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China's motor vehicle output and sales showed a moderate slowdown in growth in the first half of this year, but the growth was still comparatively fast. Vehicle output and sales reached 5.1996 million and 5,1822 million in the first half,rising 16.71%and 18.52% respectively. The growth was 5.65 percentage points and 4.78 percentage points higher than the growth in the same period last year respectively.  相似文献   

由中华全国工商业联合会、中华工商时报、中全联企业发展研究中心等单位联合举办的首届“中国最具生命力企业”评选活动日前揭晓,正泰集团跻身“中国最具生命力企业”前十强。  相似文献   

2008 is likely to be an important year in China's new round of reform of its taxation system. Premier Wen Jiabao, in his government work report delivered at the national legislature's annual session, said that China would put a series of major taxation reforms into the reform agenda for 2008 including full implementation of the new Law on Enterprise Income Tax, reform of the resource taxation system, and study and formulation of schemes on nationwide implementation of the reform on transfer of VAT.  相似文献   

2009年9月,2009中国企业500强发布会暨中国大企业高峰会发布了“2009中国企业500强”榜单,这是中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会连续第8年主办这样的会议,此次会议由浙江省人民政府协办、杭州人民政府承办。  相似文献   

China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)has recently published major economic statistics for 2008.Based on preliminary statistics , China's gross domestic product (GDP)reached RMB30.0670 trillion in 2008,up 9 percent year on year, of which growth in the first quarter was 10.6 percent;second quarter, 10.1 percent;third quarter,9 percent;and fourth quarter,6.8 percent.  相似文献   

7月21日,2006年“中国机械500强”暨“世界机械500强”发布会在北京人民大会堂举行。会议主办方为中国机械工业企业管理协会,由机械工业经济管理研究院和全球最大的商人门户世界经理人网站(icxo.com)联合承办。会上主办方与承办方的高层代表发表演讲,业内企业代表作了专题发言。  相似文献   

对于中国制造业而言.2008年注定是不平凡的一年.总体上,中国制造业的景气程度较高,机械行业.电子行业.船舶行业,钢铁行业、汽车行业增长较快.但是,中国制造企业也面临着诸如原材料价格上涨过快、人民币升值造成出口的盈利降低.美国次贷危机造成国际购买力下降、环保要求的提升、新劳动法的实施等压力,这些因素都将会影响中国制造企业的效益,尤其是以出口为主的劳动力密集型企业.  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced that China and the European Union have reached a common understanding on jointly building a bilateral textile control system and from next year, the EU will exert bilateral control over China's export of eight categories of textile products, which will no longer be limited in quantity.  相似文献   

2008中国机械500强揭晓,一汽、上汽、上海电气分别位居前三名。 由中国机械工业企业管理协会主办,机械工业经济管理研究院和世界经理人集团联合承办的2008年《中国机械500强研究报告》暨《世界机械500强》发布会7月18日在京举行,69家中国机械企业入选世界机械500强。  相似文献   

A total 14 enterprises on the Chinese mainland were ranked among the world's top 500 companies for 2003 by the Fortune magazine recently, among which three were new comers-State Power Grid Corp.,Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Group and Shanghai Automotive Industry(Group)Corp. Of the 14 companies,  相似文献   

德国慕尼黑的MTU航空发动机公司是民用和军用飞机动力装置部件的一级供应商,他们发现自己正处于一种‘技术上世界领先,但面临很大的成本压力'的境地。精密工程产品高端市场的环境要求复杂、高成本的多级生产的推进器部件达到零缺陷质量,必须符合日益严格的安全法规及文件要求。提出这种要求,是因为一系列产品失效会造成机毁人亡。  相似文献   


A new survey by technical support website FixYa indicates that users of the top five cloud storage services are most concerned about capacity,security and missing files.FixYa asked users of its service about the top five issues cloud storage customers have with Dropbox,Google Drive,Sugar Sync,iCloud and Box.Several thousand responses came back,although a spokesperson did not have the exact amount.Cloud-based file storage is becoming the expected method for file sharing these days,both on personal devices and in the workplace, said FixYa CEO Yaniv Bensadon.We hope the FixYa Cloud Storage Report shines a light on these differences so consumers can make an educated decision on which will be best suited for their needs.  相似文献   

通过设计箱体结构及各部件运动顺序,实现了顶部翻转形成舞台的功能,并对液压缸进行选择,绘制液压原理图,对其结构设计、控制原理、顶部翻转液压缸的选用等方面作了简要的介绍。研究对顶部翻转式舞台车的设计具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

根据国家城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准的要求,设计了一台对泔水进行固液、油水分离及污水处理的机械装置。该装置先将泔水通过过滤压榨的方法进行固液分离;再将液体通过分离机构进行油水分离;最后把分离出来的污水经过物理、化学处理装置处理。将分离出来的动植物油和固体分别收集起来作为工业原料,解决了泔水对环境的污染的问题。  相似文献   

是璀璨夺目,绚丽奢华?还是机巧精致,工艺复杂?我们应该选择石英珠宝表还是机械珠宝表?天价的珠宝表值吗?现如今的珠宝表已经用不着我们再为它到底是珠宝还是手表而争论不休了。在本期的专辑里,多款结合着高超的传统制表工艺和极具创意的珠宝设计的手表不断地超越界限。不论是机心的制造和修饰还是宝石的挑选、切割和镶嵌,大师们创造出一个个令人屏息的杰作,让它与人们雍容华贵的晚礼服如此般配,更令布置华丽的晚宴或者庆典熠熠生辉。  相似文献   

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