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Salmonella spp. interact with ileal mucosa and disrupt normal intestinal function, which results in an acute inflammatory cell influx, fluid secretion and enteritis. We have recently characterized SopB, a novel secreted effector protein of Salmonella dublin, and presented evidence that SopB is translocated into eukaryotic cells via a sip-dependent pathway to promote fluid secretion and inflammatory responses. Here, we show that sopB is located on a large DNA fragment unique to the Salmonella chromosome. This locus is conserved in Salmonella and maps at approximately 20 centisome of the S. typhimurium chromosome. Sequence analysis revealed that this Salmonella-specific DNA fragment is flanked by DNA sequences with significant sequence similarity to the Escherichia coli K-12 genes, tRNA1ser (serT) on one side and copS/copR on the other. Thus, this Salmonella-specific DNA fragment has features characteristic of 'pathogenicity islands' and, therefore, it was denoted SPI-5 (Salmonella pathogenicity island-5). SPI-5 was sequenced and was found to contain five novel genes, pipA, pipB, pipC, pipD (pathogenicity island-encoded proteins) and orf, in addition to sopB. The effect of mutations in pipA, pipB and pipD on the induction of fluid secretion and an acute inflammatory cell influx was assessed in bovine ligated ileal loops. The effect of mutations in SPI-5-encoded genes on systemic salmonellosis was assessed in mice. The results of these experiments suggest that SPI-5-encoded genes contribute to enteric but not to systemic salmonellosis.  相似文献   

A new class of outer membrane lipid (OML) was isolated from the oral spirochete Treponema denticola strain ATCC 33521 using a phenol/chloroform/light petroleum procedure normally applied for lipopolysaccharide extraction. In addition to chemical analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was applied to compare the biophysical properties of OML with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and lipoteichoic acids (LTA). Isolated OML fractions represent 1.4% of the total dry cell weight, are about 4 kDa in size, and contain 6% amino sugars, 8% neutral sugars, 14% phosphate, 35% carbazol-positive compounds, and 11% fatty acids (containing iso- and anteiso-fatty acyl chains). Rare for outer membrane lipids, OML contains no significant amount of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acids, heptoses, and beta-hydroxy fatty acids. The fatty acyl chain composition, being similar to that of the cytoplasmic membrane, is quite heterogeneous with anteiso-pentadecanoic acid (12%), palmitic acid (51%), and iso-palmitic acid (19%) as the predominant fatty acids present. Findings of a glycerol-hexose unit and two glycerol-hexadecanoic acid fragments indicate a glycolipid membrane anchor typically found in LTA. There was also no evidence for the presence of a sphingosine-based lipid structure. The results of FTIR measurements strongly suggest that the reconstituted lipid forms normal bilayer structures (vesicles) expressing a high membrane state of order with a distinct phase transition as typical for isolated LPS. However, in contrast to LPS, OML of T. denticola has a lower Tm near 22 degreesC and a lower cooperativity of the phase transition. The results suggest a different kind of permeation barrier that is built up by this particular OML of T. denticola, which is quite different from LPS normally essential for Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Specific pathogen-free chicks aged 1 day were challenged per os with strains of five different species of intestinal spirochaete originally isolated from pigs or human beings. A virulent strain of Serpulina hyodysenteriae (WA 15) colonized chicks, causing retarded growth rate and histological changes, including caecal atrophy, epithelial and goblet cell hyperplasia, and crypt elongation. A further strain of S. hyodysenteriae (SA3), which was apparently avirulent for pigs, and a strain of Serpulina intermedia (889) colonized fewer chicks, caused less severe lesions and did not significantly depress growth rate. Strains of Serpulina murdochii and Brachyspira aalborgi failed to colonize or cause histological changes. Four strains of Serpulina pilosicoli (Kar, Rosie-2299 and GAP 401, isolated from human beings, and 3295, isolated from a pig) colonized chicks, and large numbers showed polar attachment to the caecal epithelium; all strains, apart from Rosie-2299, caused watery diarrhoea and wet litter, but did not significantly retard growth. Variation both in the degree of spirochaetal attachment and the resulting development of lesions was observed between S. pilosicoli strains as well as between individual chicks infected with the same strain. The study indicated that chicks may be useful in studying the pathogenicity of strains of S. hyodysenteriae, S. intermedia and S. pilosicoli.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p27 interrupts progression of the cell cycle by inhibiting various cyclin/Cdk activities. Since the protein level of p27 does not correlate with its mRNA level or protein synthesis rate in most cases, it is suggested that degradation of the protein may be regulated via an unidentified mechanism(s) involving a post-translational modification(s). We present evidence here that p27 phosphorylation is cell cycle-dependent and peaks in the late G1 phase and that the level of p27 protein is inversely correlated with its phosphorylation. Although both cyclin D1- and cyclin-E-dependent kinases are active in the late G1 phase in human fibroblasts, cyclin E/Cdk2 specifically phosphorylates p27 on threonine-187 in vitro. Interestingly, ectopic expression of T187A revealed that it was far more stable in vivo than wild type p27. Thus, phosphorylation of p27 by cyclin E/ Cdk2 may affect the stability of its protein and play a role in how the protein functions.  相似文献   

