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Minority carrier recombination lifetime calculations for narrow-gap semiconductors are of direct practical interest in establishing whether a material’s recombination is extrinsically or intrinsically limited, and therefore in guiding research and development programs regarding material quality improvements. We describe efforts to obtain accurate electronic band structures of HgCdTe alloy-based materials with infrared energy gaps and employ them to evaluate Auger recombination lifetimes. We use a 14-band k · p formalism to compute and optimize electronic band structures, and use the obtained electronic energies and matrix elements directly in the numerical evaluation of Auger and radiative lifetimes. 相似文献
分析了AlxGa1-xAs/GaAsHBT外基区表面复合电流及外基区表面复合速度对直流增益的影响,用光致发光(PL)谱和Al/SiNx-S/GaAsMIS结构C-V特性,研究了GaAs表面(NH4)2S/SiNx钝化工艺的效果及其稳定性。结果表明,ECR-CVD淀积SiNx覆盖并在N2气氛中退火有助于改善GaAs表面硫钝化效果的稳定性。在此基础上形成了一套包括(NH4)2S处理、SiNxECR-CVD淀积及退火并与现有HBT工艺兼容的外基区表面钝化工艺,使发射区面积为4×10μm2的器件增益比钝化前提高了4倍,且60天内不退化。 相似文献
载流子的复合是有机电致发光过程的一个重要环节,它直接影响着器件的效率,稳定性,寿命等性能。以双层器件ITO/N,N'-Diphenyl-N,N'-bis(1-naphthyl)-(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine(NPB)/tri-(8-hydroxy-quinoline)-aluminum(Alq3)/Mg:Ag为基础,以红光掺杂剂4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-t-butyl-6-(1,1,7,7-tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)-4H-pyran(DCJTB)为探针,通过改变在Alq3层中掺杂层的厚度,研究了双层异质结器件中载流子的复合位置。结果表明,对于双层器件NPB/Alq3,载流子的复合及激子的辐射衰减位于界面处的Alq3层0~10nm范围内。 相似文献
R. J. Kumar R. J. Gutmann J. M. Borrego P. S. Dutta C. A. Wang R. U. Martinelli G. Nichols 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2004,33(2):94-100
Radio-frequency (RF) photoreflectance measurements and one-dimensional device simulations have been used to evaluate bulk
and surface recombination parameters in doubly capped, 0.50–0.59-eV, p-type InGaAsSb epitaxial materials. The InGaAsSb lifetime
structures with variable active-layer thicknesses are used to extract the surface recombination velocity (SRV), while samples
with different active-layer doping concentrations have been used to determine the Auger and radiative recombination coefficients.
The RF photoreflectance measurements and analysis are compatible with a radiative recombination coefficient (B) of approximately
3×10−11 cm3/s, Auger coefficient (C) of 1×10−28 cm6/s, and SRV of ∼103 cm/s or lower for 0.50–0.59 eV, doubly capped, p-type InGaAsSb epitaxial layers. 相似文献
研究了类钠Ar7+离子内壳层双电子的复合激发截面,此结果对研制X射线激光有一定的参考价值,并给出了2p53p2和2p53d2组态的双电子复合截面 相似文献
目前我国电信行业依然面临着多重挑战,主要表现在重复建设、规模经济效益弱化、市场缺乏有效调解机制、产业链布局不合理等。其成因主要是产业组织结构调整不到位、产权结构和内部治理机制不合理,以及人力资产的路径依赖等。新一轮电信改革有三大目标,其经济目标一是提高对国民经济贡献率,二是对产业链及旁侧产业的拉动。政治目标是必须从根本上体现全体国民的总体福利,主要通过资费水平的下调和服务质量的提高来体现。因此,如何通过新的改革,控制或降低电信行业的垄断租金,使其转化为消费者剩余,也应成为新一轮改革的重要目标。社会目标是更好地处理好普遍服务问题。 相似文献
R.K. Ahrenkiel S.W. Johnston W.K. Metzger P. Dippo 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2008,37(4):396-402
In recent years, intrinsic luminescence has been used as a method to characterize the recombination lifetime of crystalline
silicon. The assumption is that the steady-state intrinsic photoluminescence at 1.09 eV (1.134 μm) can be related to the recombination lifetime. In this work, we measured the band-edge photoluminescence (PL) intensities
of a number of single-crystal wafers. The resistivity in the wafer set ranges from 1 to 11,000 ohm-cm under constant excitation
intensity. We then measured the PL spectra and recombination lifetimes of these wafer sets under a variety of conditions.
