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该文基于互补天线的原理,研究了一种基于印刷振子和圆形微带贴片的双极化天线单元,其中印刷振子为电流辐射源,圆形微带贴片等效为磁流辐射源,它们分别组成了两个极化端口,在空间形成双极化的辐射场。采用全波电磁仿真技术对该天线结构进行了电磁仿真和优化设计,仿真结果表明,在工作频带范围内,所设计的双极化天线的隔离度达到22 dB以上,在主辐射方向的交叉极化电平低于-20 dB。加工了双极化天线单元并进行了测试,其电压驻波比、端口隔离度和交叉极化电平均满足双极化天线的技术指标要求,验证了该双极化天线设计的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a design of a low-profile cavity-backed circular patch antenna for broadband applications. By using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based cavity and feeding mechanism, a planar cavity-backed patch antenna is realized. The proposed study demonstrates that a wide impedance bandwidth can be achieved by employing a rectangular SIW-based cavity underneath the conventional circular patch. Additionally, to generate circular polarization (CP), the patch has been reduced diagonally and shorted by a via-probe. Finally, a CP SIW-based antenna is designed and operating for a wide impedance bandwidth of 23.10% below −10 dB criteria, ranging from 9.09 GHz to 11.40 GHz and axial-ratio (AR) bandwidth of 270 MHz (10.30–10.57 GHz). The proposed design is fabricated by means of a printed circuit board (PCB) procedure. The simulated results are validated with the experimental one which agrees well with each other in the terms of S11, antenna gain, AR and radiation patterns. Moreover, the proposed design exhibits unidirectional radiation characteristics with the measured peak gain of 6.6 dBic while maintaining planar integration.  相似文献   

设计了一款共面波导馈电的多L型缝隙天线.通过在一个三角形辐射贴片上开L形缝隙实现多频的性能, 优化调整L形缝隙的大小以及相关参数可以灵活控制其每个频段的带宽.该天线具有多频带、小型化等特性, 通过共面波导馈电和采用高介电常数基板的方法降低了天线的谐振频率, 使得天线可以工作在更低频段.通过电磁仿真软件HFSS13.0对天线性能进行大量仿真实验与计算, 该天线在回波损耗小于-10 dB以下时, 其工作频段为1.254~1.276 GHz、1.537~1.623 GHz、1.804~1.845 GHz、2.097~3 GHz.该天线的结构简单、易于加工实现, 能够满足GPS、第三代第四代移动终端内置天线的小型化和多频段的要求.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于一维电磁带隙(EBG)结构覆层来提高圆波导天线增益的新方法,利用数值分析方法对EBG结构和基于EBG结构圆波导高增益天线的电磁特性进行了仿真研究,并将它们与传统圆波导天线进行了比较.仿真和实验结果表明,应用这种EBG覆层结构可以有效地实现辐射能量的聚集,从而提高天线的增益,降低了天线副瓣电平,有效地改善了天线的辐射特性.  相似文献   

为克服传统漏波天线存在的开阻带缺点,提出了斜45°“目”字形缝隙结构,分析了该结构的色散特性和辐射特性,进而设计了具有波束从后向到前向连续扫描功能的漏波天线。同时,提出了四极化形成方案,利用 3 dB 耦合器作为圆极化馈电网络,再引入90°移相器后形成线极化馈电网络。将两条“目”字形缝隙线阵与馈电网络相结合来实现四极化漏波天线。测试结果表明,该四极化天线具有较好的端口隔离度,线极化的波束扫描范围是-25°~21°,圆极化的波束扫描范围是-21°~31°。  相似文献   

A CPW-feed printed slot antenna with circular polarization characteristics is presented in this paper. The basic structure of the antenna is a rectangular slot excited by a 50 Ω CPW line terminated on a trapezoidal shaped tuning stub. Perturbations in the form of circular stubs are applied in the slot to realize circular polarization. The measured impedance bandwidth (S11 < −10 dB) for the initial design is 4.4 GHz (from 2.2 GHz to 6.6 GHz) while the 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth is 1.77 GHz (from 4 GHz to 5.77 GHz) which is 36.23% at the center frequency of 4.88 GHz. The basic structure of the antenna was further modified to enhance the impedance bandwidth to reach well beyond 12 GHz while increasing the ARBW to 44.3% (from 4.3 GHz to 6.75 GHz). The proposed antenna in its final version has a measured peak gain of about 5 dB throughout the useful band and nearly stable radiation pattern.  相似文献   

圆极化径向线缝隙天线的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
讨论了圆极化向线缝隙天线的几何结构,口径场分布、缝隙对设计。在此基础上,讨论了慢波结构和波导结构关系,分析了慢波结构对天线的影响,完成了该天线的计算机辅助设计和绘图,使用该方法给天线设计带来了方便,能灵活地调整缝隙排列、优化排列结构,具有直观和精度高的优点。  相似文献   

针对超宽带天线设计的重要性,基于微带天线和电磁散射理论,设计和分析了一种新的紧凑型共面波导反馈超宽带印刷天线。天线采用逆L型和U型非对称的辐射单元结构,以便最大程度地展宽天线带宽。与以往所提出的共面波导馈电天线相比,该天线具有尺寸小、近线性阻抗、高增益、宽频带、准全向性辐射模式和低成本等特点。并且,该天线的主要性能参数达到了一个较好的平衡。仿真和测量结果保持一致。该天线能满足多种宽带无线通信应用的要求。  相似文献   

Mode matching is used for the analysis of monopole antenna on circular disc, which is achieved by developing a novel model consisting of two artificial ground planes above and bellow the monopole antenna. Using this model, the input impedance is computed and compared with measured data reported in literatures, and excellent agreement is observed.  相似文献   

