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A mathematical model of biomass gasification in a fluidized bed has been developed. It considers axial variations of concentrations and temperature in the bubble and emulsion phases. The mass balance involves instantaneous oxidation and equilibrium devolatilization of the biomass, kinetics of solid-gas gasification reactions as well as of gaseous phase reactions and interphase mass transfer and gas convection. The energy balance is solved locally for each vertical volume element, and globally on the reactor by iteration on the temperature at the bottom of the bed. Three parameters have been adjusted based on the experimental results: the heat transfer coefficient at the wall, the weighting of the kinetics of the water-gas shift reaction and the fraction of biomass carbon remaining as char after devolatilization. The model is used to simulate a pilot scale (50 kg/h) biomass gasifier, and its predictions compared to experimental measurements. The temperature and gaseous concentrations are estimated with good accuracy for the experiments using a wood feedstock, except for the concentration of hydrogen which is overestimated.  相似文献   

By considering the features of fluidized-bed reactors and the kinetic mechanism of biomass gasification, a steady-state, isothermal, one-dimensional and two-phase mathematical model of biomass gasification kinetics in bubbling fluidized beds was developed. The model assumes the existence of two phases — a bubble and an emulsion phase — with chemical reactions occurring in both phases. The axial gas dispersion in the two phases is accounted for and the pyrolysis of biomass is taken to be instantaneous. The char and gas species CO, CO2, H2, H2O, CH4 and 8 chemical reactions are included in the model. The mathematical model belongs to a typical boundary value problem of ordinary differential equations and its solution is obtained by a Matlab program. Utilizing wood powder as the feedstock, the calculated data show satisfactory agreement with experimental results and proves the effectiveness and reliability of the model. __________ Translated from Chemical Engineering (China), 2007, 35(10): 23–26 [译自: 化学工程]  相似文献   

基于计算颗粒流体动力学(CPFD)建立了三维鼓泡流化床水蒸气-空气混合气化的数值模型,并进行了模型验证,结果表明模拟和实验具有良好的一致性。在该模型的基础上,研究了气化炉内气体分布以及温度分布;同时探究了生物质属性(颗粒粒径、含水率、种类)以及操作条件(气化温度、床料高度)对气化特性的影响。结果表明,生物质颗粒粒径对气化性能的影响存在一个最优值,平均粒径为0.6 mm是最佳的;较高的含水率会降低可燃气体产量,不利于气化反应的进行;四种生物质中,锯末气化的效率最高、可燃气体产量最大、气体热值最高,稻壳仅次于锯末但其碳转化率高于锯末;提高气化温度可以增加可燃气体的比例、提高气化效率;而初始床层高度的变化可以改变H2/CO的比例。本实验为生物质水蒸气/空气气化提供了理论参考,有助于生物质原料的选取和处理,也有助于气化炉的放大和优化。  相似文献   

Based on computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD), a three-dimensional bubbling fluidized bed steam-air mixed gasification numerical model was established, and it was verified with experiment trials. The results show that the simulation and experiment have good consistency. Based on the model, the gas distribution and temperature distribution in the gasifier were studied; meanwhile, the biomass properties (particle size, water content, types) and operating conditions (gasification temperature, bed height) were investigated. The results show that there is an optimal value for the impact of biomass particle size on gasification performance, with an average particle size of 0.6 mm being the best; a higher water content will reduce the output of combustible gas and is not conducive to the gasification reaction. Among the four types of biomass, sawdust gasification has the highest efficiency, the largest combustible gas production, and the highest gas calorific value. Rice husk is second only to sawdust but its carbon conversion rate is higher than that of sawdust; increasing the gasification temperature can increase the proportion of combustible gas and increase gasification efficiency; while the change of initial bed height can change the ratio of H2/CO. This experiment provides a theoretical reference for biomass steam/air gasification, which is helpful for the selection and processing of biomass raw materials, and also facilitates the amplification and optimization of the gasifier.  相似文献   

生物质流化床空气-水蒸气气化模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据流化床反应器特点,结合生物质气化动力学反应机理,建立了生物质在流化床内气化的等温稳态、一维二相动力学模型。该模型所做的主要假定如下:流化床分为气泡相和乳相,在气泡相和乳相内均存在化学反应,考虑二相内的轴向气体扩散,生物质热解过程瞬时完成,主要考虑焦碳以及CO,CO2,H2,H2O,CH4等在流化床内发生的8个主要化学反应。数学模型属于常微分方程组边值问题,利用数值计算软件M atlab7.0进行编程求解。以木粉为原料,将模型结果与实验结果进行了对比,模拟结果与试验数据符合良好,在一定程度上证明了模型的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

