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We are interested in the problem of robust understanding from noisy spontaneous speech input. With the advances in automated speech recognition (ASR), there has been increasing interest in spoken language understanding (SLU). A challenge in large vocabulary spoken language understanding is robustness to ASR errors. State of the art spoken language understanding relies on the best ASR hypotheses (ASR 1-best). In this paper, we propose methods for a tighter integration of ASR and SLU using word confusion networks (WCNs). WCNs obtained from ASR word graphs (lattices) provide a compact representation of multiple aligned ASR hypotheses along with word confidence scores, without compromising recognition accuracy. We present our work on exploiting WCNs instead of simply using ASR one-best hypotheses. In this work, we focus on the tasks of named entity detection and extraction and call classification in a spoken dialog system, although the idea is more general and applicable to other spoken language processing tasks. For named entity detection, we have improved the F-measure by using both word lattices and WCNs, 6–10% absolute. The processing of WCNs was 25 times faster than lattices, which is very important for real-life applications. For call classification, we have shown between 5% and 10% relative reduction in error rate using WCNs compared to ASR 1-best output.  相似文献   

口语语言理解是任务式对话系统的重要组件,预训练语言模型在口语语言理解中取得了重要突破,然而这些预训练语言模型大多是基于大规模书面文本语料。考虑到口语与书面语在结构、使用条件和表达方式上的明显差异,构建了大规模、双角色、多轮次、口语对话语料,并提出融合角色、结构和语义的四个自监督预训练任务:全词掩码、角色预测、话语内部反转预测和轮次间互换预测,通过多任务联合训练面向口语的预训练语言模型SPD-BERT(SPoken Dialog-BERT)。在金融领域智能客服场景的三个人工标注数据集——意图识别、实体识别和拼音纠错上进行详细的实验测试,实验结果验证了该语言模型的有效性。  相似文献   

口语理解是实现口语对话系统的关键技术之一.它主要面临两方面的挑战:1)稳健性,因为输入语句往往是病态的;2)可移植性,即口语理解单元应能够快速移植到新的领域和语言.提出了一种新的基于两阶段分类的口语理解方法:第1阶段为主题分类,用来识别用户输入语句的主题;第2阶段为主题相关的语义槽分类,根据识别的主题抽取相应的语义槽/值对.该方法能对用户输入语句进行深层理解,同时也能保持稳健性.它基本上是数据驱动的,而且训练数据的标记也比较容易,可方便地移植到新的领域和语言.实验分别在汉语交通查询领域和英语DARPA Communicator领域进行,结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

在口语翻译中,如何融入语义及语用信息一直是目前研究的难点之一。对话行为作为浅层话语结构描述的特征,近年来陆续应用于不同类型的翻译系统中。该文在介绍对话行为理论和口语标注语料的基础上,以基于短语的统计翻译系统为应用对象,提出了对话行为应用于翻译过程的三种方式。该方法通过对对话行为的自动分类,使训练语料—测试语料、开发集—测试集、源语言—目标语言的一致性得到提高,提高了翻译系统的性能,使最终的翻译结果可以更准确地反映源语言所要表达的对话意图。在汉英口语翻译评测数据上的实验证明,对话行为信息的加入使翻译系统的性能得到了有效的提高。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a domain-independent statistical methodology to develop dialog managers for spoken dialog systems. Our methodology employs a data-driven classification procedure to generate abstract representations of system turns taking into account the previous history of the dialog. A statistical framework is also introduced for the development and evaluation of dialog systems created using the methodology, which is based on a dialog simulation technique. The benefits and flexibility of the proposed methodology have been validated by developing statistical dialog managers for four spoken dialog systems of different complexity, designed for different languages (English, Italian, and Spanish) and application domains (from transactional to problem-solving tasks). The evaluation results show that the proposed methodology allows rapid development of new dialog managers as well as to explore new dialog strategies, which permit developing new enhanced versions of already existing systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a weakly supervised learning approach for spoken language understanding in domain-specific dialogue systems. We model the task of spoken language understanding as a two-stage classification problem. Firstly, the topic classifier is used to identify the topic of an input utterance. Secondly, with the restriction of the recognized target topic, the slot classifiers are trained to extract the corresponding slot-value pairs. It is mainly data-driven and requires only minimally annotated corpus for training whilst retaining the understanding robustness and deepness for spoken language. More importantly, it allows that weakly supervised strategies are employed for training the two kinds of classifiers, which could significantly reduce the number of labeled sentences. We investigated active learning and naive self-training for the two kinds of classifiers. Also, we propose a practical method for bootstrapping topic-dependent slot classifiers from a small amount of labeled sentences. Experiments have been conducted in the context of the Chinese public transportation information inquiry domain and the English DARPA Communicator domain. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed SLU framework and demonstrate the possibility to reduce human labeling efforts significantly.  相似文献   

