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The first step of quantum measurement procedure is known as premeasurement, during which correlation is established between the system and the measurement apparatus. Such correlation may be classical or nonclassical in nature. One compelling nonclassical correlation is entanglement, a useful resource for various quantum information theoretic protocols. Quantifying the amount of entanglement, generated during quantum measurement, therefore, seeks importance from practical ground, and this is the central issue of the present paper. Interestingly, for a two-level quantum system, we obtain that the amount of entanglement, measured in term of negativity, generated in premeasurement process can be quantified by two factors: skew information, which quantifies the uncertainty in the measurement of an observable not commuting with some conserved quantity of the system, and mixedness parameter of the system’s initial state.  相似文献   

Based on unitary phase shift operation on single qubit in association with Shamir’s (tn) secret sharing, a (tn) threshold quantum secret sharing scheme (or (tn)-QSS) is proposed to share both classical information and quantum states. The scheme uses decoy photons to prevent eavesdropping and employs the secret in Shamir’s scheme as the private value to guarantee the correctness of secret reconstruction. Analyses show it is resistant to typical intercept-and-resend attack, entangle-and-measure attack and participant attacks such as entanglement swapping attack. Moreover, it is easier to realize in physic and more practical in applications when compared with related ones. By the method in our scheme, new (tn)-QSS schemes can be easily constructed using other classical (tn) secret sharing.  相似文献   

A (t, n) threshold quantum secret sharing (QSS) is proposed based on a single d-level quantum system. It enables the (t, n) threshold structure based on Shamir’s secret sharing and simply requires sequential communication in d-level quantum system to recover secret. Besides, the scheme provides a verification mechanism which employs an additional qudit to detect cheats and eavesdropping during secret reconstruction and allows a participant to use the share repeatedly. Analyses show that the proposed scheme is resistant to typical attacks. Moreover, the scheme is scalable in participant number and easier to realize compared to related schemes. More generally, our scheme also presents a generic method to construct new (t, n) threshold QSS schemes based on d-level quantum system from other classical threshold secret sharing.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in image acquisition and storage technology underline the need for real-time algorithms that are capable of solving large-scale image processing and computer-vision problems. The minimum st cut problem, which is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, is a prominent building block in many vision and imaging algorithms such as video segmentation, co-segmentation, stereo vision, multi-view reconstruction, and surface fitting to name a few. That is why finding a real-time algorithm which optimally solves this problem is of great importance. In this paper, we introduce to computer vision the Hochbaum’s pseudoflow (HPF) algorithm, which optimally solves the minimum st cut problem. We compare the performance of HPF, in terms of execution times and memory utilization, with three leading published algorithms: (1) Goldberg’s and Tarjan’s Push-Relabel; (2) Boykov’s and Kolmogorov’s augmenting paths; and (3) Goldberg’s partial augment-relabel. While the common practice in computer-vision is to use either BK or PRF algorithms for solving the problem, our results demonstrate that, in general, HPF algorithm is more efficient and utilizes less memory than these three algorithms. This strongly suggests that HPF is a great option for many real-time computer-vision problems that require solving the minimum st cut problem.  相似文献   

Post-quantum cryptography has drawn considerable attention from cryptologists on a global scale. At Asiacrypt 2017, Leander and May combined Grover’s and Simon’s quantum algorithms to break the FX-based block ciphers, which were introduced by Kilian and Rogaway to strengthen DES. In this study, we investigate the Feistel constructions using Grover’s and Simon’s algorithms to generate new quantum key-recovery attacks on different rounds of Feistel constructions. Our attacks require 20.25nr?0.75n quantum queries to break an r-round Feistel construction. The time complexity of our attacks is less than that observed for quantum brute-force search by a factor of 20.75n. When compared with the best classical attacks, i.e., Dinur et al.’s attacks at CRYPTO 2015, the time complexity is reduced by a factor of 20.5n without incurring any memory cost.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the question: What are the criteria that an adequate theory of computation has to meet? (1) Smith’s answer: it has to meet the empirical criterion (i.e. doing justice to computational practice), the conceptual criterion (i.e. explaining all the underlying concepts) and the cognitive criterion (i.e. providing solid grounds for computationalism). (2) Piccinini’s answer: it has to meet the objectivity criterion (i.e. identifying computation as a matter of fact), the explanation criterion (i.e. explaining the computer’s behaviour), the right things compute criterion, the miscomputation criterion (i.e. accounting for malfunctions), the taxonomy criterion (i.e. distinguishing between different classes of computers) and the empirical criterion. (3) Von Neumann’s answer: it has to meet the precision and reliability of computers criterion, the single error criterion (i.e. addressing the impacts of errors) and the distinction between analogue and digital computers criterion. (4) “Everything” computes answer: it has to meet the implementation theory criterion by properly explaining the notion of implementation.  相似文献   

