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As Mycoplasma bovis spreads to new countries and becomes increasingly recognized as a disease with major welfare and economic effects, control measures on dairy farms are needed. To minimize the risk of infection spread to naive herds, all possible risk factors for M. bovis infection should be identified and controlled. Mycoplasma bovis was first diagnosed in dairy cattle in Finland in 2012, and by January 2020, 86 Finnish dairy farms (<1.5%) supporting M. bovis infections were identified. We evaluated risk factors for M. bovis infection using a questionnaire provided to 40 infected and 30 control dairy farms. Control measures were advised for 19 of the infected dairy farms during visits by a veterinarian. The course of the infection on those farms was followed by analyzing calf nasal swabs with PCR for presence of M. bovis 4 times at 6-mo intervals. Control measures included culling of M. bovis mastitic cows, isolation of new calves from older animals after initial M. bovis mastitic cows had been culled, prevention of nose-to-nose contact with infected animals, early detection of mastitis cases using M. bovis PCR, and hygiene measures mainly related to milking, calf pens, feeding buckets, and teats. Farms implemented the control measures related to the isolation of calves or avoidance of nose-to-nose contact in various ways, according to farm structures and financial circumstances. In our study, the control measures recommended to the dairy farms appeared effective, such that 13 of 19 farms reached a low risk level during at least 3 consecutive negative samplings from calves, with no M. bovis mastitis detected subsequently. Among risk factors, insemination with an M. bovis-positive bull indicated a trend of increasing the odds of M. bovis infection on the farm in a multivariable logistic model. In contrast, higher herd average milk yield had an association with lower odds for M. bovis infection. Occurrence of other infectious diseases affecting several animals on the dairy farm in the previous 6 mo before M. bovis infection were more frequent on M. bovis-infected farms.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed a global surge in the application of probiotics as functional ingredients in food, animal feed, and pharmaceutical products. Among food industries, the dairy industry is the largest sector where probiotics are employed in a number of dairy products including sour/fermented milk, yogurt, cheese, butter/cream, ice cream, and infant formula. These probiotics are either used as starter culture alone or in combination with traditional starters, or incorporated into dairy products following fermentation, where their presence imparts many functional characteristics to the product (for instance, improved aroma, taste, and textural characteristics), in addition to conferring many health-promoting properties. However, there are still many challenges related to the stability and functionality of probiotics in dairy products. This review highlights the advances, opportunities, and challenges of application of probiotics in dairy industries. Benefits imparted by probiotics to dairy products including their role in physicochemical characteristics and nutritional properties (clinical and functional perspective) are also discussed. We transcend the traditional concept of the application of probiotics in dairy products and discuss paraprobiotics and postbiotics as a newly emerged concept in the field of probiotics in a particular relation to the dairy industry. Some potential applications of paraprobiotics and postbiotics in dairy products as functional ingredients for the development of functional dairy products with health-promoting properties are briefly elucidated.  相似文献   

The detrimental effect of bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) on fertility was quantified in seroconverting cows. Although the effect on individual cows provides information regarding the potential biological burden of infection, losses at a herd level are also dependent on the proportion of infected cows within the herd. The objectives of this study were to quantify the average effect of BTV-8 exposure in field conditions on the fertility of dairy cows in previously naïve herds, and to determine the at-risk period of decreased fertility related to the date of detection of the disease in the herd. The effect of BTV-8 exposure on fertility was assessed using the 90-d-return-to-service rates after the first artificial insemination (AI) calculated for cows in exposed herds (during the 2007 epizootic in France) and compared with that for cows in unexposed herds. Only herds with a confirmed detection that were reported after clinical suspicion were included. To determine the at-risk period of decreased fertility, variations of fertility in exposed herds were quantified according to the time interval between the date of AI for individual cows and the date that disease was detected in the herd. Survival analyses were used to assess the risk of decreased fertility associated with BTV-8 exposure, adjusting for the main factors known to influence