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介绍了等离子弧产生臭氧机理及对人体的危害,实测表明,在等离子弧区,影响臭氧浓度的主要工艺参数是电流,电流愈大,紫外幅射愈强,产生臭氧愈多,提高50A电流,等离子弧区臭氧浓度可增加16.9%,因此对臭氧危害应采取“防”和“治”两方面措施。所谓“防”是指正确调节等离子弧工艺参数,在满足工艺要求条件下,尽量降低电流,减少气体流量;所谓“治”是指合理安装排风除尘装置,把等离子弧产臭氧及粉尘对人体危害控制在 相似文献
根据流体力学理论和传热学机理,建立了运动等离子弧作用下立焊穿孔焊接熔池流场和温度场的三维瞬态数值分析模型,并采用有限元法对模型进行离散化处理。模型中,考虑了熔池内部液态金属的对流传热和熔池外部的固体导热、材料热物理性能参数随温度的变化、焊件表面通过对流和辐射向周围环境的散热以及熔化/凝固相变潜热对熔池流场与温度场的影响,焊接热源采用高斯分布函数,计算中对边界条件进行了处理,根据穿孔熔池温度场与流场模型的特点,采用非均匀网格对单元进行划分,并采用分区异步长算法确定时间步长,利用ANSYS(一种有限元计算软件)有限元软件对所建立的模型进行了求解。通过试验测量焊缝几何尺寸与计算结果相比较,验证了本模型的计算结果和实际相差不大,是基本正确和可靠的。 相似文献
等离子弧喷焊分布式微机控制系统的研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
以等离子弧喷焊为例,介绍了分布式控制系统对焊接过程进行控制的原理和方法,提出当控制对象较多时,采用计算机分级结构,即以一个主计算机和多个从计算机为基础的结构体系,可达到理想的综合控制效果。试验结果表明,采用分散控制,集中管理的方法,使系统的可靠性大大提高,控制更加灵活,精度更高,功能更强。 相似文献
采用交流等离子焊接方法,使用焊材ER5356对8 mm 5052铝合金进行了等离子弧立向上焊接试验。通过合理的设计焊接工艺和严格控制焊接关键因素,解决了5052铝合金焊接性的问题。结果表明,交流等离子弧焊接方法适用于5052铝合金的焊接,根据标准对焊接接头进行力学性能检测、X射线检测与焊接接头金相分析。结果表明,焊接接头弯曲和拉伸性能符合检测标准要求,冲击吸收能量在15 ℃条件下均大于19 J;焊缝无气孔、夹渣等缺陷,焊缝中组织基体为α(Al)固溶体。 相似文献
等离子弧喷焊镍基合金层组织及耐磨性试验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在16Mn钢表面等离子弧喷焊自熔性镍基合金喷焊层(Ni60)及加入w(WC)25%的镍基合金喷焊层(NWC25),对两种合金喷焊层进行了显微组织,X射线衍射分析,硬度及不同腐蚀介质下的腐损试验。结果表明,合金喷焊层显微组织均为γ固溶体基体和各种化合物相,如Fe23(C,B)6,(Cr,Fe)7C3,Cr7C3,NiB,WC等。NWC25喷焊层具有较高的硬度,在腐蚀介质中耐磨性明显高于Ni60,合金喷焊层在弱酸碱介质中的耐磨性比在中性水中都有所降低,在酸性介质中降低较为明显。 相似文献
材料为ZG310-570的铸钢件因承受冲击载荷的频繁作用导致其内孔磨损失效,是该类铸钢件最主要的失效形式。利用粉末等离子弧喷焊技术对铸钢件受损内孔进行修复,并利用火花直读光谱仪、金相显微镜、布氏硬度计、冲击试验机和扫描电子显微镜分别对喷焊层外观质量、显微组织和力学性能进行分析。分析结果表明,采用粉末等离子弧喷焊修复方法使铸钢件内孔尺寸得到恢复;喷焊层与基体为冶金结合,结合线清晰;喷焊层的硬度值为267.5 HBW,优于基体材料的180.2 HBW,修复后的内孔冲击吸收功为15.40 J,满足技术要求;喷焊层的断口存在大量撕裂,说明喷焊层具有一定的冲击韧性。 相似文献
AnewtypeofpilotarcpowersourceusedforA.C.plasmaarcweldingofaluminumalloys¥ZhengBing;WangQilongandLiXia(HarbinInstituteofTechno... 相似文献
Polyaniline (PANI) coatings were electrochemically deposited on substrates of stainless steel and platinum in solutions of 0.2 M H2SO4 and 0.1 M aniline by cyclic voltammetry. The corrosion protection of the PANI coatings and their failure were investigated in 0.2 M H2SO4 solution. It was observed that the corrosion protection ability of the coating to steel substrate was increased with the increase of the coating thickness. The corrosion protection ability was mainly attributed to the passivating effect of PANI due to its oxidizing ability in its emeraldine state. During its operation, the PANI coating in emeraldine state tended to gradually lose its corrosion protection ability. This gradual failure of the PANI coating, but faster than expected, was confirmed to be related to a gradual reduction of the emeraldine PANI and a gradually increased resistance between the PANI coating and the stainless steel substrate. These findings lead to a new mechanism for the corrosion protection of PANI coating and its failure. 相似文献
