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Topology optimization of compliant mechanisms is presented in this paper wherein the layout design problem is addressed in its original binary or discrete (0-1) form. Design variables are modeled as discrete variables and allowed to assume values pertaining only to their void (0) or solid (1) states. Due to this discrete nature, a genetic algorithm is employed as an optimization routine. Using the barrier assignment approach, the search algorithm is extended to use with multiple materials. The layout design of compliant mechanisms is performed wherein displacements at multiple points (ports) in the design region are maximized along the respective prescribed directions. With multiple output ports and multiple materials, additional freedom in motion and force transduction can be achieved with compliant mechanisms. Geometrically large deformation analysis is employed to compute the displacement-based multiple objectives that are extremized using Nondominated Sorting in Genetic Algorithms (or NSGA). With genetic algorithms, buckling or snap through like issues with nonconvergent solutions in the population when computing nonlinear deformations can be implicitly circumvented.  相似文献   

In this paper, two benchmark problems in structural boundary design are solved using the spectral level set methodology, which is a new approach to topology optimization of interfaces. This methodology is an extension of the level set methods, in which the interface is represented as the zero level set of a function. According to the proposed formulation, the Fourier coefficients of that function are the design variables describing the interface during the topology optimization. An advantage of the spectral level set methodology, in the case of a sufficiently regular interface, is to admit an upper bound error which is asymptotically smaller than the one for nonadaptive spacial discretizations of the level set function. Other advantages include the nucleation of holes in the interior of the interface and the avoidance of checkerboard-like designs. The theoretical framework of the methodology is presented and estimates on its convergence rate are discussed. The numerical applications consist in the design of short and long cantilevers subject to a vertical concentrated load opposite to the fixed end. The goal is to maximize the structural stiffness subject to a solid volume constraint. The zero level set of the level set function defines the structural boundary.  相似文献   

This paper will propose a topology optimization approach for the design of large displacement compliant mechanisms with geometrical non-linearity by using the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method. In this method, the Shepard function is applied to construct a physically meaningful density approximant, to account for its non-negative and range-bounded property. Firstly, in terms of the original nodal density field, the Shepard function method functionally similar to a density filter is used to generate a non-local nodal density field with enriched smoothness over the design domain. The density of any node can be evaluated according to the nodal density variables located inside the influence domain of the interested node. Secondly, in the numerical implementation the Shepard function method is again employed to construct a point-wise density interpolant. Gauss quadrature is used to calculate the integration of background cells numerically, and the artificial densities over all Gauss points can be determined by the surrounding nodal densities within the influence domain of the concerned computational point. Finally, the moving least squares (MLS) method is applied to construct the shape functions using the weight functions with compact support for assembling the meshless approximations of state equations. Since MLS shape functions are lack of the Kronecker delta function property, the penalty method is applied to enforce the essential boundary conditions. A typical large-deformation compliant mechanism is used as the numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A method for topology optimization of hinge-free compliant mechanisms with multiple outputs using level set method is presented in this paper. The focus of this paper is on how to prevent generating the flexible hinges during the process of topology optimization of compliant mechanisms. In the proposed method, two types of mean compliances are introduced and built in the proposed multi-objective function for topology optimization of hinge-free compliant mechanisms with multiple outputs, therefore, the spring model widely used for topology optimization of compliant mechanisms is no longer needed. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A generalized formulation to design Multi-Input–Multi-Output (MIMO) compliant mechanisms is presented in this work. This formulation also covers the simplified cases of the design of Multi-Input and Multi-Output compliant mechanisms, more commonly used in the literature. A Sequential Element Rejection and Admission (SERA) method is used to obtain the optimum design that converts one or more input works into one or more output displacements in predefined directions. The SERA procedure allows material to flow between two different material models: ‘real’ and ‘virtual’. The method works with two separate criteria for the rejection and admission of elements to efficiently achieve the optimum design. Examples of Multi-Input, Multi-Output and MIMO compliant mechanisms are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed procedure to design complex complaint mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parameterization approach is presented for structural shape and topology optimization of compliant mechanisms using a moving boundary representation. A level set model is developed to implicitly describe the structural boundary by embedding into a scalar function of higher dimension as zero level set. The compactly supported radial basis function of favorable smoothness and accuracy is used to interpolate the level set function. Thus, the temporal and spatial initial value problem is now converted into a time-separable parameterization problem. Accordingly, the more difficult shape and topology optimization of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation is then transferred into a relatively easy size optimization with the expansion coefficients as design variables. The design boundary is therefore advanced by applying the optimality criteria method to iteratively evaluate the size optimization so as to update the level set function in accordance with expansion coefficients of the interpolation. The optimization problem of the compliant mechanism is established by including both the mechanical efficiency as the objective function and the prescribed material usage as the constraint. The design sensitivity analysis is performed by utilizing the shape derivative. It is noted that the present method is not only capable of simultaneously addressing shape fidelity and topology changes with a smooth structural boundary but also able to avoid some of the unfavorable numerical issues such as the Courant–Friedrich–Levy condition, the velocity extension algorithm, and the reinitialization procedure in the conventional level set method. In particular, the present method can generate new holes inside the material domain, which makes the final design less insensitive to the initial guess. The compliant inverter is applied to demonstrate the availability of the present method in the framework of the implicit free boundary representation.  相似文献   

