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The Virginia Tech crossbreeding project began in the fall of 2002 by mating Holstein (H) and Jersey (J) foundation females to Holstein and Jersey bulls to create HH, HJ, JH, and JJ genetic groups, where the sire breed is listed first followed by dam breed. Collection of individual daily feed intakes began in September 2005 and continued through November 2008, resulting in observations on 43, 34, 41, and 22 HH, HJ, JH, and JJ cows, respectively. Intakes were measured for 2 wk out of every 6-wk period for first-lactation cows less than 310 d in milk. The ration was analyzed for dry matter and nutrient content, which was used to calculate net energy of lactation (NEL, Mcal/kg). Body and milk weights were collected daily with milk components measured monthly. The NEL requirements for maintenance, growth (in the form of retained energy), pregnancy, and production were calculated using National Research Council (2001) equations. Random regression models were used to predict consumed NEL and NEL required for production, maintenance, and body weight at every week in lactation. Energy required for growth was calculated for each cow at each stage of lactation using five 2-mo stages. Energy balance was estimated by subtracting the predicted energy required for production, maintenance, growth, and pregnancy from the predicted NEL consumed. A linear model with fixed effects of genetic group, year-season of calving group, and a linear and quadratic effect of age at calving was used to analyze the energy terms. The HJ and JH groups were not different in any of the analyses for energy terms. The HH cows consumed more energy than did HJ and JJ cows. There were no genetic group differences for total energy for pregnancy. The HH, HJ, and JH groups were not different from each other for energy required for production but required more energy for production than the JJ. The JH allocated a lower percentage of their energy intake to maintenance than the HH (25.7 to 27.4%) and the JJ allocated less energy to growth than the HH and HJ. Genetic group explained significant variation for percentage of energy partitioned to production with the JJ allocating more energy to production than the HH (66.3 vs. 60.9%). Genetic group differences in characterization of energy balance warrant further study.  相似文献   

Objectives were to evaluate the associations between residual dry matter (DM) intake (RFI) and residual N intake (RNI) in early lactation, from 1 to 5 wk postpartum, and in mid lactation, from 9 to 15 wk postpartum, and assess production performance and risk of diseases in cows according to RFI in mid lactation. Data from 4 experiments including 399 Holsteins cows were used in this study. Intakes of DM and N, yields of milk components, body weight, and body condition were evaluated daily or weekly for the first 105 d postpartum. Milk yield by 305 d postpartum was also measured. Incidence of disease was evaluated for the first 90 d postpartum and survival up to 300 d postpartum. Residual DM and N intake were calculated in early and mid lactation as the observed minus the predicted values, which were based on linear models that accounted for major energy or N sinks, including daily milk energy or N output, metabolic body weight, and daily body energy or N changes, and adjusting for parity, season of calving, and treatment within experiment. Cows were ranked by RFI and RNI in mid lactation and categorized into quartiles (Q1 = smallest RFI, to Q4 = largest RFI). Increasing efficiency in mid lactation resulted in linear decreases in RFI (depicted from Q1 to Q4; ?0.93, ?0.05, ?0.04, and 0.98 kg/d), DMI (16.0, 16.9, 17.3, and 18.4 kg/d), net energy for lactation (NEL) intake (26.8, 28.4, 29.0, and 30.8 Mcal/d), and NEL balance (?9.0, ?8.1, ?8.2, and ?5.5 Mcal/d) during early lactation, but no differences were observed in body NEL or N changes or yield of energy-corrected milk in the first 5 wk of lactation. Residual DM intake in mid lactation was associated with RFI (Pearson r = 0.43, and Spearman ρ = 0.32) and RNI (r = 0.44, ρ = 0.36) in early lactation, and with RNI in mid lactation (r = 0.91, ρ = 0.84). Similarly, RNI in mid lactation was associated with RNI in early lactation (r = 0.42, ρ = 0.35). During the first 15 wk postpartum, more efficient cows in mid lactation consumed 3.5 kg/d less DM (Q1 = 19.3 vs. Q4 = 22.8 kg/d) and were more N efficient (Q1 = 31.6 vs. Q4 = 25.8%), at the same time that yields of milk (Q1 = 39.0 vs. Q4 = 39.4 kg/d), energy-corrected milk (Q1 = 38.6 vs. Q4 = 39.3 kg/d), and milk components did not differ compared with the quartile of least efficient cows. Furthermore, RFI in mid lactation was not associated with 305-d milk yield, incidence of diseases in the first 90 d postpartum, or survival by 300 d postpartum. Collectively, rankings of RFI and RNI are associated and repeatable across lactation stages. The most feed-efficient cows were also more N efficient in early and mid lactation. Phenotypic selection of RFI based on measurements in mid lactation is associated with improved efficiency without affecting production or health in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the changes of body condition score (BCS), energy content (EC), cumulative effective energy balance (CEEB), and blood serum concentrations of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) across the first lactation of Holstein cows, and to estimate variance components for these traits. Four hundred ninety-seven cows kept on a commercial farm in Greece that had calved during 2005 and 2006 were used. Body condition score, estimated live weight, and blood metabolic traits were recorded weekly for the first 3 mo of lactation and monthly thereafter until the end of lactation. Body condition score and estimated live weight records were used to calculate EC and CEEB throughout the first lactation. Estimates of fixed curves and genetic parameters