Recently, Shi et al. (Phys Rev A 92:022309, 2015) proposed quantum oblivious set member decision protocol where two legitimate parties, namely Alice and Bob, play a game. Alice has a secret k, and Bob has a set \(\{k_1,k_2,\ldots k_n\}\). The game is designed towards testing if the secret k is a member of the set possessed by Bob without revealing the identity of k. The output of the game will be either “Yes” (bit 1) or “No” (bit 0) and is generated at Bob’s place. Bob does not know the identity of k, and Alice does not know any element of the set. In a subsequent work (Shi et al in Quant Inf Process 15:363–371, 2016), the authors proposed a quantum scheme for private set intersection (PSI) where the client (Alice) gets the intersected elements with the help of a server (Bob) and the server knows nothing. In the present draft, we extended the game to compute the intersection of two computationally indistinguishable sets X and Y possessed by Alice and Bob, respectively. We consider Alice and Bob as rational players, i.e. they are neither “good” nor “bad”. They participate in the game towards maximizing their utilities. We prove that in this rational setting, the strategy profile ((cooperate, abort), (cooperate, abort)) is a strict Nash equilibrium. If ((cooperate, abort), (cooperate, abort)) is strict Nash, then fairness and correctness of the protocol are guaranteed.  相似文献   

Constructions of quantum caps in projective space PG(r, 4) by recursive methods and computer search are discussed. For each even n satisfying \(n\ge 282\) and each odd z satisfying \(z\ge 275\), a quantum n-cap and a quantum z-cap in \(PG(k-1, 4)\) with suitable k are constructed, and \([[n,n-2k,4]]\) and \([[z,z-2k,4]]\) quantum codes are derived from the constructed quantum n-cap and z-cap, respectively. For \(n\ge 282\) and \(n\ne 286\), 756 and 5040, or \(z\ge 275\), the results on the sizes of quantum caps and quantum codes are new, and all the obtained quantum codes are optimal codes according to the quantum Hamming bound. While constructing quantum caps, we also obtain many large caps in PG(r, 4) for \(r\ge 11\). These results concerning large caps provide improved lower bounds on the maximal sizes of caps in PG(r, 4) for \(r\ge 11\).  相似文献   

We develop a generalized teleportation scheme based on quantum walks with two coins. For an unknown qubit state, we use two-step quantum walks on the line and quantum walks on the cycle with four vertices for teleportation. For any d-dimensional states, quantum walks on complete graphs and quantum walks on d-regular graphs can be used for implementing teleportation. Compared with existing d-dimensional states teleportation, prior entangled state is not required and the necessary maximal entanglement resource is generated by the first step of quantum walk. Moreover, two projective measurements with d elements are needed by quantum walks on the complete graph, rather than one joint measurement with \(d^2\) basis states. Quantum walks have many applications in quantum computation and quantum simulations. This is the first scheme of realizing communicating protocol with quantum walks, thus opening wider applications.  相似文献   

The quantum query complexity of searching for local optima has been a subject of much interest in the recent literature. For the d-dimensional grid graphs, the complexity has been determined asymptotically for all fixed d≥5, but the lower dimensional cases present special difficulties, and considerable gaps exist in our knowledge. In the present paper we present near-optimal lower bounds, showing that the quantum query complexity for the 2-dimensional grid [n]2 is Ω(n 1/2?δ ), and that for the 3-dimensional grid [n]3 is Ω(n 1?δ ), for any fixed δ>0.A general lower bound approach for this problem, initiated by Aaronson (based on Ambainis’ adversary method for quantum lower bounds), uses random walks with low collision probabilities. This approach encounters obstacles in deriving tight lower bounds in low dimensions due to the lack of degrees of freedom in such spaces. We solve this problem by the novel construction and analysis of random walks with non-uniform step lengths. The proof employs in a nontrivial way sophisticated results of Sárközy and Szemerédi, Bose and Chowla, and Halász from combinatorial number theory, as well as less familiar probability tools like Esseen’s Inequality.  相似文献   

