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Filtration theory does not include the potential influence of pore structure on colloid removal by straining. Conversely, previous research on straining has not considered the possible influence of chemical interactions. Experimental and theoretical studies were therefore undertaken to explore the coupling of physical and chemical mechanisms of colloid straining under unfavorable attachment conditions (pH=10). Negatively charged latex microspheres (1.1 and 3mum) and quartz sands (360, 240, and 150mum) were used in packed column studies that encompassed a range in suspension ionic strengths (6-106mM) and Darcy water velocities (0.1-0.45cmmin(-1)). Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) calculations and torque analysis suggests that attachment of colloids to the solid-water interface was not a significant mechanism of deposition for the selected experimental conditions. Effluent concentration curves and hyperexponential deposition profiles were strongly dependent on the solution chemistry, the system hydrodynamics, and the colloid and collector grain size, with greater deposition occurring for increasing ionic strength, lower flow rates, and larger ratios of the colloid to the median grain diameter. Increasing the solution ionic strength is believed to increase the force and number of colloids in the secondary minimum of the DLVO interaction energy profile. These weakly associated colloids can be funneled to small regions of the pore space formed adjacent to grain-grain junctions. For select systems, the ionic strength of the eluant solution was decreased to 6mM following the recovery of the effluent concentration curve. In this case, only a small portion of the deposited colloids was recovered in the effluent and the majority was still retained in the sand. These observations suggest that the extent of colloid removal by straining is strongly coupled to solution chemistry.  相似文献   

Jones EH  Su C 《Water research》2012,46(7):2445-2456
Column experiments were performed to assess the fate and transport of nanoscale elemental copper (Cu0) particles in saturated quartz sands. Both effluent concentrations and retention profiles were measured over a broad range of physicochemical conditions, which included pH, ionic strength, the presence of natural organic matter (humic and fulvic acids) and an organic buffer (Trizma). At neutral pHs, Cu0 nanoparticles were positively charged and essentially immobile in porous media. The presence of natural organic matter, trizma buffer, and high pH decreased the attachment efficiency facilitating elemental copper transport through sand columns. Experimental results suggested the presence of both favourable and unfavourable nanoparticle interactions causes significant deviation from classical colloid filtration theory.  相似文献   

Increasing production and use of fullerene-based nanomaterials underscore the need to determine their mobility in environmental transport pathways and potential ecological exposures. This study investigated the transport of two fullerenes (i.e., aqu/C60 and water-soluble C60 pyrrolidine tris-acid [C60 PTA]) in columns packed with model porous media (Iota quartz and Ottawa sand) and a sediment from Call’s creek under saturated and unsaturated steady-state flows. The fullerenes had the least retention in Iota quartz, and the greatest retention in the sediment at near neutral pH, correlating with the degree of grain surface chemical heterogeneity (e.g., amorphous Al hydroxides concentration increasing in the order of Iota quartz < Ottawa sand < sediment). Surface roughness was elucidated as another important factor responsible for the greatest fullerene retention in the sediment. In accordance with the XDLVO energy calculations, C60 PTA was less retained than aqu/C60 at near neutral pH, due to its greater hydrophilicity measured by tolune-water partition coefficient, as well as smaller particle sizes revealed by atomic force microscopy. Fullerene retention exhibited a strong dependency on solution pH that could be explained partly by the pH-dependent surface charge of fullerenes and grain surface, and partly by increased hydrophobicity of C60 PTA when solution pH approaches its isoelectric point (IEP). Finally, fullerene retention was enhanced in unsaturated media, implying that fullerenes may be more attenuated in the vadose zone than in groundwater.  相似文献   