for each trait, by week of lactation, were obtained with the use of random regression models. The estimated fixed curves were indicative of changes in the metabolic process and energy balance of the cows. Significant genetic variance existed in all studied traits, and was particularly high during the first weeks of lactation (except for the genetic variance of CEEB, which was not significant at the beginning of lactation). Significant heritability estimates for BCS ranged from 0.34 to 0.79, for EC from 0.19 to 0.87, for CEEB from 0.58 to 0.93, for serum glucose from 0.12 to 0.39, for BHBA from 0.08 to 0.40, and for NEFA from 0.08 to 0.35. Genetic correlations between different weeks of lactation were near unity for adjacent weeks and decreased for weeks further apart, becoming practically zero for measurements taken more than 3 to 4 mo apart, especially with regard to blood metabolic traits. Significant heritability estimates were also obtained for BCS recorded before first calving. Results suggest that genetic evaluation and selection of dairy cows for early-lactation body energy and blood metabolic traits is possible.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate 2 feeding strategies for early lactation cows on performance and efficiency of nutrient utilization. Fifty-eight Holsteins cows were blocked by parity and production during the pretreatment period and then randomly assigned at 21 d postpartum to a control diet [n = 29; 16.2% crude protein, 1.64 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL), 22% starch, and 19% forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF)] or a diet with caloric density manipulated weekly (precision diet; n = 29; 16.2% crude protein; 1.59 to 1.68 NEL; 18 to 26% starch; and 16 to 22% forage NDF) to promote a calculated positive energy balance of 5 Mcal/day. Diets were fed as total mixed rations and precision cows had their diets adjusted individually once a week, by feeding additional grain supplementation from 0 to 25% of daily dry matter (DM) offered, according to the energy balance of the preceding week. Energy balance was calculated daily and then averaged weekly. The study lasted from wk 3 to 19 postpartum, and nutrient digestibility, rumen fluid composition, urinary output, estimates of microbial protein synthesis, and feeding behavior were evaluated between wk 9 and 13 postpartum. Compared with controls, precision cows had similar DM intake (24.3 kg/d), but NEL intake tended to be greater primarily between wk 4 and 8 postpartum. Yields of milk (45.2 vs. 41.9 kg/d), milk components, 3.5% fat-corrected milk (44.0 vs. 40.8 kg/d), and energy-corrected milk (43.4 vs. 40.2) were all greater for precision than control cows, resulting in greater energy-corrected milk production per kilogram of diet DM consumed (1.79 vs. 1.72). Precision cows produced more milk calories per kilogram of metabolic weight (0.227 vs. 0.213 Mcal of NEL/kg), although the amount of consumed calories partitioned into milk (82.3%) and measures of energy status did not differ between treatments throughout the study. Glucose concentrations were greater throughout the day in precision cows compared with controls at 6 wk, but not 13 wk postpartum. Apparent digestibility of nutrients, composition of rumen fluid, mean and low rumen pH, and estimated rumen microbial N synthesis remained mostly unaltered by treatments. Although precision cows produced more milk true protein, measures of efficiency of dietary N use were not influenced by treatment. On wk 13 postpartum, precision cows consumed a diet with longer NDF particles, which resulted in a tendency for greater intake of NDF >8 mm because of less sorting against the long particles than control cows. Meal pattern differed with treatment, and precision cows consumed feed more sparsely throughout the day, spent more time ruminating lying, and had similar meal duration (mean of 36.3 min/meal) compared with control cows, but smaller meal size (3.33 vs. 3.64 kg/meal). Results from the current study indicate that allocating dietary resources according to the individual needs of cows based on energy balance improves lactation performance compared with feeding a single total mixed ration, despite similar average nutrient intake between treatments. Improvements in performance are likely related to allocation of calories based on the needs of the cow and on shifts of feeding behavior that might favor intake of smaller meals.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6833-6844
The relationships between dairy cow milk-based energy status (ES) indicators and fertility traits were studied during periods 8 to 21, 22 to 35, 36 to 49, and 50 to 63 d in milk. Commencement of luteal activity (C-LA) and interval from calving to the first heat (CFH), based on frequent measurements of progesterone by the management tool Herd Navigator (DeLaval), were used as fertility traits. Energy status indicator traits were milk β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration provided by Herd Navigator and milk fat:protein ratio, concentration of C18:1 cis-9, the ratio of fatty acids (FA) C18:1 cis-9 and C10:0 in test-day milk samples, and predicted plasma concentration of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) on test days. Plasma NEFA predictions were based either directly on milk mid-infrared spectra (MIR) or on milk fatty acids based on MIR spectra (NEFAmir and NEFAfa, respectively). The average (standard deviation) C-LA was 39.3 (±16.6) days, and the average CFH was 50.7 (±17.2) days. The correlations between fertility traits and ES indicators tended to be higher for multiparous (r < 0.28) than for primiparous (r < 0.16) cows. All correlations were lower in the last period than in the other periods. In period 1, correlations of C-LA with NEFAfa and BHB, respectively, were 0.15 and 0.14 for primiparous and 0.26 and 0.22 for multiparous cows. The associations between fertility traits and ES indicators indicated that negative ES during the first weeks postpartum may delay the onset of luteal activity. Milk FPR was not as good an indicator for cow ES as other indicators. According to these findings, predictions of plasma NEFA and milk FA based on milk MIR spectra of routine test-day samples and the frequent measurement of milk BHB by Herd Navigator gave equally good predictions of cow ES during the first weeks of lactation. Our results indicate that routinely measured milk traits can be used for ES evaluation in early lactation.  相似文献   

