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Simultaneous non-configuration geometrization of classical electrodynamics and gravity leads to a 4D space which refer to the Model of Embedded Spaces (MES). MES presupposes the existence of their own space (manifold) in any massive particle (element of matter distribution) and argues that spacetime of the universe is the 4D metric result of dynamical embedding of proper manifolds, whose partial contribution is determined by matter interactions. The resulting space is equipped with Riemann-like geometry, whose differential formalism, in a test particle approximation, is obtained by a formal change of the gradient operator \(\partial /\partial {x^i} \to \partial /\partial {x^i} + 2{u^k}{\partial ^2}/\partial {x^{\left[ i \right.}}\partial {u^{\left. k \right]}}\), where u i = dx i/ds is the velocity of matter. In this paper the features of the geometry of dynamical embedding are analyzed, and MES analogs of the Einstein and Maxwell equations are obtained. It has been shown that the electric charge is a direct consequence of the gravitational constant and inertial mass of matter. We also discuss some fundamental physical and cosmological aspects of the developed ideas.  相似文献   

提出一种基于牛顿万有引力定理的函数优化方法──最大引力优化算法。该算法通过“引力分组”和“引力淘汰”过程更新搜索体。文中给出4个引理来描述算法的数学基础,同时也给出算法的收敛性证明。此外还对该算法进行改进。最后与粒子群算法、差分算法、郭涛算法进行比较,数值结果显示该算法在解决连续函数优化问题具有较高的性能。  相似文献   

We consider an approach to unification of the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions based on the existence of an effective Riemannian space in nonlinear electrodynamics. In the context of this approach, we discuss the possibility of screening the gravitational field.  相似文献   

一种基于旋转超盒和引力场融合的聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统聚类算法处理复杂分布数据的不足,提出了一种新型的基于旋转超盒和引力场融合的聚类算法.该算法由1)数据集归一化;2)利用旋转超盒构造初始类别;3)借助引力场概念对初始类别进行融合3个步骤构成.仿真结果表明,该算法在无需聚类数目的情况下,对复杂分布数据具有很好的聚类效果.  相似文献   

基于万有引力定律的人脸识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把万有引力定律引入到人脸识别中,构建基于万有引力定律的人脸识别模型。用传统的主成分分析方法对图像进行特征提取,建立图像与图像之间的相似度模型以及各个类别对图像潜在作用力的表达式,根据该作用力大小决定图像所属类别。在ORL人脸数据库上的实验表明,该模型有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

基于万有引力的遥感影像分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李熙 《遥感信息》2004,(3):36-38,i001
本文从物理学中的万有引力得到启发,提出了“引力分类法”。即假设任意样本与待定点存在着万有引力,根据引力的大小使待定点属于不同的类,从而达到分类的目的。并且通过对武汉城区的TM3、4、5波段遥感影像数据进行监督分类的试验,初步证明了该分类方法的可行性。  相似文献   

基于引力场模型的图像匹配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无人机视觉辅助导航的自主着陆技术研究,提出了引力场模型的图像匹配新方法,直接建立失配代价势函数的梯度场.只要进入正确匹配位置的收敛域,就可以按照最优估计理论找到最速下降路径,从而找到正确匹配位置.选择不同的引力场模型,可以得到不同的收敛域.低阶模型收敛域较大,但匹配精度较低;高阶模型匹配精度较高,但收敛域较小.当收敛域较大时,可以采用较大的搜索步长寻找收敛域,提高图像匹配搜索阶段的效率.零阶模型与采用欧氏距离作为基本测度的Hausdorff距离方法一致,但其引力场不便于计算;非零阶模型由质点的引力场线性叠加就可以得到质点系的引力场.仿真实验表明搜索阶段采用二阶模型效果最好,达到匹配图像的精度要求.  相似文献   

程海燕  韩璞  董泽  张妍 《计算机仿真》2015,32(3):442-446
针对万有引力搜索算法(Gravitational Search Algorithm,GSA)的早熟收敛和寻优精度问题,提出了一种改进的GSA算法。算法采用混沌序列初始化种群位置,采用淘汰机制及变异操作增加种群的多样性,避免陷入局部最优。通过对6个非线性基准函数进行仿真测试,结果表明:所提出的算法对非线性函数具有良好的优化性能。将上述算法用于双容水箱水位的辨识,辨识结果验证了提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   