Transport of manufactured nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media was investigated as a function of morphology characteristics, pH of solutions, flow velocity, and the presence of anionic and non-ionic surfactants in different concentrations. Surfactants enhanced the transport of nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media while a pH approaching the point of zero charge of nano-TiO2 limited their transport. The deposition process, a retention mechanism of nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media was impacted by surfactant and pH. In Dispersion 1 systems (pH 7), the size of the nano-TiO2 aggregates was directly related to the presence of surfactants. The presence of non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100) induced a size reduction of nano-TiO2 aggregates that was dependent on the critical micelle concentration. In Dispersion 2 systems (pH 9), the stability provided by the pH had a significant effect on the size of nano-TiO2 aggregates; the addition of surfactants did impact the size of the nano-TiO2 aggregates but in less significance as compared to Dispersion 1 systems. The electrostatic and steric repulsion forces in connection with the size of nano-TiO2 aggregates and flow velocity impacted the single-collector efficiency and attachment efficiency which dictated the maximum transport distance of nano-TiO2 for the Dispersion 1 and Dispersion 2 systems. By doubling the flow velocity at pH 9, the No Surfactant, 50% CMC Triton X-100, 100% CMC Triton X-100 and 100% CMC SDBS dispersion systems allowed nano-TiO2 to attain maximum transport distances of 0.898, 2.17, 2.29 and 1.12 m, respectively. Secondary energy minima played a critical role in the deposition mechanisms of nano-TiO2. Nano-TiO2 deposited in the secondary energy wells may be released because of changes in solution chemistry. The deposition of nano-TiO2 in primary and secondary energy minima, the reversibility of their deposition should be characterized to analyze the transport of nanoparticles in porous media. This is necessary to assess the risk of nanoparticles to the environment and public health.  相似文献   

The growing use of nanosized titanium dioxide (nTiO2) and zinc oxide (nZnO) in a large number of commercial products raises concerns regarding their release and subsequent mobility in natural aquatic environments. Laboratory-scale sand-packed column experiments were conducted with bare and polymer-coated nTiO2 and nZnO to improve our understanding of the mobility of these nanoparticles in natural or engineered water saturated granular systems. The nanoparticles are characterized over a range of environmentally relevant water chemistries using multiple complimentary techniques: dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Overall, bare (uncoated) nanoparticles exhibit high retention within the water saturated granular matrix at solution ionic strengths (IS) as low as 0.1 mM NaNO3 for bare nTiO2 and 0.01 mM NaNO3 for bare nZnO. Bare nTiO2 and nZnO also display dynamic (time-dependent) deposition behaviors under selected conditions. In contrast, the polymer-coated nanoparticles are much less likely to aggregate and exhibit significant transport potential at IS as high as 100 mM NaNO3 or 3 mM CaCl2. These findings illustrate the importance of considering the extent and type of surface modification when evaluating metal oxide contamination potential in granular aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Abramson A  Brown DG 《Water research》2007,41(19):4435-4445
The effects of solution ionic strength on the collision efficiency (alpha) distribution of a Sphingomonas sp. were investigated using multiple sand columns of varying lengths and analyzing the bacteria clean-bed breakthrough concentrations using a distributed colloid filtration theory (D-CFT). Five different probability density functions (PDFs) were investigated and all accurately replicated the lab-scale experimental data, whereas a single alpha value could not. The alpha distribution shifted toward smaller values with decreasing ionic strength and the PDF parameters were strongly correlated to the Debye length, indicating that electrostatic interactions had a direct impact on the alpha distribution. The results indicate that while ionic strength has a large impact on bacterial transport distances for a concentration reduction of a few orders of magnitude, as occurs at the laboratory scale, due to the distributed nature of the collision efficiency, it has a minor effect on predicted transport distances required to achieve concentration reductions on the order of 10(6), which occurs at the field scale. Because of this, bacterial inactivation (e.g., death), rather than physically removing the bacteria from solution via filtration, is likely the key process impacting the transport of viable bacteria at the field scale. Overall, for systems with a distributed alpha, the results indicate that ionic strength has a strong influence on the transport of bacteria at the lab-scale (centimeters to one meter), both ionic strength and bacterial inactivation are important at the meso-scale (tens of meters), and inactivation becomes the dominant mechanism for reducing the transport of viable bacteria at the field scale (hundreds of meters).  相似文献   

The coupled role of solution ionic strength (IS), hydrodynamic force, and pore structure on the transport and retention of viable Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst was investigated via batch, packed-bed column, and micromodel systems. The experiments were conducted over a wide range of IS (0.1-100 mM), at two Darcy velocities (0.2 and 0.5 cm/min), and in two sands (median diameters of 275 and 710 μm). Overall, the results suggested that oocyst retention was a complex process that was very sensitive to the solution IS, the Darcy velocity, and the grain size. Increasing IS led to enhanced retention of oocysts in the column, which is qualitatively consistent with predictions of Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory. Conversely, increasing velocity and grain size resulted in less retention of oocysts in the column due to the difference in the fluid drag force and the rates of mass transfer from the liquid to the solid phase and from high to low velocity regions. Oocyst retention was controlled by a combined role of low velocity regions, weak attractive interactions, and/or steric repulsion. The contribution of each mechanism highly depended on the solution IS. In particular, micromodel observations indicated that enhanced oocyst retention occurred in low velocity regions near grain-grain contacts under highly unfavorable conditions (IS = 0.1 mM). Oocyst retention was also found to be influenced by weak attractive interactions (induced by the secondary energy minimum, surface roughness, and/or nanoscale chemical heterogeneity) when the IS = 1 mM. Reversible retention of oocysts to the sand in batch and column studies under favorable attachment conditions (IS = 100 mM) was attributed to steric repulsion between the oocysts and the sand surface due to the presence of oocyst surface macromolecules. Comparison of experimental observations and theoretical predictions from classic filtration theory further supported the presence of this weak interaction due to steric repulsion.  相似文献   

