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《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2001,19(2):149-159
Extraction of egg yolk oil (EYO) from egg yolk powder (EYP) with supercritical CO2 was performed on a laboratory apparatus. Solubility of EYO in supercritical CO2 was measured. The external diffusion and the equilibrium between solid and fluid phases were experimentally found to be the controlling steps during the extraction process. Based on this mechanism, a mathematical model for this extraction process was developed. The model parameters, adsorption equilibrium constant (kp), EYO concentration in solid controlling the transition in the equilibrium (xk) and the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (Kfap), were obtained by simulation. The simulation results indicated that xk is 0.56, Kfap is directly proportional to CO2 flow rate with an exponent of 0.548, and the adsorption heat of EYO is 6–9 kJ mol−1. The model was verified by concentration profiles of solid. The extraction process of EYO with supercritical CO2 was conducted on a pilot plant and the developed model could predict satisfactorily the process. 相似文献
《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2010,51(3):229-234
Supercritical CO2 extraction of Plumula nelumbinis oil was investigated at temperatures of 308–338 K and pressures of 15–45 MPa. The yield of the extracted oil was 0.128 g/g material at optimal conditions, in which gamma-sitosterol, unsaturated fatty acids and gamma-tocopherol had higher relative concentrations as determined by GC–MS. The broken and intact cell (BIC) model, with reduced adjustable parameters, was utilized to simulate the SFE process. The values of average absolute relative deviation (AARD) were in the range 2.34–10.9%, indicating that the improved method had a similar effect to the BIC model when three parameters were adjusted. The parameters obtained during the modeling had clear physical meanings and were used to gain an in-depth understanding of the SFE process theoretically. 相似文献
J. P. Friedrich G. R. List A. J. Heakin 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1982,59(7):288-292
Full-fat soyflakes are readily extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) at pressures of 3,000~10,000 psig and 50 C. Under these conditions, SC-CO2 has the density of a liquid and the diffusivity of a gas. Therefore, equilibrium solubility is readily achieved in a short-path
batch extractor which permits high gas flow rates. Soybean oil extracted with SC-CO2 is lighter in color and contains less iron and about one-tenth the phosphorus of hexane-extracted crude oil from the same
beans. The lower phosphorus content is reflected in a chromatographic refining loss of 0.6% compared to 1.9% for hexane crude.
Refined oils from hexane and SC-CO2 extraction had equivalent odor and flavor scores initially and after 4 days' storage at 60 C. Carbon dioxide, an ideal solvent
for extraction of food products, is low-cost and readily available from fermentation processes and could free over 20 million
gallons of costly hexane per year for essential energy uses. 相似文献
L. Calvo M. J. Cocero J. M. Díez 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1994,71(11):1251-1254
Extraction of oilseeds with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC−CO2) is a promising technique to obtain vegetable oils. However, instability of such oils has been associated in the past with
SC−CO2 extraction. The reasons underlying such instability were unclear. Results presented here suggest that oil instability may
be related to the oxygen content of CO2. In fact, oil stability decreases sharply when refined oil (additive-free) is re-extracted with SC−CO2 and can be related to the oxygen content in the CO2. Never-theless, oil stability could be improved to the level of conventionally extracted oil by adding trace amounts of ascorbic
acid. 相似文献
María José Cocero Lourdes Calvo 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1996,73(11):1573-1578
The effect of ethanol addition to supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2), up to 20%, on sunflower seed oil extraction over the range of 150 to 350 bars and 42 to 80°C was studied. A nonrecirculating
home-made bench-scale system was used as extraction equipment. The oil-SC-CO2-ethanol mixture was reduced to atmospheric pressure in a test tube, where two phases, oil and ethanol, were obtained and
ethanol-saturated CO2 was liberated to the atmosphere. Results show that sunflower oil solubility in SC-CO2 greatly increases with addition of ethanol as entrainer over the whole range of pressure and temperature conditions. Some
phospholipids are co-extracted at levels directly proportional to the added ethanol. Moreover, a large amount of phospholipids
was recovered in the ethanolic phase. Acidity of the extracted oil with ethanol as entrainer was lower than that without alcohol.
Part of the free fatty acids was found in the ethanolic phase. 相似文献
Continuous multiple-contact experiments using a supercritical CO2 were performed to study the phase equilibrium behavior of the dynamic extractions of a hexadecane and crude oil. The extraction
yields increased as CO2 density increased with a pressure rise at constant temperature. The rates of extractions were also greater at higher pressure.
