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The heteroepitaxial growth of HgCdTe on large-area Si substrates is an enabling technology leading to the production of low-cost, large-format infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs). This approach will allow HgCdTe FPA technology to be scaled beyond the limitations of bulk CdZnTe substrates. We have already achieved excellent mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and short wavelength infrared (SWIR) detector and FPA results using HgCdTe grown on 4-in. Si substrates using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and this work was focused on extending these results into the long wavelength infrared (LWIR) spectral regime. A series of nine p-on-n LWIR HgCdTe double-layer heterojunction (DLHJ) detector structures were grown on 4-in. Si substrates. The HgCdTe composition uniformity was very good over the entire 4-in. wafer with a typical maximum nonuniformity of 2.2% at the very edge of the wafer; run-to-run composition reproducibility, realized with real-time feedback control using spectroscopic ellipsometry, was also very good. Both secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and Hall-effect measurements showed well-behaved doping and majority carrier properties, respectively. Preliminary detector results were promising for this initial work and good broad-band spectral response was demonstrated; 61% quantum efficiency was measured, which is very good compared to a maximum allowed value of 70% for a non-antireflection-coated Si surface. The R0A products for HgCdTe/Si detectors in the 9.6-μm and 12-μm cutoff range were at least one order of magnitude below typical results for detectors fabricated on bulk CdZnTe substrates. This lower performance was attributed to an elevated dislocation density, which is in the mid-106 cm−2 range. The dislocation density in HgCdTe/Si needs to be reduced to <106 cm−2 to make high-performance LWIR detectors, and multiple approaches are being tried across the infrared community to achieve this result because the technological payoff is significant.  相似文献   

Conventional HgCdTe infrared detectors need significant cooling in order to reduce noise and leakage currents resulting from thermal generation and recombination processes. Although the need for cooling has long been thought to be fundamental and inevitable, it has been recently suggested that Auger recombination and generation rates can be reduced by using the phenomena of exclusion and extraction to produce nonequilibrium carrier distributions. The devices with Auger suppressed operation requires precise control over the composition, and donor and acceptor doping. The successful development of the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth technique for multi-layer HgCdTe makes it possible to grow these device structures. Theoretical calculations suggest that the p n+ layer sequence is preferable for near-room temperature operation due to longer minority carrier lifetime in lightly doped p-HgCdTe absorber layers. However, because the low doping required for absorption and nonequilibrium operation is easier to achieve in n-type materials, and because Shockley-Read centers should be minimized in order to obtain the benefits of Auger suppression, we have focused on p+ n structures. Planar photodiodes were formed on CdTe/Si (211) composite substrates by As implantation followed by a three step annealing sequence. Three inch diameter Si substrates were employed since they are of high quality, low cost, and available in large areas. Due to this development, large area focal plane arrays (FPAs) operated at room temperature are possible in the near future. The structures were characterized by FTIR, x-ray diffraction, temperature dependent Hall measurements, minority carrier lifetimes by photoconductive decay, and in-situ ellipsometry. To study the relative influence of bulk and surface effects, devices with active areas from 1.6 10−5 cm2 to 10−3 cm2 were fabricated. The smaller area devices show better performance in terms of reverse bias characteristics indicating that the bulk quality could be further improved. At 80 K, the zero bias leakage current for a 40 m 40 m diode with 3.2 m cutoff wavelength is 1 pA, the R0A product is 1.1 104-cm2 and the breakdown voltage is in excess of 500 mV. The device shows a responsivity of 1.3 107 V/W and a 80 K detectivity of 1.9 1011 cm-Hz1/2/W. At 200 K, the zero bias leakage current is 5 nA and the R0A product 2.03-cm2, while the breakdown voltage decreases to 40 mV.  相似文献   

The Leti-Lir has studied II–VI compounds for infrared (IR) detection for more than 20 years. The need to reduce the production cost of IR focal plane arrays (FPAs) sparked the development of heteroepitaxy on large-area substrates. Germanium has been chosen as the heterosubstrate for the third generation of IR detectors. First, we report on the progress achieved in HgCdTe growth on 3-in. and 4-in. (211)B CdTe/Ge. Then, we discuss the choice of a new machine for larger size and better homogeneity. Finally, we present the latest results on third-generation IR multicolor and megapixel devices. First-time results regarding a middle wavelength infrared (MWIR) dual-band FPA, with a reduced pitch of 25 μm, and a MWIR 1,280×1,024 FPA will be shown. Both detectors are based on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown HgCdTe on Ge. The results shown validate the choice of Ge as the substrate for third-generation detectors.  相似文献   

