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基于截面200 mm×20 mm,高1600 mm,锥角60°的矩形喷动流化床,以二组分混合颗粒、单一组分球形颗粒及非球形颗粒为物料进行最大喷动压降的实验研究.结果表明,最大喷动压降随静止床高、颗粒密度、颗粒球形度及二组分混合颗粒体系中沉积组分分率增加而增大,随流化气速增大而减小;增大颗粒粒径或喷口宽度,呈现先减小后增...  相似文献   

在两级逆流式旋转填充床(TSCC-RPB)的基础上,采用简单结构的整体泡沫镍填料替代其相对复杂的动静环结构填料,从而构建新型两级整体泡沫镍填料旋转填充床(TSNF-RPB)。采用空气-水体系,研究了TSNF-RPB的压降特性,并以甲醇-水为工作体系,对TSNF-RPB进行了连续精馏实验研究。结果表明:虽然TSNF-RPB的湿床压降比TSCC-RPB高出了20%—30%,但TSNF-RPB的分离效率提高了20%,且TSNF-RPB结构简单、安装方便,更利于工业推广应用。  相似文献   

A pore network model is built to predict pressure drop in packed beds of arbitrary-shaped particles, using a method that consists of particle packing by the rigid body technique, pore network construction by the maximal sphere algorithm, and numerical calculation of fluid flow. The pore network model is firstly validated by comparing with experiments, Ergun-type equations, and particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The pore network model is as accurate as the particle-resolved CFD, and is remarkably two to three orders of magnitude less computationally intensive. Then, the pore network model is used to calculate the pressure drops in the beds packed with particles of different shapes and sizes, as well as using different flow media. These calculation results prove the versatility of the pore network model. This work provides an accurate yet efficient pore network model for predicting pressure drop, which should be a powerful tool for designing packed beds.  相似文献   

The slow non-Newtonian (inelastic) flow through packed beds of mono-size spherical particles has been simulated by solving the equations of motion numerically. The inter-particle interactions have been modelled by using a simple cell model. Theoretical estimates of pressure, friction and total drag coefficients as function of the pertinent physical (l≥n≥ 0.2; 0.3 ≤ e ≤ 0.5) and kinematic parameters (0.01 ≤ '≤ 100) for a fixed value of Reynolds number {Re = 0.001) have been obtained. The theoretical predictions reported herein have been validated using the suitable experimental results available in the literature, and the importance of including the zero shear viscosity in analyses for the creeping flow problems is convincingly demonstrated.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted on the pressure drop characteristics of a variety of vertical packed beds in turbulent flow of air. The materials of different particle diameter, Dp, with a range of sphericity Φ, 0.55 ≤ Φ ≤ 1.00 were used in random loose packing to produce beds of different lengths, L, with a range of porosity, ε, 0.36 ≤ ε ≤ 0.56. In the covered test cases the cross-sectional velocity distribution at the exit plane of the packed beds and the pressure drop ΔPBed were measured in a particle Reynolds number range of Rep, 675 ≤ Rep ≤ 7772. The particular emphasis of the study was given to determine the influence of ε, Φ, Dp, L, Rep on ΔPBed. In this respect the measurements of ΔPBed were compared with the well-known Ergun's Equation and the data were expressed in terms of correlations through introduced dimensionless parameters of pressure coefficient, ΔP? and exit Reynolds number Reexit. The proposed correlations of ΔP? = ΔP?(εRepDp / L) and Reexit = Reexit(RepDp / L) are found to be appropriate for the determination of ΔPBed and mean exit velocity, U, respectively with an acceptable fit of experimental data in an error margin less than ± 20%. The methodology is presented in this paper as an alternative approach to the available literature on packed beds.  相似文献   

A very simple model is presented for the effect of the container wall on the pressure drop in a fluid flowing through a bed of spheres. It is based on the application of the Ergun equation to the bulk region of the bed, unaffected by the wall. Pressure loss predictions are found to correspond well to the opposing trends reported in the literature for the viscous- and inertial-flow regimes.  相似文献   

王双成 《化肥设计》2000,38(5):12-15
导出了计算散装料层压降的半经验关联式,在包括泛点气速的多种空塔气速下,对11种填料的床层压降进行了计算,总平均计算误差为6.710%,泛点压降平均计算误差为7.727%,比文献上已有的关联图和关联式的准确性高。  相似文献   

规整填料压降研究新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了文献中关于规整填料压降的计算方法和模型,并对这些模型的理论基础和适用条件做了简要分析和比较。传统规整填料压降模型的来源主要是散堆填料的压降关联式和湿壁塔模型。重点归纳了基于过程基本规律的机理模型,与传统压降模型相比,在通用性、适用范围和准确性等方面都有不同程度的改进。同时指出了有待进一步探索和改进的若干问题。  相似文献   

