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Epsilon is a testbed for monitoring distributed applications involving heterogeneous computers, including microcomputers, interconnected by a local area network. Such a hardware configuration is usual but raises difficulties for the programmer. First, the interprocess communication mechanisms provided by the operating systems are rather cumbersome to use. Second, they are different from one system to another. Third, the programmer of distributed applications should not worry about system and/or network aspects that are not relevant for the application level. The authors present the solution chosen in Epsilon. A set of high-level communication primitives has been designed and implemented to provide the programmer with an interface independent of the operating system and of the underlying interprocess communications facilities. A program participating in a distributed application can be executed on any host without any change in the source code except for host names  相似文献   

Raid, a robust and adaptable distributed database system for transaction processing, is described. Raid is a message-passing system, with server processes on each site. The servers manage concurrent processing, consistent replicated copies during site failures and atomic distributed commitment. A high-level, layered communications package provides a clean, location-independent interface between servers. The latest design of the communications package delivers messages via shared memory in a high-performance configuration in which several servers are linked into a single process. Raid provides the infrastructure to experimentally investigate various methods for supporting reliable distributed transaction processing. Measurements on transaction processing time and server CPU time are presented. Data and conclusions of experiments in three categories are also presented: communications software, consistent replicated copy control during site failures, and concurrent distributed checkpointing. A software tool for the evaluation of transaction processing algorithms in an operating system kernel is proposed  相似文献   

The design and implementation of a local network operating ystem based on the UNIX1operating system is described. UNIX has been extended to allow existing programs to access remote resources with no source program changes. Programs may access remote files, have a remote working directory, execute remote programs, and communicate with remote processes using the standard UNIX interprocess communication mechanism (pipe's). An efficient message-oriented interprocess communication mechanism and asynchronous I/O were added to the system to support the development of distributed applications and to make it easier to connect the local network to packet-switched networks.  相似文献   

I/O abstraction is offered as a new high-level approach to interprocess communication. Functional components of a distributed system are written as encapsulated modules that act upon local data structures, some of which may be published for external use. Relationships among modules are specified by logical connections among their published data structures. Whenever a module updates published data, I/O takes place implicitly according to the configuration of logical connections. The Programmers' Playground, a software library and runtime system supporting I/O abstraction, is described. Design goals include the separation of communication from computation, dynamic reconfiguration of the communication structure, and the uniform treatment of discrete and continuous data types. Support for end-user configuration of distributed multimedia applications is the motivation for the work  相似文献   

网络协议软件的开发技术因为涉及到操作系统核心,所以大多没有公开的资料。以一个IP网关的实现为基础,阐述了网络协议软件在Win95中的开发方法。重点讨论了网络接口的实现,进程通信和内在管理等核心技术。  相似文献   

Earlier work has shown the effectiveness of hand-applied program transformations optimizing high-level interprocess communication mechanisms. This paper describes the static analysis techniques necessary to ensure correct compiler application of the optimizing transformations. These techniques include both dataflow analysis and interprocess analysis. This paper focuses on the analysis of communication mechanisms within program modules; however, the analysis techniques can be generalized to handle inter-module optimization analysis as well. The major contributions of this paper include the application of dataflow analysis and the extension of interprocedural analysis—interprocess analysis—to real concurrent programming languages and, more specifically, to the optimization of interprocess communication and synchronization mechanisms that use both static and dynamic channels. In addition, the use of attribute grammars to perform interprocess analysis is significant. This paper also describes an implementation of both intra-process dataflow and interprocess analysis techniques using attribute grammars.This work was supported by NSF under Grant Number CCR88-10617.  相似文献   

实时分布式操作系统中共享对象通信模型的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与消息传递、远程过程调用和共享内存等进程间通信模型相比,在分布式存储多处理器上实现的共享对象模型能更自然、更高效地描述进程间的相互作用。它通过共享对象消除了各结点之间的物理边界,为系统提供了一种透明的分布式处理能力。这样,整个系统(包括硬件和软件)在逻辑上成为一个单系统。该模型已在仪器用弱实时分布式操作系统(IOWRTDOS)的全局共享对象(GSO)层上实现。文中研究了共享对象通信模型,并详细讨论  相似文献   

彭绍强 《软件》2013,(11):40-42
为了解决现有网络教学系统应用子系统多、耦合性强、不易于扩展问题,分析了这类软件的特点,并综合考虑服务器端用户连接数、传输方式、自定义交互数据包结构等,提出了一种建立在TCP/IP上的分布式通信平台的设计方案,实现了众多功能子系统的松耦合集成和网问进程间通信,并于众多高校进行了测试,测试结果表明了该软件的通信平台的可行性和优越性性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于Linux操作系统的嵌入式网关实现方案。具体讲述了基于ARM9的软硬件平台的构建。同时详细阐述了Linux下的串口编程,网络编程和进程间通信的实现方法。  相似文献   

