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The paper discusses a general approach to the algorithms of ranking multiple-aspect alternatives constructed with the aid of fuzzy relational equations. It is pointed out that the algorithms can be constructed by considering data sets provided by prototypical situations. Discriminating properties of the proposed method are also taken into consideration.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is proposed for investigating the problem which deals with multi-judge, multi-criteria and multi-alternative decision problems. The objective of this paper basically consists of a procedure for giving a preference structure among the judges and ranking of alternatives with strength of preference by taking into account the opinion of all the judges according to their degree of efficiency. This paper also discusses some drawbacks of the application of majority rule for obtaining group consensus function.  相似文献   

佑泽是一家香港的高新IT企业。公司自创建以来,经过全体佑泽人的不断开拓进取,现已发展成为一家集研发,生产、销售于一体的IT企业;拥有多家全资及控股子公司组成的中型企业集团。佑泽创立以来每年都保持高速增长,产品行销北美、欧洲、中东、东南亚等地区,旗下“CEMO佑泽”品牌的电脑机箱、电源等产品,  相似文献   

“蜀道难,难于上青天”,成长中的智能家居行业又何尝不是在摸索中前行。考虑到地缘相近等因素,本站聚焦区域专题选择了重庆与成都作为采访的重点。尽管蜀道崎岖,但却不曾阻隔智能家居在巴蜀大地的发展。从西南重镇到天府之国,在这两座充满休闲气息城市中,智能家居经销商也开始如雨后春笋般大面积出现。对于本地市场的开拓,他们自然有着道不完的酸甜苦辣……  相似文献   

优点:速度简直太快了,搜寻时间短:安装起来非常简单  相似文献   

耿柏林  damao 《电脑》2010,(1):146-147
之前一直想不明白酷熊为什么会找小沈阳做代言人,特别是听到广告词“人生最痛苦的事情是,人红了,没开上酷熊。”就更糊涂了,按说酷熊应该找个象征符号,例如一个长满络腮胡的彪形大汉,但彪形大汉一般都钟情于陆虎,悍马之娄的,所以长城就不按常理出牌的打出了“超主流 准C缀”的市场定位,  相似文献   

Q:自1991年创建了微软研究院以来,你一直主管微软全球的研究工作。到明年.微软亚洲研究院(MSRA)也将迎来十周年纪念日。如果让你用三个词来总结这段历史.你会怎么选择?[第一段]  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - With the emergence of heterogeneous architectures, developing parallel software has become an increasingly complex task. The ability of using multiple devices in a...  相似文献   

3.5L机箱对台式机来说非常小巧,联想天骄1360成为目前“迷你”台式机的又一新员。在接受拆卸和测试后,我们对它的了解更深了,下面让我们一起来探秘。  相似文献   

“六·一”,本来应该是属于孩子的日子,但是一群大人却抢了他们的风头。当天一群《奇迹》玩家到九城客服,就账号被封与客服交涉,在交涉未果的情况下与九城方面发生肢体冲突,把游戏中的PK带到了现实生活中。  相似文献   

朱海燕 《程序员》2007,(10):I0040-I0043
记者:Dwita/Rivet是谁?乔·朗宁:Digital River为全球40,000多家软件发行商、制造商、批发商和零售商建立和管理全球在线业务,并为之提供相关主机服务。我们与各种规模的公司合作,包括从小公司到国际企业。这些公司之所以与我们合作,是因为他们看到了以互联网作为在线营销和销售渠道的价值,同时他们想要提高利润,并保持低成本。在某些方面,我们是他们的店铺管理人——为他们全天候地开展线上业务,每周7天,  相似文献   

大猫  吴杰戈 《电脑》2010,(1):192-195
VIP指的是非常重要的人,不论是国际接待或是商业往来,总是以客为尊的,不过要是说起汽车的VIP改装,那就有些不同了,基本上比较花俏的VIP改装来自于日本,而VIP的兴起源自于日本的黑过,1070-1980年代日本的飞车党、爆走族相当猖狂,加入爆走族成为当时穷小孩投效黑道的快撞方式,当这些人渐渐老成,为了展现自己地位以及气势,  相似文献   

ContextChoosing a design solution most often involves dealing with trade-offs and conflicts among requirements and design objectives. Making such trade-offs during early stages of requirements and design is challenging because costs and benefits of alternatives are often hard to quantify.ObjectiveThe objective of this work is to develop a decision analysis method that assists in making trade-offs in the absence of quantitative data.MethodIn this method, stakeholders qualitatively compare consequences of alternatives on decision criteria. We propose an algorithm that generates all possible consequences of alternatives on requirements, according to the rough qualitative comparisons that stakeholders made. The possible consequences generated by the algorithm are then analyzed by the Even Swaps Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis method to determine the best solution. The Even Swaps method is a technique developed in management science to assist in multi-criteria decision making when explicit value trade-offs are not available.Results and conclusionsOur algorithm teases out the need to accurately measure or estimate costs and benefits of alternative design solutions. The algorithm automates the Even Swap process, and reuses stakeholders’ value trade-offs throughout the Even Swaps process. We applied the prototype tool in several case studies to evaluate the utility of the method. The results of case studies provide evidence that our decision aid method selects the optimum solution correctly compared to results of other similar quantitative methods, while our method does not rely on detailed numerical assessment of alternatives and importance weights of criteria.  相似文献   

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