fertility. The episode at risk for decreased fertility depended on the month of disease detection in the herd. For herds detected early in the epizootic, fertility was decreased for cows inseminated from 1 mo before to 1 mo after the date of disease detection in the herd. Depending on time interval between the date of AI of cows and the date of detection in the herd, the increase of return-to-service rate associated with BTV-8 exposure varied from 8 to 21 percentage points of 90-d return to service. The episode of decreased fertility is likely due to a combination of the effect of the infection at different stages of conception and early pregnancy and the delayed exposure of cows due to the spreading of the virus within herds. For herds detected during the second half of the epizootic, fertility was decreased for cows inseminated more than 2 mo before detection, which suggests a delay in the detection of clinical signs following virus introduction in the herd. No correlation was observed between the effect of BTV-8 exposure on fertility and the incidence of BTV-8 in the local geographical area. Given the duration of the period that cows were at risk for decreased fertility and the magnitude of the effect, the average BTV-8 exposure in naïve herds led to major losses.  相似文献   

Lactose is the main carbohydrate in mammals' milk, and it is responsible for the osmotic equilibrium between blood and alveolar lumen in the mammary gland. It is the major bovine milk solid, and its synthesis and concentration in milk are affected mainly by udder health and the cow's energy balance and metabolism. Because this milk compound is related to several biological and physiological factors, information on milk lactose in the literature varies from chemical properties to heritability and genetic associations with health traits that may be exploited for breeding purposes. Moreover, lactose contributes to the energy value of milk and is an important ingredient for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Despite this, lactose has seldom been included in milk payment systems, and it has never been used as an indicator trait in selection indices. The interest in lactose has increased in recent years, and a summary of existing information about lactose in the dairy sector would be beneficial for the scientific community and the dairy industry. The present review collects and summarizes knowledge about lactose by covering and linking several aspects of this trait in bovine milk. Finally, perspectives on the use of milk lactose in dairy cattle, especially for selection purposes, are outlined.  相似文献   

New options to process dairy products by means of new single unit operations or combinations thereof are presented. The innovative possibilities discussed in this paper mainly refer to novel ways of influencing product microstructures or textures as perceived during consumption, by means of contributions of single molecule fractions of complex systems derived from membrane fractionation techniques. In addition, options to integrate physiologically active components which also have a structure forming effect in fermented or other dairy products are highlighted. Alternatives derived from thermal, mechanical and enzymatic processing and from fractionation techniques by means of membranes are presented which can be exploited for fractionation and compositional matrix design of dairy products.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):585-594
Herd-level diagnosis of paratuberculosis using a pool-milk ELISA (pool size: n ≤ 50) is a novel, economical, and convenient method to identify blood serological Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) antibody–positive herds. To date, the diagnostic performance of the pool-milk ELISA has been described only under laboratory conditions where herd prevalence was simulated by the preparation of milk pools consisting of milk samples of cows with a known MAP status determined by fecal culture. In our observational study, test performance under field conditions was studied using pooled milk and individual blood samples. A total of 486 herds within the MAP prevalence reduction program of Lower Saxony, from which pooled milk and individual blood ELISA results were available, were assigned to this study. Data were analyzed for the period between January 1 and December 31, 2018, the first year after herd testing became obligatory in this federal state of Germany. To evaluate whether pooled milk samples reliably distinguish between herds with a MAP-apparent blood serological within-herd prevalence (MAP-Ab-WHPapp) ≥5% and herds with a MAP-Ab-WHPapp <5%, the distribution of the MAP-Ab-WHPapp was compared between pool-positive and pool-negative herds. The MAP-Ab-WHPapp was 3.4% (median; 95% confidence interval = 0–11.4%) in pool-positive herds and 1.2% (median; 95% confidence interval = 0–6.4%) in pool-negative herds. Only 10.8% (n = 12) of the pool sample–negative herds had a MAP-Ab-WHPapp ≥5% and were therefore false negatives, given the aims of the MAP prevalence reduction program. Hence, the pool-milk sampling strategy seems well suited to distinguish