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The problem of peristaltic flow in a channel is solved using the incompressible and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Oldroyd-B fluid. The induced magnetic field effects are incorporated in the mathematical modeling. Computations are performed for the small wave number. The obtained mathematical results show that the induced magnetic field effects taken into account in the model substantially affect the flow quantities. It is found that relaxation and retardation times have opposite effects on the flow quantities such as velocity and pressure rise. Moreover, it is observed that induced magnetic field and current density are larger for Oldroyd-B fluid than for the viscous fluid. The salient features of the emerging flow parameters are examined by graphs. 相似文献
A. K. M. Sadrul Islam A. Chowdhury J. A. Naser Md. Quamrul Islam 《Chemical Engineering Communications》1995,138(1):75-87
Numerical solution based on the control volume method is presented for the study of heat transfer for forced convective flow in a channel filled with a fluid saturated porous media. The solution of the conservative differential equations governing the flow is performed using the SZMPLE algorithm. The wall effects on the variation of porosity and thermal dispersion have been considered. In calculating the thermal dispersive conductivity, a general expression has been obtained taking into account the flow geometry and flow Reynolds number. The expression appears to serve well in the present investigation and also in reproducing the results of previous studies. The analysis includes predictions of temperature profiles and heat flux for the constant wall temperature condition at the wall and have been compared with available experimental data. 相似文献
交变磁场诱导自蔓延法制备Mn-Zn铁氧体及其磁性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用交变磁场诱导溶胶凝胶自蔓延法制备Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4型纳米粉体,利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和超导量子干涉仪对不同磁感应强度下制备粉体的物相、形貌和磁性能进行了表征。结果表明:交变磁场可以促进自蔓延反应的燃烧过程,但并不改变燃烧产物的相结构。随磁感应强度增加,Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4粉体的粒径和矫顽力逐渐减小,饱和磁化强度逐渐增加。当磁感应强度为0.25T时,相比未加入交变磁场制备的粉体,Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4粉体的矫顽力下降96%,达到278.6A/m,饱和磁化强度提高了500%,达到49.4A·m/kg。 相似文献
磁场对CaCO3结晶过程的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文利用电导率的变化,研究了磁场对CaCO3结晶过程的影响,发现当Ca^2+浓度高于2mmol/L、磁化水的水温低于70℃时,磁场有加快碳酸钙结晶的作用;磁化水经过磁水器次数多,则促进碳酸钙结晶的作用强. 相似文献
磁场对磁性吸附剂(Fe3O4)吸附Cu^2+的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过吸附实验研究磁场对磁性吸附剂吸附铜的影响,结果表明;磁化吸附剂的吸附量比 磁化大,并随磁场强度增大而增加;磁化吸附剂的吸附平衡关系可用Freundilich吸附等温方程描述;磁性吸附剂对Cu62+的穿透吸附量随磁场强度增大而增加,穿透吸附量还与Cu^2+液的进口浓度和流速有关。 相似文献