A new topology optimization using adaptive inner-front level set method is presented. In the conventional level set-based topology optimization, the optimum topology strongly depends on the initial level set due to the incapability of inner-front creation during the optimization process. In the present work, in this regard, an algorithm for inner-front creation is proposed in which the sizes, the positions, and the number of new inner-fronts during the optimization process can be globally and consistently identified. In the algorithm, the criterion of inner-front creation for compliance minimization problems of linear elastic structures is chosen as the strain energy density along with volumetric constraint. To facilitate the inner-front creation process, the inner-front creation map is constructed and used to define new level set function. In the implementation of inner-front creation algorithm, to suppress the numerical oscillation of solutions due to the sharp edges in the level set function, domain regularization is carried out by solving the edge smoothing partial differential equation (smoothing PDE). To update the level set function during the optimization process, the least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) is adopted. Through the LSFEM, a symmetric positive definite system matrix is constructed, and non-diffused and non-oscillatory solution for the hyperbolic PDE such as level set equation can be obtained. As applications, three-dimensional topology optimization of shell structures is treated. From the numerical examples, it is shown that the present method brings in much needed flexibility in topologies during the level set-based topology optimization process.  相似文献   

A new level set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intensity inhomogeneity often appears in medical images, such as X-ray tomography and magnetic resonance (MR) images, due to technical limitations or artifacts introduced by the object being imaged. It is difficult to segment such images by traditional level set based segmentation models. In this paper, we propose a new level set method integrating local and global intensity information adaptively to segment inhomogeneous images. The local image information is associated with the intensity difference between the average of local intensity distribution and the original image, which can significantly increase the contrast between foreground and background. Thus, the images with intensity inhomogeneity can be efficiently segmented. What is more, to avoid the re-initialization of the level set function and shorten the computational time, a simple and fast level set evolution formulation is used in the numerical implementation. Experimental results on synthetic images as well as real medical images are shown in the paper to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we implement the extended finite element method (X-FEM) combined with the level set method to solve structural shape and topology optimization problems. Numerical comparisons with the conventional finite element method in a fixed grid show that the X-FEM leads to more accurate results without increasing the mesh density and the degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the mesh in X-FEM is independent of the physical boundary of the design, so there is no need for remeshing during the optimization process. Numerical examples of mean compliance minimization in 2D are studied in regard to efficiency, convergence and accuracy. The results suggest that combining the X-FEM for structural analysis with the level set based boundary representation is a promising approach for continuum structural optimization.  相似文献   

