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采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法进行叶酸片的溶出度测定。采用小杯法,色谱柱为Agilent Hypersil C18(25 cm×4.6 nm,5μm),流动相为pH=5.0的磷酸盐缓冲液,检测波长为280 nm,流速为1.2 mL/min。结果表明,采用HPLC法测定叶酸片溶出度,分离度好,峰形对称,保留时间短,辅料不干扰,测得叶酸回收率为100.6%,RSD=1.04%(n=9)。该法简便,结果准确。 相似文献
建立了左舒必利片溶出度的测定方法。以0.1 mol/L盐酸溶液为溶出介质,采用桨法(50 r/min)20 min取样,使用紫外-可见分光光度法测定溶出度,检测波长为291 nm,考察了溶出曲线,样品溶出度〉90%,该方法可用于左舒必利片的溶出度测定。 相似文献
马来酸左旋氨氯地平分散片溶出度测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立马来酸左旋氨氯地平(玄宁)分散片溶出度的测定方法.以0.1 mo1/L盐酸溶液为溶出介质,采用浆法(50 r/min)20 min取样,运用紫外-可见分光光度法测定溶出度,检测波长为237 nm,并考察了溶出曲线,样品溶出均一性良好,溶出度均>90%,该方法可用于马来酸左旋氨氯地平分散片的溶出度的测定. 相似文献
目的:利用均匀设计筛选出独一味分散片的最佳处方。方法:通过调节崩解剂的含量、粘合剂的浓度等因素,制备独一味分散片,考查崩解时限、混悬性、溶出度等因素,对处方进行筛选。结果:优化处方为A4B6C3,即维晶纤维素含量为11%,交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮含量为15%,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮K30浓度为7%。对优选处方的试验表明:崩解时限小于3min,分散均匀性试验能通过2号筛网,混悬性较好,溶出度好。结论:本方法简单、可靠,优选处方的独一味分散片达到中国药典(2010年版)要求。 相似文献
In many polymeric controlled release systems (CRSs) the drug release kinetics is mainly ruled by the penetrant absorption characteristics which, in turn, depend on the viscoelastic properties of the polymer/penetrant system. The kinetics of the drug release process can follow either a typical Fickian behavior or a non-Fickian one (anomalous release), depending on the polymer/ penetrant viscoelastic properties. The aim of this work is to model such physical evidences by means of the appropriate flux equations describing the penetrant uptake and the corresponding drug release.
As a main result of our work we prove that, by resorting to the Sarti and Camera-Roda flux equation for the penetrant, and to the Fick flux equation for the drug, it is possible to simulate both Fickian and non-Fickian drug release from swelling CRSs characterized by different viscoelastic properties of the polymer/penetrant system. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the effect of the density gradient developing inside the matrix during the drug release does not sensibly affect the drug release kinetics. 相似文献
As a main result of our work we prove that, by resorting to the Sarti and Camera-Roda flux equation for the penetrant, and to the Fick flux equation for the drug, it is possible to simulate both Fickian and non-Fickian drug release from swelling CRSs characterized by different viscoelastic properties of the polymer/penetrant system. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the effect of the density gradient developing inside the matrix during the drug release does not sensibly affect the drug release kinetics. 相似文献
介绍了在滴流床反应器放大过程中所涉及到的物理化学参数和数学模型建立的方法,并对这些参数计算的经验公式进行了综述,为滴流床反应器的模拟、放大提供了理论依据。 相似文献
The established plume model for the atmospheric fluidized-bed combustor is here extended to sulphur capture by bed solids. The model accounts for two mechanisms for sulphur capture: (1) the oxidation of sulphur to SO2, followed by retention by limestone, all in the oxidizing regions of the combustor; and (2) the retention of released sulphur-hydrogen compounds by solids in the unburned plume rising through the bed. Calculations show that there is a significant difference in sulphur retention efficiency predictions between the plume model with its reducing and oxidizing zones and those models which do not consider the occurrence of plumes of unburned volatiles. 相似文献