High-performance 20-μm unit-cell two-color detectors using an n-p+-n HgCdTe triple-layer heterojunction (TLHJ) device architecture grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on (211)-oriented CdZnTe substrates with midwavelength (MW) infrared and long wavelength (LW) infrared spectral bands have been demonstrated. Detectors with nominal MW and LW cut-off wavelengths of 5.5 μm and 10.5 μm, respectively, exhibit 78 K LW performance with >70 % quantum efficiency, reverse bias dark currents below 300 pA, and RA products (zero field of view, 150-mV bias) in excess of 1×103 Ωcm2. Temperature-dependent current-voltage (I–V) detector measurements show diffusion-limited LW dark current performance extending to temperatures below 70 K with good operating bias stability (150 mV ± 50 mV). These results reflect the successful implementation of MBE-grown TLHJ detector designs and the introduction of advanced photolithography techniques with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching to achieve high aspect ratio mesa delineation of individual detector elements with benefits to detector performance. These detector improvements complement the development of high operability large format 640×480 and 1280×720 two-color HgCdTe infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) to support third generation forward looking infrared (FLIR) systems.  相似文献   

Passivant-Hg1−xCdxTe interface has been studied for the CdTe and anodic oxide (AO) passivants. The former passivation process yields five times lower surface recombination velocity than the latter process. Temperature dependence of surface recombination velocity of the CdTe/n-HgCdTe and AO/n-HgCdTe interface is analyzed. Activation energy of the surface traps for CdTe and AO-passivated wafers are estimated to be in the range of 7–10 meV. These levels are understood to be arising from Hg vacancies at the HgCdTe surface. Fixed charge density for CdTe/n-HgCdTe interface measured by CV technique is 5×1010 cm−2, which is comparable to the epitaxially grown CdTe films. An order of magnitude improvement in responsivity and a factor of 4 increase in specific detectivity (D*) is achieved by CdTe passivation over AO passivation. This study has been conducted on photoconductive detectors to qualify the CdTe passivation process, with an ultimate aim to use it for the passivation of p-on-n and n-on-p HgCdTe photodiodes.  相似文献   

Bake stability of long-wavelength infrared HgCdTe photodiodes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bake stability was examined for HgCdTe wafers and photodiodes with CdTe surface passivation deposited by thermal evaporation. Electrical and electrooptical measurements were performed on various long-wavelength infrared HgCdTe photodiodes prior to and after a ten-day vacuum bakeout at 80°C, similar to conditions used for preparation of tactical dewar assemblies. It was found that the bakeout process generated additional defects at the CdTe/ HgCdTe interface and degraded photodiode parameters such as zero bias impedance, dark current, and photocurrent. Annealing at 220°C under a Hg vapor pressure following the CdTe deposition suppressed the interface defect generation process during bakeout and stabilized HgCdTe photodiode performance.  相似文献   

A new, simple nondestructive procedure for the estimation of the junction depth in planar long wavelength HgCdTe photodiodes is presented. The technique uses a combination of scanning light beam-induced current data with a transversal photovoltage measurement to extract the junction depth. The technique is applicable to both homojunction and heterojunction diodes. It is assumed that in the cross-section perpendicular to the device surface, the junction has a two-dimensional structure, and the length of the vertical junction is treated as the junction depth. The spatial profile of the lateral photocurrent produced by the spot scan marks the boundaries of the horizontal junction. Of these boundaries, only one of the vertical junctions contributes to the photocurrent. Using weakly absorbed infrared light insures the homogeneous profile of the photogenerated carriers along the vertical junction. A uniformly irradiated vertical junction produces the transverse photovoltage between its terminals. When the remote contacts are grounded, this photovoltage is dependent on the series resistance between the junction and the contacts. In the case when the circuit between the remote contacts is opened, the current is zero, and the photovoltage reaches its maximum value, equal to the junction open circuit voltage. From comparison of the two voltages, we extract the value of the series resistance. We have derived an analytical expression for the series resistance, which includes the junction depth. Comparison between the observed Rs values and those of the analytical expression, enable us to extract the junction depth value. The validity of the method is shown using a two-dimensional numerical simulation, and experimentally from ion-implanted and diffused p-n junctions.  相似文献   