Dairy cow efficiency is increasingly important for future breeding decisions. The efficiency is determined mostly by dry matter intake (DMI). Reducing DMI seems to increase efficiency if milk yield remains the same, but resulting negative energy balance (EB) may cause health problems, especially in early lactation. Objectives of this study were to examine relationships between DMI and liability to diseases. Therefore, cow effects for DMI and EB were correlated with cow effects for 4 disease categories throughout lactation. Disease categories were mastitis, claw and leg diseases, metabolic diseases, and all diseases. In addition, this study presents relative percentages of diseased cows per days in milk (DIM), repeatability, and cow effect correlations for disease categories across DIM. A total of 1,370 German Holstein (GH) and 287 Fleckvieh (FV) primiparous and multiparous dairy cows from 12 dairy research farms in Germany were observed over a period of 2 yr. Farm staff and veterinarians recorded health data. We modeled health and production data with threshold random regression models and linear random regression models. From DIM 2 to 305 average daily DMI was 22.1 kg/d in GH and 20.2 kg/d in FV. Average weekly EB was 2.8 MJ of NEL/d in GH and 0.6 MJ of NEL/d in FV. Most diseases occurred in the first 20 DIM. Multiparous cows were more susceptible to diseases than primiparous cows. Relative percentages of diseased cows were highest for claw and leg diseases, followed by metabolic diseases and mastitis. Repeatability of disease categories and production traits was moderate to high. Cow effect correlations for disease categories were higher for adjacent lactation stages than for more distant lactation stages. Pearson correlation coefficients between cow effects for DMI, as well as EB, and disease categories were estimated from DIM 2 to 305. Almost all correlations were negative in GH, especially in early lactation. In FV, the course of correlations was similar to GH, but correlations were mostly more negative in early lactation. For the first 20 DIM, correlations ranged from ?0.31 to 0.00 in GH and from ?0.42 to ?0.01 in FV. The results illustrate that future breeding for dairy cow efficiency should focus on DMI and EB in early lactation to avoid health problems.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the associations among single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the R4C locus in exon 2 of the leptin gene and the lactational performance and health of Holstein cows. Eight hundred and fourteen lactating dairy cows had their DNA sequenced in exon 2 of the leptin gene to determine the presence of SNP in the R4C locus. Cows were milked 3 times daily, and yields of milk and milk components were recorded monthly individually during the first 305 d of lactation. Cows were examined daily by herd personnel for diagnosis of health events such as retained fetal membranes, displacement of abomasum, lameness, and mastitis. Resulting genotypes were CC (34.6%), CT (48.2%), and TT (17.2%). Cows bearing the CT genotype had lower body condition (2.98 ± 0.02) during the first 62 d in milk (DIM) than cows homozygous for the C (3.02 ± 0.02) and T (3.04 ± 0.03) alleles. Leptin genotype was associated with yields of milk and milk components, and cows homozygous for the C allele were less productive than those carrying the CT and TT genotypes. The 305-d yields of 3.5% fat-corrected milk, milk fat, and milk true protein were less in CC compared with CT cows by 258, 12, and 10.7 kg, respectively. Cows carrying the TT genotype had increased incidence of displacement of abomasum (4.3%), but genotype did not affect the incidence of retained fetal membranes, clinical and subclinical mastitis, or lameness. Risk of developing at least one clinical health disorder was influenced by leptin genotype, and cows carrying the CT genotype had the lowest risk for developing any disease (19.6%). Mating decisions to increase the frequency of cows heterozygous in the R4C locus may improve productivity and health.  相似文献   

During the transition period, the lipid metabolism of dairy cows is markedly affected by energy status. Fatty liver is one of the main health disorders after parturition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a negative energy balance (NEB) at 2 stages in lactation [NEB at the onset of lactation postpartum (p.p.) and a deliberately induced NEB by feed restriction near 100 d in milk] on liver triglyceride content and parameters of lipid metabolism in plasma and liver based on mRNA abundance of associated genes. Fifty multiparous dairy cows were studied from wk 3 antepartum to approximately wk 17 p.p. in 2 periods. According to their energy balance in period 1 (parturition to wk 12 p.p.), cows were allocated to a control (CON; n = 25) or a restriction group (RES; 70% of energy requirements; n = 25) for 3 wk in mid lactation starting at around 100 d in milk (period 2). Liver triglyceride (TG) content, plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and β-hydroxybutyrate were highest in wk 1 p.p. and decreased thereafter. During period 2, feed restriction did not affect liver TG and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration, whereas NEFA concentration was increased in RES cows as compared with CON cows. Hepatic mRNA abundances of tumor necrosis factor α, ATP citrate lyase, mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 