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In order to analyze complex networks to find significant communities, several methods have been proposed in the literature. Modularity optimization is an interesting and valuable approach for detection of network communities in complex networks. Due to characteristics of the problem dealt with in this study, the exact solution methods consume much more time. Therefore, we propose six metaheuristic optimization algorithms, which each contain a modularity optimization approach. These algorithms are the original Bat Algorithm (BA), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), modified Big Bang–Big Crunch algorithm (BB-BC), improved Bat Algorithm based on the Differential Evolutionary algorithm (BADE), effective Hyperheuristic Differential Search Algorithm (HDSA) and Scatter Search algorithm based on the Genetic Algorithm (SSGA). Four of these algorithms (HDSA, BADE, SSGA, BB-BC) contain new methods, whereas the remaining two algorithms (BA and GSA) use original methods. To clearly demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms when solving the problems, experimental studies were conducted using nine real-world complex networks − five of which are social networks and the rest of which are biological networks. The algorithms were compared in terms of statistical significance. According to the obtained test results, the HDSA proposed in this study is more efficient and competitive than the other algorithms that were tested.  相似文献   

There are several numerical methods for calculation of electric fields but they need some sort of experience and trial and error to get the correct solution. A genetic algorithm (GA) based approach is used to eliminate the need for the experience and to save time and effort spent in the trial and error. Two enhancement techniques, namely, Refreshment Method and No-Twins Method, are used with the GA operators to improve the performance of the GA in assessment of high voltage fields. The performance of these two enhancement techniques has been studied for computing the electrostatic field in high voltage applications.  相似文献   

Jesús  P.J. 《Neurocomputing》2007,70(16-18):2902
This paper presents two different power system stabilizers (PSSs) which are designed making use of neural fuzzy network and genetic algorithms (GAs). In both cases, GAs tune a conventional PSS on different operating conditions and then, the relationship between these points and the PSS parameters is learned by the ANFIS. ANFIS will select the PSS parameters based on machine loading conditions. The first stabilizer is adjusted minimizing an objective function based on ITAE index, while second stabilizer is adjusted minimizing an objective function based on pole-placement technique. The proposed stabilizers have been tested by performing simulations of the overall nonlinear system. Preliminary experimental results are shown.  相似文献   

This study reports the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Power System Restoration Planning Problem (PSRP). The solution to the PSRP is described by a series of operations or a plan to be used by the Power System operator immediately on the occurrence of a blackout in the electrical power supply. Our GA uses new initialization and crossover operators based on the electrical power network, which are able to generate and maintain the plans feasible along GA runs. This releases the Power Flow program, which represents the most computer demanding component, from computing the fitness function of unfeasible individuals. The method was designed for large transmission systems and results for three different electrical power networks are shown: IEEE 14-Bus, IEEE 30-Bus, and a large realistic system.  相似文献   

Detecting the features of significant patterns from historical data is crucial for good performance in time-series forecasting. Wavelet analysis, which processes information effectively at different scales, can be very useful for feature detection from complex and chaotic time series. In particular, the specific local properties of wavelets can be useful in describing the signals with discontinuous or fractal structure in financial markets. It also allows the removal of noise-dependent high frequencies, while conserving the signal bearing high frequency terms of the signal. However, one of the most critical issues to be solved in the application of the wavelet analysis is to choose the correct wavelet thresholding parameters. If the threshold is small or too large, the wavelet thresholding parameters will tend to overfit or underfit the data. The threshold has so far been selected arbitrarily or by a few statistical criteria.

This study proposes an integrated thresholding design of the optimal or near-optimal wavelet transformation by genetic algorithms (GAs) to represent a significant signal most suitable in artificial neural network models. This approach is applied to Korean won/US dollar exchange-rate forecasting. The experimental results show that this integrated approach using GAs has better performance than the other three wavelet thresholding algorithms (cross-validation, best basis selection and best level tree).  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms are two intelligent approaches initially targeted to model human information processing and natural evolutionary process, with the aim of using the models in problem solving. During the last decade these two intelligent approaches have been widely applied to a variety of social, economic and engineering systems. In this paper, they have been shown as modelling tools to support human supervisory control to reduce fossil fuel power plant emissions, particularly NOx emissions. Human supervisory control of fossil fuel power generation plants has been studied, and the need of an advisory system for operator support is emphasized. Plant modelling is an important block in such an advisory system and is the key issue of this study. In particular, three artificial neural network models and a genetic algorithm-based grey-box model have been built to model and predict the NOx emissions in a coal-fired power plant. In non-linear dynamic system modelling, training data is always limited and cannot cover all system dynamics; therefore the generalization performance of the resultant model over unseen data is the focus of this study. These models will then be used in the advisory system to support human operators on aspects such as task analysis, condition monitoring and operation optimization, with the aim of improving thermal efficiency, reducing pollutant emissions and ensuring that the power system runs safely.  相似文献   