针对直接倒焊(Ⅰ型)、间接倒焊(Ⅱ型)两种红外探测器模块,两者中的探测器芯片、硅读出电路和引线基板的尺寸完全相同,只在倒焊封装结构上有所差异,用有限元方法分析比较了这两种封装形式的基本模块于液氮温度时的热应力和形变大小情况,分析结果与实验现象符合较好,模块低温形变值的测量验证了有限元分析结果的合理性.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current status of the growth of fully doped HgCdTe (MCT) devices by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The current reactor system has been developed to produce 3-inch diameter epitaxial layers compatible with slice-scale processing. The new reactor system has achieved routine epitaxial growth of MCT with good morphology onto both gallium arsenide (GaAs) and GaAs on silicon (Si) wafers that were oriented (2–8°) off (100) orientation. The density of surface defects (so-called “hillocks”), typical of MOVPE growth on such orientation substrates, has been reduced to <5 cm−2 at a sufficient yield to make the production of low cluster defect 2D arrays possible. Alternative growth experiments onto cadmium telluride (CdTe) on Si substrates with (211)B orientation have also been performed to investigate their usefulness for infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) applications. Si substrates give better thermal expansion match to the read out Si circuits (ROIC). The horizontal reactor cell design has a graphite susceptor with a rotating platen capable of using substrates up to 4-inch diameter. Work, however, has concentrated on 3-inch diameter GaAs and GaAs on Si wafers substrates in the reactor, and these reproducibly demonstrated good compositional and thickness uniformity. Cut-off wavelength and thickness uniformity maps showed that there was sufficient uniformity to produce twelve sites of large format 2D arrays (640×512 diodes on 24-μm pitch) per slice. Minority carrier lifetimes in heterostructures is an important parameter and some factors affecting this are discussed, with special emphasis on As-doped material grown under various growth conditions in an attempt to reduce Shockley-Read (S-R) trap densities. New data are presented on trap densities and theoretical fitting of lifetimes in MOVPE material. Fully doped heterostructures have been grown to investigate the device performance in the 3–5 μm medium-wave IR (MWIR) band and 8–12 μm long-wave IR (LWIR). These layers have been fabricated into mesa arrays and then indium-bumped onto Si multiplexers. A summary of the 80-K device results shows that state-of-the-art device performance has been demonstrated in MOVPE-grown device structures.  相似文献   

We discuss analytic and numerical models for HgCdTe photodiodes and present examples of their application. Analytic models can account for the performance obtained by many device architectures. Numerical and analytic models agree in predicting several aspects of device performance, such as diffusion limited dark current, confirming the approximations used in deriving the analytic models. Areas are noted where improvement in the numerical models would allow application to a wider range of device simulations. Useful results are obtained from the numerical simulators that cannot be obtained from our analytic model. Flux dependent R0A products are shown to be a direct result of bias dependent quantum efficiency, a mechanism that is much more evident in heterojunction device architectures. Material compositional grading is demonstrated to lead to lower signal to noise ratio in devices designed to detect a particular infrared wavelength. We also show, particularly for high temperature operation, that heterojunction detectors can at best equal the performance of well-designed homojunction detectors; so, for photodetector design, heterojunctions do not offer any inherent performance advantages over homojunctions. Nevertheless, heterostructures, though ideally not required, may be helpful in achieving high performance in practice.  相似文献   

nBn红外探测器旨在消除肖特基-里德-霍尔产生复合电流,这将有效降低器件的暗电流并提高工作温度.由于制造工艺的兼容性和晶格匹配的衬底的存在,基于III-V化合物(包括二类超晶格材料)的nBn红外探测器得到了快速发展.通过理论模拟,基于HgCdTe材料的nBn红外探测器也能有效抑制暗电流.然而,去除价带势垒的困难阻碍了H...  相似文献   

