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Describes a 5-yr retrospective study of the sexual behavior of 8 adult rhesus monkeys showing that sexual vigor declined over the years but testosterone levels in peripheral vein plasma did not. Two prospective experiments were carried out on these males during the 6th yr: (a) The 4 poorest performers were injected daily for 28 days with testosterone propionate (1 mg/kg). There was no significant increase in level of performance, and behavior was not correlated with plasma levels of testosterone either before or 24 hrs after the last hormone injection. (b) All 8 males were exposed to novel nonspecific sensory stimulation during tests of sexual behavior. Eight different adult male rhesus strangers—present in the room but not in the test cage—were used as stimuli, one for each experimental test. Sexual behavior during experimental and control tests did not differ. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Microsurgical exploration of 15 adults with Arnold-Chiari malformation with and without hydromyelia using 3 to 20 X magnification has led to the following conclusions. Hydromyelia, associated with Arnold-Chiari malformation, is a progressive mechanical disorder that causes spinal cord deficits by pressure distention of the cord. Arnold-Chiari malformation causes slowly or suddenly progressive bulbar dysfunction by impaction of the malformation in the foramen magnum. Decompression of both can be achieved by a suboccipital carniectomy, upper cervical laminectomy, establishing an outlet from the fourth ventricle, and opening the distended cord in the thinnest exposed area, which is usually along the dorsal root entry zone. If Pantopaque myelography in patients in the supine position shows the Arnold-Chiari malformation, hydromyelia can be established as a cause of central cord deficit even if myelography shows the cord size to be normal. Syringomyelia, traditionally considered a degenerative disease, is a less common cause of a slowly progressive central cord deficit than either hydromyelia or intramedullary tumor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Uterine quiescence during mammalian pregnancy is attributed to progesterone. However. systemic progesterone levels remain elevated in primates before parturition. Epostane, a selective 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor, and progesterone (with or without epostane) were administered to late pregnant rhesus monkeys to clarify the role of progesterone in primate parturition. STUDY DESIGN: On days 122 to 132 of gestation (term 167 days), 11 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with timed pregnancies were divided into three treatment groups: (1) epostane alone (10 mg/kg subcutaneously), (2) epostane with progesterone subcutaneously in Silastic silicone rubber capsules, and (3) progesterone implants only with no surgical instrumentation. Maternal and fetal blood and amniotic fluid were sampled for progesterone, estrone, estradiol, cortisol, testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and amniotic fluid was sampled for prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha. Uterine activity was monitored continuously by electromyography and intraamniotic pressure. Cervical status was assessed by a modified Bishop's score. Production of prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha by amnion was determined by tissue superfusion. The group of three noninstrumented monkeys, which received only progesterone Silastic silicone rubber implants subcutaneously at 146 to 148 days, were observed until spontaneous vaginal delivery. RESULTS: Epostane reduced maternal and fetal progesterone levels by 75% and 50%, respectively, followed by increased uterine activity and cervical ripening within 24 hours and vaginal delivery within 48 hours. Amniotic fluid progesterone decreased to undetectable levels. Progesterone implants prevented the epostane-induced decrease in maternal and fetal progesterone levels and the associated myometrial and cervical changes until the implants were removed. Alterations in other steroid hormones were consistent with inhibition of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Amniotic prostaglandin E2 production was increased sixfold by epostane (p < 0.05) but did not reach the high levels normally seen at spontaneous parturition. Animals that received progesterone implants alone had markedly elevated circulating progesterone concentrations yet were delivered spontaneously at term (range 163 to 167 days). CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone withdrawal induces preterm labor and delivery (which can be blocked by progesterone substitution) but exogenous progesterone, even in substantial quantities, does not prevent parturition at term.  相似文献   

Many animals appear to have a sophisticated spatial representation of their environment. The development of these representations depends on the joint abilities of discriminating novel objects and remembering their locations. Variations of a detection of novelty paradigm were used to determine the nature and limitations of these abilities in rhesus monkeys. Socially-housed monkeys at two facilities (UMASS Primate Laboratory and the New England Regional Primate Research Center) were exposed to novelty detection tasks using a vertical object grid arranged on a mesh wall of the animals' pens. Monkeys rapidly responded with increased exploration to the replacement of one familiar object with a novel object, to the movement of a familiar object to a novel location, and to the swapping of two familiar objects. However, novelty of object was more salient than novelty of place. In these initial studies, monkeys were given continuous access to the grid, and only one or two changes occurred on a given day. In subsequent studies, the task difficulty was varied either by reducing the length of grid exposure or increasing the number of changed objects/session. Surprisingly, only a reduction in length of exposure markedly affected novelty detecting abilities. Rhesus monkeys clearly possessed the dual novelty detecting abilities. These skills were negatively affected only when monkeys' access to the grid was limited. The procedure employed here provided a convenient way to assess complex cognitive abilities in a group setting. It also relied on rhesus monkeys' inherent attraction to novelty and required only their species-typical behavior for assessment.  相似文献   