Packed chromatographic column, with higher efficiency and lower pressure drop is designed by using inert core adsorbents as stationary phase. The analytical solutions for moments and height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) are given under the conditions of linear adsorption kinetics by taking into account of the axial dispersion, film mass‐transfer resistance, intraparticle diffusion resistance, and the sorption rate for chromatographic column packed with inert core adsorbents. By minimizing HETP, a nonlinear algebraic equation was derived to predict the optimized value of the inert core radius. For a given adsorbent with the optimized inert core radius, a strategy was presented to tailor the design of new packed chromatographic column with higher efficiency and lower pressure drop. As an example for supercritical carbon dioxide chromatography, reduced equations in terms of dimensionless inert core radius were derived by “order of magnitude” analysis. The quantitative analysis shows that the major benefit of the inert core adsorbent is a shorter diffusion path compared to conventional fully porous particles. The shorter diffusion path reduces dispersion of solutes and minimizes peak broadening leading to lower pressure drop while maintaining high‐separation efficiency. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

Based on a self-established cold-flow experimental device, the pressure drop in a cocurrent downflow three-phase moving bed was investigated under a wide range of gas, liquid, and solid flow rates during dynamic and steady-state operation. The results showed that for the startup of the bed, since the first bed layer packed by fall-falling of particles had lower voidage, it would take at least one bed volume time to make the voidage in the bed reach the steady-state. Under steady-state conditions, the pressure drop increased with the increase of gas and liquid mass flow rates, liquid viscosity, and decreased with the increase of solid flow rate. Furthermore, it was found that the liquid distribution became more uniform due to particle movement. The experimental data obtained in this study was used to develop a correlation to predict the pressure drop in a three-phase moving bed with an average relative error of 9.32%.  相似文献   

Although rotating beds show promise for intensified separations, the fundamentals of their hydrodynamics are still poorly understood. In many operating conditions, pressure drop in an irrigated bed can be considerably lower than that across a dry bed. Previously published correlations don’t provide good prediction of these phenomena. In this research, a semi-empirical correlation is developed to predict the pressure drop across the rotating packed beds. The results show the agreement of predicted pressure drop with the experimental data is acceptable. This model can also predict the pressure drop unexpected phenomena of higher pressure drop in dry beds than in wet beds.  相似文献   

Water electrolysis from acidified solution was used as a model system to investigate the net contribution of hydrogen bubbles to the pressure drop increase in a three-dimensional electrode. A bed of silvered glass beads in both fixed and fluidized state was used, assuming an unchanging particle surface during the experiments. Pressure drop behaviour with time was measured for different experimental conditions and presented relative to the pressure drop determined for a bubble free bed. Parameters, such as current density, electrolyte velocity and particle size, greatly influence the relative pressure drop behaviour in the three-dimensional electrode. A sudden increase in the pressure drop occurs with the appearance of a gas phase in the bed, reaching a constant value (plateau) after a certain time; this plateau corresponds to steady state conditions. The pressure drop increases with increasing current density. This increase is in the range 40-150% relative to the bubble free electrolyte flow through the bed. Electrolyte flow-rate also strongly influences the pressure drop in the hydrogen evolving fixed bed electrode. It was observed that the relative pressure drop decreases with increasing electrolyte velocity. At higher flow rates, peaks occur on the pressure drop-time curves, indicating the existence of channeling inside the bed in which spouting occurs. The time to reach the pressure drop plateau decreases with increasing electrolyte velocity as do the time intervals corresponding to maximum pressure drop values. At the minimum fluidization velocity the peaks disappear and the relative pressure drop decreases with time, tending to approach a constant value. For hydrogen evolution in the fluidized bed, the pressure drop is lower than that measured in the absence of gas, and reason for this decrease being the gas hold-up in the bed.  相似文献   

Sieve plate packing is a newly developed packing that has been used in several industries due to its simple structure and operating flexibility, and no liquid flooding. In this work, first, systematic experiments were conducted to measure the pressure drop of gas flow through six sieve plate packings. The results indicated that the geometric characteristics of the packing have complicated effects on the pressure drops. Based on this, CFD simulations on the gas flow field were conducted using the realizable k-ε model, and flow behaviours such as the pressure drop, pressure nephogram, and velocity distributions within different packings were obtained. The simulation results clearly showed interesting flow patterns, including the contraction and expansion of the gas stream through the sieve hole, the flow separation on the sharp edge of the hole, and the vortexes formed when gas impacts the downstream plate. By comparing the flow patterns and the pressure drop under different packings operating at different conditions, the effects of the geometric characteristics of the packing on the pressure drop could be clearly distinguished from the flow behaviours, so that the variations in pressure drop with various packing structures were clearly indicated. Finally, based on the experimental data and the simulated results, correlations for the prediction of the pressure drops were proposed. This work will provide a useful basis for understanding the flow behaviour of gas and liquid two-phase flow in sieve plate packing.  相似文献   