目前由于特定任务域语料的稀疏并且难以收集,这严重阻碍了对话系统的可移植性。如何利用在线收集的少量训练语料,实现语言模型的快速自适应,从而有效提高对话系统在新任务域的识别率是本文的目的所在。本文对传统cache模型修正后,提出了基于历史单元衰减的cache语言模型,以在线递增方式收集语料进行自适应,并与通用语言模型进行线性插值。在对话系统中,以对话回合为历史单元,也可称为基于对话回合衰减的cache语言模型。在两个完全不同任务域——颐和园导游与火车票订票任务域进行的实验表明,在自适应语料不到1千句时,与无自适应模型相比,有监督模式下的识别错误率分别降低了47.8%和74.0% ,无监督模式下的识别错误率分别降低了30.1%和51.1%。  相似文献   

为正确理解口语对话、准确把握话者意图,除必要的语法和语义分析外,口语系统还需进行语用层面上的言语行为分析.文中提出一种基于精简循环网络的、综合使用语段级的微结构信息和语篇级的宏结构特征的汉语口语言语行为分析方法.针对会面安排领域口语语料库训练和测试,取得了满意效果  相似文献   

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems must provide adapted services easily accessible by a wide variety of users. This can only be possible if the communication between the user and the system is carried out through an interface that is simple, rapid, effective, and robust. Natural language interfaces such as dialog systems fulfill these requisites, as they are based on a spoken conversation that resembles human communication. In this paper, we enhance systems interacting in AAL domains by means of incorporating context-aware conversational agents that consider the external context of the interaction and predict the user’s state. The user’s state is built on the basis of their emotional state and intention, and it is recognized by means of a module conceived as an intermediate phase between natural language understanding and dialog management in the architecture of the conversational agent. This prediction, carried out for each user turn in the dialog, makes it possible to adapt the system dynamically to the user’s needs. We have evaluated our proposal developing a context-aware system adapted to patients suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases, and provide a detailed discussion of the positive influence of our proposal in the success of the interaction, the information and services provided, as well as the perceived quality.  相似文献   

口语理解在口语自动翻译和人机对话系统中具有非常重要的作用。本文面向口语自动翻译提出了一种统计和规则相结合的汉语口语理解方法,该方法利用统计方法从训练语料中自动获取语义规则,生成语义分类树,然后利用语义分类树对待解析的汉语句子中与句子浅层语义密切相关的词语进行解析,最后再利用统计理解模型对各个词语的解析结果进行组合,从而获得整个句子的浅层语义领域行为。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的准确率和鲁棒性,适合应用在限定领域的汉语口语浅层语义理解。  相似文献   

语句的主题提取是口语对话系统中话语分析部分的工作。目前的口语对话系统大多将自然语言处理的重点放在语法和语义平面,而忽视了对上下文语境的分析,该文提出一种基于规则的语句主题提取方法,通过自底向上与自顶向下两种分析器完成主题与用户意图的提取,为系统的自然语言生成提供更准确的领域知识,从而大大提高了系统的整体性能。  相似文献   

This paper reviews existing methods for building user models to support adaptive, interactive systems, identifies sigificant problems with these approaches, and describes a new method for implicitly acquiring user models from an ongoing user-system dialog. Existing explicit user model acquisition methods, such as user edited models or model building dialogs put additional burden on the user and introduce artificial model acquisition dialogs. Hand coding stereotypes, another explicit acquisition method, is a tedious and error-prone process. On the other hand, implicit acquisition techniques such as computing presuppositions or entailments either draw too few inferences to be generally useful, or too many to be trusted.In contrast, this paper describes GUMAC, a General User Model Acquisition Component that uses heuristic rules to make default inferences about users' beliefs from their interaction with an advisory expert system. These rules are based on features of human action and conversation that constrain people's behavior and establish expectations about their knowledge. The application of these rules is illustrated with two examples of extended dialogs between users and an investment advisory system. During the course of these conversations, GUMAC is able to acquire an extensive model of the users' beliefs about the aspects of the domain considered in the dialog. These models, in turn, provide the sort of information needed by an explanation generator to tailor explanations the advisory system gives to its users.  相似文献   

Ronnie W. Smith 《Knowledge》1994,7(4):279-280
Flexible spoken natural language dialog systems should permit variable initiative behaviour. This is behaviour where the task initiative can vary from strongly computer controlled to strongly user controlled or somewhere in between. Such behaviour allows a system to effectively communicate with both task novices and experts as well as with intermediate levels of expertise. The paper outlines a mechanism for obtaining variable initiative behaviour and presents experimental results on the performance of an implemented system capable of variable initiative behaviour.  相似文献   