In a double-blind study, 655 sputum specimens were obtained from individuals suspected of having tuberculosis and were analyzed for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampin susceptibility with use of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based universal heteroduplex generator assay (PCR/UHG-Rif). Of the specimens containing viable M. tuberculosis, 100% of the smear-positive (n = 41) and 50% of the smear-negative (n = 6) specimens tested positive for the organism by PCR/UHG-Rif. Nineteen of 537 culture-negative specimens tested positive for M. tuberculosis by PCR/UHG-Rif and were from patients with confirmed tuberculosis who were receiving antituberculosis therapy at the time of specimen collection. Thirty-five specimens contained nontuberculous mycobacteria and were negative by PCR/UHG-Rif. Genotypic evidence of rifampin resistance in five of six culture-confirmed, rifampin-resistant isolates was obtained by PCR/UHG-Rif, yielding a sensitivity and specificity for the assay of 83% and 98.2%, respectively. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using a PCR-based assay directly on sputum specimens for simultaneous detection of M. tuberculosis and rifampin susceptibility, and they suggest that patients with smear-positive, untreated tuberculosis and those presenting with suspected drug-resistant tuberculosis are the most appropriate groups for testing by PCR/UHG-Rif.  相似文献   

The present, subjective value of a reinforcer typically decreases as a function of the delay to its receipt, a phenomenon termed delay discounting. Delay discounting, which is assumed to reflect impulsivity, is hypothesized to play an important role in drug abuse. The present study examined delay discounting of cocaine injections by rhesus monkeys. Subjects were studied on a discrete-trials task in which they chose between 2 doses of cocaine: a smaller, immediate dose and a larger, delayed dose. The immediate dose varied between 0.012 and 0.4 mg/kg/injection, whereas the delayed dose was always 0.2 mg/kg/injection and was delivered after a delay that varied between 0 and 300 s in different conditions. At each delay, the point at which a monkey chose the immediate and delayed doses equally often (i.e., the ED50) provided a measure of the present, subjective value of the delayed dose. Dose-response functions for the immediate dose shifted to the left as delay increased. The amount of the immediate dose predicted to be equal in subjective value to the delayed dose decreased as a function of the delay, and hyperbolic discounting functions provided good fits to the data (median R2 = .86). The current approach may provide the basis for an animal model of the effect of delay on the subjective value of drugs of abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Symphysis Pubis (SP) joint was investigated by X-ray in 96 adults without any history of disease of the joints. We evaluated the width of this joint by measuring the distance between the two articular surface at three points. We calculated the mean for the three interpubic distances and carried out statistical analysis so as to evaluate if there is a significative difference between the four age classes (< 50; 50-59; 60-69; > 70) and between males and females. We did not found statistically-significative differences between males and females, and between the age classes; nevertheless, it is to be noted that a slight widening of the SP joint can be seen in the elderly, which is thus not significant. We also noted that the medium part of the SP joint undergoes a larger widening in older people: this is probably due to degenerative changes in the fibrocartilagineous disc and the ligaments.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion in monkeys a synthetic, adequately balanced, fluid diet providing 40% of total calories from ethanol was gavaged through a stomach tube daily over a period of three months. Clinical, biochemical, radioisotope, and histopathological studies were performed at the beginning and end of the experiment. It was observed that chronic alcohol feeding at this dose level caused maked accumulation of triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids in the serum and the liver. In the heart triglycerides and cholesterol ester were increased. Incorporation studies showed increased synthesis of triglycerides in the heart muscle and liver. Histologically the heart showed fatty change of the myocardium and evidence of focal myocytolysis, atrophy of muscle bundles, and early fibrosis. The liver showed generalized fatty change but no cirrhosis.  相似文献   

The respiratory effects of caffeine and paraxanthine, two xanthine adenosine antagonists with phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity, CGS 15943, a non-xanthine adenosine antagonist lacking PDE inhibitory activity, and rolipram, a non-xanthine PDE inhibitor lacking adenosine antagonist activity, were characterized in unanesthetized, seated rhesus monkeys exposed to 10% O2 balanced in N2 (hypoxia). Ventilation was measured continuously by enclosing the monkey's head in a fitted helmet and using a pressure-displacement plethysmographic technique. Respiratory frequency (f) and minute volume (VE) increased during 15-minute periods of hypoxia, and intramuscular administration of caffeine (0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg), paraxanthine (0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg) and CGS 15943 (0.03 and 0.1 mg/kg) attenuated the ventilatory response to hypoxia. In contrast, rolipram (0.003-0.03 mg/kg) did not significantly alter the ventilatory response to hypoxia. Drug effects also were characterized in monkeys exposed to air (normoxia) or 3%, 4% and 5% CO2 balanced in air (hypercapnia). Doses of caffeine, paraxanthine or CGS 15943 that attenuated the ventilatory response to hypoxia had no significant effect on f or VE during conditions of normoxia or hypercapnia. The results indicate that adenosine may play a major role in the function of peripheral, O2-sensitive mechanisms during hypoxia.  相似文献   

