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With the advancement in network bandwidth and computing power, multimedia systems have become a popular means for information delivery. However, general principles of system testing cannot be directly applied to testing of multimedia systems on account of their stringent temporal and synchronization requirements. In particular, few studies have been made on the stress testing of multimedia systems with respect to their temporal requirements under resource saturation. Stress testing is important because erroneous behavior is most likely to occur under resource saturation. This paper presents an automatable method of test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems. It adapts constraint solving techniques to generate test cases that lead to potential resource saturation in a multimedia system. Coverage of the test cases is defined upon the reachability graph of a multimedia system. The proposed stress testing technique is supported by tools and has been successfully applied to a real‐life commercial multimedia system. Although our technique focuses on the stress testing of multimedia systems, the underlying issues and concepts are applicable to other types of real‐time systems. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Verification and conformance test generation of communication protocol for railway signaling systems
《Computer Standards & Interfaces》2007,29(2):143-151
Verification and testing are complementary techniques that are used to increase the level of confidence in the correct functioning of communication systems as prescribed by their specifications. This paper presents an experience of model checking for Korean railway signaling protocol specified in LTS (Labeled Transition System). This formal approach checks deadlock, livelock and reachability for the state and action to verify whether properties expressed in modal logic are true on specifications. We also propose a formal method for semi-automated test case generation for Korean railway signaling protocol described in I/O FSM (Input/Output Finite State Machine). This enables the generation of more complete and consistent test sequence for conformance testing. The above functions are implemented by C++ language and included within RSPVTE (Railway Signaling Protocol Verification and Testing Environment) in the MS-windows environment. 相似文献
This paper presents a method to generate test cases for sequential programs and concurrent programs written in a flow based program language. Test cases of sequential programs are generated based on condition calculation, and can be combined together to form SYN-sequences for concurrent program testing. Semantics of the language provides an infrastructure for the test case generation, and thus our method may be considered as a rigorous and systematic approach to the program testing. Compared with some formal testing methods, our method can avoid hitting state explosion problem in the test formation. Besides, the complexity analysis reveals that our method is time saving. Our method has been applied to generate test cases for PPP over ATM, a subsystem of IAD that runs data and voice over DSL. 相似文献
Conformance testing aims at checking if an implementation conforms to its specification. This paper presents the definition of distinguishing sequences of non-deterministic systems. It pro-poses a novel algorithm for derivation of distinguishing sequences in a reduced system based on an observational equivalence. It extends the previous method [2] for dynamic testing of deterministic finite state machines for testing non-deterministic labeled transition systems. 相似文献
Raúl García-Castro Asunción Gómez-Pérez 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2013,26(4):1413-1420
The conformance of semantic technologies has to be systematically evaluated to measure and verify the real adherence of these technologies to the Semantic Web standards. Current evaluations of semantic technology conformance are not exhaustive enough and do not directly cover user requirements and use scenarios, which raises the need for a simple, extensible and parameterizable method to generate test data for such evaluations. To address this need, this paper presents a keyword-driven approach for generating ontology language conformance test data that can be used to evaluate semantic technologies, details the definition of a test suite for evaluating OWL DL conformance using this approach, and describes the use and extension of this test suite during the evaluation of some tools. 相似文献
Unique Input–Output sequences (UIOs) are quite commonly used in conformance testing. Unfortunately finding UIOs of minimal length is an NP hard problem. This study presents a hybrid approach to generate UIOs automatically on a basis of the finite state machine (FSM) specification. The proposed hybrid approach harnesses the benefits of hill climbing (Greedy search) and heuristic algorithm. Hill climbing, which exploits domain knowledge, is capable of quickly generating good result however it may get stuck in local minimum. To overcome the problem we used a set of parameters called the seed, which allows the algorithm to generate different results for a different seed. The hill climbing generates solutions implied by the seed while the Genetic Algorithm is used as the seed generator. We compared the hybrid approach with Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Greedy Algorithm, and Random Search. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed hybrid approach outperforms other methods. More specifically, we showed that Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing exhibit similar performance while both of them outperform Greedy Algorithm. Finally, we generalize the proposed hybrid approach to seed-driven hybrid architectures and elaborate on how it can be adopted to a broad range of optimization problems. 相似文献
Constant C. Jeron T. Marchand H. Rusu V. 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2007,33(8):558-574