This paper presents a minimum void length scale control method for structural topology optimization. Void length scale control has been actively investigated for decades, which intends to ensure the topology design manufacturable given the machining tool access. However, only a single lower bound has been applied in existing methods, which does not fit the multi-stage rough-to-finish machining. To fix this issue, the proposed minimum void length scale control method employs double lower bounds which corresponds to the rough and finish machining operations, respectively. This method has been implemented under the level set framework. For technical details, the rough machining lower bound is satisfied by developing a signed distance-related constraint, which ensures enough space for the rough machining tool movement and thus, guarantees the machining efficiency. The finish machining lower bound is addressed through the curvature flow control, which ensures the small features manufacturable and also a good finish dimension and surface. Through a few numerical case studies, it is proven that the minimum void length scale can be effectively controlled without sacrificing much of the structural performance.  相似文献   

A general approach is presented for generating pin-jointed multistable compliant mechanisms using snapthrough behavior. An optimization problem is formulated for minimizing the total structural volume under constraints on the displacements at the specified nodes, stiffnesses at initial and final states, and load factors to lead to snapthrough behavior. The design variables are cross-sectional areas and the nodal coordinates. It is shown in the numerical examples that several mechanisms can be naturally found as a result of optimization starting from randomly selected initial solutions. It is also shown that no local bifurcation point exists along the equilibrium path, and the obtained mechanism is not sensitive to initial imperfections.  相似文献   

Despite much effort and significant progress in recent years, image segmentation remains a challenging problem in image processing, especially for the low contrast, noisy synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. This paper explores the segmentation of oil slicks using a partial differential equation (PDE)‐based level set method, which represents the slick surface as an implicit propagation interface. Starting from an initial estimation with priori information, the level set method creates a set of speed functions to detect the position of the propagation interface. Specifically, the image intensity gradient and the curvature flow are utilized together to determine the speed and direction of the propagation. This allows the front interface to propagate naturally with topological changes, significant protrusions and narrow regions, giving rise to stable and smooth boundaries that discriminate oil slicks from the surrounding water. As the speckles are removed concurrently while the front interface propagates, the pre‐filtering of noise is saved. The proposed method has been illustrated by experiments on oil slick segmentation using the ERS‐2 SAR images. Its advantages over the traditional image segmentation approaches have also been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the structural optimization of the elastic body in unilateral contact with a rigid foundation using the level set approach. A piecewise constant level set method is used to represent the evolution of interfaces rather than the standard method. The piecewise constant level set function takes distinct constant values in each subdomain of a whole design domain. Using a two-phase approximation the original structural optimization problem is reformulated as an equivalent constrained optimization problem in terms of the piecewise constant level set function. Necessary optimality condition is formulated. Finite difference and finite element methods are applied as the approximation methods. Numerical examples are provided and discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a method for developing new truss-like sandwich structures that exhibit desirable mid-frequency vibratory characteristics. Specifically, a genetic algorithm optimization routine is used to determine candidate small scale structural topologies, i.e. unit cells, that may be used in the design of larger scale periodic sandwich structures. This multi-scale procedure is demonstrated starting with several unit cell topology optimization examples. From these examples a specific optimal unit cell is selected for further investigation and integration into a periodic sandwich beam. Computational results indicate that the proposed optimization approach is effective when used to design new structures for reduced mid-frequency vibratory response.  相似文献   