The simulated distillation analysis of extracted crude oil samples represented that the earlier extracts contained lighter
compounds and the latter extracts contained progressively heavier compounds. These compositional changes occurring during
a dynamic extraction were also ascertained by phase-equilibrium flash calculations using the equations of state and a pseudo-component
lumping method. Two different equations of state, Soave-Redlich-Kwong and Peng-Robinson, were used to predict the equilibrium
compositions of the extract phase that is a supercritical carbonic phase. The results of phase behavior calculations established
the nature of the extraction and partitioning process as a function of time. These results also provided reasonable agreement
between the experimental data and the calculated values. 相似文献
用超临界CO2萃取技术处理高浓度有机废水 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用CO2超临界流体萃取(SFE-CO2)法,对含有高浓度极性有机物苯酚及少量丙酮、苯、苯胺、硝基苯的化工废水进行处理.运用正交实验法考察压力、温度、萃取时间、萃取流量以及夹带剂对萃取率的影响.通过测定原水和已处理水的CODCr来评价总的处理效果,用气相色谱测定萃取产物的量,得到各有机物在不同萃取条件下的萃取率,找到了萃取该废水的最佳工艺条件.最佳CODCr去除工艺条件为40 MPa、70℃、30 L/h、80 min,最佳条件下CODCr去除率可达98.8%以上.实验表明不宜采用乙醇或乙酸乙酯作夹带剂. 相似文献
This paper presents a technology to determine the melt viscosity of a PS/super-critical CO2 solution using a linear capillary tube die mounted on a foaming extruder. CO2 was injected into the extrusion barrel and the content of CO2 was varied in the range of O to 4 wt% using a positive displacement pump. Single-phase PS/CO2 solutions were formed using a microcellular extrusion system and phase separation was prevented by maintaining a high pressure in the capillary tube die. By measuring the pressure drop through the die, the viscosity of PS/CO2 solutions was determined. The experimental results indicate that the PS/CO2 solution viscosity is a senstive function of shear rate, temperature, pressure, and CO2 content. A theoretical model based on the generalized Cross-Carreau model was proposed to describe the shear-thinning behavior of PS/CO2 solutions at various shear rates. The zero-shear viscosity was modeled using a generalized Arrhenius equation to accommo-date the effects of temperature, pressure, and CO2 content. Finally, the solubility of CO2 has been estimated by monitoring the pressure drop and the absolute pressure in the capillary die. 相似文献
《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2007,40(3):330-337
In this study, the extraction of jojoba seed oil obtained from jojoba seed using both supercritical CO2 and supercritical CO2+ethanol mixtures was investigated. The recovery of jojoba seed oil was performed in a green and high-tech separation process. The extraction operating was carried out at operating pressures of 25, 35 and 45 MPa, operating temperatures of 343 and 363 K, supercritical fluid flow rates of 3.33 × 10−8, 6.67 × 10−8 and 13.33 × 10−8 m3 s−1, entrainer concentrations of 2, 4 and 8 vol.%, and average particle diameters of 4.1 × 10−4, 6.1 × 10−4, 8.6 × 10−4 and 1.2 × 10−3 m. It was found that a green chemical modifier such as ethanol could enhance the solubilities, initial extraction rate and extraction yield of jojoba seed oil from the seed matrix as compared to supercritical CO2. In addition, it was found that the solubility, the initial extraction rate and the extraction yield depended on operating pressure and operating temperature, entrainer concentration, average particle size and supercritical solvent flow rate. The solubility of jojoba seed oil and initial extraction rate increased with temperature at the operating pressures of 35 and 45 MPa and decreased with increasing temperature at the operating pressure of 25 MPa. Furthermore, supercritical fluid extraction involved short extraction time and minimal usage of small amounts entrainer to the CO2. About 80% of the total jojoba seed oil was extracted during the constant rate period at the pressure of 35 and 45 MPa. 相似文献
超临界CO2萃取川芎中药效成分研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了超临界CO2萃取中药材川芎中的药效成分的工艺条件,以阿魏酸为质量控制指标,分析了多种因素的影响。实验结果表明,在45—65℃、30—50 MPa的条件下,川芎提取率可达到3.75%—4.77%,但提取物中的阿魏酸质量分数仅为0.1%左右。进一步考察了夹带剂的种类及添加方式对提取的影响,结果表明,当以乙醇为夹带剂,其添加质量为物料1.6倍时进行超临界CO2萃取,提取率高达8.24%,阿魏酸质量分数为0.735%,均比传统渗漉法有较大提高。 相似文献
超临界CO2破碎生姜细胞壁萃取精油 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用超临界CO2萃取生姜精油,设计了一个突然降压的过程,使生姜块茎的细胞壁破碎,减少过程的传质阻力。通过L18(37)正交试验得出其最优的工艺条件为:破碎压力20.0MPa,恒压时间30min,降压速率为10.0MPa/min,萃取压力16.0MPa,萃取温度45℃。在CO2流量为20.0m3/h时,萃取60min可完成操作。与索氏(溶剂)提取法相比,其收率很高(约3.62%);与超临界CO2萃取法相比,该方法的萃取温度、萃取压力和操作时间有较大降低,产品收率提高1.32倍;据此设计的150L中试装置,经过4000h的试运行证明,该装置用于萃取姜油可完全满足工艺要求。 相似文献
A continuous process for the extraction of sunflower oil using supercritical CO2, featuring multiple extractors, one oil separator and three cascaded CO2 recovery vessels operating at different pressures, was devised and studied. For every single equipment of the plant making up the process a mathematical model was built. Experimental tests—consisting in measurements of oil solubility in supercritical CO2—were carried out in a laboratory-scale apparatus to characterise the behaviour of sunflower oil in the separation from the supercritical fluid. The mathematical model of the whole process was coded in the commercial gPROMS process modelling environment where both its simulation and optimisation—this latter assuming the overall oil production cost as the objective function—were carried out. The process- and economics-related results are discussed and compared with those obtained with traditional and cold-pressing extraction. 相似文献
Jose Antonio Rocha Uribe Jorge Ivan Novelo PerezHenry Castillo Kauil Gabriel Rosado RubioCarlos Guillermo Alcocer 《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2011,56(2):174-178