通过添加无机、有机催化剂和磁场,研究了不同条件下制备的针状焦的结构与性能。采用扫描电镜(SEM)、循环伏安法(CV)和电化学阻抗(EIS)分析方法表征了不同制备条件下针状焦的结构与性能的关系。结果表明:向煤沥青中添加氯化铁(FeCl3)或对甲苯磺酸(FTSA)和六次甲基四胺(HMTA)后,经聚合煅烧生成大片层纤维的针状焦。在磁场作用下,添加了氯化铁的针状焦有序度增加,电化学性能最好,是炭电极的良好骨料。 相似文献
研究了电场对超滤膜污染和去除性能的影响。结果表明,原水中的腐植酸在电场中发生电泳迁移,减少了向膜表面的移动,同时发生凝聚现象,沉积在膜表面形成疏松的滤饼层,有效的减缓了膜污染。经过与普通超滤膜过滤的平行试验比较得出,附加电场后对羟苯甲酮(BP-3)的去除率提高了70%~100%。同时发现,吸附是大孔径低压膜去除小分子BP-3的主要作用,水中腐植酸的存在对超滤去除BP-3有一定的促进作用。通过稀HCl、NaOH溶液浸泡和水力冲洗,可有效消除膜污染,使得膜过滤通量得到恢复。 相似文献
Asymmetric horizontal thermal profiles can change the flow field structure in the physical vapor transport (PVT)of Hg2Cl2. It is found that for the ratios of horizontal to vertical thermal Rayleigh numbers RaH/Ra ≥ 1·5, the convetive flow structure changes from multicellular to unicellular for the base parametric state of Ra = 2·79 × 104, Pr = 0·91, Le=l·01. Pe = 4·60, Ar= 0·2 and Cr = 1·01. The unicellular flow structure obtained by increasing ∇*H(RaH) is not likely to support the conjecture of the presence of unicellular convective mode in the laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) experiments for PVT process of Hg2Cl2 (Kim el al., 1996). When the six parameters of Ra, Pr, Le, Pe, Ar and Cr are fixed, the dimensional maximum magnitude of the velocity vector |U|max is proportional to √∇T*H. 相似文献
冷却水光磁协同处理技术 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
指出现有的物理处理技术对水系提供能工的局限性,提出了采用光子来强化和稳定水的磁处理效果的新技术。从理论上分析了磁场下光子对冷却水的物理化学作用,得出光磁协同处理可杀灭水中细菌降低了水的腐蚀性,减少冷却过程中硬垢生成。 相似文献
以经过混凝处理后的新鲜垃圾渗滤液为研究对象,试验研究了恒定磁场和交变磁场对电解法处理垃圾渗滤液的影响.结果表明,恒定磁场与交变磁场都能使垃圾渗滤液COD降低;使用恒定磁场和交变磁场处理垃圾渗滤液30min后再进行电解处理,相比单独用电解处理,COD去除率分别提高了约17%和12%,恒定磁场的效果优于交变磁场;在电解的同时施加0.2970T的恒定磁场和交变磁场,相比单独使用电解处理,COD去除率分别提高了约20%和25%,交变磁场的效果优于恒定磁场. 相似文献
交变磁场对重力SHS制备复合管微观结构和机械性能的影响(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将交变磁场引入自蔓延高温合成反应,研究其对Al2O3复合管陶瓷层结构和力学性能的影响.结果表明:交变磁场可以促进燃烧反应的进行,随着磁感应强度的增加,α-Al2O3的枝晶尺寸减小,形态逐渐向细小的等轴晶形态过渡.复合管的抗压强度和抗剪强度随着磁感应强度的增加而增加.其中当磁感应强度为0.20T时,抗压强度和抗剪强度分别达418MPa和19.5MPa,比未引入交变磁场前分别提高了19.1%和21.9%. 相似文献
热压罐工艺的成型压力对框架式模具温度场的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
从理论分析入手,结合工程实验研究了在热压罐工艺中成型压力改善框架式模具温度场分布的均匀性和缩短热历程升温阶段时间. 相似文献
采用皮芯层复合纤维纺丝机纺制不同磁粉含量的聚丙烯 (PP)磁性纤维 ,对纤维的纺丝性能、拉伸性能、热性能进行了研究。结果表明 :随着磁粉含量的增加 ,磁性纤维的纺丝性能、拉伸性能、热性能下降。选择磁粉和聚丙烯的合理配比 ,既可以提高磁性纤维的纺丝性能、拉伸性能和热性能 ,又可以提高磁性纤维的磁粉含量。 相似文献
A study of the linear stability of a laminar flow of an oil-water system in an inclined channel is presented. A novel shear-mode of instability, which is necessarily decaying in plane Poiseuille flow, is found to be the primary instability in certain situations. When the channel is sufficiently inclined, the long-wave mode can become unstable, regardless of the total volumetric flow rate of the fluids The consequences to oil transport are discussed. 相似文献