Using the level set method, a topological shape optimization method is developed for geometrically nonlinear structures in total Lagrangian formulation. The structural boundaries are implicitly represented by the level set function, obtainable from “Hamilton-Jacobi type” equation with “up-wind scheme,” embedded into a fixed initial domain. The method minimizes the compliance through the variations of implicit boundary, satisfying an allowable volume requirement. The required velocity field to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is determined by the descent direction of Lagrangian derived from an optimality condition. Since the homogeneous material property and implicit boundary are utilized, the convergence difficulty is significantly relieved.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate improved accuracy of the level set method for resolving deforming interfaces by proposing two key elements: (1) accurate level set solutions on adapted Cartesian grids by judiciously choosing interpolation polynomials in regions of different grid levels and (2) enhanced re-initialization by an interface sharpening procedure. The level set equation is solved using a fifth order WENO scheme or a second order central differencing scheme depending on availability of uniform stencils at each grid point. Grid adaptation criteria are determined so that the Hamiltonian functions at nodes adjacent to interfaces are always calculated by the fifth order WENO scheme. This selective usage between the fifth order WENO and second order central differencing schemes is confirmed to give more accurate results compared to those in literature for standard test problems. In order to further improve accuracy especially near thin filaments, we suggest an artificial sharpening method, which is in a similar form with the conventional re-initialization method but utilizes sign of curvature instead of sign of the level set function. Consequently, volume loss due to numerical dissipation on thin filaments is remarkably reduced for the test problems.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous object is referred to as a solid object made of different constituent materials. The object is of a finite collection of regions of a set of prescribed material classes of continuously varying material properties. These properties have a discontinuous change across the interface of the material regions. In this paper, we propose a level-set based variational approach for the design of this class of heterogeneous objects. Central to the approach is a variational framework for a well-posed formulation of the design problem. In particular, we adapt the Mumford-Shah model which specifies that any point of the object belongs to either of two types: inside a material region of a well-defined gradient or on the boundary edges and surfaces of discontinuities. Furthermore, the set of discontinuities is represented implicitly, using a multi-phase level set model. This level-set based variational approach yields a computational system of coupled geometric evolution and diffusion partial differential equations. Promising features of the proposed method include strong regularity in the problem formulation and inherent capabilities of geometric and material modeling, yielding a common framework for optimization of the heterogeneous objects that incorporates dimension, shape, topology, and material properties. The proposed method is illustrated with several 2D examples of optimal design of multi-material structures and materials.  相似文献   

目标轮廓的快速检测进而提取其几何形状,在图形图像处理中有着重要的作用.提出了一种多目标轮廓的水平集提取方法,对基于Mumford-Shah模型的C-V方法从两方面进行了改进:增加梯度矢量场和曲线法方向的融合作为边界吸引场,生成可以驱动主动轮廓向边缘进化的双向几何变形流,保留原图像分布信息作为区域进化能,解决未考虑局部几何信息造成的区域能量捕捉信息不全,或边缘梯度场和演化曲线法线方向正交时无法实现拓扑结构变化的缺陷;对水平集函数进行修正,使得它在收敛过程中能自动进行调整,确保其满足符号距离函数的要求,扩大初始化前迭代搜索区域,减少初始化次数,提高收敛效率;最后给出所提方法的数字化求解方案.实验表明该方法可行且具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

A novel region-based active contour model (ACM) is proposed in this paper. It is implemented with a special processing named Selective Binary and Gaussian Filtering RegularizedLevel Set(SBGFRLS) method, which first selectively penalizes the level set function to be binary, and then uses a Gaussian smoothing kernel to regularize it. The advantages of our method are as follows. First, a new region-based signed pressure force (SPF) function is proposed, which can efficiently stop the contours at weak or blurred edges. Second, the exterior and interior boundaries can be automatically detected with the initial contour being anywhere in the image. Third, the proposed ACM with SBGFRLS has the property of selective local or global segmentation. It can segment not only the desired object but also the other objects. Fourth, the level set function can be easily initialized with a binary function, which is more efficient to construct than the widely used signed distance function (SDF). The computational cost for traditional re-initialization can also be reduced. Finally, the proposed algorithm can be efficiently implemented by the simple finite difference scheme. Experiments on synthetic and real images demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method over geodesic active contours (GAC) and Chan–Vese (C–V) active contours in terms of both efficiency and accuracy.  相似文献   

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