were not altered by lactational and energy status during both experimental periods. The expression of fatty acid synthase was higher in period 2 compared with period 1, but did not differ between RES and CON groups. The mRNA abundance of acetyl-coenzyme A-carboxylase showed a tendency toward higher expression during period 2 compared with period 1. The solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 1 (SLC27A1) was upregulated in wk 1 p.p. and also during feed restriction in RES cows. In conclusion, the present study shows that a NEB has different effects on hepatic lipid metabolism and TG concentration in the liver of dairy cows at early and later lactation. Therefore, the homeorhetic adaptations during the periparturient period trigger excessive responses in metabolism, whereas during the homeostatic control of endocrine and metabolic systems after established lactation, as during the period of feed restriction in the present study, organs are well adapted to metabolic and environmental changes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between uterine disease and indicators of neutrophil (PMN) and systemic energy status in dairy cows. Peripheral blood (120 mL) was collected weekly from 84 Holstein cows for PMN isolation and plasma collection from calving until 42 d in milk (DIM). The final analysis included 80 cows. Of those, 20 cows were classified as having metritis (fetid uterine discharge and fever), 15 as having subclinical endometritis (SCE; ≥10% PMN on uterine cytology), and 45 as healthy controls. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was increased only in cows that developed metritis. Neutrophil glycogen content was reduced in cows developing metritis compared with healthy cows on the day of calving and at 7 and 42 DIM. Cows with SCE had lower PMN glycogen content than healthy cows at 7, 28, and 42 DIM. Blood glucose was affected by disease status within parity. Primiparous metritis cows had greater blood glucose concentrations than healthy primiparous cows. Multiparous metritis cows tended to have lower blood glucose concentration than multiparous SCE cows. Cows that developed metritis and SCE had or tended to have greater NEFA and BHBA than healthy cows, mainly around calving. At calving, cows that developed metritis had higher plasma estradiol concentration than healthy cows and greater plasma cortisol than cows that had SCE. Plasma insulin was not affected. Plasma glucagon was increased for SCE cows. Cows that developed uterine disease experienced a greater degree of negative energy balance and had decreased lower intracellular PMN glycogen levels, which could be a major predisposing factor for disease because of decreased availability of oxidative fuels.  相似文献   

Objectives of the current experiment were to evaluate plasma concentrations of metabolites and haptoglobin peripartum, uterine health and involution, and follicle growth and resumption of cyclicity of Holstein (HO) and Montbéliarde-sired crossbred cows. Cows (52 HO and 52 crossbred) were enrolled in the study 45 d before expected calving date. Cows had body weight and body condition score recorded on d −45, −14, 0, 1, 28, and 56 relative to calving. Dry matter intake was calculated for a subgroup of cows (25 HO and 38 crossbred) from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving. Blood was sampled weekly from d −14 to 56 relative to calving for determination of glucose, nonesterified fatty acid, and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations; from d −7 to 21 relative to calving for determination of haptoglobin concentration; and from d 14 to 56 postpartum for determination of progesterone concentration. Cows were examined at calving and on d 4, 7, 10, and 14 postpartum for diagnosis of postparturient diseases, on d 24 postpartum for diagnosis of purulent vaginal discharge, and on d 42 postpartum for diagnosis of subclinical endometritis. Uteri and ovaries were examined by ultrasonography every 3 d from d 14 to 41 postpartum. Milk yield and composition were measured monthly and yield of milk, fat, protein, and energy-corrected milk were recorded for the first 90 d postpartum. Body weight was not different between Holstein and crossbred cows, but HO cows had reduced body condition score compared with crossbred cows. Even though DMI from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving tended to be greater for HO cows (16.8 ± 0.7 vs. 15.3 ± 0.5 kg/d), HO cows tended to have more pronounced decline in dry matter intake, expressed in percentage of body weight from d −15 to 0 relative to calving. Energy-corrected milk and nonesterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not different between breeds. No differences were observed in incidence of retained fetal membranes, metritis, and subclinical endometritis, but HO cows tended to be more likely to have pyrexia from d 0 to 15 postpartum (50.0 vs. 31.4%) and to have greater incidence of purulent vaginal discharge (44.2 vs. 26.5%) than crossbred cows. Holstein cows were more likely to have at least 1 uterine disorder postpartum than crossbred cows (63.5 vs. 36.7%). No differences between breeds were observed in uterine involution. Holstein cows had larger subordinate follicles (10.1 ± 0.4 vs. 8.9 ± 0.5) and a greater number of class III follicles (1.6 ± 0.1 vs. 1.2 ± 0.1) than crossbred cows. Furthermore, the first corpus luteum postpartum of HO cows was diagnosed at a slower rate compared with crossbred cows. Crossbred cows had improved uterine health compared with HO cows and this may have been a consequence of heterosis and (or) breed complementarity and less pronounced decrease in DMI during the last days of gestation.