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陈业明 《新建筑》1998,(3):31-32
多层住宅楼梯间是最重要的垂直交通环境和人际交往环境,但是目前在楼梯间的设计、施工和物业管理上存在许多问题,必须从住宅建筑和楼梯间可持续发展的角度,改善楼梯间的空间功能环境。  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区既有住宅建筑考虑通风和经济等因素,楼梯间多设计为开敞式,对建筑节能有一定影响,然而,在对该类建筑的节能改造过程中,楼梯间通常被忽视,未作处理,通过对该地区住宅建筑模型的动态能耗模拟分析,阐述了开敞楼梯间节能改造对整个住宅节能改造效果的影响,并从节能、施工、经济的角度出发,提出了该地区住宅建筑节能改造过程中开敞楼梯间的,合理改造方案.  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区既有住宅建筑考虑通风和经济等因素,楼梯间多设计为开敞式,对建筑节能有一定影响。然而,在对该类建筑的节能改造过程中,楼梯间通常被忽视,未作处理。通过对该地区住宅建筑模型的动态能耗模拟分析,阐述了开敞楼梯间节能改造对整个住宅节能改造效果的影响,并从节能、施工、经济的角度出发,提出了该地区住宅建筑节能改造过程中开敞楼梯间的合理改造方案。  相似文献   

以内蒙古中西部地区现阶段住宅设计为研究对象,对部分住宅非采暖楼梯间设计中存在的问题进行了分析。依据住宅建筑设计理论和现行国家相关政策法规,探讨现有技术手段在设计中的应用,并提出符合新时期节能目标的严寒地区住宅非采暖楼梯间的设计要求  相似文献   

根据历年来设计农民住宅的实践,结合本地区的实际情况,在广泛征求住户意见的基础上,我们设计了一套饺为实用的农村庄宅方案。现介绍如下: 一、楼梯间的设计楼梯间是组织建筑空间垂直和水平交通的枢纽,其所处的位置是否适宜,直接影响到人们的居住水平。此方案在设计过程中,基本思路是以楼梯间为核心,其它各房间围绕楼梯问设置,以达到减少不必要干扰的目的。  相似文献   

住宅楼梯间是单元住户共用的地方。《住宅建筑设计规范》对楼梯间的采光和通风等都有明确的要求,可是,在规范及实际设计中却常常忽略了平台防、排雨水的问题。在雨水较多的地区,在风雨交加时常出现平台积水,且顺着踏步、楼梯井向下流,影响人们的行走;特别对老人与儿童,更加不便。笔者根据一些住宅楼梯间的现状,提出以下改进意见,供设计时参考。  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑考虑通风和经济等因素,楼梯间多设计为开敞式。然而,开敞式楼梯间增加了建筑物与室外空气接触的表面积,对建筑节能有一定影响。本文运用动态能耗模拟分析软件,分别对设有开敞式与非开敞式楼梯间的不同建筑模型进行模拟计算,研究楼梯间开敞与否对建筑能耗的影响程度。  相似文献   

分析了剪刀式楼梯间的特点 ,以及在塔式高层建筑设计中的应用 ,结合《规范》,提出塔式高层建筑中的住宅 ,宾馆 ,写字楼在采用剪刀式楼梯间时应有所区别 .  相似文献   

吉龙华 《广东建材》2011,27(10):50-52
本文以建筑高度和建筑设计层数为主要线索展开,探索住宅建筑的封闭楼梯间、防烟楼梯间、电梯及楼梯构造设计。  相似文献   

北方采暖区住宅楼不采暖楼梯间通过楼梯间隔墙的传热耗热量占有相当比例。当住宅楼体形系数或楼梯间隔墙所占面积较大时,若楼梯间隔墙保温构造设计不当,住宅将很难满足现阶段建筑节能要求。选取两个典型建筑模型,运用节能设计软件,针对不同的保温构造方案,对节能效果进行综合分析,为采暖区多层单元式住宅楼不采暖楼梯间隔墙的保温构造设计提供有益的经验与思路。  相似文献   

清水混凝土施工在高层住宅工程中的运用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
张志峰 《山西建筑》2005,31(9):108-109
结合工程实践,主要从剪力墙模板、顶板模板以及门窗洞口的留设、滴水线、楼梯踏步三个细部,介绍了清水混凝土施工工艺在高层住宅工程中的运用,指出采用该工艺提高了住宅的实用率,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

武丽娟 《山西建筑》2002,28(8):13-14
结合新规范的学习,从住宅楼梯设计,起居厅面积与采光问题,层高问题,阳台厨房问题等多方面对住宅设计进行了探讨。指出住宅设计需要建筑师根据新住宅规范修订、补充的新内容而具体设计,以适应时代的发展要求。  相似文献   

