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针对Web服务中难以获得反映用户体验的数据,且难以对用户体验质量(QoE)进行评估的问题,在分析了Web数据和现有评价方法的基础上,提出了一种融入用户体验延迟ED的QoE层次评价方法。该方法基于层次分析法,并结合人类生理主观感受,能够更加客观地衡量用户体验。通过相关案例验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Mobile phones have been the most rapidly spreading development in the field of communication and information technologies over the past decades. Nowadays, digital cameras have taken their place. The wide product range in the market, each with numerous heterogeneous technical attributes, complicates the selection of the most convenient camera for end-users. The aim of this work is to provide end-users with a decision support framework for selecting the best digital camera according to their preferences. End-users and photography experts use subjective assessments when determining their requirements and making their evaluations. The proposed decision support tool is built on the basis of fuzzy set theory. The imprecision of the subjective assessments are transformed to fuzzy triangular numbers. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and fuzzy compromise programming methodologies are applied in order to determine the relative weights of sub-criteria and criteria and to rank the digital camera alternatives, respectively.  相似文献   

Mobile application (app) design is an expanding research area, with user experience (UX) as its core. UX encompasses all aspects of human–computer interaction, and thus the optimization of UX has multiple objectives. Quality characteristics related to UX are subjective and even subconscious; moreover, there exists interdependence among UX quality characteristics. However, very little attention has been focused on these issues when optimizing UX based on multiple objectives. In this paper, a fuzzy analytic network process (ANP)-based Taguchi method is proposed for optimizing UX in mobile app design. First, design patterns and UX quality characteristics are determined. Subsequently, a Taguchi experiment is designed and carried out, and then signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios are calculated. A fuzzy ANP is adopted to derive the preference weights for the UX quality characteristics. Based on these weights, the S/N ratios are converted into a multiperformance characteristic index (MPCI) by using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Finally, according to the MPCI, the significant design patterns are identified by using the analysis of variance, and the optimal design is obtained by using the response table and response graph. A mobile health app design was presented to illustrate the proposed approach. The results suggest that the proposed approach can effectively manage the interdependence among the subjective and even subconscious UX quality characteristics in the optimization process, and be used as a universal robust design approach to optimize UX in mobile app design.  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评价构建物流运输预警模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨迎心  冯志勇  饶国政  石红 《计算机应用》2011,31(10):2844-2848
针对当前公路物流运输的安全问题,提出构建公路物流运输预警模型的思想。从人、车、道路、环境和运载物品5个方面对公路物流运输的影响进行了全面分析。通过层次分析法和专家打分法确定公路物流运输的安全预警指标及其权重。采用多层次模糊综合评价法选择合适的模糊算子构建公路物流运输预警模型。利用此模型可以计算公路物流运输的安全预警级别,给出相应的预警信息。实验表明,采用模糊综合评价法构建物流运输预警模型是可行的,能够实现对运输过程的预警。  相似文献   

The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We propose a method called the “UX Curve” which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty.  相似文献   

The main strengths of collaborative filtering (CF), the most successful and widely used filtering technique for recommender systems, are its cross-genre or ‘outside the box’ recommendation ability and that it is completely independent of any machine-readable representation of the items being recommended. However, CF suffers from sparsity, scalability, and loss of neighbor transitivity. CF techniques are either memory-based or model-based. While the former is more accurate, its scalability compared to model-based is poor. An important contribution of this paper is a hybrid fuzzy-genetic approach to recommender systems that retains the accuracy of memory-based CF and the scalability of model-based CF. Using hybrid features, a novel user model is built that helped in achieving significant reduction in system complexity, sparsity, and made the neighbor transitivity relationship hold. The user model is employed to find a set of like-minded users within which a memory-based search is carried out. This set is much smaller than the entire set, thus improving system’s scalability. Besides our proposed approaches are scalable and compact in size, computational results reveal that they outperform the classical approach.  相似文献   

IT产品用户体验质量的模糊综合评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于可用性测试的旨在对产品使用过程中的用户体验质量进行综合评价的模型。首先结合ISO9241-11有关可用性的定义,建立了包括人-机交互角度、用户角度和观察者角度的用户体验质量的360°指标体系模型;然后针对可用性概念的模糊性及其综合评估中的问题,应用层次分析法(AHP)确定了指标体系中相关因素的权重,并根据模糊隶属度函数对用户体验质量评价标准进行了模糊化处理;最后采用模糊评价方法对用户体验质量进行评价。实例表明用户体验质量的综合性评估模型可以有效地对用户体验质量进行综合性评价。  相似文献   

