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我国是蓖麻油生产大国,利用脂肪酶法制备蓖麻油酸具备原料优势。脂肪酶催化法具有反应条件温和,操作简单,环境友好等优点。本文对脂肪酶的选择,固定化酶的优点,以及影响脂肪酶催化效率的因素做了详细的介绍,旨在为脂肪酶水解蓖麻油制备蓖麻油酸的研究开发提供理论依据。   相似文献   

9个杂交蓖麻品种蓖麻籽中不同脂肪酸含量分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对9个杂交蓖麻品种蓖麻籽的百粒重、出仁率、含油率及主要脂肪酸含量进行了分析,试验结果表明,不同品种蓖麻籽的百粒重、含油率及主要脂肪酸蓖麻油酸的含量差别较大。百粒重变化范围为21.1—52.1g;含油率变化范围为46.0%-57.6%,1号蓖麻籽含油率最高,高达57.6%;9种蓖麻籽中蓖麻油酸含量变化范围为81.44%-90.25%,2号品种的蓖麻油酸含量最高,高达90.25%;油酸、亚油酸含量变化范围分别为2.83%-6.03%和4.27%-7.80%,蓖麻油中还含有少量的棕榈酸、硬脂酸和极少量的二十烷酸、二十烷一烯酸,其中棕榈酸、硬脂酸含量变化范围分别为0.81%-1.74%和0.88%-1.91%,二十烷酸和二十烷一烯酸的含量均低于1%。  相似文献   

以蓖麻油酸为原料,在高温下经减压蒸馏制得脱水蓖麻油酸(DCO-FA),通过单因素试验探究不同条件下产品的收率。结果表明:制备DCO-FA的最佳工艺条件为4分子筛作催化剂,用量为2%(以蓖麻油酸的质量计),抗氧化剂1024作阻聚剂,用量为1%(以蓖麻油酸的质量计),反应温度300℃。在最佳工艺条件下,可以制得无色透明、黏度低的产品,收率达93. 77%。采用酸价、羟值、红外光谱法、紫外可见分光光度法对产品进行表征,证明反应脱水成功且产品的共轭率可达58. 49%。  相似文献   

Isoenergetic replacement of dietary saturated fatty acids (SFA) with cis-monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) can reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Supplementing dairy cow diets with plant oils lowers milk fat SFA concentrations. However, this feeding strategy can also increase milk fat trans fatty acids (FA) and negatively affect rumen fermentation. Protection of oil supplements from the rumen environment is therefore needed. In the present study a whey protein gel (WPG) of rapeseed oil (RO) was produced for feeding to dairy cows, in 2 experiments. In experiment 1, four multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in mid-lactation were used in a change-over experiment, with 8-d treatment periods separated by a 5-d washout period. Total mixed ration diets containing 420 g of RO or WPG providing 420 g of RO were fed and the effects on milk production, composition, and FA concentration were measured. Experiment 2 involved 4 multiparous mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows in a 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment, with 28-d periods, to investigate the effect of incremental dietary inclusion (0, 271, 617, and 814 g/d supplemental oil) of WPG on milk production, composition, and FA concentration in the last week of each period. Whey protein gel had minimal effects on milk FA profile in experiment 1, but trans-18:1 and total trans-MUFA were higher after 8 d of supplementation with RO than with WPG. Incremental diet inclusion of WPG in experiment 2 resulted in linear increases in milk yield, cis- and trans-MUFA and PUFA, and linear decreases in SFA (from 73 to 58 g/100 g of FA) and milk fat concentration. The WPG supplement was effective at decreasing milk SFA concentration by replacement with MUFA and PUFA in experiment 2, but the increase in trans FA suggested that protection was incomplete.  相似文献   

对一级蓖麻油的理化性质进行了测定,并利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC—MS)对蓖麻油的脂肪酸组成进行了分析和鉴定。  相似文献   