The third generation of HgCdTe infrared-detector focal-plane arrays (FPAs) should be able to detect simultaneously in two spectral bands. The feasibility of this type of dual-band detectors has already been shown in our laboratory with a pixel size of 50 μm in the 3–5-μm wavelength range. To improve the detector resolution, it is necessary to decrease the pixel pitch. Dry etching is a key process technology to fulfill this goal because of the high aspect-ratio structures needed (typically 10–15-μm deep and 2–5-μm wide trenches). In this paper, we present results of a parametric study on HgCdTe dry etching, as well as results obtained on detector arrays made with the dry-etching technique. The etching study has been done in a microwave plasma reactor with the aim of controlling the surface roughness, the etch rate, and the slope of the trench side. We show how these parameters are influenced by the reactive gas-mixture composition (based on CH4, H2, and Ar) and the substrate self-bias. We show how polymer film deposition can prevent etching from occurring but can improve anisotropy. We show some examples of results obtained when manufacturing the trenches that separate the pixels, keeping a high fill factor, and anisotropic etching. We also show results of the material surface characterizations done with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Hall effect measurements. These studies allow us to evaluate and compare the damages done to the HgCdTe surface with different etching conditions. Our best process allows us to make a light electrical damage, confined to less than a micron deep in the material. Using the dry-etching process, we have developed detector arrays fabricated with a pixel pitch as low as 30 μm. We finally present the results of the first electrical characterizations made on these arrays, showing promising results for the development of high-resolution dual-band detectors.  相似文献   

A long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) HgCdTe photodiode fabrication process has been developed based on reactive ion etching (RIE) plasma-induced p-to-n type conversion for junction formation. The process has been successfully applied to produce devices using both vacancy-doped and gold-doped liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)-grown p-type HgCdTe material with a cut-off wavelength of 10 μm at 77 K. The fabrication procedure is outlined and results are presented on completed devices that indicate the effect of variations in processing parameters. The fabricated devices have been characterized by measurements of the diode dark I-V characteristic over the temperature range 20–200 K, as well as by spectral responsivity measurements. Analysis of the device I-V data, variable area data, and modeling of diode dark current mechanisms indicates that gold-doped material results in higher performing devices compared to vacancy-doped material. Device performance is found to be strongly affected by trap-assisted tunneling currents and surface leakage currents at zero bias. Nonoptimum surface passivation is likely to be the major factor limiting performance at this early stage of device technology development.  相似文献   

Over the last several years cooled applications of HgCdTe at low temperatures have proliferated. Having low fundamental dark current at any given wavelength and temperature makes HgCdTe attractive for high temperature applications as well. We are exploring detectors with cut off wavelengths from the near to middle infrared region (∼1.5 to ∼4 μm). Theory allows applications from low light level imaging in starlight and “nightglow” to thermal imaging, both with useful sensitivities at room temperature. The demonstrated possibility of reducing or eliminating traditional recombination processes (radiative and Auger) further increase the attractiveness of HgCdTe. Current materials technology shows some evidence that these sensitivities can be attained. Current detector technology, being limited by SRH traps, appears to require modest cooling (to about 250K). Improved materials and processes should eliminate the need for even this cooling.  相似文献   

Epitaxial growth of (211)B CdTe/HgCdTe has been achieved on two inch germanium (Ge) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Germanium was chosen as an alternative substrate to circumvent the weaknesses of CdZnTe wafers. The ease of surface preparation makes Ge an attractive candidate among many other alternative substrates. Best MBE CdTe growth results were obtained on (211) Ge surfaces which were exposed to arsenic and zinc fluxes prior to the MBE growth. This surface preparation enabled CdTe growth with B-face crystallographic polarity necessary for the HgCdTe growth. This process was reproducible, and produced a smooth and mirror-like surface morphology. The best value of the {422} x-ray double diffraction full width at half maximum measured from the HgCdTe layer was 68 arc-s. We present the 486 point maps of FWHM statistical values obtained from CdTe/Ge and HgCdTe/CdTe/Ge. High resolution microscopy electron transmission and secondary ion mass spectroscopy characterization results are also presented in this paper. High-performance middle wavelength infrared HgCdTe 32-element photodiode linear arrays, using the standard LETI/LIR planar n-on-p ion implanted technology, were fabricated on CdTe/Ge substrates. At 78K, photodiodes exhibited very high R0A figure of merit higher than 106 Ωcm−2 for a cutoff wavelength of 4.8 μm. Excess low frequency noise was not observed below 150K.  相似文献   

