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Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - This work aims to study the effect of mechanical milling of Fe, ZnO, and Ni elemental powders and thermal spraying processes on chemical composition,...  相似文献   

In this paper, the thermodynamic model of nitrogen solubility in vanadium nitrogen microalloyed high strength weathering steels of Fe–Cr–Mn–V–N system, according to Hillert’s model for Gibbs energy of its various phases, was established and validated. In the model, the effect of the nitrogen partial pressure on the activity coefficient and the lattice structure characteristics of the vanadium nitrogen precipitated phase were considered. It would be of guiding significance for the design and smelting of Fe–Cr–Mn–V–N system alloys. Based on the established model, the nitrogen contents in \(\delta\), \(\gamma\), \(\alpha\) phase and liquid were calculated as a function of the temperature for Fe–Cr–Mn–V–N system alloys. The results show that: first, the maximum solubility of nitrogen in the solidification process is obviously affected by the phase transition when there is a sudden change in the solubility of nitrogen at the phase transition point. The maximum nitrogen solubility of the molten steel in the delta phase region determines whether nitrogen bubbles are formed during the solidification process. The nitrogen solubility is lowest in the solid–liquid region (about 1673 K). Secondly, the increase of Cr and Mn content is beneficial to improve nitrogen solubility in liquid and solid phases. However, the increase of V content mainly affects the nitrogen solubility in the solid phase because the nitrogen in this temperature range is precipitated in the form of vanadium nitride, as the second phase plays a role in strengthening. In addition, the alloying element Mn has a significant effect on nitrogen solubility since the Mn element is the promoting element of austenitic formation. During the solidification process, the delta ferrite region gradually reduces and may disappear with increasing Mn content. Therefore, increasing the Mn content of the alloy system in the design of alloy composition, can reduce the precipitation trend of the nitrogen during the solidification process, which can effectively avoid bubble formation in high nitrogen weathering steels. Lastly, with the increase in the nitrogen partial pressure, the solubility of nitrogen increases during the liquid and solid phases.  相似文献   

Developed in this article is a model for calculating cation distribution and activities in the reciprocal spinel solid solution (Mg X Fe1−X )(Al Y Cr1−Y )2O4 based on octahedral site preference energies of cations independent of composition and temperature, random distribution of ions on tetrahedral and octahedral sites, entropy of randomization of Jahn-Teller distortions associated with Fe2+ ions on the tetrahedral site, and the standard Gibbs energies of formation of the four pure spinel compounds. Enthalpy of mixing of this reciprocal solid solution caused by the large difference of ionic radii of Al3+ and Cr3+ present on the octahedral site was modeled based on experimental data on the binary systems. The tie-line compositions corresponding to the equilibria between the spinel solid solution and the sesquioxide solid solution (Al Z Cr1−Z )2O3 with corundum structure were computed. Values for activities in the corundum solid solution were taken from the literature. The oxygen potential corresponding to the three-phase equilibrium involving metallic iron, the spinel solid solution, and corundum solid solution was computed as a function of composition of the spinel solid solution. The computed results were verified by measurements on nine compositions inside the square representing the reciprocal system. The compositions of coexisting solid solutions were determined by electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA) and lattice parameter measurement using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The activities of FeAl2O4 and FeCr2O4 and oxygen potentials for three-phase equilibria were measured using two independent solid-state cells incorporating a bielectrolyte chain. Both cells gave consistent results within experimental error. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with the computed results, thus validating the model for the reciprocal spinel solid solution.  相似文献   

The chemical stability of simulated waste forms Zr_(1–x)Nd_xSiO_(4–x/2) was investigated using the static leach test(MCC-1) with lixiviants of three pH values(pH=4, 6.7 and 10) at three temperature points(40, 90 and 150 oC) for periods ranging from 1 to 42 d, and the influence of temperature, pH, as well as their combined effects were explored in detail. The results showed that all the normalized release rate of Nd firstly decreased with leaching time and closed to equilibrium after 14 d. As the temperature increased, the normalized release rate of Nd also increased, but it was no more than 3×10~(–5) g/(m~2·d). And, the normalized release rate of Nd reached the highest values(~5×10~(–5) g/(m~2·d)) when pH=4, whilst the normalized release rate of Nd remained the lowest value(~1×10~(–5) g/(m~2·d)) near neutral environment(pH=6.7).  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - The results of fabricating dense Fe–Ag and Fe–Cu nanocomposites from mixtures of powders consolidated by high-pressure cold sintering and from...  相似文献   