模型检测是一种强大的自动分析验证技术.分析了LINUX进程间通信的部分源代码并进行手工形式化建模,使用有限状态自动机描述模型,继而转换成SPIN的输入语言PROMELA,对其进行模型检测,验证了系统的有界性和可终止性,并就进程间通信中容易发生的问题提出了改进方案.  相似文献   

为了满足在大型的应用系统中进程间通信的需求,讨论了Linux环境下的几种主要进程间通信手段,不仅对每种通信手段的内部实现原理和机制进行了具体分析,而且通过实例应用为功能实现的理解提供了有效的借鉴,为在Linux环境下的应用开发提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

Socket是UNIX平台上网络编程的基础,Socket API提供了进程之间的通信功能,但如果通信的一方发生故障重新启动,通信连接就会断开,应用层必须显式地重新建立连接才可以继续通信。对传统Socket通信机制进行了综合分析,在保证效率的前提下,提出了一种新型的Socket通信方法。采用这种方法,可以为分布在网络上不同主机上的进程间通信提供具有故障恢复能力的可靠通信。  相似文献   

基于Linux操作系统的仿真应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在有别于Windows操作系统下广泛使用的Matlab仿真软件和昂贵的大型专业仿真软件的基础上,给出了一个基于Linux操作系统的模型直升机仿真程序。结合Lin-ux操作系统的特点,探索在Linux下面编写仿真应用程序的一些值得注意的问题,包括图形化界面编程和进程间通信等一些热门技术。希望对Linux爱好者和程序员有所启发。  相似文献   

Heterogeneous Message Passing and a Link to Resource Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parallel process communication and system resource management have been seen as two separate entities in parallel and distributed systems. This causes difficulties in the dynamic mapping of newly spawned processes, because the application has little or no information on the availability, the connectivity and the current work-load of the target system. As a consequence, process mappings are often sub-optimal, overloading resources on one system while other processors are idling. We present a software system named "PLUS" that provides interprocess communication between different message passing models such as MPI, PVM and PARIX, and access to resource management systems for optimal process mapping and task migration.PLUS is a light-weight, extensible and efficient communication interface. With only four commands, PLUS is almost transparent ot the application code. Our current implementation supports inter-process communication between PVM, MPI and PARIX, but it can be easily extended to other vendor-specific message passing libraries. As PLUS has been designed for wide area networks, much effort has been spent on portability and on optimizing the communication speed across internet and also intranet links.  相似文献   

High interprocess communication latency is detrimental to parallel and grid computing. Over the years, the network bandwidth has increased rapidly while the end-to-end latency has not decreased much. This is because the latency is dominated by the protocol software execution time in the kernel instead of the raw transmission time over the link. In this paper, we perform an anatomical analysis of the complete communication path between a sender and a receiver through measurements. We present an in-depth evaluation of various components of the UDP protocol over Fast Ethernet. Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA) protocol has been recently proposed to overcome the software overhead of the TCP/UDP/IP protocol. We analyze M-VIA, a modular VIA implementation for Linux over Ethernet, and compare its performance with UDP. The aim of our experiments is to present the protocol overheads in details rather than to suggest new techniques to reduce overheads.  相似文献   

一种高性能RAID系统的设计和实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了基于Linux软RAID系统的读写处理过程及其不足之处。设计并实现了一种基于磁盘子系统的高性能RAID,并与基于Linux2.4.18的软RAID系统进行性能测试对比,验证了这种RAID系统的高I/O带宽特性。  相似文献   

邮槽是Windows提供的一种进程间通信机制,通过邮槽不仅可以在本地计算机的进程间进行通信,还可以同在网络上的远程主机上运行的其他进程进行通信。详细阐述了Windows邮槽机制的实现细则,并给出了通过邮槽在局域网内部进行通信的方法。  相似文献   

Larry Hughes 《Software》1988,18(1):15-27
The UNIX 4.3 operating system, like its predecessor UNIX 4.2, is designed to allow interprocess communications between pairs of processes using sockets — pairs of integers identifying specific hosts and ports — which are associated with a process. In this paper a software package which allows interprocess communications between many UNIX processes (as opposed to two) is presented.  相似文献   

The unique system provides powerful interprocess communication that uses duplex links, does not buffer messages in the kernel, and does not block on communication requests.  相似文献   

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