To investigate metabolic disturbances in an animal model of human malaria, four rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were infected with Plasmodium coatneyi, a parasite which induces cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes. When moribund or the parasitaemia had plateaued, the monkeys were sacrificed (3 animals) or treated with chloroquine (1 animal). Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were sampled at intervals between inoculation and sacrifice or treatment. Arterial and CSF glucose and lactate rose during infection, indicating evolving insulin resistance. The arteriovenous difference in glucose concentration also increased, consistent with increased glucose consumption by parasitised tissues. Arterial plasma lactate rose but a positive arteriovenous concentration difference suggested tissue lactate uptake. The animal with the highest plasma lactate at sacrifice remained hyperglycaemic but also had the highest CSF lactate, the greatest cerebral sequestration and neurological depression, and biochemical and histological evidence of severe hepatic pathology. Serum cholesterol and corrected serum calcium fell consistently during infection; serum phosphate was also reduced in animals without renal impairment. These preliminary results indicate that lactic acidosis is a late complication of severe malaria and, by implication from this and other studies, hypoglycaemia occurs even later; other metabolic changes during P. coatneyi infection in rhesus monkeys also parallel those of severe falciparum malaria in humans. The model could be used in further studies of malaria-associated metabolic dysfunction and its management.  相似文献   

Following MPTP administration, monkeys manifest cognitive deficits on tasks known to assess the fronto-striatal system; there are, however, no data regarding long-term cognitive effects. In this study, we examined the cognitive abilities of monkeys 10 years after MPTP administration. MPTP-treated monkeys and age-matched controls performed a spatial delayed response task with fixed and random delays. The MPTP-treated monkeys were impaired in both versions of the task. Both groups performed at the same level at very short delays suggesting that the nature of the impairment is related to a spatial memory deficit that is still apparent 10 years after treatment. These results suggest that, like Parkinson's patients, the MPTP-treated primates display spatial deficits.  相似文献   

Some studies report seasonal patterns of testicular function in male rhesus monkeys even when they are housed away from females, while others suggest that exposure to sexually active females is essential for male seasonality. We conducted the present experiment (1) to test claims that seasonal testicular activation occurs in the absence of females and (2) to determine whether regular exposure to and copulation with females enhances, or is without effect upon, seasonal increases in testicular function. We studied two groups of male monkeys housed in a colony room containing no females. Males in the Female Exposure group (n = 7) were paired twice weekly with estradiol-implanted females and copulated vigorously. Males in the second group (n = 7) were placed in the same test chamber (at least 16 h after it had been scrubbed with disinfectant) but were never exposed to females. Serum testosterone levels and testis volume were monitored for both groups. Each group displayed a seasonal pattern of testosterone and of testis volume comparable in timing and magnitude to seasonal increases previously reported in group-housed males, but the two groups did not differ from each other. Our findings confirm that seasonal changes in testosterone and testis size occur in the absence of sexual interaction and demonstrate that moderate levels of sexual activity do not enhance this response.  相似文献   

The emergence of stereopsis at 3-4 months postnatal in human infants is striking and has led to speculation that its rapid onset and subsequent development must be due to a dramatic reorganization of the brain. Stereopsis has never been measured in infant monkeys, but previous studies have demonstrated that many other visual functions develop four times faster in infant monkeys than in humans. We made longitudinal assessments of stereoacuity in 11 infant rhesus monkeys. A forced-choice preferential-looking technique was used to present random-dot stereograms during testing. By 8 weeks after birth, all of the monkeys were responding to at least coarse levels of disparity (1760" [seconds]), and by 13 weeks of age, all were responding to the relatively fine level of 88" disparity. Age of onset for stereopsis in monkeys was at about one-quarter the age when it occurs in humans, as expected. However, subsequent development proceeded at a similar absolute rate in monkeys and humans. The findings are discussed relative to the neural mechanisms which might be responsible for the differing rates of development.  相似文献   

