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A new experimental method for the evaluation of minimum fluidizing velocity in gas fluidized beds is proposed based on the pressure fluctuations measurements. The minimum fluidizing velocity is determined solely from the measurements in the fluidized bed regime, unlike the traditional method, where experiments in the fixed bed regime are also necessary. Using the proposed method the on-line evaluation and prediction of the minimum fluidizing velocity is possible which is important for the control of industrial fluidized bed reactors.  相似文献   

在D82的不锈钢高温流化床实验台中,以IHI灰样作为实验物料,研究了高温流化床的临界流化速度,结果表明,对于属于B类粒子的IHI灰样,温度由常温升高于1000℃时,雷诺数小于40,流化床运动处于层流运动区范围,随着床层温度升高,物料颗粒的最小流化速度减小,根据实验结果提出了预测不同温度下的该灰样题粒最小流化速度式。  相似文献   

The amplitude of local pressure drop fluctuations was used to characterize the axial stability of a freely bubbling fluidized bed. The experiments were carried out in a bed of 0.318 m dia at normal and elevated temperatures. It was found that the transition between a freely bubbling zone, consisting of small bubbles distributed uniformly across the bed, and a zone of incipient slugging occurs if bubble to bed diameter ratio is about 0.15. The amplitude of local pressure drop fluctuations was found to be a linear function of gas velocity in a broad range of temperatures if measured in the freely bubbling zone  相似文献   

流化床压力脉动信号时间延迟相关性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
赵贵兵  陈纪忠  阳永荣 《化工学报》2002,53(12):1281-1287
对鼓泡流化床压力脉动信号用FFT变换进行分解,得到0-10Hz、10-20 Hz、20-30 Hz、30-40 Hz、40-50Hz、50-60Hz和大于60Hz的信号.分别用自相关函数和互信息函数研究了各个频段信号的线性相关性和非线性相关性.首次通过理论证实了鼓泡流化床压力脉动信号中30 Hz以上信号不存在线性相关性,40 Hz以上信号不存在非线性相关性.由于40 Hz以上信号不存在前后相关性,可以认为其为噪声信号.研究指出通过流化床压力脉动信号研究流化床内部信息时,应考虑40 Hz以下信号,而不是以前认为的20 Hz以下信号.  相似文献   

气固流化床压力脉动信号的相关结构模型与分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
黄海  黄轶伦  张卫东 《化工学报》1999,50(6):812-817
建立了气固流化床压力脉动信号的相关结构模型。基于小波变换确定了模型中的自相似参数H和白噪声强度σ_w~2,从而确证该压力脉动信号可以分解成分形布朗运动和白噪声的叠加,并定量计算出压力脉动信号中白噪声所占的百分比,在此基础上,研究了模型参数在不同操作条件下的变化规律,并给出物理解释。  相似文献   

气固流化床压力脉动信号的Wigner谱分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
黄海  黄轶伦  张卫东 《化工学报》1999,50(4):477-482
用Wigner谱首次对气固流化床压力脉动信号进行时频二维分析,压力脉动信号的强非平稳性得到了证实.在Wigner谱平面中定义了局部频峰加权平均频率参数,从实验角度研究了流化床气速、静床高对压力脉动信号加权平均频率的影响.结果表明,它具有比传统的功率谱主频好得多的统计重复性,能更准确地反映气泡相的特性.  相似文献   

颗粒速度是快速流化床内重要的流体力学参数,直接测定是困难的,一般都是通过测定其他参数,来计算颗粒的速度。本研究在内径6.6cm 和9.7cm,高3m 的快速流化床内测定颗粒的轴向滞留量分布及压头损失,分析床层内颗粒速度及其影响因素,对三种不同颗粒进行测定,将实验数据进行关联,得出颗粒速度的关联式:适用范围:气体流速:1.4~6.0m/s颗粒循环速度:30~130kg/m~2·s颗粒终端速度:0.133~0.880m/s将实验值与计算的结果比较,基本一致。故可认为该式在实验范围内,可用于推算快速流化床内的颗粒速度。  相似文献   