In this paper, we describe a methodology integrating verification and conformance testing. A specification of a system - an extended input-output automaton, which may be infinite-state - and a set of safety properties ("nothing bad ever happens") and possibility properties ("something good may happen") are assumed. The properties are first tentatively verified on the specification using automatic techniques based on approximated state-space exploration, which are sound, but, as a price to pay for automation, are not complete for the given class of properties. Because of this incompleteness and of state-space explosion, the verification may not succeed in proving or disproving the properties. However, even if verification did not succeed, the testing phase can proceed and provide useful information about the implementation. Test cases are automatically and symbolically generated from the specification and the properties and are executed on a black-box implementation of the system. The test execution may detect violations of conformance between implementation and specification; in addition, it may detect violation/satisfaction of the properties by the implementation and by the specification. In this sense, testing completes verification. The approach is illustrated on simple examples and on a bounded retransmission protocol. 相似文献
Existing methods for testing an SDL specification mainly allow for either black box simulation or conformance testing to verify that the behavior of an implementation matches its corresponding model. However, this relies on the potentially hazardous assumption that the model is completely correct. We propose a test generation method that can accomplish conformance verification as well as coverage criteria-driven white box testing of the specification itself. We first reformat a set of EFSMs equivalent to the processes in an SDL specification and identify “hot spots” – nodes or edges in the EFSM which should be prioritized during testing to effectively increase coverage. Then, we generate test sequences intended to cover selected hot spots; we address the possible infeasibility of such a test sequence by allowing for its rejection decided by a constraint solver and re-generation of an alternate test sequence to the hot spot. In this paper, we present our test generation method and tool, and provide case studies on five SDL processes demonstrating the effectiveness of our coverage-based test sequence selection. 相似文献
Hüsnü Yenigün Cemal Yilmaz Andreas Ulrich 《International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)》2016,18(3):245-249
Among the software quality assurance techniques, testing stands out as one of the most frequently used techniques in practice. Consequently, testing is also widely studied in research. An important aspect in testing that receives much attention is the problem of automated test generation. This introductory paper summarizes the papers selected from the 25th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2013), which all deal with this topic. The field is briefly introduced by pointing out to some of the existing survey articles and relating the selected papers in this issue to each other and to the known body of knowledge. 相似文献
In the scope of the applications developed under the service-based paradigm, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are a standard mechanism used to flexibly specify the Quality of Service (QoS) that must be delivered. These agreements contain the conditions negotiated between the service provider and consumers as well as the potential penalties derived from the violation of such conditions. In this context, it is important to assure that the service based application (SBA) behaves as expected in order to avoid potential consequences like penalties or dissatisfaction between the stakeholders that have negotiated and signed the SLA. In this article we address the testing of SLAs specified using the WS-Agreement standard by means of applying testing techniques such as the Classification Tree Method and Combinatorial Testing to generate test cases. From the content of the individual terms of the SLA, we identify situations that need to be tested. We also obtain a set of constraints based on the SLA specification and the behavior of the SBA in order to guarantee the testability of the test cases. Furthermore, we define three different coverage strategies with the aim at grading the intensity of the tests. Finally, we have developed a tool named SLACT (SLA Combinatorial Testing) in order to automate the process and we have applied the whole approach to an eHealth case study. 相似文献
为实现云计算环境下的高效软件测试,提出一种Web 应用系统功能测试的并行测试用例自动生成方法。该方法首先根据场景流图采用深度优先遍历算法生成并行测试路径,录制组合产生并行测试脚本,并进行参数化处理;然后,使用基于搜索的软件测试(SBST)方法自动生成可经过目标路径的有效测试数据集,脚本与数据耦合形成大量可并行部署的自动化测试用例。为验证方法的有效性设计了自动化云测试原型系统。实验结果表明,该并行测试用例自动生成方法可以高效地为云平台提供测试用例输入,提高测试效率。 相似文献
Shaoying Liu Author Vitae Yuting Chen Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2008,81(2):234-248
Specification-based (or functional) testing enables us to detect errors in the implementation of functions defined in specifications, but since specifications are often incomplete in practice for some reasons (e.g., lack of ideas, no time to write), it is unlikely to be sufficient for testing all parts of corresponding programs. On the other hand, implementation-based (or structural) testing focuses on the examination of program structures, which allows us to test all parts of the programs, but may not be effective to show whether the programs properly implement the corresponding specifications. To perform a comprehensive testing of a program in practice, it is important to adopt both specification-based and implementation-based testing. In this paper we describe a relation-based test method that combines the specification-based and the implementation-based testing approaches. We establish a set of relations for test case generation, illustrate how the method is used with an example, and investigate the effectiveness and weakness of the method through an experiment on testing a software tool system. 相似文献
Kuo-Chung Tai Yu Lei 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2002,28(1):109-111
Pairwise testing is a specification-based testing criterion which requires that for each pair of input parameters of a system, every combination of valid values of these two parameters be covered by at least one test case. The authors propose a novel test generation strategy for pairwise testing 相似文献
Vlad Rusu 《Software Testing, Verification and Reliability》2003,13(3):157-180
