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Genotyping based on short tandem repeat (STR) regions is used in human identification and parentage testing, gene mapping studies, cancer diagnostics, and diagnosis of hereditary diseases. Analysis of STR systems using slab gel electrophoresis requires lengthy and labor-intensive procedures. Therefore, alternative methods such as capillary electrophoresis or ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (IPRP HPLC) have been used to analyze DNA. IPRP HPLC offers an attractive substitute to gel electrophoresis for STR analysis because of the reduced analysis time, and there is no need for the waste disposal associated with radioisotopic, enzyme-linked, or fluorescence detection systems. We evaluated the use of IPRP HPLC for the sizing and typing of STR alleles from the HUMTHO1 locus. The IPRP HPLC conditions (column temperature, flow rate, percent organic modifier per minute) were optimized for the separation of PCR products. Using the optimized separation conditions, the alleles of the HUMTHO1 system were sized in their native state (double standard) with the use of internal markers. The typing results correlated 100% to accepted methods of DNA typing. The analysis time for the HUMTHO1 locus was less than 14 min, and the alleles could be peak captured for further examination following such as sequencing.  相似文献   

Qu J  Wang Y  Luo G  Wu Z  Yang C 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(9):2034-2040
Quantitation of amino acids in complex matrixes without derivatization is advantageous; however, difficulties exist in both the separation and the detection of those compounds. A validated method that is based on the use of volatile ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled to stable isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry has been developed for the simple and accurate quantitation of underivatized amino acids in biological samples. Sufficient separation of 22 underivatized amino acids was achieved on a C18 column in 36 min using perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHA) and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as mobile phase modifiers. The collisionally activated dissociation spectra of the amino acids were investigated and the transitions of [M + H]+ --> [M + H - 46]+, which are specific to alpha-amino acids, were used for the detection of most amino acids and their stable isotopes. The calibration curves were linear over the range of 0.10-100 microg/mL, and the detection limits were 0.03-20 pmol on column. The quantitative results by this method were compared with those by an established OPA-derivatization HPLC method in the assay of 8 human serum samples, and better recovery and precision data of this method were observed. The method was also applied to the neonatal screening for phenylketonuria (PKU) with dry blood spots, and the results were satisfactory. This is the first time that all proteinogenic amino acids have been quantified directly from biological extracts without any kind of derivaization. The technique shows potential for routine determination of amino acids and analogous compounds in complex matrixes.  相似文献   

The utility of liquid chromatography coupled to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry technique (LC-IRMS) has already been established through a variety of successful applications. However, the analytical constraint related to the use of aqueous mobile phases limits the LC separation mechanism. We report here a new strategy for high-precision (13)C isotopic analyses based on temperature-programmed LC-IRMS using aqueous mobile phases. Under these conditions, the isotopic precision and accuracy were studied. On one hand, experiments were carried out with phenolic acids using isothermal LC conditions at high temperature (170 degrees C); on the other hand, several experiments were performed by ramping the temperature, as conventionally used in a gas chromatography-based method with hydrosoluble fatty acids and pulses of CO 2 reference gas. In isothermal conditions at 170 degrees C, despite the increase of the CO 2 background, p-coumaric acid and its glucuronide conjugate gave reliable isotopic ratios compared to flow injection analysis-isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (FIA-IRMS) analyses (isotopic precision and accuracy are lower than 0.3 per thousand). On the opposite, for its sulfate conjugate, the isotopic accuracy is affected by its coelution with p-coumaric acid. Not surprisingly, this study also demonstrates that at high temperature (170 degrees C), a compound eluting with long residence time (i.e., ferulic acid) is degraded, affecting thus the delta (13)C (drift of 3 per thousand) and the peak area (compared to FIA-IRMS analysis at room temperature). Quantitation is also reported in isothermal conditions for p-coumaric acid in the range of 10-400 ng/mL and with benzoic acid as an internal standard. For temperature gradient LC-IRMS, in the area of the LC gradient (set up at 20 degrees C/min), the drift of the background observed produces a nonlinearity of SD (delta (13)C) approximately 0.01 per thousand/mV. To circumvent this drift, which impacts severely the precision and accuracy, an alternative approach, i.e., eluting the compound on the plateau of temperature studied was reported here. Other experiments with temperature-programmed LC-IRMS experiments are also reported with the presence of methanol in the injected solution to mimic residual solvent originating from the sample preparation or to slightly increase the solubility of the targeted compound for high-precision measurement.  相似文献   

Ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography was successfully coupled to negative-ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry by using 60 × 0.20 mm i.d. capillary columns packed with 2.3-μm micropellicular, octadecylated poly(styrene/divinylbenzene) particles as stationary phase and gradients of acetonitrile in 50 mM aqueous triethylammonium bicarbonate as mobile phase. Systematic variation of the eluent composition, such as concentration of ion-pair reagent, anion in the ion-pair reagent, solution pH, and acetonitrile concentration led to the conclusion that most parameters have opposite effects on chromatographic and mass spectrometric performances. The use of acetonitrile as sheath liquid enabled the rapid and highly efficient separation and detection of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated oligonucleotides ranging in size from 8 to 40 nucleotides. High-quality full-scan mass spectra showing little cation adduction were acquired from which the molecular masses of the separated oligonucleotides were calculated with an accuracy of 0.011%. With calibration curves being linear over at least 2 orders of magnitude, the lower limits of detection for a oligodeoxythymidine 16-mer were 104 fmol with full scan and 710 amol with selected-ion-monitoring data acquisition. The potential of ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was demonstrated for mixed-sequence oligomers by the characterization of a reaction mixture from solid-phase synthesis of a 40-mer oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

In this study, high-efficiency packed capillary reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) coupled on-line with high-performance Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry has been investigated for the characterization of complex cellular proteolytic digests. Long capillary columns (80-cm) packed with small (3-micron) C18 bonded particles provided a total peak capacity of approximately 1000 for cellular proteolytic polypeptides when interfaced with an ESI-FTICR mass spectrometer under composition gradient conditions at a pressure of 10,000 psi. Large quantities of cellular proteolytic digests (e.g., 500 micrograms) could be loaded onto packed capillaries of 150-micron inner diameter without a significant loss of separation efficiency. Precolumns with suitable inner diameters were found useful for improving the elution reproducibility without a significant loss of separation quality. Porous particle packed capillaries were found to provide better results than those containing nonporous particles because of their higher sample capacity. Two-dimensional analyses from the combination of packed capillary RPLC with high-resolution FTICR yield a combined capacity for separations of > 1 million polypeptide components and simultaneously provided information for the identification of the separated components based upon the accurate mass tag concept previously described.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific method for the determination and quantitation of (despropionyl) bezitramide in postmortem samples using liquid chromatography combined with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) is presented. The method is the result from a simple methodological transfer of a liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection (LC-FL) previously developed in our laboratory. A liquid-liquid back-extraction procedure using n-hexane isoamyl alcohol (93:7, v/v) as the extraction solvent is performed for a basic sample cleanup. N-Methyldespropionyl bezitramide is used as the internal standard. Chromatographic separation of the analytes of interest is achieved on a Hypersil ODS 5-micron column, using a 80:20 (v/v) mixture of 1.0 mM ammonium acetate and methanol/acetonitrile (50:50, v/v) and 1.0 mM ammonium acetate as the mobile phase. To obtain as high a sensitivity and selectivity as possible, a selected reaction-monitoring mass spectrometric technique is applied. In addition, low-energy collisional-activated dissociation (CAD) product ion spectra are recorded for a few samples. Calibration graphs are prepared for blood and urine, and good linearity is achieved over a concentration range of 1-150 ng/mL. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation (CV%) for the analysis of quality control samples at 10 and 50 ng/mL concentration levels do not exceed 10.2% and percent of targets are within 12.1%. Postmortem samples (blood, urine, stomach contents, bile, liver, and kidney) from three fatalities, all suspected victims of drug overdoses, are analyzed, and the results are reported. The results obtained with LC-ESI-MS/MS are in close agreement with those obtained using the LC-FL method. Moreover, the isolates' identity and structure are confirmed by the CAD product ion spectra, thus allowing to make unequivocal conclusions about the prior intake of bezitramide by the three subjects.  相似文献   

A new liquid chromatographic method for the efficient separation of aromatic compounds having a wide range of sizes, molecular structures, and polarities has been developed. Based on a phenyl-modified silica reversed stationary phase and a methanol-water solvent gradient, it allows the separation of mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) having up to five condensed aromatic rings and partially oxidized derivatives within a single chromatographic run of 40-min duration. The applicability of the method is demonstrated using 81 reference substances (PAHs, phenols, quinones, acids, lactones, esters, etc.) and real samples of environmental, medical, and technical relevance (ozonized PAHs, lake water, human urine, diesel exhaust condensates). The retention times of the investigated aromatics exhibit a regular increase with molecular mass and a systematic decrease with increasing number and polarity of functional groups. In case of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, a positive shift of retention time provides additional structural information. The combination of chromatographic retention time with the molecular mass and structural information from mass spectrometric detection allows the tentative identification of unknown aromatic analytes at trace levels, even without specific reference substances. With atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), low detection limits and highly informative fragmentation patterns can be obtained by in-source collision-induced fragmentation in a single-quadrupole LC-APCI-MS system as applied in this study, and multidimensional MS experiments are expected to further enhance the potential of the presented method.  相似文献   

