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雷曼申请破产保护;美国银行以440亿美元低价收购美林;美国政府以850亿美元短期过渡性贷款为条件实质上接管美国国际集团(AIG);美国联邦监管机构致电富国银行(Wells Fargo & Co.,WFC)、摩根大通(IPMorgan Chase & Co.,IPM)、汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings PLC,HSBC),为美国最大储蓄银行华盛顿互惠银行(Washington Mutual Inc.)寻找买家;高盛本财年第三季度净利润下降70%,为9年来最大跌幅;摩根士丹利第三季度实现利润14.25亿美元,同比下降7%…… 相似文献
81岁的乔治·索罗斯即将退隐金融江湖。7月27日,索罗斯宣布将不再为外部投资者理财,返还10亿美元的客户资金,从今往后将专心经营自己家族的投资业务。无疑,这意味着"索罗斯时代"正在走向尾声,他40年的对冲基金经理人生涯正在宣告结束。不过,现在能够接替索罗斯江湖地位的对冲基金经理显然还未出现。在这样的经济大时代,唯一可与他比肩的基金经理只有比他晚18天出生的沃伦·巴菲特。索罗斯身退,不代表他将远离金融市场,相反,索罗斯依然具有"一言九鼎"的能 相似文献
2008年3月20日,美国联邦通信管理局(FCC)主办的700MHz频段无线频率牌照拍卖经过38天261轮竞价后正式结束,美国政府最终从拍卖中得到195.92亿美元。 相似文献
2009年10月初,美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)主席朱利叶斯·格纳考斯基(Julius Gena—chowski)在美国蜂窝式电信网络协会演讲时提出这样的警告,如果美国政府不能找到为移动设备提供更多带宽的途径,就会出现频谱危机。 相似文献
2006年6月6日,当简晶携周岁的X5dj.com出现在大家面前的时候,人们才忽然意识到他似乎从公众的视线里消失了很久。从dos时代成功研制出中国龙汉字系统和UCSDK界面开发包,到联众公司副总经理、“联众世界”中文游戏娱乐家园创始人之一并负责中文游戏的开发,再到今天Web2.0时期推出X5dj.com,简晶的工作历程简直是近年来中国互联网业发展的一个缩影。 相似文献
Media Impact usually focuses on the practical impact of multimedia research on IT business. Yet given the pervasiveness of multimedia technology in our everyday life, a thorough reflection on the impact of multimedia progress on education and, in particular, multimedia education is overdue. Multimedia teachers at the 2007 ACM Multimedia conference engaged in a panel discussion on the current state and future of multimedia education. In this issue's,Wolfgang Hürst of Utrecht University and his colleagues Gerald Friedland of the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, and Lars Knipping of Berlin University of Technology use this panel as an opportunity to argue the need for a dedicated multimedia curriculum in computer science education. 相似文献
Though common law declares the safety of the people as the supreme law and guarantees to every individual the right of personal safety, courts cannot protect individuals from product-caused injuries because of inherent shortcomings of the judicial process. Scientific and technological changes take place on a predetermined time scale but ethics and human values do not develop in the same manner. The adversary system of adjudication of private disputes cannot promote a contextual approach to technology assessment whereby goal-oriented policy can be made by courts. 相似文献
3月28日,中国联通CDMA1X网络开通,同时“联通无限”(U-Max)品牌发布。为此,整个业界对其给予了极大关注,因为中国移动通信世界将发生重大改变。联通的CDMA1X网络基础2002年下半年,在开通CDMA业务后不久,中国联通就开始了大规模的CDMA1X网络升级建设,在全国主要城市全面升级CDMA95A系统。由于在联通建设CDMA网络之初,就已经确定了升级的方向,因此CDMA1X网络的建成实现了平滑和迅速的目标。目前,联通CDMA1X网络可支持峰速153.6kbps的数据传输率,这标志着其CDMA网络全面进入了2.5G时代,也标志着中国联通、中国移动在数据移动… 相似文献
手机发展--一机在手百事可做 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
市场 到2004年底的统计,世界手机使用人数已超过15亿.世界手机的年销量比前5年(1999~2004年)的年均增长率达17%,除2001年市场稍受挫折外,2002~2004年又连续3年增长,销量达6.3亿部,预计今年可续增到6.7亿部,近期也有预测将突破7亿部的.展望未来,随着手机向着高性能、多功能的发展,同时BRICS(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)新兴经济发展大国,特别是中国市场的迅速升起,手机销售还将继续增长,预计2008年可望超过10亿部(表1). 相似文献
Wirelessness and radio technologies have been at the heart of many disruptive businesses and activities. This paper argues that this trend will continue as new research topics and novel ways to use existing techniques have an impact on both business and society. It discusses the fundamental issues of wireless and mobility, and looks beyond today's business environment to highlight potential future disruption. Some (potential) wireless disrupters are examined and the road to 3G cellular radio is discussed. Wirelessness has been coined to describe the spread of radio and mobile technology. The paper further discusses the way more and more people and artefacts will be networked wirelessly as the Internet moves in new directions and generates further disruption in its wake. 相似文献
Veljkovic V. Cosic I. Dimitrijevic Lalovic D. 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》1985,(5):337-341
Informational content of linear macromolecules (DNA, RNA, and proteins) is analyzed by the method of digital signal processing. Each element (amino acid or nucleotide) of macromolecules is represented by the corresponding value of electron-ion interaction potential. This numerical representation of the primary structure of macromolecules is subjected to digital signal processing in order to extract the information corresponding to biological function. It is shown that the multiple cross spectrum of functionally related sequences exhibits significant peak frequencies. In the case of functionally unrelated sequences such peaks were not found. Peak frequencies are different for different biological functions. Based on this, we conjecture that the peak frequencies in the multiple cross spectrum of sequences with the same boilogical function are related to this biological function. 相似文献