Patients with damage to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are impaired on cognitive tasks such as the Wisconsin Card Sort Test, the Stroop Test and an anti-saccade paradigm, in which sensory-guided habitual responses must be suppressed in favour of conceptually or memory-guided responses. We report here recordings from prefrontal neurons in rhesus monkeys trained to perform a delayed anti-saccade task based on tests that have been used with humans. Activity in the same prefrontal neurons was recorded across conditions when saccades were made toward a remembered target, and also when this prepotent response was suppressed and a saccade in the opposite direction required. Our findings show that most prefrontal neurons code the location of the visual stimulus in working memory, and that this memory can be engaged to suppress as well as prescribe a response. These results establish, in a subset of prefrontal neurons, the iconic nature of the memory code, and suggest a role for visual memory in response suppression.  相似文献   

An operant conditioning situation was used to relate the leverpressing performance of female rhesus monkeys to different measures of social, sexual, and agonistic behavior that underlie the formation and dissolution of consort bonds. Nine females were trained to press a lever 250 times to gain access to a male partner. After access, a standard 60-min behavioral test took place (1,440 tests). Data were analyzed independently of the stage of the menstrual cycle. Eight females were tested with 2 males, and every female gained access faster with 1 male (i.e, preferred partner). For all 8 females, the preferred male was the one that spent more time grooming the female. For 5 females, the preferred partner was also the one that ejaculated more frequently. For 4 females, where agonistic interactions with males could be evaluated, the preferred male was the one that elicited fewer submissive behavioral patterns. These results indicate that the operant behavior of female rhesus monkeys is positively reinforced by social and sexual factors and negatively reinforced by agonistic interactions and may thus provide a measure of the strength of consort bonds. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

7 rhesus monkeys were afforded the opportunity to observe a series of projected color slides of other monkeys exhibiting five content categories of social-communicative behavior (submission, intense threat, mild threat, grooming, and neutral behavior) combined with two levels of familiarity (familiar vs unfamiliar) with reference to the animals depicted in the slides. Mean duration of observing was significantly influenced by the social-communicative content categories, while mean frequency of observing was significantly affected by the familiarity dimension. The data were discussed in terms of the threat potential or fear-arousing capacity of social stimuli in relation to visual obsrving.  相似文献   

Thirty-one patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) underwent a test battery of complex visual tasks. We assessed the scores using a principal-factor analysis to elucidate the underlying deficits. There were three independent factors: The first factor included the tasks of identifying and comparing forms of visual stimuli. The second factor consisted of digit span and digit symbol tasks, and the third factor consisted of a specified visual counting task. We considered these three factors as representing the dysfunctions of object recognition, general attention and spatial recognition, respectively. These results underline the disturbances of the two visual systems, object vision and spatial vision, in early-AD patients.  相似文献   

Demonstrated that 8 rhesus monkeys were subject to drug-dissociated learning and state-dependent retention in training situations involving color choices when alternate pharmacological states were produced by intraperitoneal injections of sodium pentobarbital or saline. Learning of a position discrimination was only moderately dissociated between states. Overtraining of color discrimination problems reduced dissociation between states and made subsequent cue reversal learning more difficult. A simple motor response did not dissociate between states. (24 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Progressive neuropathologic lesions in vitamin E-deficient rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A consistent group of progressive central and peripheral nervous system lesions developed in seven rhesus monkeys maintained on a vitamin E-deficient diet for 30 to 33 months. These lesions were absent from vitamin E-supplemented monkeys. The principal neuropathologic alteration was loss of sensory axons in the posterior columns, sensory roots, and peripheral nerves. Morphologic and morphometric studies indicated that the distal segments of the axons were affected most severely and large-caliber myelinated fibers are selectively involved. Swollen, dystrophic axons (spheroids) occurred infrequently. Degeneration and phagocytosis of small numbers of neuronal perikarya were observed in the dorsal root ganglia and the anterior horns. The number of affected neurons was not proportional to the number of affected axons. Accumulation of lipopigment was evident in neuronal perikarya and CNS endothelial cells. The nervous system lesion were usually accompanied by a chronic necrotizing myopathy. The neuropathologic lesions in vitamin E-deficient monkeys are compared with those in vitamin E-deficient rats and in humans with low serum vitamin E concentrations. A similar type of sensory axonopathy is associated with chronic deficiency of vitamin E in these three species.  相似文献   

Hypothesized that observational conditioning is involved in the origins of many human and nonhuman primates' fears and phobias. In Exp I, a new index of snake fear in 7 19–28 yr old wild-reared rhesus monkeys and 9 laboratory-reared offspring (aged 8 mo to 6 yrs) was tested. Results show the measure was useful and demonstrated that young Ss raised by parents who had a fear of snakes did not acquire the fear in the absence of any specific experience with snakes. In Exp II, using 5 of the wild-reared Ss and 6 of the laboratory-reared Ss from Exp I, 5 of 6 offspring acquired an intense and persistent fear of snakes as a result of observing their wild-reared parents behave fearfully in the presence of real, toy, or model snakes for a short period of time. The fear was not context specific and showed no significant signs of diminution at 3-mo follow-up. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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