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We investigate the thermal quantum discord and classical correlations in a two-qubit Ising model interacting with a site-dependent external magnetic field. Systematic study of all correlations is performed for various values of the system??s temperature, and the magnetic field magnitude and direction on each site. Our results reveal interesting findings as regrowth regions of the classical and quantum correlations. Moreover unexpected bahavior as for example increase of the quantum correlations with the increase of the anisotropy of the applied magnetic fields for specific values of the external parameters is reported. By comparing our quantum discord data with the entanglement of formation, we have concluded that the major source of quantum correlations is the entanglement. Overall, we have found that the independent control of each spin site by external fields is a very practical and robust way of achieving significant quantum discord useful in quantum computation and information proccesses.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of entanglement, decoherence and quantum discord in a system of three non-interacting superconducting flux qubits (fqubits) initially prepared in a Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state and subject to static noise in different, bipartite and common environments, since it is recognized that different noise configurations generally lead to completely different dynamical behavior of physical systems. The noise is modeled by randomizing the single fqubit transition amplitude. Decoherence and quantum correlations dynamics are strongly affected by the purity of the initial state, type of system–environment interaction and the system–environment coupling strength. Specifically, quantum correlations can persist when the fqubits are commonly coupled to a noise source, and reaches a saturation value respective to the purity of the initial state. As the number of decoherence channels increases (bipartite and different environments), decoherence becomes stronger against quantum correlations that decay faster, exhibiting sudden death and revival phenomena. The residual entanglement can be successfully detected by means of suitable entanglement witness, and we derive a necessary condition for entanglement detection related to the tunable and non-degenerated energy levels of fqubits. In accordance with the current literature, our results further suggest the efficiency of fqubits over ordinary ones, as far as the preservation of quantum correlations needed for quantum processing purposes is concerned.  相似文献   

To improve the reliability of data delivery, in Wi-Fi networks stations can reserve for their transmissions periodic time intervals of the same duration in which they are allowed to transmit, while adjacent stations do not have that right. Here there arises the problem of choosing the parameters of reserved intervals that would ensure quality of service requirements for transmitted data in the smallest possible amount of reserved channel time. We consider the data transmission process in periodic intervals with the block acknowledgement policy that lets us reduce the costs by acknowledgement the set of packets with a single service message. We propose a method for mathematical modeling of such a transmission.  相似文献   

We employ the concepts of local quantum uncertainty and geometric quantum discord based on the trace norm to investigate the environmental effects on quantum correlations of two bipartite quantum systems. The first one concerns a two-qubit system coupled with two independent bosonic reservoirs. We show that the trace discord exhibits frozen phenomenon contrarily to local quantum uncertainty. The second scenario deals with a two-level system, initially prepared in a separable state, interacting with a quantized electromagnetic radiation. Our results show that there exists an exchange of quantum correlations between the two-level system and its surrounding which is responsible for the revival phenomenon of non-classical correlations.  相似文献   

In most industrial applications, only limited statistical information is available to describe the input uncertainty model due to expensive experimental testing costs. It would be unreliable to use the estimated input uncertainty model obtained from insufficient data for the design optimization. Furthermore, when input variables are correlated, we would obtain non-optimum design if we assume that they are independent. In this paper, two methods for problems with a lack of input statistical information—possibility-based design optimization (PBDO) and reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) with confidence level on the input model—are compared using mathematical examples and an Abrams M1A1 tank roadarm example. The comparison study shows that PBDO could provide an unreliable optimum design when the number of samples is very small. In addition, PBDO provides an optimum design that is too conservative when the number of samples is relatively large. Furthermore, the obtained PBDO designs do not converge to the optimum design obtained using the true input distribution as the number of samples increases. On the other hand, RBDO with confidence level on the input model provides a conservative and reliable optimum design in a stable manner. The obtained RBDO designs converge to the optimum design obtained using the true input distribution as the number of samples increases.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and linear coupling constant on the lower bound of the geometric discord and negativity of a qutrit–qutrit system in Heisenberg model with (and without) parallel and antiparallel external magnetic fields have been investigated. We show that the lower bound of the geometric discord and negativity are about zero for negative linear coupling constant in parallel magnetic fields, while they are nonzero in the finite antiparallel magnetic fields. For negative linear coupling constant, as temperature increases, both measures become zero faster than in the case of positive linear coupling constant in antiparallel magnetic fields.  相似文献   

预失真多合体功率放大器ACLR与反馈通道带宽的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对TI公司数字预失真芯片GC5322和Xilinx公司的数字预失真知识产权核(IP Core),考虑输入九载波TD-SCDMA信号,测试了数字预失真多合体功率放大器的反馈通道带宽与邻道及次邻道泄漏功率比(ACLR)的关系。测试结果表明,当反馈通道带宽大于信号带宽1.7倍时,再增加反馈通道带宽,ACLR的改善量变化不明显,在±1.3 dB范围内波动;当反馈通道带宽小于信号带宽1.7倍以下时,再降低反馈通道带宽,ACLR的改善量恶化明显。该结果对工程实现时选取最低反馈通道带宽,降低系统对模数转换器(ADC)的指标要求和器件成本,具有重要的参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