We present a new method for rejecting noise from HPLC-MS data sets. The algorithm reveals peptides at low concentrations by minimizing both the chemical and the random noise. The goal is reached through a systematic approach to characterize and remove the background. The data are represented as two-dimensional maps, in order to optimally exploit the complementary dimensions of separation of the peptides offered by the LC-MS technique. The virtual chromatograms, reconstructed from the spectrographic data, have proved to be more suitable to characterize the noise than the raw mass spectra. By means of wavelet analysis, it was possible to access both the chemical and the random noise, at different scales of the decomposition. The novel approach has proved to efficiently distinguish signal from noise and to selectively reject the background while preserving low-abundance peptides.  相似文献   

We have developed an analytical method, consisting of ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (IP-LC-ESI-MS), for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of several key classes of polar metabolites, like nucleotides, coenzyme A esters, sugar nucleotides, and sugar bisphosphates. The use of the ion-pair agent hexylamine and optimization of the pH of the mobile phases were critical parameters in obtaining good retention and peak shapes of many of the above-mentioned polar and acidic metabolites that are impossible to analyze using standard reversed-phase LC/MS. Optimum conditions were found when using a gradient from 5 mM hexylamine in water (pH 6.3) to 90% methanol/10% 10 mM ammonium acetate (pH 8.5). The IP-LC-ESI-MS method was extensively validated by determining the linearity (R2 > 0.995), sensitivity (limit of detection 0.1-1 ng), repeatability, and reproducibility (relative standard deviation <10%). The IP-LC-ESI-MS method was shown to be a useful tool for microbial metabolomics, i.e., the comprehensive quantitative analysis of metabolites in extracts of microorganisms, and for the determination of the energy charge, i.e., the cellular energy status, as an overall quality measure for the sample workup and analytical protocols.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for detection and quantitation of (p-chlorophenyl)aniline (CPA) in biological samples was developed. The assay was established based on rapid electrochemical oxidation of CPA to a dimerized product (1.0 V vs Pd) with the enhanced detection sensitivity of electrospray mass spectrometer (ES/MS). A "head-to-tail" dimer ([M + H]+ at m/z 217) was exhibited as the predominant species after electrochemical conversion of CPA. Optimal detection sensitivity and specificity for the dimer of CPA that was present in the biological matrix (e.g., rat urine) were achieved through on-line electrochemistry (EC) coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. No matrix-associated ion suppression was observed. The limit of detection (S/N approximately 6) was 20 ng/mL, and the limit of quantitation was 50 ng/mL. The calibration curve was exhibited to be quadratic over the range of 50-2000 ng/mL with r2 > 0.99 in various biological matrixes. The assay was validated and used to study the biotransformation of p-chlorophenyl isocyanate (CPIC) to CPA in rats administered intraperitoneally with CPIC (50 mg/kg). The present LC/EC/MS/MS assay of CPA brings important technical advantages to assist in the risk assessment of new chemical entities, which have the potential to produce anilines via biotransformation.  相似文献   

We describe high-efficiency (peak capacities of approximately 10(3)) nanoscale (using column inner diameters down to 15 microm) liquid chromatography (nanoLC)/low flow rate electrospray (nanoESI) mass spectrometry (MS) for the sensitive analysis of complex global cellular protein enzymatic digests (i.e., proteomics). Using a liquid slurry packing method with carefully selected packing solvents, 87-cm-length capillaries having inner diameters of 14.9-74.5 microm were successfully packed with 3-microm C18-bonded porous (300-A pores) silica particles at a pressure of 18,000 psi. With a mobile-phase delivery pressure of 10,000 psi, these packed capillaries provided mobile-phase flow rates as low as approximately 20 nL/min at LC linear velocities of approximately 0.2 cm/s, which is near optimal for separation efficiency. To maintain chromatographic efficiency, unions with internal channel diameters as small as 10 microm were specially produced for connecting packed capillaries to replaceable nanoESI emitters having orifice diameters of 2-10 microm (depending on the packed capillary dimensions). Coupled on-line with a hybrid-quadrupole time-of-flight MS through the nanoESI interface, the nanoLC separations provided peak capacities of approximately 10(3) for proteome proteolytic polypeptide mixtures when a positive feedback switching valve was used for quantitatively introducing samples. Over a relatively large range of sample loadings (e.g., 5-100 ng, and 50-500 ng of cellular proteolytic peptides for 14.9- and 29.7-microm-i.d. packed capillaries, respectively), the nanoLC/nanoESI MS response for low-abundance components of the complex mixtures was found to increase linearly with sample loading. The nanoLC/nanoESI-MS sensitivity also increased linearly with decreasing flow rate (or approximately inversely proportional to the square of the capillary inner diameter) in the flow range of 20-400 nL/min. Thus, except at the lower loadings, decreasing the separation capillary inner diameter has an effect equivalent to increasing sample loading, which is important for sample-limited proteomic applications. No significant effects on recovery of eluting polypeptides were observed using porous C18 particles with surface pores of 300-A versus nonporous particles. Tandem MS analyses were also demonstrated using the high-efficiency nanoLC separations. Chromatographic elution time, MS response intensity, and mass measurement accuracy was examined between runs with a single column (with a single nanoESI emitter), between different columns (same and different inner diameters with different nanoESI emitters), and for different samples (various concentrations of cellular proteolytic peptides) and demonstrated robust and reproducible sensitive analyses for complex proteomic samples.  相似文献   