The role of extracellular macromolecules on Escherichia coli O157:H7 transport and retention was investigated in saturated porous media. To compare the relative transport and retention of E. coli cells that are macromolecule rich and deficient, macromolecules were partially cleaved using a proteolytic enzyme. Characterization of bacterial cell surfaces, cell aggregation, and experiments in a packed sand column were conducted over a range of ionic strength (IS). The results showed that macromolecule-related interactions contribute to retention of E. coli O157:H7 and are strongly linked to solution IS. Under low IS conditions (IS ≤ 0.1 mM), partial removal of the macromolecules resulted in a more negative electrophoretic mobility of cells and created more unfavorable conditions for cell-quartz and cell-cell interactions as suggested by Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) interaction energy profiles and cell aggregation kinetics. Consequently, less retention was observed for enzyme treated cells in the corresponding column experiments. In addition, a time-dependent deposition process (i.e., ripening) was observed for untreated cells, but not for treated cells, supporting the fact that the macromolecules enhanced cell-cell interactions. Additional column experiments for untreated cells under favorable conditions (IS ≥ 1 mM) showed that a significant amount of the cells were reversibly retained in the column, which contradicts predictions of DLVO theory. Furthermore, a non-monotonic cell retention profile was observed under favorable attachment conditions. These observations indicated that the presence of macromolecules hindered irreversible interactions between the cells and the quartz surface.  相似文献   

The retention and transport of microsporidium Encephalitozoon intestinales spores in two water-saturated sandy porous media was investigated in this study. The initial breakthrough of the spores in the column effluent occurred essentially simultaneously with that of a non-reactive tracer, indicating no significant velocity enhancement. A large fraction (45-73%) of the spores injected into the columns was not recovered in the effluent, indicating removal from solution through colloid retention processes of attachment and/or straining. The relative significance of attachment and straining to total retention was evaluated in additional experiments. An experiment was conducted with a sieved coarse fraction of porous media for which straining is unlikely to be of significance based on the relative diameters of the spores and porous-medium pores. The spore recovery for this experiment was similar to the recoveries obtained for microsporidia transport in the un-sieved parent porous medium. An additional experiment was conducted with a subsample of the coarse fraction that was acid-washed to reduce potential surface attachment sites. Spore recovery was complete for this experiment. These results suggest surface deposition was the primary removal mechanism in our system. This conclusion is supported by the results of an experiment wherein deionized water was flushed through a column that was previously flushed with electrolyte solution. The effluent spore concentrations were observed to increase upon injection of deionized water, indicating re-mobilization of spores upon a change in water chemistry. The measured data were successfully simulated using a mathematical model incorporating colloid filtration. The results of this study suggest that the transport of microspordia in sandy porous media is governed by established colloid-transport processes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of groundwater chemistry and travel distance on the transport and fate behavior of PRD-1, a bacteriophage employed as a surrogate tracer for pathogenic enteric viruses. The experiments were conducted in the unconfined aquifer at the United States Geological Survey Cape Cod Toxic-Substances Hydrology Research Site in Falmouth, Massachusetts. The transport behavior of bromide (Br(-)) and PRD-1 were evaluated in a sewage-effluent contaminated zone and a shallower uncontaminated zone at this site. Several multilevel sampling devices located along a 13-m transect were used to collect vertically discrete samples to examine longitudinal and vertical variability of PRD-1 retardation and attenuation. The concentration of viable bacteriophage in the aqueous phase decreased greatly during the first few meters of transport. This decrease is attributed to a combination of colloid filtration (attachment) and inactivation. The removal was greater (10(-12) relative recovery) and occurred within the first meter for the uncontaminated zone, whereas it was lesser (10(-9) relative recovery) and occurred over 4m in the contaminated zone. The lesser removal observed for the contaminated zone is attributed to the influence of sorbed and dissolved organic matter, phosphate, and other anions, which are present in higher concentrations in the contaminated zone, on PRD-1 attachment. After the initial decrease, the aqueous PRD-1 concentrations remained essentially constant in both zones for the remainder of the tests (total travel distances of 13 m), irrespective of variations in geochemical properties within and between the two zones. The viable, mobile PRD-1 particles traveled at nearly the rate of bromide, which was used as a non-reactive tracer. The results of this study indicate that a small fraction of viable virus particles may persist in the aqueous phase and travel significant distances in the subsurface environment.  相似文献   