错流旋转填料床气相压降特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旋转填料床的气相压降是旋转填料床应用和设计的一项重要指标。在气液两相错流流动条件下,利用空气-水系统对错流旋转填充床的气相压降进行分段模型化和实验研究。按照错流旋转填料床气体流动的路径将气相压降分为进口压降、填料层压降、集气段旋转动能转化压降和出气段压降。推导出压降与操作工况的关联式,其计算值与实测值吻合较好。实验表明错流旋转填料床的气相总压降与气体流量、旋转床转速、液体流量有关。在高转速和小气量的条件下,气相压降随气量增大先下降后上升;其他情况随气量增大而上升。错流旋转填料床气相压降随转速上升而下降,在小气量情况下转速对气相压降有明显影响。气相压降随进液量的增大而增大,当旋转填料床在低转速时进液量对气相压降有明显影响。  相似文献   

以大颗粒MAP(磷酸-铵)为试验物料对带内置水平管的大颗粒振动流化床流体力学进行了试验研究,结果表明,振动的引入对床层临界压降有明显的降低作用;同样床层条件下振动频率越大床层临界压降越低,振幅的改变对床层压降影响不大;低气速下振动使床层孔隙率降低而导致压降高于普通流化床;在带内置水平管的大颗粒振动流化床中,振动对大粒径颗粒的影响小于小粒径颗粒;由试验拟合出经验公式,与试验数据吻合良好。  相似文献   

介绍了纺丝组件内置混合元件的熔体管路几何结构;对应欧姆定律和熔体流动特性方程,根据电路模拟法的计算原理,采用电路模拟法计算内置圆盘静态混合器的纺丝组件压力降.结果表明:以PA6与PE共混纺丝为例,共混物熔体流经喷丝板的压力降为9.80 MPa,远大于流经分配板的压力降0.241 MPa,熔体流经纺丝组件时,主要阻力产生...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of the single-phase pressure drop in fixed and expanded beds. A fixed bed with a column to particle diameter ratio (D/dp) of 5 and having 151 particles arranged in 8 layers was taken as a computational geometrical model. In the case of expanded beds, 0.605 voidage bed consisted of 105 particles and 0.783 voidage bed consisted of 55 particles. Simulations were performed in the creeping, transition and turbulent flow regimes, where Reynolds number (dpVLρL/μL) was varied from 0.1 to 10,000. The deviations from Ergun's equation due to the wall effects, which are important in D/dp < 10 beds, were well explained by the CFD simulations. Thus, an increase in the pressure drop was observed due to the wall friction in the creeping flow, whereas, in turbulent regime a decrease in the pressure drop was observed due to the channeling near the wall. Energy balance has been established through the CFD predicted values of energy dissipation rates (viscous as well as turbulent).  相似文献   

The dependency of pressure drop and liquid holdup on phase velocities, geometry of the column and packing materials as well as on the physical properties have been analyzed. Our experimental data (825 data points obtained using four liquid systems and three different particles) along with those of the available literature (776 data point from five different sources) were used for the analysis. The applicability and the limitations of the literature correlations were evaluated using the available data. Based on the analysis, new correlations for the estimation of pressure drop and liquid holdup, valid for low and high interaction regimes have been developed using the available data, with a wide range of variables. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

针对堆叠筛板填料的基本单元,采用12种不同规格的孔板,研究了气液两相并流向下通过孔口的压降特性,阐明了气液流量、孔板结构对压降的影响规律。结果表明:压降随气液流量的增加而增大;随孔径的增大而减小;在筛板常用厚度范围内,孔口锐缘效应使得压降随板厚减小而增大。根据孔口压降行为不同,以气相雷诺数ReG=5000分界,建立了单一气相向下通过孔口的压降预测关联式;然后利用气相折算因子对关联式进行修正,得到了ReG>5000时气液并流向下通过孔口的压降预测关联式;当ReG<5000时,通过直接对单一气相阻力系数进行修正,得到了相应气相雷诺数范围内的气液两相压降预测关联式。  相似文献   

Pressure drops are measured on different nozzles of various pipe sizes in dense phase pulverized coal pneumatic conveying. From the experimental results, we conclude that the effect of the gas phase nozzle pressure drop is negligible when comparing with the solid phase pressure drop in the experimental range. The main influence factors contributing to the nozzle pressure drop are gas and solid mass flow rate, solids loading ratio, and the diameters of the nozzle inlet and outlet. A new model was developed to predict the nozzle pressure drop in dense phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal based on the Barth's pneumatic conveying theory. The pressure drop predictions from the model are in good agreement with the experimental values. The model quantified the important influence factors of the nozzle pressure drop.  相似文献   

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