A novel whey protein emulsion gel (WPEG) complex was developed to protect dietary unsaturated fatty acids from rumen biohydrogenation with the goal of modifying the fatty acid composition of milk fat. Three experiments were conducted with WPEG complexes made from either whey protein concentrate containing 80% crude protein, whey protein isolate, or whey protein concentrate high-gel capacity. Each experiment lasted 3 wk. All cows received a basal total mixed ration (TMR). During wk 1 and 3, all cows received only the TMR. During wk 2, 3 control cows received 330 g/d of soybean oil added to the TMR, and the other 3 cows received 330 g/d of soybean oil in one of the WPEG complexes. During wk 2, C18:2 increased from 3.29 to 5.88 g/100 g of fat in Experiment 1, 2.91 to 7.42 g/100 g of fat in Experiment 2, and 3.57 to 6.56 g/100 g of fat in Experiment 3 for WPEG cows. Fatty acid C18:3 increased from 0.51 to 0.84, 0.52 to 1.15, and 0.51 to 0.97 g/100 g of fat for Experiments 1, 2, and 3, respectively, for WPEG cows. Higher proportions of C18:1 trans-9 in milk fat of control cows compared with WPEG cows were seen in all experiments. The proportion of C18:1 trans-11 was also higher in control cows in Experiments 1 and 2, but not in Experiment 3. The WPEG complexes successfully protected unsaturated fatty acids from rumen biohydrogenation and resulted in an increase in the unsaturated fatty acid composition of milk fat produced by Holstein cows without increasing the trans 18-carbon monoenes.  相似文献   

羊奶膻味脂肪酸代谢调控研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山羊奶是一种营养完全的食品,含有能促进人类生长发育以及维持健康的必需营养成分,它所含各种营养成分的比例,大体适合人类的生理需要。发展山羊奶业不仅是对中国奶业数量上的补充,而且在品质上,与牛奶相比更具潜力。但是由于羊奶具有膻味,因此羊奶及其制品的市场占有率很低。研究证明羊奶中短、中链脂肪酸是造成膻味的主要原因。文章对近年来羊奶膻味与脂肪酸代谢及基因调控等的研究状况进行了综述。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of ruminal pulse dose of free linoleic acid (LA) and free docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on microbial populations in the rumen, duodenal fatty acid (FA) flow, milk composition, and milk FA profiles of Chinese Holstein dairy cows. Four rumen- and duodenal-fistulated Chinese Holstein cows in mid lactation (138.5 ± 10 d in milk) were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups and 1 control group in a 4 × 4 Latin square design over 4 periods (3 wk per period). Diets contained either no LA or 2.7% LA and either no DHA or 0.5% DHA in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Ruminal pulse dose with DHA increased counts of Megasphaera elsdenii, decreased Fibrobacter succinogenes, but did not affect Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens or Ruminococcus flavefaciens. The pulse dose of LA at 2.7% dry matter had no effect on the population sizes of the 3 major cellulolytic bacterial species or M. elsdenii, and no interaction was observed between LA and DHA. The pulse dose of LA or DHA, either alone or in combination, increased the duodenal flow of vaccenic acid (VA). The milk VA and cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) contents also increased in response to the fatty acid pulse dose, and the pulse dose of both LA and DHA together had the most profound stimulatory effect. This study indicated that ruminal pulse dose of LA or DHA could be used to increase duodenal flow of VA and the milk contents of potentially health-promoting FA, such as VA and cis-9,trans-11 CLA. These results might be useful in formulating dietary interventions to improve milk cis-9,trans-11 CLA contents.  相似文献   

A crossover experiment was designed to compare the effects of 2 ways of feeding linseed oil on milk fat fatty acid (FA) composition. Ten lactating goats, trained to keep competent their inborn reticular groove reflex, received a daily dose of linseed oil (38 g/d) either with their solid (concentrate) feed (CON) or emulsified in skim milk and bottle-fed (BOT). Two groups of 5 goats received alternative and successively each of the treatments in two 15-d periods. α-Linolenic acid in milk fat rose up to 13.7% in the BOT versus 1.34% in the CON treatment. The n-6 to n-3 FA ratio was significantly reduced in goats receiving bottle-fed linseed oil (1.49 vs. 0.49). Contents of rumen biohydrogenation intermediates of dietary unsaturated FA were high in milk fat of goats under the CON treatment but low in those in the BOT treatment. These results point to a clear rumen bypass of the bottle-fed linseed oil. This strategy allows obtaining milk fat naturally very rich in n-3 FA and very low in trans FA. Translating this approach into practical farm conditions could enable farmers to produce milk enriched in specific FA.  相似文献   

