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We investigate the multipartite entanglement and trace distance of the one-dimensional anisotropic spin-1/2 XXZ spin chain with the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and find that the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction can influence the entanglement distribution and increase the proportion of multipartite entanglement in the entanglement structure. Furthermore, we explore the quantum phase transition of the XXZ spin chain with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction by making use of the multipartite entanglement and trace distance along with the quantum renormalization group method. It is found that the first derivatives of renormalized multipartite entanglement and trace distance for the ground state have dramatic changes near the critical point, and the renormalized multipartite entanglement and trace distance obey the universal finite-size scaling laws in the vicinity of the quantum critical point.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the dynamic behaviors of entropic uncertainty relation in a two-qutrit system which is in the presence of external magnetic field and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction under intrinsic decoherence. The effects of the isotropic bilinear interaction, the external magnetic field, the DM interaction strength, as well as the intrinsic decoherence on the entropic uncertainty relation have been demonstrated in detail. Compared with previous results, our results show that, controlling the isotropic bilinear interaction parameter J, the external magnetic field strength \(B_{0}\), the DM interaction parameter D can result in inflation of the uncertainty, while increasing the intrinsic decoherence parameter can lift the uncertainty of the measurement. In particularly, under certain conditions (e.g., parameters J, \(B_{0}\) and D are large enough), the entropic uncertainty will ultimately tend to a stable value and be immune to decoherence.  相似文献   

Dynamics of localizable entanglement in a qutrit chain, in the presence of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction is studied. Three distinct initial states, namely, superposition of the ground and the first excited state (SGE), a GHZ state and a superposition of qutrit coherent states (SQCS) are considered in this investigation. While the ground and the first excited state exhibit the maximum of entanglement, the latter is diminished for any superposition of the states. In both SGE and GHZ cases, localizable entanglement (LE) oscillates and its period is a decreasing function of the ratio of the strength of DM interaction and the spin coupling constant (DS ratio), but its maximum value is independent of the latter. In SQCS case, LE also oscillates in time at small values of DS ratio; its average is reduced as the strength of the DM interaction increases and gains its maximum average and the highest peaks at a specific value of the coherence parameter.  相似文献   

We study entanglement dynamics in two-parameter qubit–qutrit states under the influence of Dzyaloshisnhkii–Moriya (DM) interaction. Our system consists of a qubit–qutrit pair as a closed system initially in two-parameter class of states, and one environmental qubit interacts with the qutrit of the closed system via DM interaction. We divide our analysis into two cases. In the first case, we study the entanglement dynamics in separable region, and in the second case we study the same in non-separable region. The DM interaction produces the entanglement in separable region with entanglement sudden death (ESD) and some states in this region remain unaffected by the same. In non-separable region, all the states are affected by DM interaction. The DM interaction excites the entanglement but does not produce ESD in this region. We observed that probability amplitude of environmental qubit does not affect the entanglement in two-parameter qubit–qutrit states in both the regions.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we investigate the efficacy of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction to convert the bound entangled states into free entangled states. We consider the tripartite hybrid system as a pair of non interacting two qutrits initially prepared in bound entangled states and one auxiliary qubit. Here, we consider two types of bound entangled states investigated by Horodecki. The auxiliary qubit interacts with any one of the qutrit of the pair through DM interaction. We show that by tuning the probability amplitude of auxiliary qubit and DM interaction strength, one can free the bound entangled states, which can be further distilled. We use the reduction criterion to find the range of the parameters of probability amplitude of auxiliary qubit and DM interaction strength, for which the states are distillable. The realignment criterion and negativity have been used for detection and quantification of entanglement.  相似文献   

We study entanglement dynamics of qubit–qutrit pair under Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction. The qubit–qutrit pair acts as a closed system and one external qubit serve as the environment for the pair. The external qubit interact with qubit of closed system via DM interaction. This interaction frequently kills the entanglement between qubit–qutrit pair, which is also periodically recovered. On the other hand two parameter class of state of qubit–qutrit pair also affected by DM interaction and one parameter class of state remains unaffected. The frequency of occurrence of entanglement sudden death and entanglement sudden birth in two parameter class of state is half than qubit–qutrit pure state. We used our quantification of entanglement as negativity measure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the ground-state fidelity and fidelity susceptibility in the many-body Yang–Baxter system and analyze their connections with quantum phase transition. The Yang–Baxter system was perturbed by a twist of \( e^{i\varphi } \) at each bond, where the parameter \( \varphi \) originates from the q-deformation of the braiding operator U with \(q = e^{-i\varphi }\) (Jimbo in Yang–Baxter equations in integrable systems, World Scientific, Singapore, 1990), and \( \varphi \) has a physical significance of magnetic flux (Badurek et al. in Phys. Rev. D 14:1177, 1976). We test the ground-state fidelity related by a small parameter variation \(\varphi \) which is a different term from the one used for driving the system toward a quantum phase transition. It shows that ground-state fidelity develops a sharp drop at the transition. The drop gets sharper as system size N increases. It has been verified that a sufficiently small value of \(\varphi \) used has no effect on the location of the critical point, but affects the value of \( F(g_{c},\varphi ) \). The smaller the twist \(\varphi \), the more the value of \( F(g_{c},\varphi ) \) is close to 0. In order to avoid the effect of the finite value of \( \varphi \), we also calculate the fidelity susceptibility. Our results demonstrate that in the Yang–Baxter system, the quantum phase transition can be well characterized by the ground-state fidelity and fidelity susceptibility in a special way.  相似文献   