In this study, the stair pressurization system in a 40-storey high office building in Istanbul is investigated through field tests, in order to understand the effect of the presence of a non-pressurized vestibule (fire protection lobby, FPL) before entering the stair at each floor. The building without FPL is simulated by keeping only one of the two doors (of the stair and FPL) open at each floor. This method gave an opportunity to fix other parameters affecting the stair pressurization system and check solely the effect of FPL. Two different cases are taken into account, where the first one (all doors closed) analyses the condition that all stair doors are kept closed and the second one (critical doors are open) is conducted when the stairwell is opened to the floor on a given level (fire floor) and the stair termination door at the discharge floor is kept open. For both cases, the availability of the FPL is investigated by using the aforementioned arrangement. Under the conditions with approximately the same pressurized air flow rate at all doors closed condition, it is found that the availability of FPL increases the pressure difference between the stairwell and the corridor by a factor of approximately 2.2. This is also justified by using empirical formulations available in literature, where this ratio is calculated as 2.0. The results of this study showed that the FPL arrangement improves the effectiveness of pressurization system in a very high-rise building, despite some tolerable drawbacks.  相似文献   

结合住宅建筑的发展,从设计和施工两方面归纳了住宅楼梯中常见的质量弊病,针对性地提出了质量弊病的防治措施,强调了消除住宅楼梯质量弊病的重要性,以确保住宅楼梯的质量。  相似文献   

Pedestrian merging flows on stairs are defined as the confluence of a flow of pedestrians from a stair and pedestrians from each floor of a multi-storey building. This paper introduces a novel simplified mathematical model for the calculation of evacuation times on stairs which takes into account the impact of merging flows. The model allows calculating the impact of merging ratio (people accessing the stair landing from the floor and from the stair) on pedestrian flows and evacuation times at each floor in congested situations. The assumptions and implementation of the model are presented. A hypothetical model case study of a 10-floor building evacuation is investigated, where the results of the new model are compared with the results of an evacuation simulation model using SimTread. Advantages and limitations of the new model in relation to the existing methods adopted for the simulation of merging flows on stairs are discussed.  相似文献   

方向明 《山西建筑》2010,36(5):89-90
通过对墙体、楼梯、挑梁等处出现裂缝已成危房的某职工医院楼的地基调查,对其地基处理设计、施工和建筑物加固治理工作进行了论述,以积累建筑物地基处理经验。  相似文献   

余琼 《结构工程师》2006,22(2):76-78
对某改造工程中后增室外弧形楼梯中出现的裂缝进行分析及加固处理.弧形楼梯的设计中,梯段板的内、外两侧抗扭钢筋应加强,梯段两端支座可视为固结,连接梯段与基础的墙不宜为砖砌体,可为混凝土墙,以抵抗楼梯推力.  相似文献   

坡屋顶住宅建筑设计中几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坡屋顶住宅在新时期得到了广泛应用,该文探讨了住宅坡屋顶的屋面坡度设计,屋顶室内楼梯设计,屋顶窗户设计等几个问题,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

螺旋楼梯是公共建筑中的装饰建筑,它的结构独特,构造复杂,施工难度大.大跨度螺旋楼梯的模板支撑成型和空间钢筋的放样加工,不同于普通钢筋混凝土结构的施工工艺流程,有独特的做法.着重介绍应用AutoCAD模拟放样技术,采用常规的建筑材料,施工复杂多变的螺旋楼梯时,模板支撑体系和钢筋加工绑扎施工.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the International Building Code (IBC) require a third exit stair for buildings in excess of 420 ft (128 m) high. Additionally, the new code provision allows for occupant evacuation elevators (OEE) to be used as an alternative to the third stair, provided the passenger elevator be protected in such a way to facilitate safe building evacuation. In this study, we evaluate the life-cycle costs of these alternative means of egress, using two prototypical building designs. Building ‘42F’ is a 42 floor, 504 ft (154 m) high building with a total floorspace of 1.68 million ft2 (0.16 million m2). Building ‘75F’ is a 75 floor, 900 ft (274 m) high building with a total floorspace of 3.38 million ft2 (0.31 million m2), including an 8403 ft2 (781 m2) sky lobby. The life-cycle cost of the OEE is compared to two exit stair designs, differentiated by width: 44 in. (112 cm) and 66 in. (168 cm). The wider exit stair conforms with another change to the IBC that requires the increase in width of exit stairs by 50% in new sprinklered buildings. The results of the economic analysis demonstrate that: (1) an additional exit stair is a cost-effective alternative to the installation of OEE on a first-cost basis; and (2) OEE are a cost-effective alternative to the installation of an additional exit stair on a life-cycle cost basis when rental rates are moderate to high and when discount rates are moderate to low.  相似文献   

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