between herds with a MAP-Ab-WHPapp ≥ 5% and herds with a MAP-Ab-WHPapp <5% since only 10% of serum MAP-ELISA positive herds were missed. Employing a logistic regression model, we estimated that the minimum blood serological MAP-Ab-WHPapp to detect a pool-positive herd with a probability of 95% was 8%, which fits well with the aim of the MAP prevalence reduction program to focus on herds with a MAP-Ab-WHPapp of ≥5%. Despite the limitations of the control approach, which include milk pool sample collection and a low sensitivity of the ELISA used in milk pools and serum samples, the aims of the MAP prevalence reduction program can be achieved. The results of these field data support that pool-milk sample ELISA is a useful, economical, and low labor–intensive tool to identify herds seropositive for MAP in a MAP prevalence reduction program.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(11):10073-10087
Genomic evaluation of cows and the use of sexed semen have recently provided opportunities for commercial dairy farmers to accelerate genetic progress at the herd level by increasing both selection accuracy and selection intensity. Because implementing genomic tests or using sexed semen generate extra costs, a higher investment capacity of the farm is required. In this study, we compared the effect of female genotyping alone or combined with the use of sexed semen on genetic and economic performance of the herds. Three typical Montbéliarde herds with different farming systems were considered: a 77-cow herd producing milk at a high price sold to make cheese with a protected designation of origin, a 60-cow herd producing organic milk at a medium price sold for dairy, and a 120-cow herd producing standard milk at a lower price sold for dairy. Eight alternative scenarios were simulated over a 10-yr period for each herd, with combinations of the following: use (or not) of dairy sexed semen, use (or not) of beef breed semen, use (or not) of female genotyping at 15 d of age. A mechanistic, stochastic, and dynamic model was used to mimic the farmer's daily decisions and the individual cow's biology. Heifers (80%) and first-lactation cows (30%) that ranked highest on the French total merit index (France's national dairy index) were inseminated with sexed semen to ensure replacement and to maximize genetic gain, when sexed semen was used. During the 10 yr of simulation, scenarios that included sexed semen (whether female genotyping was used or not) gained, on average, one extra year of overall genetic gain over scenarios that did not include sexed semen. During the same period, scenarios that used female genotyping (whether sexed semen was used or not) gained, on average, 5 mo of overall genetic gain over scenarios using parent average only. The highest gains in net margin were always obtained when combining use of sexed semen with terminal crossbreeding. Maximum genotyping prices under which routine female genotyping is economically valuable (breakeven prices of genotyping) were under €37. Maximum genotyping prices, such that the female genotyping costs are refunded within 10 yr of investment (investor genotyping price), were under €26. However, they would be higher over a longer period of use because genetic gain is cumulative. Because genotyping price is expected to decrease in the future, female genotyping will be worthwhile if combined with the use of sexed semen and beef breed semen.  相似文献   

Dairy calves are at high risk for morbidity and mortality early in life. Understanding producer attitudes is important for implementation of best management practices to improve calf health. The objectives of this study were to evaluate usage frequency and producer attitudes on key calf management practices between conventional and organic dairy operations. A cross-sectional survey was mailed to conventional and organic dairy producers in Ohio and Michigan that included questions on cow-calf separation, colostrum management, and vaccination use. The overall survey response rate was 49% (727/1,488); 449 and 172 conventional and organic producer respondents, respectively, were included in the final analysis. Binary, cumulative, and multinomial logistic regression models were used to test differences within and between herd types for management practices and producer attitudes. The majority of conventional (64%, 279/439) producers reported separating the calf from the dam 30 min to 6 h after birth. More organic (34%, 56/166) than conventional (18%, 80/439) producers reported separation 6 to 12 h after birth, and organic producers were more likely to agree time before separation is beneficial. Few conventional (10%, 44/448) and organic (3%, 5/171) producers reported measuring colostrum quality. Most conventional producers (68%, 304/448) hand-fed the first feeding of colostrum, whereas the majority of organic producers (38%, 69/171) allowed calves to nurse colostrum. Last, 44% (188/430) of conventional producers reported vaccinating their calves for respiratory disease, compared with 14% (22/162) of organic producers; organic producers were more likely to perceive vaccines as ineffective and harmful to