Fresh water shortage is one of the greatest problems of modern society; as a result, water desalination, particularly with membrane processes, is becoming increasingly important, since it makes possible the use of brackish water for potable water, or the reuse of lower-quality water for industrial, irrigation, or other uses. Membrane processes used in water desalination and wastewater treatment are often affected by the degradation of biofouling, in which biofilms play a critical role, thus making biofilm simulation models very relevant. Biofilms are highly complex and heterogeneous systems, containing cells distributed in a non-uniform manner in polymers. Two classes of models, the cellular-automata and the individual-based models, which are used to simulate the growth and development of biofilm structures as a result of microbial growth in different environmental conditions, are presented. After a short review of models presented in the last decade, we identify similarities and differences and present the environmental conditions that can be best simulated with each model type. 相似文献
Zhirong Chen Rongfan Zhou Hong Yin Shenfeng Yuan 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2020,66(8):e16270
In order to provide basic data for the crystallization of dl -methionine and understand the thermodynamic properties of dissolution, the solubility of dl -methionine in water was measured by gravimetric method from 294.05 to 347.05 K and the solubility at different pH values under temperature 302.95 to 342.05 K was determined by elemental analysis in this work. The experimental data show that the solubility of dl -methionine increases with increasing temperature as well as more acidic or basic pH values. The van't Hoff equation, modified Apelblat equation, λh equation, Wilson model, NRTL model, and UNIQUAC model were used to correlate the solubility data versus temperature. The melting temperature, enthalpy of fusion, enthalpy and entropy of dissolution were estimated from solubility data and it shows that the expression of solubility by enthalpy and entropy of dissolution gives more reasonable estimation and Wilson model gives a better correlation for these thermodynamic properties. 相似文献
为了实现对油田井场柴油的实时监控,设计了一种无线式的基于油田井场的燃油在线监控系统。通过现场对柴油油罐进行实时监测,采集数据信号,经由GPRS无线通信传输到数据采集发布系统,并存储到数据库。继而通过Web服务器发布所采集的数据,实现对现场柴油的实时监控。 相似文献
The use of mathematical methods for the analysis of chemical reaction systems has a very long history, and involves many types of models: deterministic versus stochastic, continuous versus discrete, and homogeneous versus spatially distributed. Here we focus on mathematical models based on deterministic mass-action kinetics. These models are systems of coupled nonlinear differential equations on the positive orthant. We explain how mathematical properties of the solutions of mass-action systems are strongly related to key properties of the networks of chemical reactions that generate them, such as specific versions of reversibility and feedback interactions. 相似文献
炼焦生产技术中的数学模型 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
炼焦生产是一极其复杂的动态体系 ,该生产体系中的输出量 (诸产物的生成量和品质指标 )与输入量 (原料煤的质量指标和生产工艺指标 )之间受着多种不稳定因素的影响 .近些年 ,人们注重炼焦生产中重要数据的积累和归纳 ,尤其是进行了许多相关的实验研究 .通过对大量生产数据和实验数据的回归分析 ,总结得出了多种重要技术指标之间的数学模型 .较全面地汇总了这类数学模型 ,并根据模型依据和实践应用情况进行了分类和评述 . 相似文献
Manoj K. Choudhary 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(10):3053-3058
By combining population balance with mass-transfer-controlled dissolution, a formulation is developed to analyze the dissolution of polydisperse silica grains in glass furnaces. For an initial lognormal distriution of particle sizes, the change in the distribution with respect to a modified time scale is expressed analytically. This paper shows how the formulation can be combined with time-temperature data along various flow path lines in a glass melter to calculate the extent of dissolution in the melter. Calculated results are presented on the dissolution of polydisperse silica grains in a glass melter for which the information on path lines was obtained by using a three-dimensional mathematical model for flow and heat transfer. The effects of maximum particle size of a truncated distribution and the standard deviation on the extent of dissolution are examined. 相似文献