress-coping behavior was observed. Either of the single manipulations caused defects in sensorimotor gating, novel object recognition and spatial memory tests, but the combination of the two hits did not further exacerbate the disabilities. Prenatal infection increased the number of dopaminergic neurons in midbrain, whereas postweaning isolation decreased the GABAergic neurons in cortex. Single manipulation reduced the dendritic complexity and spine densities of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dentate gyrus. Our results support the current perspective that disturbances in brain development during the prenatal or postnatal period influence the structure and function of the brain and together augment the susceptibility to mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Traditional antimicrobial therapies for periodontitis (PD) have long focused on non-selective and direct approaches. Professional cleaning of the subgingival biofilm by instrumentation of dental root surfaces, known as scaling and root planning (SRP), is the mainstay of periodontal therapy and is indisputably effective. Non-physical approaches used as adjuncts to SRP, such as chemical and biological agents, will be the focus of this review. In this regard, traditional agents such as oral antiseptics and antibiotics, delivered either locally or systemically, were briefly reviewed as a backdrop. While generally effective in winning the “battle” against PD in the short term, by reducing its signs and symptoms, patients receiving such therapies are more susceptible to recurrence of PD. Moreover, the long-term consequences of such therapies are still in question. In particular, concern about chronic use of systemic antibiotics and their influence on the oral and gut microbiota is warranted, considering antibiotic resistance plasmids, and potential transfer between oral and non-oral microbes. In the interest of winning the “battle and the war”, new more selective and targeted antimicrobials and biologics for PD are being studied. These are principally indirect, blocking pathways involved in bacterial colonization, nutrient acquisition, inflammation or cellular invasion without directly killing the pathogens. This review will focus on current and prospective antimicrobial therapies for PD, emphasizing therapies that act indirectly on the microbiota, with clearly defined cellular and molecular targets.  相似文献   

Factor XIII (FXIII) is a transglutaminase enzyme that catalyses the formation of ε-(γ-glutamyl)lysyl isopeptide bonds into protein substrates. The plasma form, FXIIIA2B2, has an established function in haemostasis, with fibrin being its principal substrate. A deficiency in FXIII manifests as a severe bleeding diathesis emphasising its crucial role in this pathway. The FXIII-A gene (F13A1) is expressed in cells of bone marrow and mesenchymal lineage. The cellular form, a homodimer of the A subunits denoted FXIII-A, was perceived to remain intracellular, due to the lack of a classical signal peptide for its release. It is now apparent that FXIII-A can be externalised from cells, by an as yet unknown mechanism. Thus, three pools of FXIII-A exist within the circulation: plasma where it circulates in complex with the inhibitory FXIII-B subunits, and the cellular form encased within platelets and monocytes/macrophages. The abundance of this transglutaminase in different forms and locations in the vasculature reflect the complex and crucial roles of this enzyme in physiological processes. Herein, we examine the significance of these pools of FXIII-A in different settings and the evidence to date to support their function in haemostasis and wound healing.  相似文献   

Inflammation is an innate immunity protecting the body from pathogens and cellular damages and comprises two steps; 1) priming (preparatory step) and triggering (activation step). The key feature of the triggering step is the activation of inflammasomes that are intracellular protein complexes consisting of pattern recognition receptors and inflammatory molecules. Inflammasomes are activated in response to various ligands, leading to the caspase-1-mediated maturation and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β and IL-18 and the gasdermin D-mediated pyroptosis, an inflammatory form of cell death. Previous studies have demonstrated that inflammasome activation is a key determinant of inflammatory responses and many human diseases; therefore, inflammasomes have been attracted much attention as critical drug targets to prevent and treat various human diseases.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive degenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia in aging populations. Although the pathological hallmarks of AD are well defined, currently no effective therapy exists. Liver growth factor (LGF) is a hepatic albumin–bilirubin complex with activity as a tissue regenerating factor in several neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Friedreich’s ataxia. Our aim here was to analyze the potential therapeutic effect of LGF on the APPswe mouse model of AD. Twenty-month-old mice received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of 1.6 µg LGF or saline, twice a week during three weeks. Mice were sacrificed one week later, and the hippocampus and dorsal cortex were prepared for immunohistochemical and biochemical studies. LGF treatment reduced amyloid-β (Aβ) content, phospho-Tau/Tau ratio and the number of Aβ plaques with diameter larger than 25 µm. LGF administration also modulated protein ubiquitination and HSP70 protein levels, reduced glial reactivity and inflammation, and the expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax. Because the administration of this factor also restored cognitive damage in APPswe mice, we propose LGF as a novel therapeutic tool that may be useful for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

Achromatopsia is characterized by amblyopia, photophobia, nystagmus, and color blindness. Previous animal models of achromatopsia have shown promising results using gene augmentation to restore cone function. However, the optimal therapeutic window to elicit recovery remains unknown. Here, we attempted two rounds of gene augmentation to generate recoverable mouse models of achromatopsia including a Cnga3 model with a knock-in stop cassette in intron 5 using Easi-CRISPR (Efficient additions with ssDNA inserts-CRISPR) and targeted embryonic stem (ES) cells. This model demonstrated that only 20% of CNGA3 levels in homozygotes derived from target ES cells remained, as compared to normal CNGA3 levels. Despite the low percentage of remaining protein, the knock-in mouse model continued to generate normal cone phototransduction. Our results showed that a small amount of normal CNGA3 protein is sufficient to form “functional” CNG channels and achieve physiological demand for proper cone phototransduction. Thus, it can be concluded that mutating the Cnga3 locus to disrupt the functional tetrameric CNG channels may ultimately require more potent STOP cassettes to generate a reversible achromatopsia mouse model. Our data also possess implications for future CNGA3-associated achromatopsia clinical trials, whereby restoration of only 20% functional CNGA3 protein may be sufficient to form functional CNG channels and thus rescue cone response.  相似文献   

Material research in tissue engineering forms a vital link between basic cell research and animal research. Periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs, P) from the tooth have an osteogenic effect, whereas endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs, E) assist in neovascularization. In the present study, the interaction of PDLCs and EPCs with Tantalum (Ta, I) discs, either alone (IP or IE group) or in 1:1 (IPE) ratio was explored. Additionally, surface analysis of Ta discs with respect to different types and cycles of sterilization and disinfection procedures was evaluated. It was observed that Ta discs could be used for a maximum of three times, after which the changes in properties of Ta discs were detrimental to cell growth, irrespective of the type of the protocol. Cell-Disc’s analysis revealed that cell proliferation in the IE group at day 6 and day 10 was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than other groups. A cell viability assay revealed increased live cells in the IPE group than in the IP or IE group. Similarly, adhesion and penetration of cells in the IPE group were not only higher, but also had an increased thickness of cellular extensions. RT-PCR analysis revealed that on day 8, both osteogenic (ALP, RUNX-2, and BSP) and angiogenic genes (VEGFR-2, CD31) increased significantly in the IPE group as compared to the IP or IE groups (p < 0.05). In conclusion, Ta discs promoted cellular proliferation and increased osteogenic and angiogenic activity by augmenting RUNX-2 and VEGFR-2 activity.  相似文献   

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