In vitro incubation of all-trans-retinol (atROL) with kidney homogenate from vitamin A-deficient and retinoic acid-supplemented (VAD-RAS) female rats produces a new retinol metabolite. Reverse-phase (RP) and normal-phase (NP) high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed that this metabolite coelutes with the unknown all-trans-retinol (atROL) metabolite previously found in the day 10 conceptus and kidneys of vitamin A-deficient rats maintained on all-trans-retinoic acid (VAD-RA) and given 2 microg of [3H]atROL. Normal-phase (NP) HPLC purification of the metabolite collected from a RP HPLC column further separated the radiolabeled material into two components. The two isolated compounds have identical or very similar spectroscopic properties. Their nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and mass spectra (MS) indicated that they are isomers. Spectroscopic studies of the metabolites and their derivatives showed that they are nine-carbon fragments resulting from an oxidative cleavage of the side chain of atROL. The cleavage occurs at C-9, and the product is then oxidized to a keto group. The primary hydroxy group from atROL is preserved in the metabolite. A sulfide bridge is formed between C-11 and C-14, which interrupts the conjugation. The formation of the new metabolites, possessing a 2,5-dihydrothiophene ring, is catalyzed by an enzyme(s) located in the cytosolic fraction of kidneys. The process represents a new retinol metabolic pathway; however, its biological significance is unknown.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between the procoagulant activity of F3II mouse mammary carcinoma cells and the production of urokinase, a profibrinolytic serine protease involved in tumor invasion and hematogenous metastasis. F3II cells were capable of inducing the conversion of purified fibrinogen to fibrin in the presence of calcium and plasma traces. Immunocytochemical examination of semi-confluent monolayers demonstrated that F3II cells also synthesized high levels of urokinase. Although fibrinogen did not modify profibrinolytic activity produced by F3II monolayers, fibrin formation increased tumor-derived urokinase activity by two-fold. The present data provide new insights into the cooperative role of coagulation and fibrinolysis facilitating and perpetuating tumor invasion.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy in ruminants, such as the sheep, is characterized by relatively extensive development of the conceptus before attachment to the endometrium. Between the period of blastocyst hatching and initial attachment, the uterus responds to signals from the conceptus and adapts to provide an environment that permits the establishment of pregnancy. We used large-format two-dimensional (2D) PAGE to analyze the dynamic changes in protein composition of uterine luminal fluid (ULF) during this stage of pregnancy, and we determined the contribution of each of the extraembryonic membranes and the endometrium to these changes. The majority of the more than 40 pregnancy-associated proteins in ULF at Day 17 were secreted by the conceptus. By 2D gel map comparison and Western blotting, we identified transferrin, secreted by the yolk sac from Day 15, and cytoplasmic actin, one of the most abundant proteins produced by the trophoblast at Day 17. Apolipoprotein A1 and aldose reductase, whose abundance were markedly increased in pregnancy, were identified by peptide microsequencing. Aldose reductase, an enzyme required for the conversion of glucose to fructose, was shown to be synthesized by the trophoblast, and its detection even before the formation of the placenta suggests that the synthesis of fructose may occur much earlier than previously reported.  相似文献   