A broadband and circularly polarized 1×4 linear antenna array composed of CPW-fed slot elements for millimeter wave application is discussed. Through a special short-circuiting stub perturbation method, the circular ring slot element achieves circular polarization and a broad bandwidth. Through a parallel feeding network, the array achieves a broad impedance bandwidth of 19% with VSWR?2 and CP bandwidth of 18.4% with AR?3 dB and has a peak gain of about 6.8 dB.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种带有环形谐振器的L型弯折光子晶体波导结构,利用时域有限差分法研究了该波导电磁波的传输性能.分析结果表明:该结构具有宽频带、高传输率等特点,在光通讯器件制作、光子晶体集成化等方面具有潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

谢岩磊  赵全明  徐艳艳  陈洁 《电子设计工程》2011,19(24):111-112,116
通过对基本粒子群算法的原理介绍及波导缝隙天线的基本原理分析,以“电流分布逼近”作为目标函数.将基本粒子群算法引入到波导缝隙天线的设计优化中,通过HFSS软件和Matlab软件相结合的仿真方法取得了比较理想的仿真结果,证明了算法引入的可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种S波段宽频带宽角的矩形波导天线单元的设计,并进行了8×8矩形网格天线小阵E面宽角扫描实验。与相应频段的矩形标准波导相比,该单元的尺寸明显减小。  相似文献   

为便于系统集成和简化馈电电路,利用基片集成波导技术设计新型八木天线.通过引向器异面分置来提高增益,提出了X波段基片集成波导八木天线,并分析了引向器个数对天线增益和工作带宽的影响.利用增加激励器个数和改变馈电结构来扩展带宽,设计了单模和半模基片集成波导双激励超宽带八木天线,仿真和测试结果表明,基片集成波导双激励八木天线的工作带宽超过40%,带内增益均高于7.0 dBi,中心频率处为9.0dBi,可以广泛应用于雷达和通信系统中.  相似文献   

电磁仿真软件HFSS以其高精度,高可靠性在电磁仿真设计中得到了广泛的应用.而对于复杂天线的模型,没有很好的方法简化建模操作,需要花费大量的设计时间.将HFSS提供的VBScript脚本语言功能作为接口,利用MATLAB调用控制HFSS,从而协同HFSS建立模型,达到快速建模的目的.提出了一套波导缝隙阵天线的设计方法,设计了一个波导缝隙阵天线,运用MATLAB协同HFSS建立天线模型,并进行仿真分析.结果验证了天线设计方法的准确性,以及运用MATLAB调用HFSS建模的可行性.  相似文献   

1/4模基片集成波导可等效为由两个磁壁和一个电壁组成的等腰直角三角形波导.采用基于等腰直角三角形波导的空腔模式法分析了1/4模基片集成波导,得到了横电波模和横磁波模的表达式.基于1/4模基片集成波导设计了一种单微带馈电的平面小型圆极化天线.仿真结果表明:该天线可以实现右旋圆极化,且具有6.18 dBic的高增益和3.44%的3 dB轴比带宽.  相似文献   

The metamaterial and fractal techniques are two main methods for antenna miniaturization and in this paper, we have modeled an especial shape of the antenna based on loop formation with metamaterial load for this aim. The metamaterial layer is made by multi parallel rings and the result shows that the final antenna size reduced drastically while the frequency shifts from 7 to 4 GHz. The antenna has Omni-directional pattern with the gain of 3.5 dBi, so the size is reduced around 40%for 4.5 GHz and another resonance is made at 2.5 GHz with a return lossless than −6 dB with more than 60% frequency shift. The reflection and transmission have been utilized for showing the left hand characteristic based on two port periodic simulations in HFSS full wave software. We show that how the metamaterial load can provide the circular polarization (CP) by controlling the current distribution. We also presented that by making slots we obtained the better Axial Ratio (AR) and miniaturized the antenna with reconfigurable qualification. As a result of fact, we show that by using metasurface we able to miniaturized the antenna and simultaneously achieved the circular polarization.  相似文献   

设计了一种可以缩减波导缝隙天线带内雷达散射截面(Radar Cross Section, RCS)的频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface, FSS)结构.该结构采用人工磁导体(Artificial Magnetic Conductor, AMC)方环为基本单元, 螺旋排布的方式组成FSS反射地板, 波导缝隙天线作为底部馈源.为了证明该天线在带内具有良好的RCS缩减性能, 采用了同等大小的金属地板作为参考天线地板进行对比.仿真计算结果表明, 当入射波垂直入射天线时, 天线带内RCS可达-25 dB, 所设计的结构具有良好的带内RCS减缩性能, 同时保持了正常的天线辐射性能.  相似文献   

设计了一种16阵元波导缝隙天线,其阵元在波导宽边中心线一侧排列。该设计采用泰勒分布进行阵列综合,利用粒子群优化算法(PSO)与时域有限差分法(FDTD)在不同偏置位置对谐振长度进行优化。由于该天线属于非谐振式波导缝隙阵,设计的关键是调整缝隙对宽边中心线的偏移。仿真结果表明天线指标与设计要求吻合,证明了设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

A design problem of non-uniform circular antenna arrays for maximal side lobe level reduction with the constraint of a fixed beam width is dealt with. This problem is modeled as a simple optimization problem. The method of genetic algorithms is used to determine an optimum a set of weights and antenna element separations that provide a radiation pattern with maximal side lobe level reduction with the constraint of a fixed beam width. The effectiveness of genetic algorithms for the design of non-uniform circular arrays is shown by means of experimental results. Experimental results reveal that design of non-uniform circular antenna arrays using the method of genetic algorithms provides a considerable side lobe level reduction with respect to the uniform case.  相似文献   

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