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) production of ruminants typically increases with increased dry matter intake (DMI). However, few studies have observed the effects of feeding multiple times a day and its effects on diurnal variation in CH4 production and energy balance in late-lactation dairy cattle. A study using headbox-style indirect calorimetry and 12 multiparous (225 ± 16.2 d in milk; mean ± SD) lactating Jersey cows was conducted to determine the effects of feeding twice daily on diurnal variation in CH4 production and total energy balance. A crossover design with 14-d periods (10 d of adaption and 4 d of collection) was used to compare 2 treatments. Treatments consisted of either once a day feeding (1×; 100% of feed given at 1000 h) or twice a day feeding (2×; 50% of feed given at 1000 h and the final 50% at 2000 h) with a common diet fed in both treatments. Dry matter intake was not different between treatments, with a mean of 16.9 ± 0.88 kg/d. Once a day feeding tended to have greater milk yield compared with twice a day feeding (21.2 vs. 20.4 ± 1.59 kg/d, respectively). Milk fat and milk protein percentage were not different, with means of 6.18 ± 0.20% and 3.98 ± 0.08%, respectively. Total CH4 production did not differ between treatments, with a mean of 402.1 ± 20.8 L/d. Similarly, CH4 per unit of milk yield and DMI was not different between treatments, with means of 20.5 ± 1.81 and 23.8 ± 1.21 L/kg, respectively. Feeding frequency did not affect diurnal variation of hourly CH4 production, with a mean of 17.1 ± 0.74 L/h. A trend was observed for a treatment × hour interaction. Methane production per hour increased after the second feeding for cattle fed twice versus once daily. Gross energy, digestible energy, metabolizable energy, and balance (milk plus tissue) per kilogram of DMI did not differ by feeding frequency, with means of 4.41 ± 0.01, 3.05 ± 0.03, 2.63 ± 0.03, and 1.32 ± 0.08 Mcal/kg of DM, respectively. Metabolizable energy for maintenance was 146 kcal/kg of metabolic body weight, with an efficiency of converting metabolizable energy to net energy balance (milk plus tissue) of 76%. Nitrogen balance did not differ among treatments, with a mean balance of 17.3 ± 13.0 g/d. Therefore, total CH4 production and energy maintenance were not affected by feeding frequency. However, CH4 was variable throughout the day, and caution should be exercised when collecting CH4 samples at a limited number of time points because this may under- or overestimate total production.  相似文献   

Eight Holstein and 8 Jersey-Holstein crossbred dairy cows (all primiparous) were used in a repeated 2 (genotype) × 2 (concentrate level) factorial design study involving a total of 4 periods (each of 6-wk duration), designed to examine the effect of cross-breeding on the efficiency of milk production and energy use. The 4 periods began at 5, 11, 27, and 33 wk of lactation, respectively. Animals were offered a completely mixed diet containing grass silage and concentrates, with the level of concentrate in the diet either 30 or 70% of dry matter (DM). During the final 10 d of each period, ration digestibility and energy use was measured, the latter in indirect open-circuit respiration calorimeters. No significant interaction existed between cow genotype and dietary concentrate level for feed intake, milk production, or any of the energy use parameters measured. Across the 2 genotypes, total DM intake, milk yield, and milk protein and lactose concentrations increased with increasing dietary concentrate level. Thus, cows offered the high-concentrate diet had a higher gross energy (GE) intake, and a higher energy output in feces, urine, milk as heat, and a higher metabolizable energy (ME) intake as a proportion of GE intake and as a proportion of digestible energy intake. Across the 2 levels of concentrates, the Jersey-Holstein cows had a significantly higher total DM intake and body condition score, and produced milk with higher fat, protein, and energy concentrations, compared with those of the Holstein cows. In addition, the Jersey-Holstein cows had a significantly higher GE intake and energy output in urine, methane, and milk. However, crossbreeding had no significant effect on energy digestibility or metabolizability, energy partitioning between milk and body tissue, or the efficiency of ME use for lactation. Relating ME intake to milk energy output and heat production indicated that crossbreeding did not influence ME requirement for maintenance or energy efficiencies. The energy metabolism data were also used to compare energy efficiencies between “early” (data pooled for the first 2 periods) and “late” (data pooled for the second 2 periods) stages of lactation. Stage of lactation had no effect on energy digestibility or metabolizability, whereas increasing stage of lactation increased the rate of energy partitioning into body tissue and reduced the rate of energy partitioning into milk, irrespective of cow genotype. In conclusion, crossbreeding of Holstein dams with Jersey sires had no adverse effects on the overall production efficiency of Holstein dairy cows in terms of milk production, efficiency of ME use for lactation, and energy partitioning between milk and body tissue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize patterns of energy balance through lactation of cows kept under constant feeding conditions. Danish Holstein, Danish Red, and Jersey cows were studied during consecutive lactations and remained on the same dietary treatment throughout. They were fed a normal (13.55 MJ of digestible energy/kg of dry matter) or a lower energy diet (12.88 MJ of digestible energy/kg of dry matter) ad libitum throughout lactation. Energy balance was calculated using the effective energy (EE) system in such a way that energy balance equated to body energy reserve change. In the EE system the energy values assigned to feeds are directly equivalent to the energy requirements of the animal; 1 MJ of EE supply has the same energy value as 1 MJ of lipid loss from the body. The resulting body energy change data were analyzed using a linear spline model. There was no evidence to suggest that different