基于暗电流模型,通过变温I-V分析长波器件(截止波长为9~10μm)的暗电流机理和主导机制.实验对比了不同衬底、不同成结方式、不同掺杂异质结构与暗电流成分的相关性.结果表明,对于B+离子注入的平面结汞空位n~+-on-p结构,替代衬底上的碲镉汞(HgCdTe)器件零偏阻抗(R0)在80 K以上与碲锌镉(CdZnTe)基碲镉汞器件结阻抗性能相当.但替代衬底上的HgCdTe因结区内较高的位错,使得从80 K开始缺陷辅助隧穿电流(I_(tat))超过产生复合电流(I_(g-r)),成为暗电流的主要成分.与平面n~+-on-p器件相比,采用原位掺杂组分异质结结构(DLHJ)的p~+-on-n台面器件,因吸收层为n型,少子迁移率较低,能够有效抑制器件的扩散电流.80 K下截止波长9.6μm,中心距30μm,替代衬底上的p~+-on-n台面器件品质参数(R0A)为38Ω·cm2,零偏阻抗较n-on-p结构的CdZnTe基碲镉汞器件高约15倍.但替代衬底上的p+-on-n台面器件仍受体内缺陷影响,在60 K以下较高的Itat成为暗电流主导成分,其R0A相比CdZnTe基n~+-on-p的HgCdTe差了一个数量级.  相似文献   

For small pixel, infrared (IR) focal plane arrays (FPAs), Raytheon Vision Systems’ architecture for integrated, dual-band detectors uses the sequential mode of the n-p+-n configuration. There is a single indium bump per pixel, leaving the p+ layer floating, and the operating polarity of the bias selects the spectral sensitivity by reverse-biasing the active p-n junction. Photogenerated minority carriers in the absorber layer of the forward-biased inactive photodiode are lost through recombination. This paper is the first report of a new optical crosstalk mechanism that occurs in sequential-mode, dual-band detectors. In the long-wavelength mode under out-of-band, short-wavelength illumination, radiative recombination yields emission near the bandgap energy of the short-wavelength absorber layer, resulting in a spurious short-wavelength response that appears as spectral crosstalk. We present experimental and device modeling results on the spectral crosstalk in molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown HgCdTe arrays with the cutoff wavelength of both bands in the 4–5-μm range.  相似文献   

In this article, device modeling refers to numerical simulation of semiconductor device physics to predict electrical behavior. The silicon integrated circuit industry provides the example for the use of technology computer-aided design to simulate wafer fabrication processes, and the electrical performance of devices and circuits. This paper first reviews semiconductor device modeling in general, then as applied in work supporting the development and analysis of HgCdTe infrared detectors. Example applications of one- and two-dimensional device modeling are simulation of a bias-selectable, integrated two-color detector, and two-dimensional effects on the spectral response of a HgCdTe detector with composition grading.  相似文献   

We report the development and fabrication of two-color mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) HgCdTe-based focalplane arrays (FPAs). The HgCdTe multilayers were deposited on bulk CdZnTe (ZnTe mole fraction ∼3%) using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Accurate control of layer composition and growth rate was achieved using in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Epilayers were evaluated using a variety of techniques to determine suitability for subsequent device processing. These techniques included Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Hall measurement, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), defect-decoration etching, and Nomarski microscopy. The FTIR transmission measurements confirmed SE’s capability to provide excellent compositional control with run-to-run x-value variations of ∼0.002. Nomarski micrographs of the as-grown surfaces featured cross-hatch patterns resulting from the substrate/epilayer lattice mismatch as well as various surface defects (voids and “microvoids”), whose densities ranged from 800–8,000 cm−2. A major source of these surface defects was substrate particulate contamination. Epilayers grown following efforts to reduce these particulates exhibited significantly lower densities of surface defects from 800–1,700 cm−2. Dislocation densities, as revealed by a standard defect-decoration etch, were 2–20×105 cm−2, depending on substrate temperature during epitaxy. The FPAs (128×128) were fabricated from these epilayers. Preliminary performance results will be presented.  相似文献   

HgCdTe 2D arrays are needed in both medium (MW) and long (LW) wavebands for imaging, search, and track and guidance applications. Often the detector is the performance-limiting component in the system, and it is necessary to use detectors with very low excess noise and few defective pixels. Normally the detector is cooled sufficiently to freeze-out thermally generated leakage currents, so the main interest is to understand the mechanisms that determine the general detector performance and the cause of defective pixels. This paper describes the detector technology and the ion beam junction-forming process. The fundamental performance limits of homojunction HgCdTe technology and the doping levels needed to produce a detector with impact-ionization limited performance are discussed. Extensive studies have been made on defective pixels in long wavelength arrays and some technologies for reducing them are described here. Defective pixels have been found to be associated with material dislocations crossing the p-n junction and a model has been proposed for the noise-generating mechanism.  相似文献   

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