In two-mode interferometry, for a given total photon number N, entangled Fock state superpositions of the form \((|N-m\rangle _a|m\rangle _b+\mathrm{e}^{i (N-2m)\phi }|m\rangle _a|N-m\rangle _b)/\sqrt{2}\) have been considered for phase estimation. Indeed all such states are maximally mode-entangled and violate a Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) inequality. However, they differ in their optimal phase estimation capabilities as given by their quantum Fisher informations. The quantum Fisher information is the largest for the N00N state \((|N\rangle _a|0\rangle _b+\mathrm{e}^{i N\phi }|0\rangle _a|N\rangle _b)/\sqrt{2}\) and decreases for the other states with decreasing photon number difference between the two modes. We ask the question whether for any particular Clauser–Horne (CH) (or CHSH) inequality, the maximal values of the CH (or the CHSH) functional for the states of the above type follow the same trend as their quantum Fisher informations, while also violating the classical bound whenever the states are capable of sub-shot-noise phase estimation, so that the violation can be used to quantify sub-shot-noise sensitivity. We explore CH and CHSH inequalities in a homodyne setup. Our results show that the amount of violation in those nonlocality tests may not be used to quantify sub-shot-noise sensitivity of the above states.  相似文献   

Several relations between the Holevo capacity and entanglement-assisted classical capacity of a quantum channel are proved; necessary and sufficient conditions for their coincidence are obtained. In particular, it is shown that these capacities coincide if (respectively, only if) the channel (respectively, the ??-essential part of the channel) belongs to the class of classical-quantum channels (the ??-essential part is a restriction of a channel obtained by discarding all states that are useless for transmission of classical information). The obtained conditions and their corollaries are generalized to channels with linear constraints. By using these conditions it is shown that the question of coincidence of the Holevo capacity and entanglement-assisted classical capacity depends on the form of a constraint. Properties of the difference between quantum mutual information and the ??-function of a quantum channel are explored.  相似文献   


The influence of nonlinear thermal radiation on the flow of a viscous fluid between two infinite parallel plates is investigated. The lower plate is solid, fixed and heated, while the upper is porous and capable of moving toward or away from the lower plate. The effects of nonlinear thermal radiation are incorporated in the energy equation by using Rosseland approximation. The similarity transformations have been used to obtain a system of ordinary differential equations. A finite element algorithm, known as Galerkin method, has been employed to obtain the solution of the resulting system of differential equations. It is observed that the radiation parameter Rd increases the temperature of the fluid in all the cases considered. Same is the case with temperature ratio parameter θ w . The influence of the concerned parameters on the local rate of heat transfer is also displayed with the help of graphs.


The problem of local stabilizability of locally controllable nonlinear systems is considered. It is well known that, contrary to the linear case, local controllability does not necessarily imply stabilizability. A class of nonlinear systems for which local controllability implies local asymptotic stabilizability using continuous static-state feedback is described, as for this class of systems the well-known Hermes controllability condition is necessary and sufficient for local controllability  相似文献   

Acoustic noise generated by a multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) makes users uncomfortable, so the problem must be analyzed to reduce the noise. There is a correlation between the acoustic noise and the vibration of MLCCs and the circuit board. Therefore, the acoustic noise problem must be investigated from a vibration perspective. In this study, the acoustic noise-generating mechanism was investigated, and the relationship between the characteristics of the noise and the dynamic characteristics of the circuit board with MLCC was analyzed. And a correlation criterion was proposed to predict the acoustic noise using the vibration response of the circuit board.  相似文献   

A possibility of simulating a perfect fluid using spinor fields with different nonlinearities is investigated. Exact cosmological solutions to Einstein’s equations with spinor fields are compared to the corresponding ones with perfect fluids.  相似文献   