The lifetime was measured using resonant-coupled photoconductive decay (RCPCD) in both air ambient and an iodine/methanol
solution. The same procedure was used for the PL spectra. Plots of the measured lifetime versus the PL intensity showed weak
correlation between the two quantities in air ambient. However, there is a positive relationship between the near-bandgap
PL intensity and the recombination lifetime for passivated surfaces. Some fundamental physical reasons will be used to explain
these results. 相似文献
Wenyan Liu Haiyan Wang Lijing Qi Lili Yang 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2013,16(6):1931-1935
The ZnO nanorods arrays synthesized by the chemical bath deposition method were surface modified by the formic acid at room temperature in a very short time. The optical properties of the samples before and after modification had been investigated in detail. The results showed a remarkable strong enhancement of UV emission intensity by almost a factor of 14 after the formic acid modification, which is mainly attributed to the great suppression of the surface recombination since the formic acid can effectively remove a part of OH bonds on the surface of ZnO nanorods. 相似文献
通过分析有机电致发光器件中载流子注入、输运、激子的解离与复合过程,提出了激子解离与复合的理论模型。基于电流连续性方程和Poisson方程,给出了激子复合几率、电流密度及复合效率表达式。研究了外加电压和温度对器件中激子的复合几率及在各种接触条件下外加电压对器件电流和复合效率的影响。结果表明:(1)在一个较宽的注入势垒范围内,复合几率随电场和温度的升高而降低;(2)固定阴极势垒,而阳极势垒由小变大时,器件电流由接触限制向空间电荷限制转变;(3)复合效率随外加电压升高先增加,当电压达一临界值时而陡降,并存在一个最佳的注入势垒值。其计算值与所报道的实验结果相符合。 相似文献
Influence of Blend Morphology and Energetics on Charge Separation and Recombination Dynamics in Organic Solar Cells Incorporating a Nonfullerene Acceptor

Hyojung Cha Scot Wheeler Sarah Holliday Stoichko D. Dimitrov Andrew Wadsworth Hyun Hwi Lee Derya Baran Iain McCulloch James R. Durrant 《Advanced functional materials》2018,28(3)
Nonfullerene acceptors (NFAs) in blends with highly crystalline donor polymers have been shown to yield particularly high device voltage outputs, but typically more modest quantum yields for photocurrent generation as well as often lower fill factors (FF). In this study, we employ transient optical and optoelectronic analysis to elucidate the factors determining device photocurrent and FF in blends of the highly crystalline donor polymer PffBT4T‐2OD with the promising NFA FBR or the more widely studied fullerene acceptor PC71BM. Geminate recombination losses, as measured by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, are observed to be significantly higher for PffBT4T‐2OD:FBR blends. This is assigned to the smaller LUMO‐LUMO offset of the PffBT4T‐2OD:FBR blends relative to PffBT4T‐2OD:PC71BM, resulting in the lower photocurrent generation efficiency obtained with FBR. Employing time delayed charge extraction measurements, these geminate recombination losses are observed to be field dependent, resulting in the lower FF observed with PffBT4T‐2OD:FBR devices. These data therefore provide a detailed understanding of the impact of acceptor design, and particularly acceptor energetics, on organic solar cell performance. Our study concludes with a discussion of the implications of these results for the design of NFAs in organic solar cells. 相似文献
J. Schäfer A. P. Young T. M. Levin L. J. Brillson J. J. Paggel L. Vanzetti A. Franciosi 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1999,28(7):881-886
In this work we investigate ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures with an additional 2 nm controlled interfacial layer (CIL) of Se- or
Zn-rich composition to modify the band offset. The samples are analyzed as a function of annealing temperature by cathodoluminescence
spectroscopy. The as-prepared samples show defect luminescence at ∼ 0.9 eV. With staged annealing at increasing temperatures,
both the Zn-rich as well as the Se-rich interfacial layer exhibits luminescence at ∼ 1.9 eV, indicative of defect formation
with an onset temperature of ∼400°C. Excitation-dependent spectroscopy provides evidence for defect formation near the interface,
which extends into the ZnSe epilayer at higher temperatures. Compared to earlier work, where the threshold temperature for
defect formation in bulk samples fabricated under Se-rich growth conditions occurs at temperatures as low as 325°C, the resistance
to defect formation has now been improved to that of stoichiometric ZnSe. These results demonstrate that epitaxially grown
CILs provide a means to alter ZnSe/GaAs band offsets without degrading the heterojunction’s resistance to defect formation
at elevated temperatures. 相似文献
对Sr^ 、Ca^ 复合激光所用的Blumlein电路的放电过程和脉冲波形进行了计算机模型。在相同电路参数时,经模拟得到的放电管电流脉冲波形和实测的波形相一致。给出了该电路中各元件上放电脉冲波形间的时间关系,明确了放电过程的先后次序以及对应放电管的击穿电压和时刻。计算和比较了不同电路参数组合时流过放电管的电流脉冲波形,按照复合激光对放电电流脉冲后沿的要求,获得了一组较佳的电路参数。 相似文献
采用球壳结构和渐变有限深谐振子势阱模型,利用镜像电荷的方法分析了不同介电常数下,界面效应对半导体量子点异质结中类氢杂质电子束缚能级的扰动情况.通过计算考虑到杂质对电子的束缚作用前后的电子的基态能,可以看出对于处在弱受限情况下的量子点,异质结厚度在小于10 nm时,界面效应对类氢杂质电子束缚能级的影响明显.当异质结壳层厚度增大的时候,界面效应的影响将逐渐减弱,受扰动的基态能也逐渐减小,最后不同Airy函数零点值所对应的基态能趋向于某一固定值,此时界面效应可以忽略. 相似文献
为了使输出波长为430.5 nm的Sr 复合激光能达到实际应用的水平,对Sr 复合激光放电管温度场进行了分析;利用热流耗散泊松方程,给出Sr 复合激光放电管内温度场分布的数学模型,获得了Sr 复合激光放电管气体温度场径向分布的解析表达式,明确了温度分布与输入电功率及缓冲气体热传导系数之间的关系,分析了温度分布与输出功率的关系。指出径向温度分布不均匀是导致输出功率受限的主要原因。其结果与实验一致,对该类激光器的实用化研究提供了富有启发性的理论分析。 相似文献
考虑电荷的注入、无序系统中载流子的输运及极化子激子的解离和复合过程,建立了单层有机电致发光器件电致发光效率的理论模型.计算并讨论了离化距离对器件复合效率以及注入和复合对器件电致发光效率的影响.结果表明:(1) 通过降低金属/有机物界面势垒可以显著提高器件的EL效率;(2)当两电极均为欧姆接触或一个电极欧姆接触,一个电极是接触限制时,在低场下EL效率由注入决定,而高场下复合起主要作用;(3)当两电极均为接触限制时,EL效率主要由注入过程来决定.此模型可以较好地解释一些实验现象. 相似文献