The optimal positioning of switches in a mobile communication network is an important task, which can save costs and improve the performance of the network. In this paper we propose a model for establishing which are the best nodes of the network for allocating the available switches, and several hybrid genetic algorithms to solve the problem. The proposed model is based on the so-called capacitated p-median problem, which have been previously tackled in the literature. This problem can be split in two subproblems: the selection of the best set of switches, and a terminal assignment problem to evaluate each selection of switches. The hybrid genetic algorithms for solving the problem are formed by a conventional genetic algorithm, with a restricted search, and several local search heuristics. In this work we also develop novel heuristics for solving the terminal assignment problem in a fast and accurate way. Finally, we show that our novel approaches, hybridized with the genetic algorithm, outperform existing algorithms in the literature for the p-median problem.  相似文献   

基于DNA遗传算法的复杂网络社区结构发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
复杂网络社区结构划分日益成为近年来复杂网络的研究热点,到目前为止,已经提出了很多分析复杂网络社区结构的算法。但是大部分算法还存在一定的缺陷,而且有些算法由于其时间复杂度的过高导致其不合适应用于对大型网络的分析。提出了一种基于DNA遗传算法的复杂网络社区结构分析的方法。该方法无须预先知道社区内结点的数量以及任何门限值。该算法的可行性用Zachary Karate Club和College Football Network模型进行验证。  相似文献   

针对大部分基于智能优化算法的社区发现方法存在的种群退化、寻优能力不强、计算过程复杂、需要先验知识等问题,提出了一种基于免疫遗传算法(GA)的复杂网络社区发现方法。算法将改进的字符编码和相应的遗传算子相结合,在不需要先验知识的情况下可自动获得最优社区数和社区划分方案;将免疫原理引入遗传算法的选择操作中,保持了群体多样性,改善了遗传算法所固有的退化现象;在初始化种群及交叉和变异算子中利用网络拓扑结构的局部信息,有效缩小了搜索空间,增强了寻优能力。计算机生成网络和真实网络上的仿真实验结果表明算法可自动获取最优社区数和社区划分方案并具有较高的精度,说明算法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Clustering networks play a key role in many scientific fields, from Biology to Sociology and Computer Science. Some clustering approaches are called global because they exploit knowledge about the whole network topology. Vice versa, so-called local methods require only a partial knowledge of the network topology. Global approaches yield accurate results but do not scale well on large networks; local approaches, vice versa, are less accurate but computationally fast. We propose CONCLUDE (COmplex Network CLUster DEtection), a new clustering method that couples the accuracy of global approaches with the scalability of local methods. CONCLUDE generates random, non-backtracking walks of finite length to compute the importance of each edge in keeping the network connected, i.e., its edge centrality. Edge centralities allow for mapping vertices onto points of a Euclidean space and compute all-pairs distances between vertices; those distances are then used to partition the network into clusters.  相似文献   

The security of networked computers plays a strategic role in modern computer systems. This task is so complicated because the determination of normal and abnormal behaviors in computer networks is hard, as the boundaries cannot be well defined. One of the difficulties in such a prediction process is the generation of false alarms in many anomaly based intrusion detection systems. However, fuzzy logic is an important solution to reduce the false alarm rate in determining intrusive activities. This paper proposes a parallel genetic local search algorithm (PAGELS) to generate fuzzy rules capable of detecting intrusive behaviors in computer networks. The system uses the Michigan's approach, where each individual represents a fuzzy rule which has the form “if condition then prediction.” In the presented algorithm the global population is divided into some subpopulations, each assigned to a distinct processor. Each subpopulation consists of the same class fuzzy rules. These rules evolve independently in the proposed parallel manner. Experimental results show that the presented algorithm produces fuzzy rules, which can be used to construct a reliable intrusion detection system.  相似文献   

电力传输系统中常常会发生高压电接点过热而造成的停电火灾事故,造成巨大的经济损失。将无线传感网络应用到高压电接点的温度监测系统中,当高压电接点温度过高时及时发出报警信息。针对无线传感网络的能量限制问题,采用改进后的遗传算法对网络中无线温度传感器节点进行能量上的优化,使整个无限传感网络能量的消耗趋于最优。MATLAB仿真结果表明:改进后的遗传算法有更好的寻优效果,克服了局部最优的误区,保证了电力传输过程中无线温度监测系统的能量优化。  相似文献   