Heparin and heparan sulfate (HS) are important pharmaceutical targets because they bind a large number of proteins, including growth factors and cytokines, mediating many biological processes. Because of their biological significance and complexity, there is a need for development of rapid and sensitive analytical techniques for the characterization and compositional analysis of heparin and HS at the disaccharide level, as well as for the structure elucidation of larger glycosaminoglycan (GAG) sequences important for protein binding. In this work, we present a rapid method for analysis of disaccharide composition using reversed-phase ion-pairing ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry ((RPIP)-UPLC-MS). Heparin disaccharide standards were eluted in less than 5 min. The method was used to determine the constituents of GAGs from unfractionated heparin/HS from various bovine and porcine tissues, and the results were compared with literature values.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA is methylated at some cytosine residues, and this epigenetic feature performs critical functions. We developed a method for quantitative determination of 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine in human DNA using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS). The DNA was enzymatically hydrolyzed by sequential digestion with three enzymes. DNA hydrolyzates were subsequently separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography in isocratic mode. The four major DNA bases and 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine were resolved and eluted in 13 min. Identification of 2'-deoxycytidine and 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine was obtained by combined diode array UV spectra analysis and mass spectra of chromatographic peaks. The isotopomers [15N3]-2'-deoxycytidine and (methyl-d3,ring-6-d1)-5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine were used as internal standards. Ions of m/z 126 and 130 were used to detect 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine and its isotopomer, and ions of m/z 112 and 115 were used to detect 2'-deoxycytidine and its stable isotopomer, respectively. The DNA methylation status was calculated on the basis of the amount of 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine per microgram of DNA with percent relative standard deviations (%RSD) for a method precision of 7.1 (within-day) and 5.7 (day-to-day). This method also allows the measurement of 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine expressed as a percentage of total deoxycytidine residues in genomic DNA with %RSD for method precision of 1.9 (within-day) and 1.7 (day-to-day). This LC/MS method for quantitative determination of genomic DNA methylation status is rapid, sensitive, selective, and precise.  相似文献   

Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) was demonstrated as a means to couple thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with mass spectrometry. The experimental setup and its optimization are described. Development lanes were scanned by moving the TLC plate under computer control while directing the stationary DESI emitter charged droplet plume at the TLC plate surface. Mass spectral data were recorded in either selected reaction monitoring mode or in full scan ion trap mode using a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Fundamentals and practical applications of the technique were demonstrated in positive ion mode using selected reaction monitoring detection of rhodamine dyes separated on hydrophobic reversed-phase C8 plates and reversed-phase C2 plates, in negative ion full scan mode using a selection of FD&C dyes separated on a wettable reversed-phase C18 plate, and in positive ion full scan mode using a mixture of aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine from an over-the-counter pain medication separated on a normal-phase silica gel plate.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography (LC) was coupled on-line to a continuous-flow enzymatic assay using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) as readout for the screening of enzyme inhibitors in complex samples. Inhibitors were detected by changes in the concentration of the enzymatic reaction products, indicating the inhibition of enzymatic activity. The molecular masses of the inhibitors were determined with high certainty by using retention time matching and peak shape comparison. Due to the high matching accuracy, baseline separation of coeluting analytes was not necessary in order to identify the correct masses of the bioactive compounds. The continuous-flow system was successfully applied for the screening of complex samples, such as natural extracts. For a red clover extract, detection limits of 0.3-0.8 micromol/L were obtained. System validation was performed by determining the IC(50) values of four inhibitors in the flow-injection mode. The IC(50) values were in the 0.11-5.6 micromol/L range and correspond closely to data obtained by microtiter plate assays. Detection limits were in the range of 0.018-0.35 micromol/L in the flow-injection mode, and 0.075-0.75 micromol/L in the LC mode. These values are well below the typical compound concentrations (1-10 micromol/L) used in high-throughput screening. Together with an interday precision of 12.6%, these results demonstrate the applicability of the system for bioactivity screening of complex mixtures, generating both chemical and biological information on bioactive compounds in a single run.  相似文献   