The seed oil of Crotolaria retusa Linn, is found to contain ricinoleic (98), 7-(2-octylcyclopropen-1-yl) heptanoic acid (13 g kg?1), 8-{2-octylcyclopropen-l-yl) octanoic acid (35 g kg?1), palmitic (169 g kg?1), stearic (53 g kg?1), oleic (130 g kg?1) and linoleic (502 g kg?1) acids.  相似文献   

Experimental objectives were to determine the effects of supplemental saturated fatty acids on production, body temperature indices, and some aspects of metabolism in mid-lactation dairy cows experiencing heat stress. Forty-eight heat-stressed Holstein cows were allocated into 3 groups (n = 16/group) according to a completely randomized block design. Three treatment diets consisted of supplemental saturated fatty acids (SFA) at 0 (SFA0), 1.5 (SFA1.5), or 3.0% (SFA3) of dry matter (DM) for 10 wk. Diets were isonitrogenous (crude protein = 16.8%) and contained 1.42, 1.46, and 1.49 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM for the SFA0, SFA1.5 and SFA3 diets, respectively. The average temperature-humidity index at 0700, 1400 and 2200 h was 72.2, 84.3, and 76.6, respectively. Rectal temperatures at 1400 h were decreased with fat supplementation. Treatment did not affect dry matter intake (20.1 ± 0.02 kg/d), body condition score (2.72 ± 0.04), body weight (627 ± 16.1 kg), or calculated energy balance (1.32 ± 0.83 Mcal/d). Saturated fatty acid supplementation increased milk yield, milk fat content, and total milk solids. Increasing fat supplementation decreased plasma nonesterified fatty acids (8%) but had no effect on other energetic metabolites or hormones. In summary, supplemental SFA improved milk yield and milk fat content and yield and reduced peak rectal temperatures in mid-lactation heat-stressed dairy cows. This demonstrates the remarkable amount of metabolic heat that is “saved” by energetically replacing fermentable carbohydrates with supplemental SFA.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1) to determine whether a relationship exists between molar proportions of volatile fatty acids in the rumen and milk odd-and branched-chain fatty acid concentrations (i.e., iso C13:0, anteiso C13:0, iso C14:0, C15:0, iso C15:0, anteiso C15:0, iso C16:0, C17:0, iso C17:0, anteiso C17:0, and cis-9 C17:1); and 2) to evaluate the accuracy of prediction of the latter equations using an independent data set. For development of the regression equations, individual cow data from 10 feeding experiments with rumen-fistulated dairy cows were used, resulting in a data set of 148 observations. Milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acids were closely related to the molar proportions of acetate (SE = 15.3 mmol/mol), propionate (SE = 14.7 mmol/mol), and butyrate (SE = 9.2 mmol/mol). These regression equations were further validated using data from the literature (n = 14). Evaluation of these prediction equations using the independent data set resulted in a root mean square prediction error of 3.0, 9.0, and 8.9% of the observed mean for acetate, propionate, and butyrate, respectively. In addition, less then 5% of the mean square prediction error was due to line bias. This suggests that the currently developed prediction equations based on milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acids show potential to predict molar proportions of individual volatile fatty acids in the rumen.  相似文献   