Temperature and solute concentration effects on the friction stress, σo, of cast (texture-free) polycrystals of pure Mg, and of Mg-Al, -Zn and -Gd binary solid solutions are discussed using phenomenological arguments. The temperature effects on the pure metal suggest that σo relates to the ratio between the CRSS of prism and basal slip, against early suggestions that it should only relate to the CRSS for basal slip. Solid solution softening upon prism slip accounts for the minima in σo at ~ 0.5 at. pct in Mg-Zn and Mg-Gd alloys. In the concentrated alloys, solute-specific hardening effects upon slip and twinning lead to diverging behaviors: in Mg-Al and Mg-Zn, σo remains below that of pure Mg. Strong short-range order by Gd leads to a steep monotonic increase, and to a value larger in compression than in tension due to the activation of {10-11} twinning at high concentrations. The negative σo of the dilute Mg-Zn alloys is an artifact created by the tension/compression asymmetry stemming from the polar character of {10-12} twinning.  相似文献   

The enthalpy of formation of the ordered B2 phases in the Fe-Al and Fe-Ni-Al systems was measured with very good accuracy using a special, laboratory-built differential-solution calorimeter. The measurements were performed at 1073 K as a function of composition, with an accuracy of about 1 pct. The enthalpy of formation of B2-FeAl is most negative for the composition Fe0.50Al0.50 (−36.29 kJ/mol). Compounds with Al contents less than about 40 at. pct show a deviation from the linear dependence of the enthalpy of formation with composition which prevails for Al contents larger than 40 at. pct. Upon replacing Fe by Ni while maintaining a constant Al content, the enthalpy of formation of B2-(Fe,Ni)Al compounds becomes more negative. With decreasing Al content and for a constant Fe/Ni ratio, the enthalpy of formation of the ternary phase becomes less negative.  相似文献   

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - The properties of precipitation-strengthened composites produced from an aluminum alloy were studied. The composites were prepared by powder and casting...  相似文献   

(Ba0.3Sr0.7)[(Zn1?Cx Mg x )1/3Nb2/3]O3 (BSZMN, x?=?0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) solid-solution ceramics were synthesized by the conventional solid-state synthesis technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibration spectra (Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform far-infrared reflection spectroscopy) were employed to evaluate effects of synthesis temperatures on crystal structures and lattice vibration modes of these solid solutions. The XRD results reveal that BSZMN ceramics have a phase transformation, from pseudocubic structure to hexagonal distorted perovskite structure with different Mg2+ concentration and different synthesis temperatures, i.e., symmetry decreases with increasing synthesis temperatures. From Raman spectra, synthesis temperatures have an obvious influence on the phonon modes, which are closely related to the 1:2 ordered structure. Variation of the phonon parameters corresponds to the ordering degree; however, the phase transformation and the second phase can influence the phonon characteristics. The results are also proved by far-infrared reflection analyses.  相似文献   

The alloys of Fe–6Si–8B and Fe–6Si–8B–1Mn were prepared using high energy planetary ball mill. X-ray diffraction patterns of the milled samples confirmed the formation of the alloys by dissolution of Si in Fe after 30 and 24 h of milling for the Fe–6Si–8B and Fe–6Si–8B–1Mn samples respectively. The lattice parameter was found to increase continuously with milling time and the rise was steeper for the quaternary alloy. After 36 h of milling, the crystallite size for the two samples were reduced to 98 and 86 nm respectively. Mössbauer spectra suggested the formation of minor amount of α-Fe2O3. The value of saturation magnetization was 162 Am2/kg for Fe–6Si–8B alloy obtained after 18 h of milling. However, the value decreased with increased milling time as well as with Mn-addition. The remanance value showed similar tendency as that for saturation magnetization. In contrast, the coercivity value was found to be increasing with milling time and with Mn-addition.  相似文献   

In the present work, cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV) and chronopotentiometry (CP) were used to investigate the electrochemical coreduction behaviors of La(III) and Mg(II) as well as La(III), Mg(II) and Mn(II) on Mo electrode in LiCl + KCl molten salts. CV and SWV results exhibit that the coreduction mechanism of La (III) and Mg(II) on Mo electrode is that La(III) is reduced and Mg–La intermetallic compound is formed, leading to the deposition potential of La(III) shifting to more positive one. The electrochemical signals pertaining to the formation of metallic La, Mg and Mn as well as Mg–La intermetallic compound are also observed by coreduction of La(III), Mg(II), and Mn(II) in LiCl + KCl molten salt on the inert Mo electrode. However, the electrochemical signals associated with the formation of La–Mn and Mg–Mn alloys are not observed, which means that the depolarization effect of La(III) and Mg(II) does not occur on pre-deposited Mn electrode. The Mg–La–Mn alloys were formed by co-deposition of La(III), Mg(II), and Mn(II) on Mo electrode at various concentration ratios of La(III) and Mg(II). The results of scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction displays that the Mg–La–Mn alloys are comprised of La–Mg compound Mg17La2, Mg and Mn phases. The concentration ratio of La(III) and Mn(II) has few effects on the alloy composition.  相似文献   

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