Because of heterogeneity among members of a bacteria population, deposition rates of bacteria may decrease upon the distance bacteria are transported in an aquifer. Such deposition rate decreases may result in retained bacteria concentrations, which decrease hyper-exponentially as a function of transport distance, and may therefore significantly affect the transport of colloids in aquifers. We investigated the occurrence of hyper-exponential deposition of Escherichia coli, an important indicator for fecal contamination, and the causes for such behavior. In a series of column experiments with glass beads of various sizes, we found that attachment of E. coli decreased hyper-exponentially, or, on logarithmic scale in a bimodal way, as a function of the transported distance from the column inlet. From data fitting of the retained bacteria concentration profiles, the sticking efficiency of 40% of the E. coli population was high (alpha=1), while the sticking efficiency of 60% was low (alpha=0.01). From the E. coli total population, an E. coli subpopulation consisting of slow attachers could be isolated by means of column passage. In subsequent column experiments this subpopulation attached less than the E. coli total population, consisting of both slow and fast attachers. We concluded that the main driver for the observed dual mode deposition was heterogeneity among members of the bacteria population. Intra-population may result in some microbes traveling surprisingly high distances in the subsurface. Extending the colloid filtration theory with intra-population variability may provide a valuable framework for assessing the transport of bacteria in aquifers.  相似文献   

对天然硅粉悬浮颗粒在饱和的石英多孔介质中的渗透迁移特性进行圆柱穿透试验,得到6种不同颗粒粒径(10,15,20,25,33,47μm)、3种不同颗粒浓度(0.2,0.5,0.8 mg/ml)、3种不同渗透速度(0.087,0.173,0.260 cm/s)和3种不同渗透方向(即自上向下,水平,自下向上)的颗粒穿透曲线,重点研究这些因素对悬浮颗粒迁移的水动力学过程、弥散效应、沉积效应等物理机制的影响。研究表明,当渗透速度相同时,颗粒穿透过程中的浓度峰值一般随颗粒粒径的增大而减小。而随渗透速度的增大,水动力学作用对颗粒迁移的影响越来越大,此时颗粒粒径大小的影响则逐渐减小。此外,存在一个临界浓度值,当注入的悬浮颗粒浓度大于该值时,随着注入悬浮颗粒浓度的增大,出流液中的颗粒相对浓度反而有减小的趋势,这与大量的悬浮颗粒进入多孔介质造成多孔介质孔隙的堵塞有关。  相似文献   

Transport and deposition of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-modified nanoparticles of zero-valent iron (NZVI) were investigated in laboratory-scale sand packed columns. Aggregation resulted in a change in the particle size distribution (PSD) with time, and the changes in average particle size were determined by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). The change in PSD over time was influenced by the CMC-NZVI concentration in suspension. A particle-particle attachment efficiency was evaluated by fitting an aggregation model with NTA data and subsequently used to predict changes in PSD over time. Changes in particle sizes over time led to corresponding changes in single-collector contact efficiencies, resulting in altered particle deposition rates over time. A coupled aggregation-colloid transport model was used to demonstrate how changes in PSD can reduce the transport of CMC-NZVI in column experiments. The effects of particle concentrations in the range of 0.07 g L−1 to 0.725 g L−1 on the transport in porous media were evaluated by comparing the elution profiles of CMC-NZVI from packed sand columns. Changes in PSD over time could reasonably account for a gradual increase in effluent concentration between 1 and 5 pore volumes (PVs). Processes such as detachment of deposited particles also likely contributed to the gradual increase in effluent concentrations. The particle-collector attachment efficiency increased with CMC-NZVI particle concentration due to a rise in dissolved Na+ concentration with increased addition of Na-CMC. This inadvertent change in ionic strength led to decreased effluent concentrations at higher CMC-NZVI concentrations.  相似文献   