combinations of breed and parity required different knot placements. The Holstein mobilized significantly more body energy in early lactation than the Danish Red and Jersey breeds. Parity 1 cows mobilized significantly less than parity 2 and 3 cows. There was a significant interaction between breed and parity in the first half of lactation due to parity 1 Jersey cows having a greater mobilization than would be expected of the difference between parities in the other breeds. As lactation progressed, the differences between parities and between breeds decreased. Cows on the higher energy diet had a more positive energy balance. Within breed and parity, the following possible predictors of individual differences in body energy change were examined: fatness-corrected live weight, condition score at calving, and genotype. There was no difference in the predicted cow effect or residual energy balance profile when grouped according to quartiles of corrected live weight or according to condition score at calving. During the period of most negative energy balance (d 14) there was no significant relationship between live weight and intake, suggesting that, within diet type, the systematic patterns of body energy change through lactation in cows that were kept under stable and sufficient nutritional conditions cannot be accounted for by environmental factors such as constrained intake or condition score at calving. Thus, these patterns appear to have a genetic basis. The proportion of the phenotypic variation (remaining after accounting for fixed effects) accounted for by additive genetic effects varied through lactation from 4.2 to 13.0%. Genetic correlations between early and late lactation energy balances were low and close to zero, suggesting that body energy changes in early and late lactation are genetically independent traits.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate individual and herd-level energy balance (EB) using blood and milk traits in 90 multiparous high-yielding Holstein cows, held on a research farm, from wk 1 to 10 postpartum (p.p.) and to investigate the precision of prediction with successively decreased data sets simulating smaller herd sizes and with pooled samples. Dry matter intake, milk yield, and BW were measured daily from parturition through wk 10 p.p. Milk composition was determined 4 times per week, and milk acetone was measured weekly. Blood samples for the determination of metabolites, hormones, electrolytes, and enzyme activities were taken weekly from wk 1 to 10 p.p. between 0730 and 0900. Body condition scores and ultrasonic measurements of backfat thickness and fat depth in the pelvic area were evaluated in wk 1, 4, and 8 p.p. Concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, urea, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine (T4) in blood plasma and of lactose and urea in milk were positively correlated with EB, whereas concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), creatinine, albumin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and growth hormone and enzyme activities in blood, and concentrations of fat, protein, fat:lactose ratio, and acetone in milk were negatively correlated with EB. Leptin concentration was not correlated to EB over the first 10 wk p.p. To estimate EB linear mixed-effects, models were developed by backward selection procedures. The most informative traits for estimation of EB were the fat:lactose ratio in milk and NEFA and T4 concentrations in blood. The precision of estimation of EB in individual cows was low. Using blood in addition to milk traits did not result in higher precision of estimation of herd-level EB, and decreasing sample sizes considerably lowered the precision of EB prediction. Estimation of overall mean herd-level EB over the first 10 wk p.p. using pooled samples was precise even with small sample sizes, but does not consider the level of EB in particular weeks. In conclusion, estimation of herd-level EB at individual weeks using milk traits only has practical implication with herd sizes of > or = 100 cows if calving is highly seasonal and of or = 400 cows if calving is uniformly distributed. Using blood in addition to milk traits does not improve precision of estimation of herd-level EB, regardless of sample size.  相似文献   

Equations that predict daily dry matter intake (DMI) of a lactating cow could be evaluated by comparing the predicted accumulation of energy in body weight (BW) over the course of lactation with the observed BW evolution. However, to do so requires that first the energy balance calculations from observed DMI are evaluated. The purpose of the work reported here was to determine the degree of deviation of predicted from observed BW, according to net energy for lactation (NEL) balance calculated from weekly observations of DMI, BW, and fat-corrected milk production in 21 sets of full-lactation data, and to determine an appropriate correction of the NEL bias for subsequent DMI prediction evaluations. When the National Research Council maintenance equation 0.08 × BW(kg)0.75 was used in energy balance calculation, BW was overpredicted with an increasing difference between the cumulative predicted BW and observed BW as lactation progressed. Placing all the error of BW prediction into maintenance energy expenditures resulted in a best-fit equation of 0.096 ± 0.003 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. A time-dependent equation was also developed, in which weekly maintenance expenditures were determined as the NEL expenditure to yield a zero NEL balance and could be described by a second-order polynomial equation related to week of lactation (WOL) where maintenance NEL = [−0.0227(± 0.0098) × WOL2 + 1.352(± 0.456) × WOL + 78.09(± 4.92) Mcal/kg of BW0.75] × 10−3. Average maintenance energy expenditure at the onset of lactation was approximately 0.08 Mcal/kg of BW0.75, and this value increased to a plateau at wk 15 of lactation of approximately 0.098 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. Standard deviations between data sets of weekly maintenance parameter estimates throughout lactation were large but consistent at approximately 25% of the mean. Revision of the maintenance energy expenditure estimate substantially improved BW prediction by the energy balance model. On average, the 0.096 Mcal of NEL/kg of BW0.75 equation resulted in the best BW predictions, although substantial variation existed around this value.