Eight fluorescence reagents, i.e., DBD-F, NBD-F, DNS-Cl, NDA, PSC, FITC, Fmoc-Cl, and DMEQ-COCl, which are reactive to an amino functional group, were tested for the labeling of asparaginyl-oligosaccharides in a glycoprotein. Although the optimal reaction conditions and the fluorescence maximal wavelengths were different for each reagent, the highly sensitive fluorescence detection at the femtomole level of Disialo-Asn (a representative asparaginyl-oligosaccharide) was obtained from the labeling utilizing these reagents. Among them, PSC was the most reliable reagent in terms of detection sensitivity (approximately 3 fmol, signal-to-noise ratio of 5 (S/N = 5) on the chromatogram). However, the structural information could not be obtained from the fluorescence detection. Thus, the on-line determination of a real sample was carried out by UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. The detection limit of the PSC-labeled Disialo-Asn by selected-ion chromatography was 58 fmol (S/N = 5). When the proposed procedure was applied to the determination of oligosaccharides in ovalbumin, 15 species of PSC-labeled oligosaccharides possessing Man, GlcNAc, and Gal units were identified from the UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. The number of identified oligosaccharides was relatively greater than the method using Fmoc-Cl. Based on the ovalbumin results, the proposed labeling with PSC followed by UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS detection seems to be useful for the on-line asparaginyl-oligosaccharide analysis.  相似文献   

Application of C18 monolithic silica capillary columns in HPLC coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry detection was studied for probing the metabolome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. It could be shown that the use of a long capillary column is an easy and effective approach to reduce ionization suppression by enhanced chromatographic resolution. Several hundred peaks could be detected using a 90-cm capillary column for LC separation and a noise reduction and automatic peak alignment software, which outperformed manual inspection or commercially available mass spectral deconvolution software.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to the detection of the iron(III) complexes of the hydroxamate siderophores rhodotoluric acid, deferrioxamine B, and deferrichrome. Separation of the iron(III) complexes was obtained using a polystyrene-divinylbenzene stationary phase. The retention and responses of ferrioxamine and ferrichrome were optimal when a gradient elution program with methanol and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid as the mobile phases was used. These conditions were also suitable for the retention and separation of the uncomplexed ligands. Retention of iron(III) rhodotoluate was improved when formic acid was replaced by the ion-pairing reagent heptafluorobutyric acid (0.1%). Detection limits for the ferric complexes, defined as 3 SD of the lowest determined standard, were 26 nM for iron(III) rhodotoluate, 0.23 nM for ferrioxamine, and 0.40 nM for ferrichrome. A protocol for the solid-phase extraction of these hydroxamate siderophores from seawater was developed and applied to the extraction of siderophores from enriched incubated seawater samples.  相似文献   

A detailed evaluation of the analytical characteristics of a liquid chromatography/particle beam-glow discharge mass spectrometry (LC/PB-GDMS) system is described for applications in the area of inorganic (free metals in solution) and organic compound analysis. A highly efficient particle beam interface is used to introduce analyte species into a glow discharge source for subsequent vaporization and ionization. The GD operating current and gas pressure were optimized, with the general responses found to be similar to those obtained previously for particulate matter analysis by this PB-GDMS system. The mass spectra obtained for inorganic species are comprised exclusively of the respective elements' isotopic patterns, with no evidence of appreciable oxide species formation. Organic species introduced into the discharge through the particle beam interface yield mass spectra that are virtually identical to those from standard electron impact (70 eV) ionization. An analytical response curve for caffeine, using 200-microL (H2O/MeOH) injection volumes, showed less than 5% RSD for replicate injections over a concentration range of 10-500 ppm, with a detection limit of 13 ppb (2.7 ng) obtained for the caffeine molecular ion. Similarly, detection limits for Fe, Ag, and Cs ranged from 5.8 to 6.1 ppb (approximately 1 ng, each) in the injected volume. As an example of the feasibility of the PB-GDMS system as a detector for liquid chromatography, the separation and identification of the organic constituents in diet soda was performed.  相似文献   

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