A longitudinal field experiment was carried out over a period of 2 weeks to examine the influence of product aesthetics and inherent product usability. A 2 × 2 × 3 mixed design was used in the study, with product aesthetics (high/low) and usability (high/low) being manipulated as between-subjects variables and exposure time as a repeated-measures variable (three levels). A sample of 60 mobile phone users was tested during a multiple-session usability test. A range of outcome variables was measured, including performance, perceived usability, perceived aesthetics and emotion. A major finding was that the positive effect of an aesthetically appealing product on perceived usability, reported in many previous studies, began to wane with increasing exposure time. The data provided similar evidence for emotion, which also showed changes as a function of exposure time. The study has methodological implications for the future design of usability tests, notably suggesting the need for longitudinal approaches in usability research. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: This study indicates that product aesthetics influences perceived usability considerably in one-off usability tests but this influence wanes over time. When completing a usability test it is therefore advisable to adopt a longitudinal multiple-session approach to reduce the possibly undesirable influence of aesthetics on usability ratings.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze and implement a second-order-in-time numerical scheme for the three-dimensional phase field crystal (PFC) equation. The numerical scheme was proposed in Hu et al. (2009), with the unique solvability and unconditional energy stability established. However, its convergence analysis remains open. We present a detailed convergence analysis in this article, in which the maximum norm estimate of the numerical solution over grid points plays an essential role. Moreover, we outline the detailed multigrid method to solve the highly nonlinear numerical scheme over a cubic domain, and various three-dimensional numerical results are presented, including the numerical convergence test, complexity test of the multigrid solver and the polycrystal growth simulation.  相似文献   

This paper considers various possible variants of determining estimates of cross-correlation functions and coefficients of correlation between a useful signal and noise. Their advantages and drawbacks are analyzed. For practical applications, easily implemented technologies are proposed for approximately determining estimates of the cross-correlation function and coefficient of correlation between a useful signal and noise of technological parameters obtained from outputs of definite sensors during the operation of objects. Algorithms are given that indicate the moment of emergence of a distinction of the mentioned estimates from zero.  相似文献   

复杂网络同步态与孤立节点解的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈娟  陆君安  周进 《自动化学报》2013,39(12):2111-2120
复杂网络同步是复杂系统和复杂网络的前沿研究方向之一,已经取得很大的进展. 但是对于节点以耦合矩阵左特征向量加权平均态、孤立节点的解与网络的同步态之间具有什么关系,什么是网络的同步态和同步轨等基本问题仍然缺乏深入的研究,弄清楚这些问题对于复杂网络同步的理解和应用具有重要的意义. 本文采用数学分析方法证明,如果网络同步,则加权平均态 x = j=1Njxj可以定义为同步态,一般来说,x在正极限集的意义下,也就是孤立节点方程的解. 因此在实际应用中,把孤立节点方程的解s(t) 与加权平均态x不加区别地对待是合理的. 同步态是不依赖于初始条件的通解,而同步轨是依赖于初始条件的特解. 对于混沌节点的网络,同步态应该理解为吸引子,而不是某一条轨道. 最后,本文还提供一些实例加以说明,并指出一些尚待解决的问题.  相似文献   

In a simulated process control task, we investigated the effects of refresher training and acute social stress on performing a standard operating procedure (SOP) containing a production and monitoring task and knowledge recall after a retention interval of two weeks. In a 2?×?2 between-group design (Factor 1: induced social stress, Factor 2: refresher training), 76 engineering students performed an SOP at t1 in week 1 and at t2 in week 3. A MANOVA in week three (t2) indicated a main effect of the refresher training for the SOP execution containing a production and a monitoring task and an impairing effect of stress on the monitoring task. That means that after a retention interval, stress mainly affects the SOP’s monitoring task. An additional correlational analysis showed that knowledge test performance is negatively associated with cortisol level and that retentivity is a strong predictor for knowledge test performance and production task performance, too.

Practitioner Summary: We investigated effects of social stress and refresher training on performing a standard operating procedure (SOP) after a retention interval of two weeks. The impact of social stress reduced the monitoring task performance as part of the SOP, but not the production outcome. Without refresher training, performance is significantly worse.

Abbreviation: SOP: Standard Operating Procedure; MANOVA: Multivariate Analysis of Variance; CSB: Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board; TSST: Trierer Social Stress Test; P-TSST: Placebo Trierer Social Stress Test; WaTrSim: Water Treatment Simulation; HPA axis: hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis; WIT-2: Wilde Intelligenztest – 2; SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; ANOVA: Analysis of Variance.  相似文献   

This paper critically analyzes, for the first time, the effect of nanofluid on thermally fully developed magnetohydrodynamic flows through microchannel, by considering combined effects of externally applied pressure gradient and electroosmosis. The classical boundary condition of uniform wall heat flux is considered, and the effects of viscous dissipation as well as Joule heating have been taken into account. Closed-form analytical expressions for the pertinent velocity and temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations are obtained, in order to examine the role of nanofluids in influencing the fully developed thermal transport in electroosmotic microflows under the effect of magnetic field. Fundamental considerations are invoked to ascertain the consequences of particle agglomeration on the thermophysical properties of the nanofluid. The present theoretical formalism addresses the details of the interparticle interaction kinetics in tune with the pertinent variations in the effective particulate dimensions, volume fractions of the nanoparticles, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate system. It is revealed that the inclusion of nanofluid changes the transport characteristics and system irreversibility to a considerable extent and can have significant consequences in the design of electroosmotically actuated microfluidic systems.  相似文献   

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