焊剂带遮电弧中的位置是约束电弧的关键,并决定着电弧的加热特性.为了能够更好地将焊剂带约束的电弧应用于超窄间隙焊接,通过采集相当于电弧探极的焊剂带上的电压波形,对焊剂带在电弧中的位置进行了分析.结果表明,通过采集焊剂带电压波形并根据电压波形值的大小,可判断出焊剂带在电弧区的位置及熔化的焊剂带向熔池中过渡的方式.增加焊剂带距电弧中心距离,会使焊剂带在电弧区的位置发生改变,同时还减小了弧柱对焊剂带的加热效果及熔滴与焊剂带接触的频率.此外,测得了电弧区不同焊剂带电位所对应的焊剂带位置. 相似文献
The generation mechanism of microdischarges during plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium was investigated at constant current densities in aqueous alkaline solutions. Microdischarges were generated only in weakly alkaline solutions under high applied voltages. The breakdown voltage of the anodic oxide film was not dependent on the applied anodic current density while it was strongly dependent on the OH− concentration in the solution. The size and density of microdischarges became larger and lower, respectively, with increasing PEO treatment time. The mechanism of microdischarge generation could be explained based on the movement of ions in the oxide film and resistive property of the oxide film. 相似文献
Pitting corrosion resistance and galvanic behaviour of Alloy 31, a highly alloyed austenitic stainless steel (UNS N08031), and its weldment were studied in a heavy brine LiBr solution 1080 g/l at different temperatures (75–150 °C) using electrochemical techniques. The Mixed Potential Theory was used to evaluate the galvanic corrosion between the base and welded metals. Cyclic potentiodynamic curves indicate that high temperatures make passivation and repassivation of pits difficult, because the whole passivation range and the repassivation potential values decrease with temperature. The critical pitting transition occurs between 100 and 125 °C. 相似文献
Short lengths of circular section Type 304L stainless steel were cut from a pipe and compressed into an oval shape using controlled conditions. Heterogeneous strain hardening in the range 0-25% was thus introduced into the material. The mechanical deformation process was modelled using ABAQUS finite element modelling software to calculate the distributions of strain hardening and residual stress throughout a typical specimen. Samples were then exposed to an environment intended to induce pitting over the surfaces. Correlation between the computer model and the observed pitting was obtained. Finally, micro- and meso-scale hardness measurements were made on similarly deformed specimens and found to correlate well with the FE results. It was concluded that pitting was associated with regions of greatest equivalent plastic strain and showed little relation to the regions of high tensile residual stress. An empirical relationship between the Vickers Hardness number and the equivalent plastic strain is determined. 相似文献