鼓泡流化床垃圾衍生燃料富氧气化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在鼓泡流化床上进行两种垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)的富氧气化试验,考察了RDF的热重特性并分析了气化温度、当量比及富氧浓度对气化特性的影响.结果表明:两种RDF均由纤维素及塑料类组分构成.随着温度由650℃升高至800℃,两种RDF产气的H2、CO及CH4浓度均逐渐增加,产气热值和气化效率同时提高.当量比增大时可燃组分浓度先略有增大后逐渐减小,但气体产率不断增大.RDF1及RDF2分别在当量比为0.22及0.27处达到最佳气化效率.富氧气化可有效改善气化品质,提升合成气热值,富氧浓度为45%时RDF1及RDF2合成气热值均达到最大,分别为8.6 MJ·m-3及9.2 MJ·m-3.  相似文献   

Biomass containing water of 30-65 wt.% and rich in cellulose, such as various grounds of drinking materials and the lees of spirit and vinegar, is not suitable for biological digestion, and the thermal conversion approach has to be applied to its conversion into bioenergy. The authors have recently worked on converting such biomass into middle heating-value gas via dual fluidized bed gasification (DFBG) integrated with various process intensification technologies. This article is devoted to highlighting those technical ways, including the choice of the superior technical deployment for a DFBG system, the impregnation of Ca onto fuel in fuel drying, the integration of gas cleaning with fuel gasification via two-stage DFBG (T-DFBG), and the decoupling of fuel drying/pyrolysis and char gasification via the decoupled DFBG (D-DFBG). The attained results demonstrated that the superior deployment of bed combination for the DFBG should be a bubbling/turbulent fluidized bed gasifier integrated with a pneumatic riser combustor. In terms of improving efficiency of fuel conversion into combustible gas and suppressing tar generation during gasification, the impregnation of Ca onto fuel exhibited distinctively high upgrading effect, while both the T-DFBG and D-DFBG were also demonstrated to be effective to a certain degree.  相似文献   

吴家桦  沈来宏  肖军  卢海勇  王雷 《化工学报》2008,59(8):2103-2110
针对串行流化床煤气化技术特点,以水蒸气为气化剂,在串行流化床试验装置上进行煤气化特性的试验研究,考察了气化反应器温度、蒸汽煤比对煤气组成、热值、冷煤气效率和碳转化率的影响。结果表明,燃烧反应器内燃烧烟气不会串混至气化反应器,该煤气化技术能够稳定连续地从气化反应器获得不含N2的高品质合成气。随着气化反应器温度的升高、蒸汽煤比的增加,煤气热值和冷煤气效率均会提高,但对碳转化率影响有所不同。在试验阶段获得的最高煤气热值为6.9 MJ•m-3,冷煤气效率为68%,碳转化率为92%。  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out in a circulating fluidized bed to explore if rice husk could be fluidized without mixing it with any foreign solids. Experimental results indicate that bed cross‐section has an important influence on the fluidization characteristics of rice husk. Larger the cross‐section, easier it is to fluidize the husk without slugging. Particle size, sphericity, bulk density, and transport velocity of husk were measured. The riser was operated under bubbling bed regimes. Efforts were made to measure the minimum fluidization velocity by varying the bed depth and cross‐section.  相似文献   

双流化床生物质气化炉研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质是重要的清洁可再生能源,双流化床生物质气化技术是将低品位的生物质能转化成高品位氢能的重要途径。本文阐明了双流化床气化过程的基本原理,从燃气中氢气浓度、焦油含量和装置热效率等角度,介绍了双流化床生物质气化技术的早期探索和发展现状,对目前几种典型双流化床生物质气化炉的炉型设计及相关试验研究进行了分析和总结。指出内循环双流化床气化炉结构虽然简单紧凑,但是难以避免气化室和燃烧室之间的气体串混问题;而外循环流化床通过外置返料器很好地解决了气体串混问题。分析了不同气化室优化设计方案对提升燃气品质的理论依据及其优缺点。最后对双流化床生物质气化技术的发展进行了总结和展望,指出双流化床生物质气化制氢具有非常广阔的工业化应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

In this study, a computational fluid dynamics mathematical model has been developed for catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP) of biomass based on multiphase flow, transfer process, and biomass pyrolysis reactions in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The multiphase fluid flow, and the inter-phase momentum and energy transfer processes are modeled with Eulerian multiphase formulas, representing the flows of gases and solids (catalyst and biomass) within the reactor. The biomass CFP reactions are described by using a two-stage, semi-global model. Specified secondary tar catalytic cracking process, which considers both intrinsic reaction rates and mass-transfer process, is embedded to the developed model by user-defined function. The model simulation results of pyrolysis product yield and distribution are compared with the experimental data with close agreement. The model is then employed to investigate the effects of structural properties of catalyst, such as specific internal area, average size of active sites, pore diameter, and tortuosity, on products yields and composition. The tar cracking process by the selected catalyst is proposed and the influences of adsorption capability of tar molecule on catalyst surface and external film mass transfer are also analyzed. The developed model can be solved with short computational time and thus it can be employed for further research and engineering designs of the catalytic pyrolysis of carbonaceous materials.  相似文献   