Transport of colloids with transient wetting fronts represents an important mechanism of contaminant migration in the vadose zone. The work presented here used steady-state saturated and transient unsaturated flow columns to evaluate the transport of a fluorescent latex microsphere (980 nm in diameter) with capillary wetting fronts of different solution surface tensions and ionic strengths. The saturated transport experiments demonstrated that decreasing solution surface tension and ionic strength decreased colloid deposition at the solid-liquid interface and increased colloid recovery in the column effluent. The effect of solution surface tension on colloid transport and deposition was greater at lower ionic strength, suggesting an interaction between these two factors. Under transient unsaturated flow conditions, the number of colloids retained in sand decreased exponentially with travel distance through the porous media. However, lowering the solution surface tension and ionic strength resulted in a more even distribution of colloids along the column. The measured zeta potentials of colloids in different solutions suggest that both lowering surface tension and ionic strength would enhance the electrostatic repulsion between colloid and sand. The experimental results revealed that the effects are nonlinear, implying the possible existence of critical threshold values, beyond which the effects were not significant. In addition, colloid migration slowed down as solution surface tension decreased due to reduction of capillary forces that drove liquid movement.  相似文献   

Brown DG  Abramson A 《Water research》2006,40(8):1591-1598
The collision efficiency (alpha) distribution of a bacterial population was determined using multiple packed-bed columns of varying lengths and analyzing the bacteria clean-bed breakthrough concentrations using a distributed colloid filtration theory. This technique allows the alpha distribution to be determined independently from other effects that can cause non-exponential deposition, including detachment and blocking. It was found that multiple probability density functions (PDF's) could accurately replicate the experimental data. Regardless of which PDF was used, a distributed alpha resulted in significantly greater predicted field-scale transport than when using a single alpha. However, there were wide variations in the predicted field-scale transport between the different distributions, suggesting that lab-scale experiments may not be readily utilized to determine the specific PDF that best represents alpha at the field scale. Finally, blocking was observed in the column effluent curves, underscoring the fact that if non-clean-bed processes occur then an approach such as that utilized in the current study may be used to separate the non-clean-bed and clean-bed processes when determining the collision efficiency distribution.  相似文献   

Sandra Jansen 《Water research》2010,44(4):1288-120
A study was conducted to understand the role of cell concentration and metabolic state in the transport and deposition behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens with and without substrate addition. Column experiments using the short-pulse technique (pulse was equivalent to 0.028 pore volume) were performed in quartz sand operating under saturated conditions. For comparison, experiments with microspheres and inactive (killed) bacteria were also conducted. The effluent concentrations, the retained particle concentrations and the cell shape were determined by fluorescent microscopy. For the transport of metabolically-active P. fluorescens without substrate addition a bimodal breakthrough curve was observed, which could be explained by the different breakthrough behaviour of the rod-shaped and coccoidal cells of P. fluorescens. The 70:30 rod/coccoid ratio in the influent drastically changed during the transport and it was about 20:80 in the effluent and in the quartz sand packing. It was assumed that the active rod-shaped cells were subjected to shrinkage into coccoidal cells. The change from active rod-shaped cells to coccoidal cells could be explained by oxygen deficiency which occurs in column experiments under saturated conditions. Also the substrate addition led to two consecutive breakthrough peaks and to more bacteria being retained in the column. In general, the presence of substrate made the assumed stress effects more pronounced. In comparison to microspheres and inactive (killed) bacteria, the transport of metabolically-active bacteria with and without substrate addition is affected by differences in physiological state between rod-shaped and the formed stress-resistant coccoidal cells of P. fluorescens.  相似文献   

Column experiments were conducted to investigate the facilitated transport of Cu in association with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHAP) in water-saturated quartz sand at different solution concentrations of NaCl (0-100 mM) or CaCl2 (0.1-1.0 mM). The experimental breakthrough curves and retention profiles of nHAP were well described using a mathematical model that accounted for two kinetic retention sites. The retention coefficients for both sites increased with the ionic strength (IS) of a particular salt. However, the amount of nHAP retention was more sensitive to increases in the concentration of divalent Ca2+ than monovalent Na+. The effluent concentration of Cu that was associated with nHAP decreased significantly from 2.62 to 0.17 mg L−1 when NaCl increased from 0 to 100 mM, and from 1.58 to 0.16 mg L−1 when CaCl2 increased from 0.1 to 1.0 mM. These trends were due to enhanced retention of nHAP with changes in IS and ionic composition (IC) due to compression of the double layer thickness and reduction of the magnitude of the zeta potentials. Results indicate that the IS and IC had a strong influence on the co-transport behavior of contaminants with nHAP nanoparticles.  相似文献   