Studies of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi have been hindered by the scarcity of genetic tools that can be used in these bacteria. For the first time, a method has been developed by which heterologous DNA (DNA without a naturally occurring B. burgdorferi homolog) can be introduced into and persistently maintained by B. burgdorferi. This technique uses integration of circular DNA into the bacterial genome via a single-crossover event. The ability to transform B. burgdorferi with heterologous DNA will now permit a wide range of experiments on the biology of these bacteria and their involvement in the many facets of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality in short bowel syndrome are directly related to the length of the remaining small bowel and to the duration of total parenteral nutrition. We describe the successful salvage of an infant with extensive small bowel infarction for whom a new technique was used to preserve all viable mucosal surfaces. The infant, with gastroschisis, was found to have a tight volvulus of the extruded bowel and extensive small bowel ischemia at the time of delivery. Forty-eight hours after reduction of the volvulus and abdominal decompression, a second-look laparotomy was performed. Although only the terminal 13 cm of ileum was completely viable, 25% of the circumference of a further 23 cm of proximal jejunum/ileum was considered salvageable. After debridement of the dead tissue, the remaining gutter of jejunum was divided at its midpoint, and the two halves were anastomosed longitudinally to provide a "neojejunum" of 12 cm in length, which was anastomosed between the duodenum and terminal ileum. Full enteral feeding was tolerated from day 47. Although the neojejunum was excised on day 149, after becoming dilated and atonic, by that time the remaining small bowel had elongated to 30 cm. Because of the early institution of full enteral feeding, there were no long-term complications related to total parenteral nutrition.  相似文献   

A "halo sign" has been described in patients with Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, radiation enteritis, ischemic colitis, and pseudomembranous colitis. This sign is characterized by an inner ring of low CT attenuation surrounded by a higher attenuation outer ring. We present a patient with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia in whom CT demonstrated a halo sign correlated with mucosal biopsy.  相似文献   

1. The biopotencies relative to beta-carotene of several apocarotenoids, such as 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate, were investigated in rats, on a molar basis, by both curative-growth assay and liver-storage tests. 2. In the curative-growth assays, on a molar basis the biopotencies of 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate were 72, 78, 72 and 53% respectively, whereas on a weight basis the corresponding values were 93, 111, 111 and 63%, with respect to beta-carotene taken as 100%. In terms of yield of vitamin A, these values were much lower in the liver-storage tests. 3. When 8'-apo-beta-carotenal was fed, the unchanged aldehyde together with small amounts of the corresponding alcohol and larger proportions of the acid rapidly appeared in the tissues of both rats and chickens. The 8'-apocarotenol, 8'-apocarotenoic acid and its methyl ester were absorbed unchanged. The free acid disappeared most rapidly from the tissues, but its methyl ester persisted in the tissues longest. 4. On the basis of these observations it is suggested that most of an apocarotenal is oxidized to the corresponding acid, which, in turn, is mostly degraded to retinoic acid, with small proportions of it being attacked by the dioxygenase system giving retinal.  相似文献   