Although syntactic structure has been used in recent work in language modeling, there has not been much effort in using semantic analysis for language models. In this study, we propose three new language modeling techniques that use semantic analysis for spoken dialog systems. We call these methods concept sequence modeling, two-level semantic-lexical modeling, and joint semantic-lexical modeling. These models combine lexical information with varying amounts of semantic information, using annotation supplied by either a shallow semantic parser or full hierarchical parser. These models also differ in how the lexical and semantic information is combined, ranging from simple interpolation to tight integration using maximum entropy modeling. We obtain improvements in recognition accuracy over word and class N-gram language models in three different task domains. Interpolation of the proposed models with class N-gram language models provides additional improvement in the air travel reservation domain. We show that as we increase the semantic information utilized and as we increase the tightness of integration between lexical and semantic items, we obtain improved performance when interpolating with class language models, indicating that the two types of models become more complementary in nature.  相似文献   

Several old and recent classes of picture grammars, that variously extend context-free string grammars in two dimensions, are based on rules that rewrite arrays of pixels. Such grammars can be unified and extended using an approach, whereby the right part of a rule is formalized by means of a finite set of permitted tiles. We focus on a simple type of tiling, named regional, and define the corresponding regional tile grammars. They include both Siromoney?s (or Matz?s) Kolam grammars and their generalization by Pr?ša, as well as Drewes?s grid grammars. Regionally defined pictures can be recognized with polynomial-time complexity by an algorithm extending the CKY one for strings. Regional tile grammars and languages are strictly included into our previous tile grammars and languages, and are incomparable with Giammarresi-Restivo tiling systems (or Wang systems).  相似文献   

Spoken dialog systems have difficulty selecting which action to take in a given situation because recognition and understanding errors are prevalent due to noise and unexpected inputs. To solve this problem, this paper presents a hybrid approach to improving robustness of the dialog manager by using agenda-based and example-based dialog modeling. This approach can exploit n-best hypotheses to determine the current dialog state in the dialog manager and keep track of the dialog state using a discourse interpretation algorithm based on an agenda graph and a focus stack. Given the agenda graph and multiple recognition hypotheses, the system can predict the next action to maximize multi-level score functions and trigger error recovery strategies to handle exceptional cases due to misunderstandings or unexpected focus shifts. The proposed method was tested by developing a spoken dialog system for a building guidance domain in an intelligent service robot. This system was then evaluated by simulated and real users. The experimental results show that our approach can effectively develop robust dialog management for spoken dialog systems.  相似文献   

佘俊  张学清 《计算机应用》2010,30(11):2928-2931
为了能快速、准确地将分散在Web网页中的音乐实体抽取出来,在全方位了解音乐领域中命名实体的特征的基础上,提出了一种规则与统计相结合的中文音乐实体识别方法,并实现了音乐命名实体识别系统。通过测试发现,该系统具有较高的准确率和召回率。  相似文献   

In a spoken dialog system, determining which action a machine should take in a given situation is a difficult problem because automatic speech recognition is unreliable and hence the state of the conversation can never be known with certainty. Much of the research in spoken dialog systems centres on mitigating this uncertainty and recent work has focussed on three largely disparate techniques: parallel dialog state hypotheses, local use of confidence scores, and automated planning. While in isolation each of these approaches can improve action selection, taken together they currently lack a unified statistical framework that admits global optimization. In this paper we cast a spoken dialog system as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). We show how this formulation unifies and extends existing techniques to form a single principled framework. A number of illustrations are used to show qualitatively the potential benefits of POMDPs compared to existing techniques, and empirical results from dialog simulations are presented which demonstrate significant quantitative gains. Finally, some of the key challenges to advancing this method – in particular scalability – are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the Arab World. Most people of the Islamic World understand the Classic Arabic language because it is the language of the Qur’an. Despite the fact that in the last decade the number of Arabic Internet users (Middle East and North and East of Africa) has increased considerably, systems to analyze Arabic digital resources automatically are not as easily available as they are for English. Therefore, in this work, an attempt is made to build a real time Named Entity Recognition system that can be used in web applications to detect the appearance of specific named entities and events in news written in Arabic. Arabic is a highly inflectional language, thus we will try to minimize the impact of Arabic affixes on the quality of the pattern recognition model applied to identify named entities. These patterns are built up by processing and integrating different gazetteers, from DBPedia (http://dbpedia.org/About, 2009) to GATE (A general architecture for text engineering, 2009) and ANERGazet (http://users.dsic.upv.es/grupos/nle/?file=kop4.php).  相似文献   

Developing higher-order networks with empirically selected units   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduces a class of simple polynomial neural network classifiers, called mask perceptrons. A series of algorithms for practical development of such structures is outlined. It relies on ordering of input attributes with respect to their potential usefulness and heuristic driven generation and selection of hidden units (monomial terms) in order to combat the exponential explosion in the number of higher-order monomial terms to choose from. Results of tests for two popular machine learning benchmarking domains (mushroom classification and faulty LED-display), and for two nonstandard domains (spoken digit recognition and article category determination) are given. All results are compared against a number of other classifiers. A procedure for converting a mask perceptron to a classical logic production rule is outlined and shown to produce a number of 100% percent accurate simple rules after training on 6-20% of a database.  相似文献   

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