The behavior of total quantum correlations (discord) in dimers consisting of dipolar-coupled spins 1/2 are studied. We found that the discord $Q=0$ at absolute zero temperature. As the temperature $T$ increases, the quantum correlations in the system increase at first from zero to its maximum and then decrease to zero according to the asymptotic law $T^{-2}$ . It is also shown that in absence of external magnetic field $B$ , the classical correlations $C$ at $T\rightarrow 0$ are, vice versa, maximal. Our calculations predict that in crystalline gypsum $\hbox {CaSO}_{4}\cdot \hbox {2H}_{2}{\hbox {O}}$ the value of natural $(B=0)$ quantum discord between nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms is maximal at the temperature of 0.644  $\upmu $ K, and for 1,2-dichloroethane $\hbox {H}_{2}$ ClC– $\hbox {CH}_{2}{\hbox {Cl}}$ the discord achieves the largest value at $T=0.517~\upmu $ K. In both cases, the discord equals $Q\approx 0.083$  bit/dimer what is $8.3\,\%$ of its upper limit in two-qubit systems. We estimate also that for gypsum at room temperature $Q\sim 10^{-18}$  bit/dimer, and for 1,2-dichloroethane at $T=90$  K the discord is $Q\sim 10^{-17}$  bit per a dimer.  相似文献   

We investigate the quantum phase transition of an atomic ensemble trapped in a single-mode optical cavity via the geometric phase and quantum Fisher information of an extra probe atom which is injected into the optical cavity and interacts with the cavity field. We also find that the geometric quantum correlation between two probe atoms exhibits a double sudden transition phenomenon and show this double sudden transition phenomenon is closely associated with the quantum phase transition of the atomic ensemble. Furthermore, we propose a theoretical scheme to prolong the frozen time during which the geometric quantum correlation remains constant by applying time-dependent electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

We consider the magnetic flux in a quantum mechanical superposition of two values and find that the Aharonov–Bohm effect interference pattern contains information about the nature of the superposition, allowing information about the state of the flux to be extracted without disturbance. The information is obtained without transfer of energy or momentum and by accumulated nonlocal interactions of the vector potential $\varvec{A}$ with many charged particles forming the interference pattern, rather than with a single particle. We suggest an experimental test using already experimentally realized superposed currents in a superconducting ring and discuss broader implications.  相似文献   

We construct an entangled quantum Otto engine based on spin-1/2 systems undergoing Dzyaloshinski–Moriya (DM) interaction within a varying magnetic field. We investigate the influence of the DM interaction on basic thermodynamic quantities, including heat transfer, work done, and efficiency and find that the DM interaction importantly influences the engine’s thermodynamics. We obtain an expression for engine efficiency, finding it to yield the same efficiency for antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic coupling. A new upper bound, nontrivially consistent with the second law of thermodynamics, is derived for engine efficiency in the case of non-zero DM interaction.  相似文献   

The effect of Dzialoshinski–Moriya (DM) interaction on the tripartite thermal entanglement of a spin-star model with four spins has been analyzed by an entanglement measure of the tripartite negativity. Our results imply that the tripartite thermal entanglement can be established among the three surrounding parties which do not interact with each other but interact with the central party independently. From the results, we find that the strong DM interaction can enhance the tripartite thermal entanglement while the high temperature can shrink it. The effect of the inhomogeneous coupling on the tripartite thermal entanglement is also discussed.  相似文献   

TP phase diagram of oxygen with the liquid and solid phases (α, ά, ᾱ, β, γ and ϵ) is calculated using the mean field theory. By expanding the free energy in terms of the order parameter, the phase line equations are derived and they are fitted to the experimental TP data from the literature.Our calculated TP phase diagram predicts adequately the observed behavior of the transitions between the liquid and solid phases in oxygen (O2). Some thermodynamic quantities are predicted from the free energy expansion for the liquid–γ and ά–ɛ transitions in O2.  相似文献   

New technologies inspire new interface paradigms. Promising utility of new interfaces continues attracting their modification. It is argued that in order for human users to share phenomenological experiences through multimodal systems, they need to deal with embedded computers. This paper discusses the embodied nature of communication and a need for the development of a postphenomenology of technology, which plays a vital role in the material culture.  相似文献   

We study linear stability analysis for spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensates (BEC). We show that all bounded solutions of this physical system are neutrally stable. In particular, all steady-state solutions of the physical system, and the associated discrete steady-state solutions are neutrally stable. Next, we consider the physical system without the affect of magnetic field. By exploiting the physical properties of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases, we develop efficient multi-level pseudo-arclength continuation algorithms combined with a spectral collocation method for these two cases, respectively. When the magnetic field is imposed on the physical system, an additional multi-level continuation algorithm is described for the ferromagnetic case. Extensive numerical results for spin-1 BEC in a magnetic field, and in optical lattices are reported.  相似文献   

This paper presents the validation aspects of a unified numerical framework based on SPH formulation and devoted to the modeling of fluid–structure interaction problems involving large motion of the fluid and large deformation with a possible failure of the structure. The fluid domain is modeled according to an updated Lagrangian formulation. The solid domain (3D and shell models) uses the total Lagrangian formulation. The fluid–structure interaction is treated via a unilateral contact algorithm adapted to SPH context. The SPH framework is verified on academic test cases and validated by simulating an experiment involving the reservoir leakage.  相似文献   

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