A single state is a special state that entangles multi-state quantum systems and plays a significant role in the field of quantum computation. In this paper, we propose a scheme to realize the generation of single states for Rydberg atoms, where one Rydberg atom is trapped in an optical potential and the others are trapped in an adjacent optical potential. Moreover, combining Rydberg blockade and adiabatic-passage technologies, an N-atom singlet state can be generated with the interaction of an N-dimensional Rydberg atom and an (\(N-1\))-atom singlet state. Compared to previous schemes, the advantage of our proposal is that an N-particle N-level singlet state with \(N\ge 3\) may be realized more simply.  相似文献   

Ramsey theory is an active research area in combinatorics whose central theme is the emergence of order in large disordered structures, with Ramsey numbers marking the threshold at which this order first appears. For generalized Ramsey numbers r(GH), the emergent order is characterized by graphs G and H. In this paper we: (i) present a quantum algorithm for computing generalized Ramsey numbers by reformulating the computation as a combinatorial optimization problem which is solved using adiabatic quantum optimization; and (ii) determine the Ramsey numbers \(r({\mathscr {T}}_{m},{\mathscr {T}}_{n})\) for trees of order \(m,n = 6,7,8\), most of which were previously unknown.  相似文献   

The Shor algorithm is effective for public-key cryptosystems based on an abelian group. At CRYPTO 2001, Paeng (2001) presented a MOR cryptosystem using a non-abelian group, which can be considered as a candidate scheme for post-quantum attack. This paper analyses the security of a MOR cryptosystem based on a finite associative algebra using a quantum algorithm. Specifically, let L be a finite associative algebra over a finite field F. Consider a homomorphism φ: Aut(L) → Aut(H)×Aut(I), where I is an ideal of L and H ? L/I. We compute dim Im(φ) and dim Ker(φ), and combine them by dim Aut(L) = dim Im(φ)+dim Ker(φ). We prove that Im(φ) = StabComp(H,I)(μ + B2(H, I)) and Ker(φ) ? Z1(H, I). Thus, we can obtain dim Im(φ), since the algorithm for the stabilizer is a standard algorithm among abelian hidden subgroup algorithms. In addition, Z1(H, I) is equivalent to the solution space of the linear equation group over the Galois fields GF(p), and it is possible to obtain dim Ker(φ) by the enumeration theorem. Furthermore, we can obtain the dimension of the automorphism group Aut(L). When the map ? ∈ Aut(L), it is possible to effectively compute the cyclic group 〈?〉 and recover the private key a. Therefore, the MOR scheme is insecure when based on a finite associative algebra in quantum computation.  相似文献   

The quantum Fourier transform, with exponential speed-up compared to the classical fast Fourier transform, has played an important role in quantum computation as a vital part of many quantum algorithms (most prominently, Shor’s factoring algorithm). However, situations arise where it is not sufficient to encode the Fourier coefficients within the quantum amplitudes, for example in the implementation of control operations that depend on Fourier coefficients. In this paper, we detail a new quantum scheme to encode Fourier coefficients in the computational basis, with fidelity \(1 - \delta \) and digit accuracy \(\epsilon \) for each Fourier coefficient. Its time complexity depends polynomially on \(\log (N)\), where N is the problem size, and linearly on \(1/\delta \) and \(1/\epsilon \). We also discuss an application of potential practical importance, namely the simulation of circulant Hamiltonians.  相似文献   

Using Bloch’s parametrization for qudits (d-level quantum systems), we write the Hilbert–Schmidt distance (HSD) between two generic n-qudit states as an Euclidean distance between two vectors of observables mean values in \(\mathbb {R}^{\Pi _{s=1}^{n}d_{s}^{2}-1}\), where \(d_{s}\) is the dimension for qudit s. Then, applying the generalized Gell–Mann’s matrices to generate \(\mathrm{SU}(d_{s})\), we use that result to obtain the Hilbert–Schmidt quantum coherence (HSC) of n-qudit systems. As examples, we consider in detail one-qubit, one-qutrit, two-qubit, and two copies of one-qubit states. In this last case, the possibility for controlling local and non-local coherences by tuning local populations is studied, and the contrasting behaviors of HSC, \(l_{1}\)-norm coherence, and relative entropy of coherence in this regard are noticed. We also investigate the decoherent dynamics of these coherence functions under the action of qutrit dephasing and dissipation channels. At last, we analyze the non-monotonicity of HSD under tensor products and report the first instance of a consequence (for coherence quantification) of this kind of property of a quantum distance measure.  相似文献   

