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文章介绍了包钢电磁搅拌改造后末端电磁搅拌工艺在圆坯连铸中的应用。实践表明,末端电磁搅拌工艺改善了圆坯中心缩孔、中心疏松以及成分偏析,从而为包钢生产高附加值、高合金产品奠定基础。  相似文献   

A static modelling approach was used to study the growth and removal of inclusions during gas stirring in a ladle. A mathematical model of a gas‐stirred ladle was used to predict the data necessary to calculate growth and removal of inclusions. Results indicated that inclusion growth resulting from laminar shear collisions is negligible in comparison with growth from turbulent and Stokes collisions. Furthermore, the need for a model describing inclusion flotation by spherical‐cap bubbles was identified. Since the existing models presented in the literature are only valid for spherical bubbles, a model for the removal of inclusions by spherical‐cap bubbles was developed. Inclusion removal to the slag, refractory and by bubble flotation was compared. The mechanism determined to be responsible for the removal of the majority of inclusions larger than 25 μm was Stokes flotation and for the majority of the smaller inclusions, bubble flotation by spherical‐cap bubbles (assuming plane contact between the inclusion and the bubble).  相似文献   

连铸结晶器电磁搅拌对夹杂物的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在连铸过程中 ,夹杂物对钢的质量有着重要影响。本文分析了结晶器电磁搅拌对夹杂物的作用机理 ,简要叙述了结晶器电磁搅拌对铸坯内夹杂物含量、大小、分布及其形态的影响  相似文献   

连铸结晶器电磁搅拌磁场及钢液流场模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 建立了大方坯连铸结晶器电磁搅拌条件下电磁场及钢液流场数学模型,开发了相应的Visual Cast仿真软件,并应用软件模拟分析了大方坯连铸结晶器内磁场、电磁力分布及双侧孔浸入式水口条件下结晶器内钢液流场的分布特征。结果表明,结晶器内磁场分布均匀,并沿横断面水平旋转,电磁力的旋转周期为磁场旋转周期的一半。电磁搅拌改变了结晶器内流场形态,减小回流区和冲击深度,有利于促进钢液中非金属夹杂物上浮排除,提高大方坯洁净度。  相似文献   

电磁软接触方坯连铸实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了软接触电磁连铸技术的原理,分别从电源功率、结晶器切缝形式、弯月面位置、线圈匝数四个方面阐述了其对结晶器内磁感应强度和作用范围的影响,在此基础上进行了Sn-10%Pb合金和0.8%C钢拉坯实验,结果表明铸坯表面质量明显改善,振痕为传统连铸的10%,角部裂纹消失.  相似文献   

金焱  毕学工  傅连春 《炼钢》2005,21(4):31-33,58
根据实际生产条件,用FactSageTM计算了钢液中w([O]平衡)和w([Al]平衡)分别为10×10-6和(5~10)×10-6.以此为基础,计算了0~1 000 s,计算了夹杂物的粒度分布和总数.计算结果和实验基本吻合.最后,提出了进一步完善模型的方法.  相似文献   

软接触电磁结晶器内三维弯月面形状数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
建立了软接触电磁结晶器内交变磁场和三维弯月面形状的耦合模型,在用实验结果验证的基础上,模拟了方坯连铸结晶器三维弯月面形状,研究了弯月面形状的不均匀特性,讨论了感应线圈与初始钢液面之间的相对位置、电流强度和电源频率等因素对弯月面形状的影响。结果表明:当初始钢液面位于感应线圈中心位置附近时,电磁力对金属的约束成形作用最强;电流强度比电源频率能更明显地改变弯月面形状,但提高电源不仅能适当增加弯月面高度,还有利于弯月面的稳定,在实际应用中应采用20kHz以上的电源频率。  相似文献   

 为解决连铸生产过程中因拉速、过热度等工艺条件频繁波动而导致铸坯凝固末端发生变化,使得末端电磁搅拌(FEMS)难以产生稳定良好的搅拌效果的问题,提出一种FEMS综合控制模型。此模型通过在线凝固传热模型计算得到FEMS安装处的坯壳厚度SF,然后采用基于目标坯壳厚度控制的二冷模型调节二冷水量使SF保持稳定,并根据不同的SF调节FEMS的电流和频率,使FEMS的使用效果达到最优值。采用射钉试验验证了数学模型的计算精度。计算机模拟及现场应用的结果表明,在160mm×160mm小方坯连铸机上,此综合控制模型能够使FEMS安装处的坯壳厚度保持稳定,目标坯壳厚度设定为52mm时,有效提高铸坯的内部质量。  相似文献   

三层桨搅拌槽内三维流场的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用计算流体动力学(CFD)的方法,对稀土萃取过程中上两层为平直叶、底层为涡轮桨叶的三层组合桨搅拌槽内三维流场进行了研究。利用标准的k-epsilon双方程模型对无机相(水)和有机相(P507)的混合液在搅拌槽中产生的流场进行数值计算,得到这种搅拌桨以恒定转速300r/min在搅拌槽内转动时产生的速度场和压力场,以及速度分布云图、速度矢量图以及压力云图,为搅拌桨的设计与改进提供理论基础。  相似文献   

  Heat transfer and deformation of initial solidification shell in soft contact continuous casting mold under high frequency electromagnetic field were analyzed using numerical simulation method; the relative electromagnetic parameters were obtained from the previous studies. Owing to the induction heating of a high frequency electromagnetic field (20 kHz), the thickness of initial solidification shell decreases, and the temperature of strand surface and slit copper mold increases when compared with the case without the electromagnetic filed. The viscosity of flux decreases because of the induction heating of the high frequency electromagnetic field, and the dimension of the flux channel increases with electromagnetic pressure; thus, the deformation behavior of initial solidification shell was different before and after the action of high frequency electromagnetic field. Furthermore, the abatement mechanism of oscillation marks under high frequency electromagnetic field was explained.  相似文献   

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