流化床富氧燃烧是具有重要应用前景的燃烧中碳捕集技术。为更深入认识固体燃料的流态化富氧燃烧行为,构建了微型流态化反应-质谱联用实验系统,反应器直径10 mm,燃烧温度700~900℃,探索了基于在线质谱分析的流态化燃烧过程特性表征方法,以烟煤和花梨木为对象,研究了煤、生物质及其混合物在富氧气氛和流态化条件下的燃烧行为,重点考察了氧浓度、燃烧温度、煤与生物质质量比对CO2谱峰曲线形态、反应总时间、起始反应时刻、烟气中富集CO2体积分数、颗粒燃烧产生CO2量、CO2相对生成率等特性的影响。结果表明,在O2/CO2燃烧气氛下,随着氧体积分数增加,燃烧总反应时间缩短,颗粒燃烧产生的CO2量和生成速率均增加,但烟气中富集的CO2体积分数减小;提高燃烧温度,缩短了燃烧过程所需的时间,可以促进CO2的富集,烟气中CO2浓度、颗粒燃烧产生的CO2量和生成速率均增加;生物质比例增大,起始反应时间提前,燃烧反应所需总时间减少,烟气中富集的CO2浓度和颗粒燃烧产生的CO2均减少,但CO2生成速率增加。  相似文献   

The gasification characteristics of natural coke from Peicheng mine with steam were investigated in a fluidized bed reactor. The effects of catalyst type, composition and dosage of catalyst on the yield, components and heating value of product gas, and carbon conversion rate were examined. The results show that fluidized bed gasification technology is an effective way to gasify natural coke. Also the results indicate that individual addition of K-, Ca-, Fe-, Ni-based catalyst effectively increases the gasification reaction rate of the natural coke samples. With the increase in catalyst dosage, the yield and heating value of product gas per hour increase obviously, and carbon conversion rate is improved substantially. Each of aforementioned catalysts has similar catalytic effect and trend, among which the effect of Ca-based catalyst is a little weaker. The optimum metal atom ratio of mixed catalyst is Fe/Ni/others = 35/55/10, and the mixed catalyst displays maximum catalytic performance when the catalyst dosage in the natural coke is about 4%. The experimental findings provide an interesting reference for large-scale development and utilization of natural coke.  相似文献   

The quoted two-stage dual fluidized bed gasification (T-DFBG) devises the use of a two-stage fluidized bed (TFB) to replace the single-stage bubbling fluidized bed gasifier involved in the normally encountered dual fluidized bed gasification (N-DFBG) systems. By feeding fuel into the lower stage of the TFB, this lower stage functions as a fuel gasifier similar to that in the N-DFBG so that the upper stage of the TFB works to upgrade the produced gas in the lower stage and meanwhile to suppress the possible elutriation of fuel particles fed into the freeboard of the lower-stage bed. The heat carrier particles (HCPs) circulated from the char combustor enter first the upper stage of the TFB to facilitate the gas upgrading reactions occurring therein, and the particles are in turn forwarded into the lower stage to provide endothermic heat for fuel pyrolysis and gasification reactions. Consequently, with T-DFBG it is hopeful to increase gasification efficiency and decrease tar content in the produced gas. This anticipation was corroborated through gasifying dry coffee grounds in two 5.0kg/h experimental setups configured according to the principles of T-DFBG and N-DFBG, respectively. In comparison with the N-DFBG case, the test according to T-DFBG increased, the fuel C conversion and cold gas efficiency by about 7% and decreased tar content in the produced gas by up to 25% under similar reaction conditions. Test results demonstrated also that all these upgrading effects via adopting T-DFBG were more pronounced when a Ca-based additive was blended into the fuel.  相似文献   

吴迎亚  彭丽  高金森  蓝兴英 《化工学报》2016,67(8):3259-3267
基于EMMS曳力模型,采用双流体的方法对气固鼓泡床内的气固流动特性进行模拟,建立基于图像处理气泡特性的分析方法,重点研究了不同表观气速下气泡在床层内分布特性,包括气泡平均当量直径、气泡速度和气泡球形度的轴向分布,以及气泡的生命周期。研究结果表明,小气泡多集中在床层底部和壁面区域,而大气泡多集中在床层中间区域。随着表观气速的增加,床层高度不断增加,气泡的球形度降低,气泡的大小、出现频率、上升速度以及生命周期均增加;然而,当表观气速增大到一定程度,继续增加气速对气泡的上升速度影响不大。  相似文献   

王艳  陈文义  孙姣  石海波  陈晓东 《化工进展》2012,31(8):1656-1664
生物质是重要的可再生能源,生物质气化技术在国内外得到了广泛应用。本文综述了国内外固定床、鼓泡流化床、外循环流化床、内循环流化床、双循环流化床的结构。固定床安装简单,但焦油较多;外循环流化床燃烧效率高,但回料装置较难控制;内循环流化床不易结焦、氢含量高且不用考虑返料问题;双流化床结构复杂但焦油量少。将对固定床和流化床进行对比,认为固定床安装简单适合农村地区,流化床应不断改进和完善,更适应工业化生产。  相似文献   

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