This paper presents a combination of verification and conformance testing techniques to support the formal validation of reactive systems. The idea is to use symbolic test selection techniques to extract subgraphs (components) from a specification, and to perform the verification on the components rather than on the whole specification. Under reasonable sufficient conditions, this constitutes a sound compositional verification technique, in the sense that a property verified on the components also holds on the whole specification. This may considerably reduce the global verification effort. Moreover, once verified, a component forms the basis of an adequate test case, i.e. when executed on an implementation, it will not issue false positive or negative verdicts with respect to the verified properties. The approach has been implemented using the STG test selection tool and the PVS theorem prover. It is demonstrated here on a smart‐card application: the Common Electronic Purse System. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在通信协议的一致性测试领域中,自动生成满足测试需要的一致性测试序列一直是该领域研究的一个重要问题.在对两种基于UIO序列的通信协议的一致性测试序列的自动生成算法进行了研究和比较后,分析了这两种算法各自的测试序列的生成过程及优缺点.实验结果表明,将这两种测试序列的生成算法相结合,能够对通信协议的控制流部分进行充分的测试,使生成的测试序列具有比较高的错误覆盖率,从而提高了一致性测试的效率. 相似文献
《Information and Software Technology》2013,55(2):344-356
ContextThe current validation tests for nuclear software are routinely performed by random testing, which leads to uncertain test coverage. Moreover, validation tests should directly verify the system’s compliance with the original user’s needs. Unlike current model-based testing methods, which are generally based on requirements or design models, the proposed model is derived from the original user’s needs in text through domain-specific ontology, and then used to generate validation tests systematically.ObjectiveOur first goal is to develop an objective, repeatable, and efficient systematic validation test scheme that is effective for large systems, with analyzable test coverage. Our second goal is to provide a new model-based validation testing method that reflects the user’s original safety needs.MethodA model-based scenario test case generation for nuclear digital safety systems was designed. This was achieved by converting the scenarios described in natural language in a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) prepared by the power company for licensing review, to Unified Modeling Language (UML) sequence diagrams based on a proposed ontology of a related regulatory standard. Next, we extracted the initial environmental parameters and the described operational sequences. We then performed variations on these data to systematically generate a sufficient number of scenario test cases.ResultsTest coverage criteria, which are the equivalence partition coverage of initial environment, the condition coverage, the action coverage and the scenario coverage, were met using our method.ConclusionThe proposed model-based scenario testing can provide improved testing coverage than random testing. A test suite based on user needs can be provided. 相似文献
《Information and Software Technology》2014,56(10):1360-1376
ContextFunction Block Diagram (FBD) is increasingly used in safety-critical applications. Test coverage issues for FBDs are frequently raised by regulators and users. However, there is little work at this aspect on testing FBD at model level. Our previous study has designed a new data-flow test coverage criterion, FB-Path Complete Condition Test Coverage (FPCC), that can directly test FBD structures and effectively detect function mutation errors. Nevertheless, because FPCC scheme involves several data-flow concepts and thus it is somewhat complicated to comprehend and to generate FPCC-complied test cases. An automatic test suite generator for FPCC is highly desirable.ObjectiveThis study designs an automatic test case generator, FPCCTestGen, for FPCC so as to enhance the practicability and acceptance of the FPCC approach.MethodFirst, a supporting infrastructure for performing automatic FBD-to-UPPAAL-for-FPCC transformation is designed. The supporting infrastructure includes templates, declarations, and functions as building blocks for transformation. Then, for each input FBD, represented in PLCopen XML format, FPCCTestGen performs parsing and converts FBD components into corresponding UPPAAL model components using aforementioned building blocks. After that, queries related to FPCC characteristics are submitted to UPPAAL model checker for verification. Finally, the verification traces are analyzed to obtain a FPCC-complied test suite.ResultsA safety injection system is used as a case study. Preliminary results show that the generated test suite achieves the highest FPCC percentage with a near optimal number of test cases.ConclusionThis automatic test case generation tool is effective and thus, can promote the use of the new test coverage criterion. Methodology used in FPCCTestGen is generic and can be applied to test suite generation for other test criteria on data-flow programs. 相似文献
This paper deals with testing distributed software systems. In the past, two important problems have been determined for executing tests using a distributed test architecture: controllability and observability problems. A coordinated test method has subsequently been proposed to solve these two problems. In the present article: 1) we show that controllability and observability are indeed resolved if and only if the test system respects timing constraints, even when the system under test is non-real-time; 2) we determine these timing constraints; 3) we determine other timing constraints which optimize the duration of test execution; 4) we show that the communication medium used by the test system does not necessarily have to be FIFO; and 5) we show that the centralized test method can be considered just as a particular case of the proposed coordinated test method. 相似文献
This paper presents the design, implementation, and applications of a software testing tool, TAO, which allows users to specify and generate test cases and oracles in a declarative way. Extended from its previous grammar-based test generation tool, TAO provides a declarative notation for defining denotational semantics on each productive grammar rule, such that when a test case is generated, its expected semantics will be evaluated automatically as well, serving as its test oracle. TAO further provides a simple tagging mechanism to embed oracles into test cases for bridging the automation between test case generation and software testing. Two practical case studies are used to illustrate how automated oracle generation can be effectively integrated with grammar-based test generation in different testing scenarios: locating fault-inducing input patterns on Java applications; and Selenium-based automated web testing. 相似文献