When implanted as a biomaterial for tissue replacement, selected submucosal layers of porcine small intestine induce site-specific tissue remodeling. Small intestinal submucosa (SIS), as isolated, is primarily an acellular extracellular matrix material. In an attempt to discover the components of small intestinal submucosa which are able to induce this tissue remodeling, the material was extracted and extracts were tested for the ability to stimulate Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts to synthesize DNA and proliferate. Each of the four different extracts of small intestinal submucosa had measurable cell-stimulating activity when analyzed in both a whole cell proliferation assay (alamarBlue dye reduction) and a DNA synthesis assay ([3H]-thymidine incorporation). Proteins extracted from SIS with 2 M urea induced activity profiles in the two assays which were very similar to the activity profiles of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) in the assays. As well, the changes in cell morphology in response to the extracted proteins mimicked the changes induced by FGF-2. Neutralization experiments with specific antibodies to this growth factor confirmed the presence of FGF-2 and indicated that it was responsible for 60% of the fibroblast-stimulating activity of the urea extract of small intestinal submucosa. Western blot analysis with a monoclonal antibody specific for FGF-2 detected a reactive doublet at approximately 19 kDa and further confirmed the presence of FGF-2. Cell stimulating activity of proteins extracted from SIS with 4 M guanidine was neutralized by an antibody specific for transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta). Changes in the morphology of the fibroblasts exposed to this extract were nearly identical to changes induced by TGF beta. Although no reactive protein band was detected at 25 kDa in nonreduced western blot analysis, several bands were reactive at higher molecular weight. The identity of this TGF beta-related component of small intestinal submucosa is unknown. Identification of FGF-2 and TGF beta-related activities in SIS, two growth factors known to significantly affect critical processes of tissue development and differentiation, provides the opportunity to further elucidate the mechanisms by which this extracellular matrix biomaterial modulates wound healing and tissue remodeling.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens-associated necrotic enteritis (CPANE) is a common problem among rapidly growing broiler strains of chickens that are raised intensively in modern microenvironments. The purpose of this study was to compare the use of Aviguard and three other intestinal bioproducts (two normal gut flora [NGF] products and one probiotic product) in experimental CPANE in broiler chickens. Male broiler chicks were housed in the same environmentally controlled facility and given one of six treatments. The necrotic enteritis infection model (NEIM) used in the present study was effective in inducing CPANE intestinal gross lesions in broiler chickens. Equally important, Aviguard was found to be significantly more effective than either the other two NGF products or the probiotic for reducing gross lesions induced by the NEIM. In addition, Aviguard/NEIM-treated chicks ate more feed and had better feed efficiency than their NGF- or probiotic/NEIM-treated counterparts. Other significant differences among these four reconstituted microbial preparations were not found. Results from this study have additional importance because they further support the use of reconstituted microbial preparations as novel and effective alternatives to antibiotics that can reduce the severity of C. perfringens-associated necrotic enteritis challenge in broilers.  相似文献   

With the development of powerful computer systems, computer-assisted medical diagnosis and therapy have become common over the last 10 years. Even in the surgical field, computer- and robotic-assisted techniques are becoming practical but are not yet used on a daily basis. In the orthopaedic field, computer and robotic assistance is used in planning and performing demanding three-dimensional osteotomies, setting pedicle screws in the spine and milling the femoral medullary canal in total hip replacement. This article introduces a computer- and robotic-assisted system for performing arthroplasty in total knee replacement procedures.  相似文献   

The sea urchin egg vitelline envelope (VE) is composed of eight major glycopolypeptides that are heavily mannosylated and contain fucose and N-acetylglucosamine moieties based on lectin staining. In the present study, the macromolecular composition of the VE and the potential role of a purified VE glycoprotein in initial gamete binding was investigated. The VE components were solubilized from the surface of intact, dejellied eggs with dithiothreitol in divalent cation-free seawater, and analyzed using native, reduced electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Three major VE glycoproteins, VE-A, VE-B and VE-C, and one minor component, VE-D, were identified with antisera against whole VE preparations and against glutaraldehyde-fixed, unfertilized eggs. The electrophoretically purified glycoproteins resolved into a common subunit doublet and one unique subunit each of decreasing size on blots of sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gels. Lectin affinity chromatography was used for analysis and purification of reduced VE components; a glycoprotein eluted from Con A columns with methyl-mannoside comigrated with VE-B when analyzed by immunoblotting. Whole VE preparations and VE-B obtained from Con A columns were found to inhibit fertilization when preincubated with sperm, thus directly establishing a role for VE-B in gamete binding.  相似文献   

1. The effects of varying the dietary arginine:lysine (Arg:Lys) ratio for broiler chickens at thermoneutral and high temperatures was studied in a series of 5 experiments which measured intestinal epithelial transport or evaluated growth and food efficiency with practical diets or diets supplemented with L-arginine free base. 2. The growth studies showed that increasing the Arg:Lys ratio at high temperatures produced consistent improvements in food conversion without any loss in growth. 3. Increasing dietary sodium chloride concentration reduced the Arg:Lys ratio necessary for optimum food conversion. 4. Food conversion responses were improved whether L-arginine free base was used as a dietary supplement in place of an inert filler or practical diets with differing ingredients were used to vary the Arg:Lys ratio. 5. In the presence of an equimolar concentration of lysine the uptake of arginine by the intestinal epithelium of heat-stressed broilers was reduced significantly compared with that of broilers at thermoneutral temperatures. 6. The results indicate that the ideal amino acid balance for broilers varies with ambient temperature.  相似文献   

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