An adaptive consensus model based on fuzzy information granulation (fuzzy IG) is presented for group consensus decision-making problems with multiplicative linguistic preference relations (MLPRs). Firstly, a granular representation of linguistic terms is concerned with the triangular fuzzy formation of a family of information granules over given Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) numerical scales. On this basis, the individual consistency and group consensus measure indices using fuzzy granulation technique are constructed, respectively. Then, the optimal cut-off points of fuzzy information granules are obtained by establishing a multi-objective optimization model together with a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. A novel group consensus decision-making approach where consensus reaching process (CRP) is achieved by adaptively adjusting individual preferences through the optimization of the cut-off points is proposed. After conflict elimination, the obtained group preference gives the ranking of the alternatives. Finally, a real emergency decision-making case for liquid ammonia leak is given to illustrate the application steps of the proposed method and comparative analysis with the existing GDM methods. Comparative results demonstrate that the proposed method has some advantages in aspects of avoiding information loss or distortion and improving consensus performance.  相似文献   

提出一种基于模糊决策树的软件成本估计模型。该模型能够把决策树的归纳学习能力和模糊集合所具有的表达能力相结合,在软件成本估计过程中以模糊集的形式预测相对误差范围,并利用决策树的判定规则分析误差源。最后,通过软件项目历史数据验证该软件成本估计模型的有效性。  相似文献   

本文根据有限状态自动机和模型检测的思想,结合模糊数学对行为分析的优势,提出基于模糊度量的软件漏洞检测技术,并利用漏洞属性分解和模糊状态转移函数使此技术具有自学习机制和更高效广泛的检测能力。实验测试了利用模糊度量的软件漏洞检测技术可以提高漏洞发现率和给出漏洞的危急程度。  相似文献   

The new concept and method of imposing imprecise (fuzzy) input and output data upon the conventional linear regression model is proposed in this paper. We introduce the fuzzy scalar (inner) product to formulate the fuzzy linear regression model. In order to invoke the conventional approach of linear regression analysis for real-valued data, we transact the α-level linear regression models of the fuzzy linear regression model. We construct the membership functions of fuzzy least squares estimators via the form of “Resolution Identity” which is a well-known formula in fuzzy sets theory. In order to obtain the membership value of any given least squares estimate taken from the fuzzy least squares estimator, we transform the original problem into the optimization problems. We also provide two computational procedures to solve the optimization problems.  相似文献   

In our previous research, we proposed a fuzzy grey regression model for solving limited time series data. The present paper follows the previous research and proposes a fuzzy grey autoregressive model for considering that the current value is correlated with previous values. The proposed model combines the advantages of the grey system model, the fuzzy regression model and the autoregressive model. Two illustrated examples are provided in which the amount of internet subscribers in Taiwan and the global demand of LCD TVs are forecasted. The results of these practical applications show that the proposed model can be used to obtain smaller forecasting errors of MAPE and RMSE, and that it makes good forecasts for the next demand period of internet subscribers and LCD TV. Furthermore, this model makes it possible for decision makers to forecast the best and the worst estimates based on fewer observations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to develop pop-up windows that motivate users and evoke a positive user experience. Several variants of achievement eliciting pop-ups were designed and tested on a real business-website. A pre-test examined the effectiveness of 24 combinations of pictures and words in eliciting achievement motivation. The strongest effects on user experience were found for pop-ups containing a congruent achievement-related picture and word. The three pop-up variants with the most positive ratings were employed in a subsequent experiment.The main experiment tested the effects of a sequence of three pop-ups that were presented on a website. We had three conditions with different display times of the sequence of pop-ups. They were presented to 78 website-users for either 1, 2 or 3 s, and compared to a control group on subsequent motivation-related ratings. The results demonstrated that the website was stronger associated with achievement motivation if pop-ups were presented for only 1 or 2 s, compared with 3 s or the control group. This indicates that short presentations of pop-ups could activate achievement motivation in users of learning and business websites. It could be an important design guideline to flash shorter pop-ups that make online environments more appealing to users.  相似文献   

