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1 Biology and system science of hu-man bodyLooked from the modern system science viewpoint,the human body is precisely a complex great system.The biology research has already divided into the humanbody many levels, like system(Breath, digestion, bloodcirculation, nerve, uropoiesis, reproduction, movementand so on) tissue( connective tissue, fat tissue, epitheli-um tissue, muscular tissue, the nerve and so on)Cell(Cy-tobiology, cytochemistry, cytophysiology, cytogeneticsand so on)、molecule (M…  相似文献   

Several results scattered in the literature express an oblique projector having given onto and along spaces in terms of a pair of orthogonal projectors. The results were established in various settings, including finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces over either real or complex numbers, but their common feature is that they are valid merely under the assumption of the nonsingularity of certain functions of the involved projectors. In the present paper, these results are unified and reestablished in a generalized form in a complex Euclidean vector space, with the generalization obtained by relaxing the nonsingularity assumption and use of the Moore–Penrose inverse instead of the ordinary inverse. Additionally, several new formulae of the type are provided.  相似文献   

Research on Enhancing the Functions of Animation in Web 3D   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VRML offers powerful tool for generating 3D scene and realizing real time interactive animation on Web. This paper briefly introduces the related techniques of implementing interactive animation in Web 3D, focusing on how to use JavaScript to create Script node for extending VRML functions. This is very useful for virtual product design, product performance simulation, virtual assembly and remote education.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering paper of Rosenthal a lot of work has been done in order to determine classes of games that admit a potential. First, we study the existence of potential functions for weighted congestion games. Let \(\mathcal{C}\) be an arbitrary set of locally bounded functions and let \(\mathcal{G}(\mathcal{C})\) be the set of weighted congestion games with cost functions in \(\mathcal{C}\). We show that every weighted congestion game \(G\in\mathcal{G}(\mathcal{C})\) admits an exact potential if and only if \(\mathcal{C}\) contains only affine functions. We also give a similar characterization for w-potentials with the difference that here \(\mathcal{C}\) consists either of affine functions or of certain exponential functions. We finally extend our characterizations to weighted congestion games with facility-dependent demands and elastic demands, respectively.  相似文献   

The temperature and pressure dependences of molar volume of the solution phases in the Al–Cu–Mg system have been modeled by using the CALPHAD approach. Molar volumes of pure elements were critical assessed according to the experimental data from the literature. Subsequently, volumetric properties of the Al–Cu, Al–Mg and Cu–Mg binary systems were assessed and compared with the corresponding experimental data. The results are compatible with the assessed data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed operating system modeled as an abstract machine that provides all the distributed processes with the same set of services.The kernel of our operating system supports services which are achieved by a remote procedure call on requests by parallel processes.Therefore,a scheme for solving the client-server relationship is required.In our system there are more than one clients and,at least,a receive would be required for each.Similarly,there are more than one servers such that the send in a client should produce a message that can be received by every server.Consequently,a mechanism well suited for programming multiple-clients/single-server and single-client/multiple-servers interactions is proposed.  相似文献   

Bayesian network is a strong tool for uncertain knowledge representation and inference. This paper mainly introduces some technologies and methods about Bayesian network based on intelligent system. In the construction of Bayesian network, divorcing technology and noisy-or technology are used. In the inference of Bayesian network, VE algorithm and sampling algorithm are introduced. Finally, Bayesian network construction component and inference component are developed. Then an expert system about cow disease diagnosis is constructed based on the two components.  相似文献   

[1]D. E. Denning. Cryptography and Data Security. AddisonWesley Publishing Company, 1983 [2]L. Olson,A. Marshall. Computer access Control Policy Choices. Computers & Security,1990, 9(8) [3]D. E. Bell. Lattices, Policies, and Implementations. In:Proc.13t  相似文献   