Lipid in the diet is known to enhance milk fat secretion and alter milk fatty acid composition in lactating goats. In the current experiment, the contribution of peripheral tissue and mammary gland lipid metabolism to changes in milk fat composition from plant oils was examined. Fourteen Alpine goats in midlactation were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design with 28-d experimental periods. Treatments comprised maize silage–based diets containing no additional oil (M), sunflower-seed oil (MSO; 6.1% of diet DM), or linseed oil (MLO; 6.2% of diet DM). Compared with the control, milk yield was greater in goats fed MSO (3.37 and 3.62 kg/d, respectively), whereas MLO enhanced milk fat content (+3.9 g/kg), resulting in a 14% increase in milk fat secretion. Both MSO and MLO increased milk lactose secretion by 12 and 8%, respectively, compared with M. Relative to the control, plant oils decreased C10 to C16 secretion (32 and 24%, respectively, for MSO and MLO) and enhanced C18 output in milk (ca. 110%). Diets MSO and MLO increased cis-9 18:1 secretion in milk by 25 and 31%, respectively, compared with M. The outputs of trans-11 18:1 and cis-9, trans-11 18:2 in milk were increased 8.34- and 6.02-fold for MSO and 5.58- and 3.71-fold for MLO compared with M, and MSO increased trans-10 18:1 and trans-10, cis-12 18:2 secretion. Plant oils decreased milk fat cis-9 14:1/14:0; cis-9 16:1/16:0; cis-9 18:1/18:0; and cis-9, trans-11 18:2/trans-11 18:1 concentration ratios but had no effect on mammary stearoyl-CoA desaturase mRNA or activity. Furthermore, changes in milk fatty acid secretion were not associated with alterations in mammary acetyl-CoA carboxylase mRNA and activity, abundance of mRNA encoding for lipoprotein lipase and fatty acid synthase, or malic enzyme and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in mammary tissue. Mammary lipoprotein lipase activity was increased with MSO relative to MLO. Treatments had no effect on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, or mRNA abundance and/or activity of lipoprotein lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase in liver or adipose tissue. In conclusion, inclusion of sunflower-seed oil and linseed oil in maize silage–based diets alters milk fatty acid secretion in goats via mechanisms independent of changes in mammary, hepatic, or adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression. Furthermore, data provided indications that the regulation of mammary lipogenic responses to plant oils on starch-rich diets differs between the caprine and bovine.  相似文献   

Terminalia chebula, Retz seed oil belonging to the Combretaceae plant family, was found to contain 12-hydroxyoctadec-cis-9-enoic acid (20.5% of the total silylated methyl esters) previously hitherto unknown in the Terminalia genera. The identification and characterisation was based on thin-layer chromatography, ga:-liquid chromatography, and ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectral analysis, and chemical degradations.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):1803-1814
This research aimed to investigate the effects of replacing soybean meal with high-oil pumpkin seed cake (HOPSC) on ruminal fermentation, lactation performance, milk fatty acid, and ruminal bacterial community in Chinese dairy cows. Six multiparous Chinese Holstein cows at 105.50 ± 5.24 d in milk (mean ± standard deviation) and 36.63 ± 0.74 kg/d of milk yield were randomly allocated, in a 3 × 3 Latin square design, to 3 dietary treatments in which HOPSC replaced soybean meal. Group 1 was the basal diet with no HOPSC (0HOPSC); group 2 was a 50% replacement of soybean meal with HOPSC and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS; 50HOPSC), and group 3 was a 100% replacement of soybean meal with HOPSC and DDGS (100HOPSC). We found no difference in the quantity of milk produced or milk composition among the 3 treatment groups. Feed efficiency tended to increase linearly as more HOPSC was consumed. In addition, rumen fermentation was not influenced when soybean meal was replaced with HOPSC and DDGS; the relative abundance of ruminal bacteria at the phylum and genus levels was altered. We also observed that as the level of HOPSC supplementation increased, the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Tenericutes linearly increased, whereas that of Bacteroidetes decreased. However, with increasing HOPSC supplementation, the relative abundance of Ruminococcus decreased linearly at the genus level in the rumen, and the relative abundance of Prevotella showed a linear downward tendency. Changes in dietary composition and rumen bacteria had no significant effect on the fatty acid composition of milk. In conclusion, our results indicated that replacing soybean meal with a combination of HOPSC and DDGS can meet the nutritional needs of high-yielding dairy cows without adversely affecting milk yield and quality; however, the composition of rumen bacteria could be modified. Further study is required to investigate the effects of long-term feeding of HOPSC on rumen fermentation and performance of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Impaired quality due to a high content of free fatty acids (FFA) and off-flavors has caused challenges in the development of Norwegian goat milk products. The present study aimed to examine the effect of lipid-supplemented concentrates on milk fat content, fatty acid composition, FFA, lipoprotein lipase activity, sensory properties, and size of milk fat globules of goat milk. Thirty goats assigned to 3 experimental groups were fed different concentrates from 60 d in milk (DIM) until late lactation (230 DIM). The diets were (1) control concentrate (no added fat); (2) control concentrate with 8% (added on air-dry basis) hydrogenated palm oil enriched with palmitic acid (POFA); and (3) control concentrate with 8% (added on air-dry basis) rapeseed oil (RSO). The POFA group produced milk with the highest fat content, and fat content was positively correlated with the mean size of milk fat globules. Goats in the RSO group had a higher content of long-chain and unsaturated fatty acids, whereas milk from goats in the POFA group had a higher content of palmitic and palmitoleic acids (C16:0 and C16:1 cis). The control group produced milk with a higher content of short-, medium-, odd-, and branched-chain fatty acids compared with the 2 other groups. The content of FFA in milk was low in early and late lactation and peaked in mid lactation (90 DIM). A high content of FFA was correlated with poor sensory properties (tart/rancid flavor). The RSO group produced milk with lower content of FFA and off-flavors in mid lactation and a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, replacement of palm oil with rapeseed oil as a lipid source in dairy goat feed would be favorable.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether higher lucerne (Medicago sativa; alfalfa) silage inclusion rate and longer lucerne chop length improves rumen function through increased provision of physically effective fiber, when included in a maize and lucerne silage-based total mixed ration. Diets were formulated to contain a 50:50 forage:concentrate ratio [dry matter (DM) basis] and be isonitrogenous and contain equal levels of neutral detergent fiber (320 g/kg). The forage portion of the offered diets was composed of maize and lucerne silage DM in proportions (wt/wt) of either 25:75 (high lucerne; HL) or 75:25 (low lucerne; LL). Second-cut lucerne was harvested and conserved as silage at either a long (L) or a short (S) chop length (geometric mean particle lengths of 9.0 and 14.3 mm, respectively). These variables were combined in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement to give 4 treatments (HLL, HLS, LLL, LLS), which were fed in a 4 × 4 Latin square design study to 4 rumen-cannulated, multiparous, Holstein dairy cows in mid lactation. Effects on DM intake, chewing behavior, rumen volatile fatty acid concentration, rumen pH, rumen and fecal particle size, milk production, and milk fatty acid profile were measured. Longer chop length increased rumination times per kilogram of DM intake (+2.8 min/kg) relative to the S chop length, with HLL diets resulting in the most rumination chews. Rumen concentrations of total volatile fatty acids, acetate, and n-valerate were higher for the HLS diet than the other 3 diets, whereas rumen propionate concentration was lowest for the HLL diet. Physically effective fiber (particles >4 mm) percentage in the rumen mat was increased when L chop length was fed regardless of lucerne inclusion rate. No effect of treatment was observed for milk yield, although milk protein concentration was increased by L for the LL diet (+1.6 g/kg) and decreased by L for the HLL diet (?1.4 g/kg). Milk fat concentrations of total cis-18:1 (+3.7 g/100 g of fatty acids) and 18:3 n-3 (+0.2 g/100 g of fatty acids) were greater with HL. In conclusion, longer lucerne silage chop length increased time spent ruminating per kilogram of DM intake, but had no effect on rumen pH in the present study. Increasing dietary lucerne inclusion rate had no effects on rumination activity or rumen pH, but decreased the ratio of n-6:n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in milk fat.  相似文献   