基于用户体验评价模型的最优路由选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张大陆  曹孝晶  胡治国 《计算机应用》2012,32(10):2683-2688
网络视音频业务的兴起使网络运营商和服务提供商更加关注视音频的用户体验(QoE),而传统的路由算法只能保证所选路径的服务质量(QoS)参数,如延迟、抖动等满足QoS约束的需求,并不能直接反映QoE的信息,从而不能保证所选路径满足QoE需求。基于QoE评价模型,给出以QoE为目标的最优路由选择算法。通过分析QoE表征参数与传统QoS参数的关系,利用QoE表征参数可分解性和QoE表征值非递减性两个性质,给出多项式时间复杂度为O(V log V+E)的QoE_DSP算法。实验和分析表明,该算法能保证所得路径满足QoE需求,同时具有良好的计算扩展性。  相似文献   

Emotions always play an important role in users' experience and performance. However, not many studies have attempted to investigate the user emotional experience through fully considering the related sensory interactions. To address this gap, this study aims to provide a multi-sensory user experiment approach to evaluate user emotional experience on bicycle saddles. For this purpose, two semantic spaces, viz., sport emotion and product personality were utilized. Forty regular road cyclists were invited to evaluate two bicycle saddles by looking at, touching and riding it on a seven-point scale. The results showed that the perceived emotional intensity of Kansei words was affected by the types of user-product interaction and the riding postures. Moreover, the opposite effect of visual appearance and cycling performance was found in correlation with the cyclists’ level of involvement in the activity. Finally, more impressions of pleasure, comfortable, cute, warm, friendly and less traditional were recommended for further bicycle saddle design, particularly for female road cyclists.  相似文献   

针对现有文献中涉及到直觉模糊相似度量的计算公式大多是基于直觉模糊距离测度的现状,提出一种基于包含度的直觉模糊相似度量方法。借助模糊蕴涵算子和集合基数,建立了IFS包含度的一系列具体公式,揭示了IFS包含度与相似度的关系,提出了一种基于包含度的IFS相似度量方法,并以具体算例表明该方法不仅可以解决中部分存在的问题,而且为研究IFS相似度量理论开辟一个新的途径。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的模糊分类优选模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
不同的模糊分类算法在同一个数据集合上常会产生不同的模糊分类.究竟哪种方法最能揭示数据的真实结构,对此,以模糊分类有效性指标为评价指标,应用层次分析法对各模糊分类进行综合评价,建立了一个模糊分类优选模型.大量实验表明,该优选模型所选出的最优模糊分类,其模式识别率高,能揭示数据的真实结构.  相似文献   

基于用户经验反馈的Web Services可信度评测体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴建斌  吕刚 《计算机应用》2009,29(8):2291-2292
服务之间的可信度是Web Services推广和计价中必须考虑的一个问题。提出服务可信度的影响因素包括QoS可信度和用户对服务执行结果的满意程度。通过用户经验反馈,针对不同领域获取用户对相应服务的可信度评价量化值,并计算QoS的实际满足率,以此建立服务的可信度评测体系。针对QoS欺骗问题,通过定期QoS统计分析,及时进行QoS修正,保持服务的高可信度。通过在模拟系统中的试用,此可信度评测体系在持续欺骗服务实体和暂时性QoS失真情况下均较低为合理。  相似文献   

In classical design methods, intuitive consideration is given to how the product, or the system that is the subject of the design, is used. How the product is used is defined in a product manual. It is taken into account in the final phase of the techno-centric process, which leads not only to modifications of the late design phases, but also to difficulties using the product. Product manual also helps businesses save significant staff training and customer service costs. Anthropocentric methods are rarely used by the general public, and are in fact too expensive. We propose to take product use into account by integrating behavioral analyses (the behavior of the product and of its user) with functional analyses. This will allow us to set out instructions for using the product right at the design stage. An analysis of techno- and anthropocentric approaches is presented in this work in a bid to position our approach. Next, a functional and behavioral analysis is proposed based on a car seat case study. The proposed method also calls for a phase dedicated to the collection of product use information and data on user feedback or legislatives data. These analyses are carried out using the QFD method in order to assist the designer in structuring knowledge, taking into account the functions of the product, the characteristics or criteria of its use, and the points to be developed when drawing up operating instructions.  相似文献   

针对直觉模糊集合数据的聚类有效性问题,提出了一种基于直觉模糊包含度的聚类有效性分析方法。该方法采用直觉模糊包含度和直觉模糊划分熵来评价直觉模糊聚类的有效性。其中,直觉模糊包含度通过增加非隶属度参数对模糊包含度进行直觉化扩展,用于评价类与类间包含的程度;而直觉模糊划分熵用于检验分类结果的可靠性。最后通过典型实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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