calf health. Thus, the usage frequency and perceived risks and benefits of calf management practices vary considerably between conventional and organic dairy producers. These findings provide helpful information to understand decision making at the herd level regarding key calf management and health practices, regardless of production systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain information on variation between dairy cows in muscle and fat tissue mobilization around parturition and to study the association between protein and fat mobilization and serum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentrations (hyperketonemia) in this period. Thirty-four cows kept under similar conditions at a university dairy farm (no experimental treatments) were monitored from 4 wk before until 8 wk after calving. Mobilization of muscle protein was investigated by analysis of plasma 3-methylhistidine concentrations (3-MH, analyzed by a recently developed HPLC tandem mass spectrometry method) and ultrasound measurements of longissimus muscle thickness. Mobilization of fat tissue was monitored by serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations and ultrasound measurements of backfat thickness. Large variation was observed between cows in onset and duration of periparturient protein and fat mobilization. Plasma 3-MH concentrations and muscle thickness profiles indicated that protein mobilization started, on average, before parturition and continued until approximately wk 4 of lactation. Serum NEFA concentrations and backfat thickness profiles showed that fat mobilization occurred from parturition until the end of the study. Thus, muscle protein mobilization occurred in advance of fat mobilization in most cows from this study. We hypothesized that this might be due to a prepartum amino acid deficiency in the absence of negative energy balance. The incidence of hyperketonemia in this study was 16/34 = 47%. With the exception of 3 cows defined as having severe hyperketonemia, cows with lower 3-MH concentrations had higher serum BHBA concentrations. A possible explanation for this observation might be that higher mobilization of protein around calving might restrict ketone body production due to the higher availability of glucogenic precursors in the period of most severe negative energy balance and highest fat mobilization. The validity of this hypothesis needs to be confirmed, but data from this study indicate that further research on the role of protein mobilization in the etiology of hyperketonemia in dairy cows is needed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aflatoxins (AF) B1, B2, G1, G2 and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) in feeds, and AFM1 and CPA in milk was determined in dairy farms located in the northeastern region of São Paulo state, Brazil, between October 2005 and February 2006. AF and CPA determinations were performed by HPLC. AFB1 was found in 42% of feed at levels of 1.0–26.4 µg kg?1 (mean: 7.1 ± 7.2 µg kg?1). The concentrations of AFM1 in raw milk varied between 0.010 and 0.645 µg l?1 (mean: 0.104 ± 0.138 µg l?1). Only one sample was above the tolerance limit adopted in Brazil (0.50 µg l?1) for AFM1 in milk. Regarding CPA in feed, six (12%) samples showed concentrations of 12.5–153.3 µg kg?1 (mean: 57.6 ± 48.7 µg kg?1). CPA was detected in only three milk samples (6%) at levels of 6.4, 8.8 and 9.1 µg l?1. Concentrations of aflatoxins and CPA in feed and milk were relatively low, although the high frequency of both mycotoxins indicates the necessity to continuously monitor dairy farms to prevent contamination of feed ingredients.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2213-2229
The theme of iodine in the dairy sector is of particular interest due to the involvement and the interconnection of several stakeholders along the dairy food chain. Iodine plays a fundamental role in animal nutrition and physiology, and in cattle it is an essential micronutrient during lactation and for fetal development and the calf's growth. Its correct use in food supplementation is crucial to guarantee the animal's recommended daily requirement to avoid excess intake and long-term toxicity. Milk iodine is fundamental for public health, being one of the major sources of iodine in Mediterranean and Western diets. Public authorities and the scientific community have made great efforts to address how and to what extent different drivers may affect milk iodine concentration. The scientific literature concurs that the amount of iodine administered through animal feed and mineral supplements is the most important factor affecting its concentration in milk of most common dairy species. Additionally, farming practices related to milking (e.g., use of iodized teat sanitizers), herd management (e.g., pasture vs. confinement), and other environmental factors (e.g., seasonality) have been identified as sources of variation of milk iodine concentration. Overall, the aim of this review is to provide a multilevel overview on the mechanisms that contribute to the iodine concentration of milk and dairy products.  相似文献   