Trends in chlorine monoxide (ClO) over the tropical–subtropical stratosphere (40° S–40° N) have been studied by analysing data from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) onboard the Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) for the period 1991–1999 using the multifunctional regression model. Trends in ClO show latitudinal variation and they are almost symmetrical around the equator. Trend profiles reveal negative trends in the middle stratosphere (46–30 mb), no trends near 20 mb and then positive trends in the upper stratosphere. A negative maximum near 46 mb and a positive maximum near 6.8–4.6 mb level is observed over the tropical and subtropical belts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the numerical approximations for the commonly used binary fluid-surfactant phase field model that consists two nonlinearly coupled Cahn–Hilliard equations. The main challenge in solving the system numerically is how to develop easy-to-implement time stepping schemes while preserving the unconditional energy stability. We solve this issue by developing two linear and decoupled, first order and a second order time-stepping schemes using the so-called “invariant energy quadratization” approach for the double well potentials and a subtle explicit-implicit technique for the nonlinear coupling potential. Moreover, the resulting linear system is well-posed and the linear operator is symmetric positive definite. We rigorously prove the first order scheme is unconditionally energy stable. Various numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the stability and the accuracy thereafter.  相似文献   

This paper presents an in-depth analytical and empirical assessment of the performance of DoubleBee, a novel hybrid aerial–ground robot. Particularly, the dynamic model of the robot with ground contact is analyzed, and the unknown parameters inthe model are identified. We apply an unscented Kalman filter-based approach and a least square-based approach to estimatethe parameters with given measurements and inputs at every time step. Real data are collected and used to estimate theparameters; test data verify that the values obtained are able to model the rotation of the robot accurately. A gain-scheduledfeedback controller is proposed, which leverages the identified model to generate accurate control inputs to drive the systemto the desired states. The system is proven to track a constant-velocity reference signal with bounded error. Simulations andreal-world experiments using the proposed controller show improved performance than the PID-based controller in trackingstep commands and maintaining attitude under robot movement.  相似文献   

In this paper,the naming scheme used in the heterogeneous distributed operating system ZGL is described and some of the representative techniques utilized in current distributed operating systems are examined.It is believed that the partitioning of the name space into manyn local name spaces and one global shared name space allows the ZGL system to satisfy each workstation‘s demand for local autonomy and still be able to facilitate transparent resource sharing.By the division of the system into clusters and the use of a combined centralized-distributed naming mechanism,the system is able to avoid both the bottleneck problem caused by a single centralized name server for the whole system and the performance degradation due to a full distributed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modification of the stochastic cellular automaton-based version of the “power–society–economics” model that describes the dynamics of power distribution in a hierarchy taking into account social and economic processes and corruption in the system of power. This approach allows the model to incorporate a number of new factors, including transport communications among municipalities and regions. The basic principles of the model are presented, a simulation system is constructed, and a number of numeric experiments unimplementable with a continuous deterministic model are conducted. Some new results are obtained, including the relationship between the power dynamics and corruption level, as well as the influence of the transport network on the dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

New technologies inspire new interface paradigms. Promising utility of new interfaces continues attracting their modification. It is argued that in order for human users to share phenomenological experiences through multimodal systems, they need to deal with embedded computers. This paper discusses the embodied nature of communication and a need for the development of a postphenomenology of technology, which plays a vital role in the material culture.  相似文献   

The Shortley–Weller method is a standard central finite-difference-method for solving the Poisson equation in irregular domains with Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is well known that the Shortley–Weller method produces second-order accurate solutions and it has been numerically observed that the solution gradients are also second-order accurate; a property known as super-convergence. The super-convergence was proved in the \(L^{2}\) norm in Yoon and Min (J Sci Comput 67(2):602–617, 2016). In this article, we present a proof for the super-convergence in the \(L^{\infty }\) norm.  相似文献   

The viscosity database for the Al–Cu–Mg–Si system was constructed using the CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagram)-type formalism. Viscosities of pure elements were described with the Arrhenius formula based on the experimental data. Subsequently, viscosities of the Al–Cu, Al–Si, Al–Mg and Cu–Si binary systems were assessed via CALPHAD technique and compared with the corresponding experimental data. Due to the lack of experimental data, viscosities in the Mg–Si and Cu–Mg systems were estimated by means of the Hirai's equation. The viscosities of the ternary Al–Cu–Si system were then predicted based on the binary parameters and compared with the experimental results. Using the established viscosity database for the quaternary Al–Cu–Mg–Si system, the viscosities of some commercial aluminum alloys were predicted. The reasonable agreement between calculations and experiments in Al-rich corner indicates that the CALPHAD-type database for the viscosity is valid and the database is suitable for predicting the viscosity of the commercial Al–Cu–Mg–Si based alloys.  相似文献   

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