The effect of supplementing a basal diet with 1 of 3 plant oils on productive efficiency and milk fatty acid composition was studied in dairy goats. Sixteen Malagueña goats were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with 21-d periods and 4 goats per treatment. The basal diet comprised 30% alfalfa hay and 70% pelleted concentrate. Experimental treatments were control (basal diet without added oil) and the basal diet supplemented with 48 g/d of high oleic sunflower oil (HOSFO), regular sunflower oil (RSFO), or linseed oil (LO). Dry matter intake and body weight were not affected by treatments. Milk production was higher in HOSFO treatment and milk fat content was higher in RSFO and LO treatments, although no differences in milk energy production or milk renneting properties were found. The RSFO and LO treatments increased the proportion of vaccenic acid in milk fat more so than the HOSFO diet, and rumenic acid followed the same pattern. The content of trans10-18:1 remained low in all experimental diets (<0.7% of total fatty acid methyl esters) although HOSFO and RSFO diets increased it. The variations in the fatty acid profiles observed with the 4 diets, mainly the unsaturated fatty acid isomer contents, are extensively discussed. Compared with that in the control diet, the n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratio in milk fat substantially decreased with the LO, increased with RSFO, and did not change with HOSFO. The addition of moderate amounts of LO to the diets of dairy goats has favorable effects on milk fatty acid composition from the point of view of the human consumer, without negative effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

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