In the author’s previous publications, a recursive linear algebraic method was introduced for obtaining (without gravitational radiation) the full potential expansions for the gravitational metric field components and the Lagrangian for a general N-body system. Two apparent properties of gravity— Exterior Effacement and Interior Effacement—were defined and fully enforced to obtain the recursive algebra, especially for the motion-independent potential expansions of the general N-body situation. The linear algebraic equations of this method determine the potential coefficients at any order n of the expansions in terms of the lower-order coefficients. Then, enforcing Exterior and Interior Effacement on a selecedt few potential series of the full motion-independent potential expansions, the complete exterior metric field for a single, spherically-symmetric mass source was obtained, producing the Schwarzschild metric field of general relativity. In this fourth paper of this series, the complete spatial metric’s motion-independent potentials for N bodies are obtained using enforcement of Interior Effacement and knowledge of the Schwarzschild potentials. From the full spatial metric, the complete set of temporal metric potentials and Lagrangian potentials in the motion-independent case can then be found by transfer equations among the coefficients κ(n, α) → λ(n, ε) → ξ(n, α) with κ(n, α), λ(n, ε), ξ(n, α) being the numerical coefficients in the spatial metric, the Lagrangian, and the temporal metric potential expansions, respectively.  相似文献   

Quantum cheques     
We propose the idea of a quantum cheque scheme, a cryptographic protocol in which any legitimate client of a trusted bank can issue a cheque, that cannot be counterfeited or altered in anyway, and can be verified by a bank or any of its branches. We formally define a quantum cheque and present the first unconditionally secure quantum cheque scheme and show it to be secure against any no-signalling adversary. The proposed quantum cheque scheme can been perceived as the quantum analog of Electronic Data Interchange, as an alternate for current e-Payment Gateways.  相似文献   

Uncertainty principle significantly provides a bound to predict precision of measurement with regard to any two incompatible observables, and thereby plays a nontrivial role in quantum precision measurement. In this work, we observe the dynamical features of the quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relations (EUR) for a pair of incompatible measurements in an open system characterized by local generalized amplitude damping (GAD) noises. Herein, we derive the dynamical evolution of the entropic uncertainty with respect to the measurement affecting by the canonical GAD noises when particle A is initially entangled with quantum memory B. Specifically, we examine the dynamics of EUR in the frame of three realistic scenarios: one case is that particle A is affected by environmental noise (GAD) while particle B as quantum memory is free from any noises, another case is that particle B is affected by the external noise while particle A is not, and the last case is that both of the particles suffer from the noises. By analytical methods, it turns out that the uncertainty is not full dependent of quantum correlation evolution of the composite system consisting of A and B, but the minimal conditional entropy of the measured subsystem. Furthermore, we present a possible physical interpretation for the behavior of the uncertainty evolution by means of the mixedness of the observed system; we argue that the uncertainty might be dramatically correlated with the systematic mixedness. Furthermore, we put forward a simple and effective strategy to reduce the measuring uncertainty of interest upon quantum partially collapsed measurement. Therefore, our explorations might offer an insight into the dynamics of the entropic uncertainty relation in a realistic system, and be of importance to quantum precision measurement during quantum information processing.  相似文献   

A substantial body of previous research on the client–vendor relationship has identified inter-organizational partnerships and formal contracts as important governance mechanisms for outsourcing performance. Successful IS development through outsourcing, however, may be more dependent on the people who execute the project in the field than on inter-firm relationships and agreed-upon formalities. Among individual-level variables, the special importance of psychological contracts has recently been noted in IS literature. This study investigates the mediating role of psychological contract breach between these two firm-level governance factors and outsourcing performance. By analyzing matched responses from project managers, vendor participants, and system users, we found that the effects of explicit legal contracts and partnership quality on outsourcing outcome are fully mediated by the client's perception of breach by the vendor. This study offers an extended theoretical perspective on the governance of firm-level collaboration, especially revealing that the benefits of formal contracts and inter-organizational partnerships eventually translate into satisfactory outsourcing outcomes for system users through each party's perception of breach on the individual level. Moreover, discrepancy was observed in this study between the client and vendor regarding the impact of legal contracts on individuals’ psychological contract while that of partnership was prominent in both sides.  相似文献   

In this paper, an S-mixing entropy of quantum channels is introduced as a generalization of Ohya’s S-mixing entropy. We investigate several properties of the introduced entropy. Moreover, certain relations between the S-mixing entropy and the existing map and output entropies of quantum channels are investigated as well. These relations allowed us to find certain connections between separable states and the introduced entropy. Hence, there is a sufficient condition to detect entangled states. Moreover, several properties of the introduced entropy are investigated. Besides, entropies of qubit and phase-damping channels are calculated.  相似文献   

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