In a liquid-solid fluidized bed, the apparently irregular or stochastic behavior of particles gives rise to various flow regimes depending on parameters such as the particle size, liquid flow rate, static bed height and axial position in the bed. It is highly plausible that this irregular behavior manifests itself as pressure fluctuations; thus, the effects of these parameters on the particle behavior or the particle flow regime were investigated through measurement and spectral analysis of the pressure fluctuations. The results indicate that the amplitude of pressure fluctuations exhibits a maximum and that the decay constant in the autocorrelation function attains its minimum at the intermediate liquid flow rate where the particle flow regime undergoes transition from the cluster circulation to the individual quasi random motion. The model composed of the periodic and stochastic components of pressure fluctuations, is in good accord with the experimental results in terms of both the autocorrelation and power spectral density functions.  相似文献   

The drying characteristics of porous material in fluidized bed were examined theoretically and experimentally. The brick ball was used as the sample and immersed in the fluidized bed. The glass beads were used as the fluidizing particles and the particle diameters were changed. When the pore diameter of sample was relatively large, the fluidizing particles were adhered on the sample surface. In the theoretical analysis, the heat and mass transfers in adhered particle layer were considered. The fluidizing particles were adhered on the sample surface during the earlier period of drying. The sample temperature largely decreased when the mass of adhered particle decreased. The calculated results are in good agreement with experimental data. The diameter of fluidizing particle had a small effect on the drying time. The excess increments in drying gas temperature hardly contributed to shortening the drying time.  相似文献   

高温流化床结焦特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了近年来高温流化床结焦研究的状况,总结了流化床结焦现象及其影响因素、流化床结焦时的最小流化速度及影响因素、流化床结焦机理,并分析了研究中存在的问题,探讨了高温流化床结焦特性研究的方向。  相似文献   

流化床二组分混合物的适宜分离气速   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在等密度与非等密度二组分混合物分离体系中,考察操作气速对分离度的影响,提出物料的静床高对高效分离气速没有影响,而操作气速取其混合物最小流化速度的1.2倍左右时,二组分混合物产生高效分离,并且此操作气速随着二组分混合物分离状态的判定值(等密度混合物指Rmf值,非等密度混合物主要指Rp值)的增加而拓宽。  相似文献   

在一喷动流化床(直径 50 mm)实验台上采用 0.63~1.60 mm的神府原煤颗粒,在连续进料的情况下进行了最小喷动流化速度以及固定流化气、改变喷动气和固定喷动气、改变流化气的床层压降变化的实验研究.结果表明,最小喷动流化速度可以参考鼓泡流化床的临界流化速度的计算方法;床层压降变化证实,喷动流化床具有良好的调节能力.  相似文献   

加压流化床中差压脉动时间序列的复杂性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
陈伟  洪良斌 《化工学报》1997,48(6):746-750
<正>近年来许多研究发现流化床内部的气-固运动规律是非线性的,并应用非线性动力学的理论去分析流化床的这些规律,得到许多有益的结论,显示这种新的动力理论对流态化工程的研究的重要性。分形与混沌概念为从更深层次研究流态化的内在规律提供了有力的工具。  相似文献   

基于混沌理论 ,通过建立重构相空间轨迹演化的离散动力学映射方程 ,提出了流化床压力波动预测方法 ,以流化床压力波动时间序列反演系统动力学行为 .对比了模型产生的压力波动时间序列和实验测得的压力波动时间序列的混沌特征参数 :关联维、Kolmogorov熵和Lyapunov指数谱 ,两组非线性混沌特征参数趋于一致 ,说明该模型能捕获系统的非线性动力学特征 .并研究了压力波动预测指数分离过程的长期不可预测性 .  相似文献   