This paper proposed a new method for detecting islanding of distributed generation (DG), using Multi-gene Genetic Programming (MGP). Islanding has been a serious concern among power distribution utilities and distributed generation owners, because it poses risks to the safety of utilities’ workers and consumers, and can cause damage to power distribution systems’ equipment. Therefore, a DG must be disconnected as soon as an islanding is detected. In addition, an islanding detection method must have high degree of dependability to correctly discriminate islanding from other events, such as load switching, in order to avoid unnecessary disconnection of the distributed generator. In this context, the novelty of the proposed method is that the MGP is capable of obtaining a set of mathematical and logic functions employed to detect and classify islanding correctly. This is a new approach among the computational intelligent methods proposed for DG islanding detection. The main idea was to use local voltage measurements as input of the method, eliminating the need of complex and expensive communication infrastructure. The method has been trained with several islanding and non-islanding cases, by using a power distribution system comprising five concentrated loads, a synchronous distributed generator and a wind power plant. The results showed that the proposed method was successful in differentiating the islanding events from other disturbances, revealing its great potential to be applied in anti-islanding protection schemes for distributed generation.  相似文献   

The recovery of 3-D shape information (depth) using stereo vision analysis is one of the major areas in computer vision and has given rise to a great deal of literature in the recent past. The widely known stereo vision methods are the passive stereo vision approaches that use two cameras. Obtaining 3-D information involves the identification of the corresponding 2-D points between left and right images. Most existing methods tackle this matching task from singular points, i.e. finding points in both image planes with more or less the same neighborhood characteristics. One key problem we have to solve is that we are on the first instance unable to know a priori whether a point in the first image has a correspondence or not due to surface occlusion or simply because it has been projected out of the scope of the second camera. This makes the matching process very difficult and imposes a need of an a posteriori stage to remove false matching.In this paper we are concerned with the active stereo vision systems which offer an alternative to the passive stereo vision systems. In our system, a light projector that illuminates objects to be analyzed by a pyramid-shaped laser beam replaces one of the two cameras. The projections of laser rays on the objects are detected as spots in the image. In this particular case, only one image needs to be treated, and the stereo matching problem boils down to associating the laser rays and their corresponding real spots in the 2-D image. We have expressed this problem as a minimization of a global function that we propose to perform using Genetic Algorithms (GAs). We have implemented two different algorithms: in the first, GAs are performed after a deterministic search. In the second, data is partitioned into clusters and GAs are independently applied in each cluster. In our second contribution in this paper, we have described an efficient system calibration method. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the feasibility of our approach. The proposed method yields high accuracy 3-D reconstruction even for complex objects. We conclude that GAs can effectively be applied to this matching problem.  相似文献   

张紫薇  李磊 《计算机仿真》2020,37(4):169-172
为了有效提高输配电高压直流运行效率,需对通信系统中电网输配电高压直流进行高效检测,但当前高压直流检测过程中,普遍存在着检测所需时间过长、检测准确度较低、成本开销过高等问题,提出基于混沌特征分析的高压直流高效检测方法。通过对通信系统中电网输配电高压直流进行分析,建立输配电设备与高压直流中电流和电压之间的关系,获取高压直流电压方程和高压直流最大电流,对其进行变换,提取高压直流特征,采用混沌特征分析理论构建高压直流特征点偏差函数,对偏差函数进行最小值求解,实现高压直流高效检测。实验结果表明,所提出方法检测所需时间较少、检测准确度较高、成本开销较低。  相似文献   

目的 心血管内超声(IVUS)图像内膜和中—外膜(MA)轮廓勾画是冠脉粥样硬化和易损斑块定量评估的必要过程。由于存在斑点噪声、图像伪影和各类斑块,重要组织边界的自动分割是一个非常困难的任务。为此,提出一种用于检测20 MHz心电门控IVUS图像内膜和MA边界方法。方法 首先利用深度全卷积网络(DFCN)学习原始IVUS图像与所对应手动分割图像之间映射,预测出目标或者背景的概率图,实现医学图像语义分割。然后在此基础上,结合心血管先验形状信息,采用数学形态学闭、开操作,平滑内膜和MA边界,降低分割过程中错误分类像素或区域的影响。结果 针对来自10位病人的IVUS图像及其标注信息所组成的435幅国际标准公开数据集,从线性回归、Bland-Altman分析和面积交并比(JM)、面积差异百分比(PAD)、Hausdorff距离(HD)、平均距离(AD)等性能指标上,评价本文方法。实验结果表明,算法检测结果与手动勾画结果的相关性可达到0.94,其超过94.71%的结果落在95%置信区域内,具有良好一致性。内膜和MA边界的AD指标分别为:0.07 mm和0.08 mm;HD指标分别为:0.21 mm和0.30 mm。JM指标分别为0.92和0.93;PAD指标分别为5%和4%。此外,对临床所采集的100幅IVUS图像进行了测试,证明本文学习的模型在跨数据集上具有较好的泛化能力。结论 与现有的国际算法比较,本文方法提高了各类斑块、声影区域和血管分支等因素的识别能力,不受超声斑点的影响,能准确地、可重复地检测出IVUS图像中的关键目标边界。  相似文献   

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