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to measure serum Ca concentrations in the first 48 h postpartum in cows supplemented with oral Ca or subcutaneous Ca and nonsupplemented cows and evaluate the effect of these treatments on the incidence of metritis, displaced abomasum, mastitis, and early lactation disease (any of the diseases milk fever, retained placenta, metritis, or displaced abomasum), removal from the herd, pregnancy to first insemination, and average daily milk yield for the first 10 wk of lactation. We conducted 2 experiments on 1 commercial herd in New York State. In experiment 1, multiparous Holstein cows (n = 30) were blocked by parity (2 and ≥3) and sequentially assigned at calving to nontreated control (CON, n = 10), subcutaneous administration of 500 mL 23% Ca gluconate at calving (SC, n = 10), or administration of an oral Ca bolus containing 43 g of calcium at calving and again 12 h later (OB, n = 10). Blood was collected before treatment and at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h thereafter for measurement of serum total Ca concentration. In experiment 2, 1,478 multiparous Holstein cows were sequentially assigned by calving date to the same 3 treatments (CON, n = 523; SC, n = 480; OB, n = 475). In experiment 1, SC cows had greater Ca concentrations from 1 through 12 h post-treatment and OB cows had greater Ca concentrations at 1 and 24 h post-treatment compared with CON cows. We found no difference in risk of metritis, displaced abomasum, early lactation disease diagnosis, or pregnancy to first insemination among treatments. Treatment with SC or OB had no effect on average daily milk yield compared with CON cows (CON = 46.7 kg; SC = 47.1 kg; OB = 47.0 kg). Cows treated with SC or OB that had a high relative herd milk rank in the previous lactation were almost half as likely to be diagnosed with mastitis in the first 60 DIM compared with CON cows [risk ratio (RR)SC = 0.57, RROB = 0.54]; however, we found no difference in risk of mastitis among treatments for cows with low relative herd milk rank. Second-parity cows fed a negative prepartum dietary cation-anion difference ration and treated with SC or OB were more likely to be removed from the herd than CON cows (RRSC = 3.91, RROB = 4.72); this difference was not observed in second-parity cows fed a neutral prepartum dietary cation-anion difference ration or in parity ≥3 cows. Although Ca supplementation increased serum Ca, this effect did not greatly improve milk production or health and reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of estimated energy mobilization and the relationship between fat depth at the rib and thurl and body condition score (BCS) were investigated in Jersey and Holstein cows in early lactation. Twenty-six cows were paired by breed, parity, and calving date, and were individually fed a total mixed ration ad libitum from parturition through 120 d in milk. Feed intake and milk production were measured daily; body weight (BW), BCS, subcutaneous fat depth, milk composition, and concentration of plasma nonesterified fatty acids were measured every 2 wk. Estimated tissue energy balance (TEB) was calculated using 1989 NRC equations. Net energy intake was greater in early lactation for Holsteins compared with Jerseys, 37.8 and 28.2 Mcal/d, respectively. Milk energy was greater for Holsteins relative to Jerseys, 30.5 versus 21.2 Mcal/d. Fat depth and BCS did not differ between breeds. A positive relationship existed between fat depth and BCS for Jerseys; however, there was no significant relationship for Holsteins. The best-fit regression model for predicting TEB for Holsteins and Jerseys in early lactation included week of lactation, milk composition, and BCS. Jerseys remained in negative TEB for a shorter period of time relative to Holsteins. The TEB nadir was -6.19 and -12.9 Mcal/d, for Jerseys and Holsteins, respectively. Expressed as a proportion of metabolic BW (BW(0.75)), net energy intake did not differ between breeds, yet milk energy and estimated tissue energy loss were greater for Holsteins compared with Jerseys.  相似文献   

This study was designed to contribute to the understanding of the relationships between energy balance (EB) in early lactation [4 to 21 d in milk (DIM)] and fertility traits [interval to start of luteal activity (SLA), interval to first observed heat (FOH), and conception to first artificial insemination (AI)], and their associated relationships with cow performance and blood metabolites between 4 to 150 DIM. Individual cow data (488 primiparous and 1,020 multiparous lactations) from 27 experiments was analyzed. Data on cow performance, EB (on a metabolizable energy basis), and fertility traits were available for all cows, whereas milk progesterone data (to determine SLA) and periodic blood metabolite data were available for 1,042 and 1,055 lactations, respectively. Data from primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately, with the data sets for the 2 parity groups divided into quartiles (Q1–Q4) according to the average EB during 4 to 21 DIM (EB range for Q1 to Q4: primiparous, ?120 to ?49, ?49 to ?24, ?24 to ?3, and ?3 to 92 MJ/d, respectively: multiparous, ?191 to ?79, ?79 to ?48, ?48 to ?22, and ?22 to 93 MJ/d, respectively). Differences between EB quartiles for production and fertility traits were compared. In early lactation (4 to 21 DIM), moving from Q1 to Q4 mean DMI and metabolizable energy intake increased