An experimental mass transfer correlation was developed for trichloroethylene (TCE) pools dissolving in water-saturated porous media. A three-dimensional, bench-scale model aquifer previously designed by Chrysikopoulos et al. (Water Resour. Res. 36(7) (2000) 1687) was employed for collection of the experimental dissolution data. The unique aspect of the model aquifer design is the formation of a well-defined, circular TCE pool at the bottom of the model aquifer. Steady-state dissolved TCE concentrations at specific downstream locations within the aquifer were collected for each of the seven interstitial velocities considered in this study. For each interstitial velocity, a corresponding time invariant overall mass transfer coefficient was determined by fitting the experimental data to an analytical solution applicable to nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) pools (Water Resour. Res. 31(4) (1995) 1137). Subsequently, a correlation relating the time invariant overall Sherwood number to appropriate overall Peclet numbers was developed. Relatively good agreement between the newly developed correlation and experimental data was observed.  相似文献   

An inter-laboratory study of the accuracy of microbial source tracking (MST) methods was conducted using challenge fecal and sewage samples that were spiked into artificial freshwater and provided as unknowns (blind test samples) to the laboratories. The results of the Source Identification Protocol Project (SIPP) are presented in a series of papers that cover 41 MST methods. This contribution details the results of the virus and bacteriophage methods targeting human fecal or sewage contamination. Human viruses used as source identifiers included adenoviruses (HAdV), enteroviruses (EV), norovirus Groups I and II (NoVI and NoVII), and polyomaviruses (HPyVs). Bacteriophages were also employed, including somatic coliphages and F-specific RNA bacteriophages (FRNAPH) as general indicators of fecal contamination. Bacteriophage methods targeting human fecal sources included genotyping of FRNAPH isolates and plaque formation on bacterial hosts Enterococcus faecium MB-55, Bacteroides HB-73 and Bacteroides GB-124. The use of small sample volumes (≤50 ml) resulted in relatively insensitive theoretical limits of detection (10–50 gene copies or plaques × 50 ml−1) which, coupled with low virus concentrations in samples, resulted in high false-negative rates, low sensitivity, and low negative predictive values. On the other hand, the specificity of the human virus methods was generally close to 100% and positive predictive values were ∼40–70% with the exception of NoVs, which were not detected. The bacteriophage methods were generally much less specific toward human sewage than virus methods, although FRNAPH II genotyping was relatively successful, with 18% sensitivity and 85% specificity. While the specificity of the human virus methods engenders great confidence in a positive result, better concentration methods and larger sample volumes must be utilized for greater accuracy of negative results, i.e. the prediction that a human contamination source is absent.  相似文献   

Quartz sand columns and sand-filled microscope flow cells were used to investigate the transport characteristics of the clay colloid laponite, and a biofilm-forming bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa SG81. Separate experiments were performed with each particle to determine their individual transport characteristics in clean sand columns. In a second set of experiments, bacterial biofilms were formed prior to introduction of the clay colloids. In the independent transport experiments, bacteria and laponite each conformed to known physicochemical principles. A sodium chloride concentration of 7 x 10(-2) M caused complete retention of the laponite within the sand columns. P. aeruginosa SG81 was generally less influenced by ionic strength effects; it showed relatively low mobility at all ionic strengths tested and some (albeit reduced) mobility when introduced to the columns in 1M NaCl, the highest concentration tested, but nevertheless showed reproducible trends. Under conditions favourable to laponite retention and biofilm stability (7 x 10(-2) MNaCl), laponite suspensions were able to remobilise a portion of the attached bacterial biomass. At low ionic strength, the profile of laponite elution was also altered in the presence of a P. aeruginosa biofilm. These observations suggest that while a reduction in ionic strength has a dominant influence on the mobilisation of biological and inorganic colloids, the presence of laponite and biomass can have a distinct influence on the mobility of both types of colloids. Since these events are likely to occur in subsurface environments, our results suggest that colloid-biofilm interactions will have implications for colloid-bound contaminant transport and the remobilisation of pathogens.  相似文献   

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