Protein–polysaccharide interactions are of great importance in the design of dairy formulations, as they play a key role in the formation of structure and texture in dairy products. With a detailed understanding of the factors affecting the interactions, the ability of charged polysaccharides to associate with the milk proteins is continuously exploited to create functional complexes, novel ingredients and delivery systems. In addition, formulations containing non-interacting polysaccharides also need to be carefully controlled, as these biopolymers may give rise to segregative phase separation, with important consequences to the stability and quality of the final matrix. As casein micelles play a major role in imparting structure to dairy products, emphasis in this review will be given to the molecular details of the interactions between polysaccharides with these protein particles. Some of the most researched polysaccharides will be highlighted in this context, and the progress made in understanding their role during structure formation of dairy matrices will be discussed. The opportunity of creating novel microstructures provided by association or/and incompatibility of milk proteins and different polysaccharides will be assessed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6109-6130
The digestive physiology of ruminants is sufficiently different (e.g., with respect to mean retention time of digesta, digestibility of the feed offered, digestion, and fermentation characteristics) that caution is needed before extrapolating results from one type of ruminant to another. The objectives of the present study were (1) to provide an overview of some essential differences in rumen physiology between dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep that are related to methane (CH4) emission; and (2) to evaluate whether dietary strategies to mitigate CH4 emission with various modes of action are equally effective in dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep. A literature search was performed using Web of Science and Scopus, and 94 studies were selected from the literature. Per study, the effect size of the dietary strategies was expressed as a proportion (%) of the control level of CH4 emission, as this enabled a comparison across ruminant types. Evaluation of the literature indicated that the effectiveness of forage-related CH4 mitigation strategies, including feeding more highly digestible grass (herbage or silage) or replacing different forage types with corn silage, differs across ruminant types. These strategies are most effective for dairy cattle, are effective for beef cattle to a certain extent, but seem to have minor or no effects in sheep. In general, the effectiveness of other dietary mitigation strategies, including increased concentrate feeding and feed additives (e.g., nitrate), appeared to be similar for dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep. We concluded that if the mode of action of a dietary CH4 mitigation strategy is related to ruminant-specific factors, such as feed intake or rumen physiology, the effectiveness of the strategy differs across ruminant types, whereas if the mode of action is associated with methanogenesis-related fermentation pathways, the strategy is effective across ruminant types. Hence, caution is needed when translating effectiveness of dietary CH4 mitigation strategies across different ruminant types or production systems.  相似文献   

The accumulation of urine and feces can be responsible for many cow and environmental problems. Despite this, little is known about the factors affecting defecation and urination. In the first experiment, the occurrence of defecation and urination behaviors of 48 lactating Holstein cows was observed [days in milk (DIM) = 144.7 ± 38.0 d, body weight (BW) = 667.1 ± 72.0 kg, parity = 2.8 ± 2.3] in freestalls over 48 h. In the second experiment, defecation and urination by 29 lactating Holstein dairy cows were observed (DIM = 62 ± 22.1 d, BW = 590 ± 70.0 kg, parity = 2 ± 1.3) in another freestall barn over a period of 5 d and related to cow activity and feeding behavior. In both experiments, based on total occurrence of eliminative behaviors, cows mainly defecated (experiment 1: 33.4 ± 2.0%; experiment 2: 42.3 ± 3.1%) and urinated (experiment 1: 28.2 ± 2.5%; experiment 2: 42.7 ± 4.0%) in the feed alley and while occupying a stall (defecation: experiment 1: 28.5 ± 1.0%; experiment 2: 26.2 ± 3.0%; urination: experiment 1: 42.2 ± 1.5%; experiment 2: 39.9 ± 3.8%). Occupying a stall included lying, standing in the stall, or standing with 2 feet in the stall and 2 feet in the alley. In both experiments, differences were found between cows in frequency of defecation (experiment 1: 9.8 ± 4.2/d, range = 3 to 20; experiment 2: 15.4 ± 4.3/d, range = 6 to 36) and in frequency of urination (experiment 1: 7.0 ± 3.1/d, range = 2 to 18; experiment 2: 9.3 ± 2.8/d, range = 3 to 19). Large differences between cows were observed in the frequency of defecation and urination, but these were not correlated with parity, milk production, BW, DIM, or dry matter intake.  相似文献   

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