对聚类方法SOM特征映射图使用引力场进行区域划分,实现远程故障识别.首先由SOM得到输入模式的具有不同响应特性的聚类区域;对SOM特征图进行邻域相关性分析并使用阀值划分种子区域;以种子区域为引力源在SOM特征图中构造引力场,根据特征图中点沿在引力场所受力的方向运动而收殓到的种子区域进行区域划分,并以此进行模式识别.该方法不用考虑区域边界上点的分类问题且很容易扩展到多维空间.对12种典型飞机起落架故障进行远程检测仿真,取得了较满意的效果,较大地提高了正确识别率.  相似文献   

为了改善基本差分进化算法在求解复杂优化问题时易出现早熟收敛、求解精度低以及进化后期收敛速度慢等缺陷,结合引力搜索算法的优点,提出一种基于阈值统计学习思想的混合差分进化引力搜索算法.该算法通过阈值统计学习的方式,充分利用差分进化算法的全局优化能力与引力搜索算法在进化后期的种群开发能力,在进化过程中根据2种策略在先前学习代数的成功率自适应选择较优策略生成下一代群体,保证种群在解空间中的探索与开发能力之间的平衡,以提高算法的全局寻优能力.对几个经典复杂测试函数的仿真结果表明:改进算法求解精度高、收敛速度快、鲁棒性强、能够有效避免早熟收敛问题.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation, we consider a cosmological model which describes the known observational data, in particular, the accelerated expansion of the modern Universe. The dynamic equation contains a positive cosmological constant. The equations obtained describe an oscillating universe without singularities. Results of numerical calculations are presented.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the Poincare-Weyl gauge theory of gravity, the space-time possesses the geometric structure of Cartan-Weyl CW 4 space with curvature and torsion 2-forms and a Weyltype nonmetricity 1-form. The Dirac field ??(x) appears as an essential additional geometric component with respect to the metric tensor. The conformal theory of gravity coupled with ??(x) in the exterior form formalism is considered. At an early stage of the universe evolution, we consider these field equations for the spatially flat FRWmetric, assuming the densities of ordinarymatter and dark matter to be very small. Then the field equations can be expressed in terms of the metric tensor and ??(t) only and have an exponentially diminishing solution for ??(t), which can explain an exponential decrease of dark energy (the energy of physical vacuum) as a function of time as a consequence of field dynamics in the ultra-early Universe.  相似文献   

Designing a high gain planar antenna on the low‐cost FR4 substrate is one of the major challenging tasks for the researchers. The omnidirectional radiation pattern is desired for 360° coverage. Both of these requirements have been addressed in this article. This article presents a dual band printed antenna designed on an FR4 substrate of 1.6 mm thickness. The proposed antenna operates in the ISM band of 2.4 and 5.8 GHz for the application of dual‐band WLAN/WIFI. The proposed antenna consists of a circular patch and ring‐shaped ground plane. The overall dimension of the antenna is 66 × 66 × 1.6 mm3. Excellent impedance matching and radiation efficiency for both the bands have been achieved. The proposed antenna shows omnidirectional radiation pattern at 2.4 GHz ISM band and nearly omnidirectional pattern along with high gain of 4.7 dBi at 5.8 GHz ISM band.  相似文献   

Ground-based solar-radiation observations have rather high random errors, which were sourced from maintenance, calibration and/or inaccurate instruments in Turkey. Satellite-based radiation data obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were compared with reliable ground observations, and it was found that the global solar incident insolation data of the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset is usable, with a rather low mean relative error of about 4%. Therefore, monthly and annual spatial distribution over Turkey and solar-radiation time series were analysed in order to detect the potential of solar radiation and to find out variations and trends, respectively.  相似文献   

We developed two radiation mapping algorithms that can handle different situations based on prior information of the search area. The algorithms were developed in the framework of model-driven measurement, where a world model was used to drive measurement collection, and measurements were used to update the world model.We developed and experimentally tested a robotic implementation of two Bayesian-based radiation mapping strategies in two dimensions, using a commercially available desktop mobile robot fitted with a CsI radiation sensor. Our approach for implementing the Bayesian radiation mapping algorithms was to drive the robot over each segment of the search area, in real time, according to the radiation counts collected by the sensor. Future research directions include extensions to three-dimensional mapping; exploring and characterizing the tradeoffs between time efficiency, map confidence level, and utilization of prior knowledge information; as well as the implementation of Bayesian statistics for the online update of the world model.  相似文献   

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