whereas mean ECM decreased. During the same period, moving from Q1 to Q4 milk fat content, milk fat-to-protein ratio, and plasma nonesterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations decreased, whereas milk protein content and plasma glucose concentrations increased in both primiparous and multiparous cows. When examined over the entire experimental period (4 to 150 DIM), many of the trends in intakes and milk production remained, although the magnitude of the difference between quartiles was much reduced, whereas milk fat content did not differ between quartiles in primiparous cows. The percentage of cows with FOH before 42 DIM increased from Q1 to Q4 (from 46 to 72% in primiparous cows, and from 41 to 58% in multiparous cows). Interval from calving to SLA and to FOH decreased with increasing EB during 4 to 21 DIM, with these occurring 9.8 and 10.2 d earlier, respectively, in Q4 compared with Q1 (primiparous cows), and 7.4 and 5.9 d earlier, respectively, in Q4 compared with Q1 (multiparous cows). For each 10 MJ/d decrease in mean EB during 4 to 21 DIM, FOH was delayed by 1.2 and 0.8 d in primiparous and multiparous cows, respectively. However, neither days to first AI nor the percentage of cows that conceived to first AI were affected by daily EB during 4 to 21 DIM in either primiparous or multiparous cows, and this is likely to reflect a return to a less metabolically stressed status at the time of AI. These results demonstrate that interval from calving to SLA and to FOH were reduced with increasing EB in early lactation, whereas early lactation EB had no effect on conception to the first service.  相似文献   

Natural antibodies related to energy balance in early lactation dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objectives of this study were to determine the presence of natural antibodies (NAb) in plasma and milk of individual dairy cows and to study the relation between NAb concentrations and energy balance (EB) and dietary energy source. Cows (n = 76) were fed a mainly glucogenic, lipogenic, or a mixture of both diets (50:50 dry matter basis) from wk 3 before the expected calving date until wk 9 postpartum. Diets were isocaloric (net energy basis) and equal in intestinal digestible protein. Blood and milk were sampled weekly. Liver biopsies were taken in wk −2, 2, 4, and 6 relative to calving. Data are expressed as LSM ± SEM. The NAb titers are expressed as the 2log values of the highest dilution giving a positive reaction. The NAb concentration in plasma binding either keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increased with parity. The NAb concentration binding KLH was greater for cows fed the glucogenic diet (9.63 ± 0.08) compared with the lipogenic diet (9.26 ± 0.08). In milk, cows fed the glucogenic diet had smaller NAb concentrations binding KLH (3.98 ± 0.18) and LPS (2.88 ± 0.17) compared with cows fed the mixed diet (KLH: 4.93 ± 0.18; LPS: 3.70 ± 0.17). The NAb concentration in plasma had a positive relation with energy balance variables: EB, dry matter intake, milk yield, and plasma cholesterol, whereas NAb concentration in milk had a negative relation with energy balance variables: EB, dry matter intake, and plasma cholesterol. Additionally, NAb concentrations in milk had a positive relation with plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentration and milk fat and protein percentage. There was a tendency for a positive relation of NAb concentration binding LPS in plasma and somatic cell count in milk. No significant relations were detected between NAb concentrations in milk or plasma and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentration and liver triacyl glyceride content. In conclusion, NAb are present in both milk and plasma of dairy cows peripartum and NAb concentrations increase with parity. Furthermore, our data indicate that a negative energy balance in dairy cows in early lactation can be associated with compromised innate immune function as indicated by decreased NAb concentration in plasma.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of GnRH early postpartum on induction of ovulation, uterine health, and fertility in dairy cows. Holstein cows without a corpus luteum (CL) at 17 ± 3 DIM were assigned randomly to receive i.m. GnRH (n = 245) at 17 ± 3 and 20 ± 3 DIM or remain as controls (n = 245). Ovaries were scanned by ultrasonography twice weekly totaling 4 examinations. Ovulation was characterized by the appearance of a CL ≥20 mm at any ultrasound or CL <20 mm in 2 consecutive examinations. Clinical and cytological endometritis were diagnosed at 35 DIM. Compared with control, GnRH increased ovulation up to 3.5 d after the last treatment (78.7 vs. 45.0%) and did not affect the prevalence of clinical endometritis (23.9 vs. 18.6%) or cytological endometritis (30.9 vs. 32.8%). Prevalence of clinical endometritis increased in cows that had calving problems (32.6 vs. 15.9%) and metritis (40.6 vs. 15.8%). Metritis increased prevalence of cytological endometritis (50.7 vs. 23.5%). Treatment with GnRH did not affect pregnancy per artificial insemination at 32 (37.6 vs. 38.6%) or 74 d after artificial insemination (35.0 vs. 31.5%), but reduced pregnancy loss (6.8 vs. 18.1%). No overall effect of GnRH treatment on hazard of pregnancy was observed; however, an interaction between GnRH treatment and ovulation showed that GnRH-treated cows that ovulated had increased hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM compared with GnRH-treated and control cows that did not ovulate (hazard ratio = 2.0 and 1.3, respectively), but similar to control cows that ovulated (hazard ratio = 1.1). Gonadotropin-releasing hormone early postpartum induced ovulation without affecting uterine health, but failed to improve pregnancy per artificial insemination or time to pregnancy, although it reduced pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

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