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目的利用乳糖替代IPTG,诱导重组人睫状神经营养因子(Recombinanthumanciliaryneurotrophicfactor,rhC-NTF)在原核工程菌BL-TCS中可溶性表达,并选择最适的诱导表达条件。方法在不同的温度下,利用不同浓度的乳糖及0·5mmol/L的IPTG,诱导含有人CNTF基因的工程菌9h,比较菌体生长、乳糖消耗以及目标蛋白的表达规律。结果乳糖组的菌体A600值均高于IPTG组。乳糖诱导产生的rhCNTF主要以可溶形式表达,各浓度乳糖的诱导效果均能接近或超过IPTG的效果。以2%乳糖在25℃下诱导6h,可以达到比较好的诱导效果。结论乳糖可取代IPTG诱导人CNTF基因表达,并获得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的 建立重组NK4融合基因工程菌的发酵工艺。方法 采用锥形瓶、发酵罐发酵 ,对工程菌生长和表达条件如pH、诱导时间及诱导剂浓度等方面进行优化。确定其最佳诱导表达条件 ,在 15L自控发酵罐中进行分批补料培养。结果 在 15L发酵罐进行工程菌发酵 ,菌体收获量湿重可达 2 4 .6g L± 0 .98g L ,目的蛋白的表达量保持在菌体总蛋白的 5 0 %左右 ,发酵时间为 11h。结论 建立了周期短、产率高且稳定可靠的发酵工艺。  相似文献   

Biotinylated mono‐ and biantennary di‐/trisaccharides were synthesized to evaluate their ability to capture E. coli strains that express pilus types with different receptor specificities. The synthesized biotinylated di‐/trisaccharides contain Galα(1→4)Gal, Galα(1→4)GalNHAc, GalNHAcα(1→4)Gal, Galα(1→4)Galβ(1→4)Glc and GalNHAcα(1→4)Galβ(1→4)Glc as carbohydrate epitopes. These biotinylated oligosaccharides were immobilized on streptavidin‐coated magnetic beads, and incubated with different strains of live E. coli. Capturing ability was assessed by using a luciferase assay that detects bacterial ATP. The trisaccharides containing Galα(1→4)Galβ(1→4)Glc and the disaccharides containing Galα(1→4)Gal as the epitopes exhibited strong capturing ability for uropathogenic E. coli strains with the pap pilus genotype, including CFT073, J96 and J96 pilE. The same ligands failed to capture E. coli strains with fim, prs, or foc genotypes. Uropathogenic CFT073 was also captured moderately by biantennary disaccharides containing a GalNHAc moiety at the reducing end; however, other saccharides containing GalNHAc at the nonreducing end did not capture the CFT073 strain. These synthetic glycoconjugates could potentially be adapted as rapid diagnostic agents to differentiate between different E. coli pathovars.  相似文献   

Mucoadhesive polymer patches are a promising alternative for prolonged and controlled delivery of topical corticosteroids (CS) to improve their biopharmaceutical properties (mainly increasing local bioavailability and reducing systemic toxicity). The main biopharmaceutical advantages of patches compared to traditional oral dosage forms are their excellent bioadhesive properties and their increased drug residence time, modified and unidirectional drug release, improved local bioavailability and safety profile, additional pain receptor protection, and patient friendliness. This review describes the main approaches that can be used for the pharmaceutical R&D of oromucosal patches with improved physicochemical, mechanical, and pharmacological properties. The review mainly focuses on ways to increase the bioadhesion of oromucosal patches and to modify drug release, as well as ways to improve local bioavailability and safety by developing unidirectional -release poly-layer patches. Various techniques for obtaining patches and their influence on the structure and properties of the resulting dosage forms are also presented.  相似文献   

Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) employ the mannose‐binding adhesin FimH to colonize the bladder epithelium during urinary tract infection (UTI). Previously reported FimH antagonists exhibit good potency and efficacy, but low bioavailability and a short half‐life in vivo. In a rational design strategy, we obtained an X‐ray structure of lead mannosides and then designed mannosides with improved drug‐like properties. We show that cyclizing the carboxamide onto the biphenyl B‐ring aglycone of biphenyl mannosides into a fused heterocyclic ring, generates new biaryl mannosides such as isoquinolone 22 (2‐methyl‐4‐(1‐oxo‐1,2‐dihydroisoquinolin‐7‐yl)phenyl α‐d ‐mannopyranoside) with enhanced potency and in vivo efficacy resulting from increased oral bioavailability. N‐Substitution of the isoquinolone aglycone with various functionalities produced a new potent subseries of FimH antagonists. All analogues of the subseries have higher FimH binding affinity than unsubstituted lead 22 , as determined by thermal shift differential scanning fluorimetry assay. Mannosides with pyridyl substitution on the isoquinolone group inhibit bacteria‐mediated hemagglutination and prevent biofilm formation by UPEC with single‐digit nanomolar potency, which is unprecedented for any FimH antagonists or any other antivirulence compounds reported to date.  相似文献   

An optical assay based on CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD)/NH2-Apt bioconjugates for the pathogen detection was presented. QDs with carboxyl functional groups and 72-mer aptamer (against E. coli outer membrane proteins) were used as probes and sensing element. E. coli O157:H7 was selected as a model pathogen and 96-well plate assay in the sandwich hybridization format was constructed. Poly-L-lysine-coated 96-well plate surfaces were used as support material where thiol functionalized aptamers were immobilized by 4-(N-Maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid 3-sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide (sulfo-SMCC). After incubation with the bacteria, CdSe/ZnS QDs/aptamer bioconjugates were added. The fluorescence signals were followed before and after addition of bioconjugates. Probe concentrations, incubation time with E. coli O157:H7 were also optimized. The bioassay could detect the pathogen down to 102 CFU/mL with high selectivity. The detection system was successfully employed in samples, in the presence of interfering compounds.  相似文献   

Three R.E.MO.S. (Remote Environmental MOnitoring System) telemetric networks have been installed in the catchment area of River Nestos, by research team PERSEAS. The first network has been installed in Nestos Delta. This network consists of two Remote Stations (R.S.):
The first one is called R.S. “Nestos” and is settled in Nestos Delta in Chrysoupoli and
the second one is called R.S “Agiasma” and is settled in the homonymous Lagoon.
This paper deals with R.S. “Agiasma”, which operates in Agiasma Lagoon, an area of great environmental importance in the west part of River Nestos Delta. The gradients of the water quality and quantity monitored parameters are very important for the ecological preservation of the lagoon. Moreover, this case can be an excellent example of how the real-time monitoring data can work as an alarm system to prevent environmental hazards.The scientific issues this paper is focused on are:
The three years systematic daily electronic monitoring data (1/1/2000-31/12/2002). The monitored parameters are Water level—H (cm), Salinity—Sal (‰), Redox Potential—RP (mV), Dissolved Oxygen—DO (mg/l), Water Temperature—Tw (oC) and Air Temperature—Ta (oC).
The assessment of water quality and quantity parameters and the aquatic environment of Agiasma lagoon.
The detection of trends, using the non-parametric Spearman's criterion. This trend analysis proved the existence of trends for the parameters H, Sal and RP.
The necessity of real-time monitoring, which can prevent and confront possible natural hazards and disasters and work as an alarm system for the local authorities.

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