喷动流化床最小喷动流化速度的多因素影响与关联   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐凤翔  张济宇 《化工学报》2004,55(7):1083-1091
在一Ф125 mm、锥角60°的喷动流化床内测定了混合和分离体系的混合二组分及其单一组分的最小喷动流化速度umsf.实验表明,最小喷动速度随静床高增加而增大,随流化气速和浮升组分分率增大而减小;混合体系中最小喷动速度随浮升组分分率接近线性递减,而分离体系却呈曲线降低.对比分析了文献umsf数据,除喷口直径外,多孔分布板形式和床径明显影响umsf的大小,采用cos(aθ)、sin(bθ)、tan(cβ)和f(Dc/Dcref)来分别修正分布板夹角θ、均匀布气结构、开孔方向角β和床径Dc的影响.根据本文和文献不同结构与体系的590组数据,又用6个量纲1参数和上述4个修正函数进行了多重影响因素的综合回归,得出新的预测umsf的普适关联式,该式偏差±29.5%,平均偏差11.5%,相关系数0.97.  相似文献   

算法复杂性在气固流化床动力学中的多尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
黄蓓  陈伯川  黄轶伦 《化工学报》2002,53(12):1270-1275
提出了对从时间序列粗粒化得到的符号序列进行细化的方法,首次在不同尺度下,利用算法复杂性,对不同流型、静床高、平均粒径等操作条件下的压力脉动时间序列进行分析。研究结果表明,不同尺度下的算法复杂性不同的变化趋势,对应了不同尺度下气固两相运动的特征,能够从多角度反映流化床的运动特性,比单一尺度提供更多的信息,为流化床压力脉动时问序列非线性分析提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

流化床压力波动混沌性质探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
引 言大多数复杂系统随参数变化 (如流化床压力波动随气速变化 )都会不同程度地表现出混沌行为 .但通向混沌的过程却可能有所差异 .目前公认的通向混沌的道路主要有 4种 ,即 :(1)通向混沌的倍周期分岔道路 ;(2 )准周期运动失稳进入混沌 ;(3)激变 ;(4)通向混沌的阵发性 (intermittency)道路 .阵发性道路首先由Pomeau和Manneville[1] 发现并进行了开创性的研究工作 .阵发是指这样一种信号 :随机地交替产生规则的 (层流 )过程 (即所谓的间歇期 )和相对短暂的不规则突发 ,因此信号忽而周期 ,忽而混乱 ,随机地在两…  相似文献   

分析了气固节涌流化床的非均匀特性及其特殊的波动结构.基于波动机理分析,提出了离散化的动力学分析方法,并建立了节涌流化床多自由度随机波动模型.结合频谱分析和统计分析方法,求得了模型矩阵解G_(△j△k)(ω)=H~*(ω)G_(δjδk)(ω)H~T(ω)此解可以表达节涌流化床的波动结构和压力波动功率谱.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the raining of particles from an interface between a dense fluidized phase and a gas phase with the fluidized phase uppermost. Such interfaces occur at the upper surfaces of gas bubbles and slugs in fluidized beds. Particle rain in these cases would enhance contact between gas and particles within the bubbles and slugs.

The rise velocities of single square-nosed slugs injected in incipiently fluidized beds of different diameters were measured. Relatively small columns of internal diameters of 0.0125, 0.019 and 0.0254 m were employed in the experiments; In such beds, square-nosed slugs are formed which span the entire cross-section of the beds and rise entirely due to raining of particles from their top surfaces. Since the upper surface of such slugs is flat, their motion can be analyzed using the one-dimensional hydrodynamic theory. Glass ballotini and sand of different sizes were used as bed particles. Comparison of theory and experiment has enabled the determination of the dimensionless gradient diffusivity characterizing the motion of particles induced by a gradient in the void fraction. The results confirm the scaling proposed by Batchelor (1988). The use of the calculated gradient diffusivity in the criterion for stability of a gas fluidized bed predicts the systems under consideration to be always unstable.  相似文献   

曹春社  金涌 《化工学报》1995,46(2):180-187
利用幅值鉴频的激光多普勒测速技术,同时测定并流下行循环流化床(CDCFB)中的气体和固体的局部速度,由此可以获得气固间的局部滑落速度。实验证明,包含提升管的并流下行循环流化床明显改善了床层结构的均一性,最大局部滑落速度比单颗粒的滑落速度高出许多倍,而且滑落速度的极值点位置与颗粒浓度有关,说明在并流下行循环流化床及提升管中存在明显的颗粒团聚现象。  相似文献   

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