Chia (Salvia Hispanic, L.) is a crop that was used as food, medicine and paints by the Aztec Indians in Mexico before 1492, and now has a promissory future in several countries. Chia seeds oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega-3 linolenic acid (54-67%) and omega-6 linoleic acid (12-21%) which pose great benefits for human and animal health.The oil extraction from Chia seeds using supercritical CO2 seems to be a good alternative because it operates at low temperature with good mass-transfer rates and with no solvent residual in the final product.The objective of this work is to evaluate the extraction yield of oil from chia seeds and the concentration of omega-3 and omega-6 acids using supercritical extraction with CO2 at three pressures: 136, 272, and 408 bar, and three temperatures: 40, 60, and 80 °C. 相似文献
W. B. Nilsson E. J. Gauglitz Jr. J. K. Hudson V. F. Stout J. Spinelli 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1988,65(1):109-117
Supercritical fluid CO2 was used to fractionate menhaden oil fatty acid ethyl esters to obtain concentrates of the esters of allcis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and allcis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Separation of the ethyl esters was found to occur primarily by carbon number,
thus limiting the degree to which the ethyl esters of EPA and DHA could be concentrated. Urea fractionation of whole esters
in order to remove saturates, monoenes and dienes prior to fractionation with supercritical fluid CO2 resulted in concentrates of EPA and DHA in purities exceeding 90%. Several criteria are given for the selection of crude
oils in order to maximize both purity and yield of concentrates. 相似文献
Stela Jokić Bence Nagy Zoran Zeković Senka Vidović Mate Bilić Darko Velić Béla Simándi 《Food and Bioproducts Processing》2012,90(4):693-699
A series of operational parameters of supercritical fluid extraction of soybean oil (pressure: 300–500 bar, temperature: 40–60 °C, CO2 mass flow rate: 0.194–0.436 kg/h and characteristic particle size: 0.238–1.059 mm) were investigated in a laboratory scale apparatus. The results show that the extraction yields were significantly affected by applied operational extraction parameters. The increase in pressure, temperature and solvent flow rate improved the extraction yield. The extraction yield increased as the particle size decreased depending on decreasing intra-particle diffusion resistance. To describe the extraction process Sovova's model was used and very good agreement with the experimental results was obtained. Based on the experimental data the internal and external mass transfer coefficients were estimated. To explore the influence of the extractor size on this process, soybean samples were extracted using different extraction basket volumes (0.2 L and 5 L) and related model parameters were examined. The mass transfer coefficient in the fluid phase increased with the increase in extractor size, while the mass transfer coefficient in the solid phase was independent of the extractor size. 相似文献
Naproxen has been processed with supercritical fluids in order to improve the dissolution rate and bioavailability. Microparticles of naproxen have been obtained by a Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS) process in which carbon dioxide has been used as a solvent and methanol as a cosolvent. The influence of extraction pressure (200–300 bar) and extraction temperature (60 °C and 100 °C) on the naproxen precipitation has also been investigated. In general, the morphology of the precipitated particles improved and particle size (PS) decreased in comparison to the raw material. Lower extraction pressure and higher extraction temperature led to a smaller particle size. On the other hand, a supercritical antisolvent (SAS) process has been applied due to the relative medium solubility values of naproxen in supercritical carbon dioxide, with precipitation obtained successfully in all cases. The initial concentration of the solution and the solvent effect has both been analysed. Morphologies and mean diameter ranges have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the influence on crystallinity of both supercritical processes has been evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. 相似文献
Olivier Boutin Axel De Nadaï Antonio Garcia Perez Jean-Henry Ferrasse Marina Beltran Elisabeth Badens 《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》2011,89(11):2477-2484
The supercritical oil extraction from oleaginous seeds (sunflower and rapeseeds) is presented here through experimental and modelling results. The experimental setup allows an accurate following of the mass of the oil extracted and to derive the experimental influences of pressure, temperature and supercritical CO2 flowrate on the extraction curves. These parameters are very sensitive and highlight the necessity of precise optimisation of experimental conditions. In order to complete the behaviour of supercritical fluids extraction, an improved modelling is proposed. The modelling basic equations are based on others modelling published previously. In this work, the determination of several parameters comes from correlations and the other constants are fitted with all the experimental results. Thus the modelling is more representative and predictive as other ones. The modelling results present a good agreement with the experimental results, and hence it can be used for the dimensioning of some extraction autoclaves. 相似文献