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并网双馈风电机组低电压穿越能力研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
详细分析了双馈风电机组LVRT功能的实现原理,并在电力系统仿真分析软件PSASP中建立双馈风电机组的LVRT功能模型,采用地理接线图直观地表示风电场外部系统发生短路故障瞬间对风电机组端电压的影响.并以我国某地区电网为例来分析在风电场接入方式不同的情况下系统短路故障对风电机组的影响。根据仿真结果给出风电机组LVRT能力的最低电压限值要求。最后提出了利用串联制动电阻来提高风电机组的LVRT能力的新方法。分析结果表明,串联制动电阻能够可观地提高风电机组的低电压穿越能力。具有较高LVRT能力的风电机组。可以节省一定的投资费用,在一定程度上降低了风电的上网电价。  相似文献   

双馈变速风电机组低电压穿越控制   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
当系统中风电装机容量比例较大时,系统故障导致电压跌落后,风电场切除会严重影响系统运行的稳定性,这就要求风电机组具有低电压穿越(Low Voltage Ride Through,LVRT)能力,保证系统发生故障后风电机组不间断并网运行。分析了双馈风电机组LVRT原理和基于转子撬棒保护(crow-bar protection)的LVRT控制策略,在电力系统仿真分析软件DIgSILENT/Power Factory中建立了双馈风电机组模型及其LVRT控制模型,以某地区风电系统为例进行仿真计算,分析转子撬棒投入与切除策略及动作时间对实现机组LVRT的影响。  相似文献   

基于双馈风电机组的动态无功支持能力,在电网电压骤升时协调控制网侧变流器和发电机定子输出的无功功率,维持直流侧母线电压的安全稳定运行。根据DFIG直流侧电容的高电压穿越安全要求,定义了电网电压骤升时双馈风力发电机组接入电压的安全电压。然后基于安全电压给出了DFIG在电网电压骤升时能否实现高电压穿越的判断依据,并给出了其高电压穿越时的无功协调输出策略。仿真结果验证了所提的方法。  相似文献   

针对基于转子串联电阻实现双馈风电机组低电压穿越的保护方式,在阻值选择时转子电流的限制效果与故障期间功率可控性之间存在矛盾的问题,通过对转子串电阻保护的理论分析,提出一种结合故障期间自适应选择转子串联电阻阻值和切换转子变换器控制模式的低电压穿越方案,能够实现根据电压跌落深度选择串联阻值且于不同故障区间内自适应切换阻值的串联动态电阻,使整个故障过程中风机处于受控状态,故障穿越更平稳,具有更好的暂态特性。PSCAD仿真结果表明,该方案具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

依据所建立的数学模型,设计了转子侧Crowbar电路和直流侧Chopper电路相结合的穿越方案,并对其控制策略进行了分析和试验研究。验证了电路的正确性和合理性。  相似文献   

近年来,我国风力发电装机容量不断增长,大规模风电并网对电网的影响日益受到重视。低电压穿越能力是风电机组并网特性的重要考核指标之一,该文详细分析了目前风电机组低电压穿越能力测试所依据的标准,就标准中对风电场及风电机组低电压穿越性能的具体要求进行了分项阐述,在此基础上总结了已开展的现场低电压穿越测试中风机发生的种种故障及其原因,证明了同样机型的风电机组测试性能存在差异,而且现场试验证实了风机零部件故障也成为影响风机低电压穿越性能重要因素。  相似文献   

文章提出了基于三单相结构动态电压恢复器(DVR)的风力发电低电压穿越(LVRT)方案。当电网电压发生跌落时,通过串联接入DVR来产生补偿电压,从而维持风电机组定子端电压的恒定。该方案是风力发电与电能质量的有效结合,充分利用了DVR在较短的时间内较强的电压补偿能力。仿真结果表明,该方案有效地抑制了转子侧暂态电流的蹿升,并及时将电网电压恢复到额定值,表现出了良好的低电压穿越能力。  相似文献   

凌禹 《太阳能学报》2022,43(12):312-319
基于传统矢量控制技术,该文提出一种改进的矢量控制技术来抑制双馈感应电机故障期间的转子过电流,以提高双馈风电机组故障穿越能力。从分析传统矢量控制技术入手,提出一种改进的矢量控制技术,其主要特点是反映定子电压瞬态对转子电流的影响,但并未增加控制的复杂程度。从理论的角度对所提方案能提高双馈风电机组故障穿越能力的机理进行深入分析。最后,对基于PSCAD/EMTDC软件环境下搭建的2 MW双馈风电机组模型进行仿真研究。仿真结果表明所提方案能有效抑制双馈感应电机故障期间的转子过电流,从而提高双馈风电机组的故障穿越能力。  相似文献   

双馈风电机组并网比例不断提高,加剧了电网遭遇外部故障导致规模化脱网问题。文章介绍了现有风机故障穿越控制方案的原理,考虑到频繁投切直流卸荷电路电阻易引起电压波形畸变、超级电容器控制方案成本过高等问题,提出了基于智能卸荷电路的双馈风电机组故障穿越控制方案。该方案将卸荷电阻通过DC/DC变换器与直流母线相连,在控制电路中引入有功功率-直流母线电压的下垂控制环节,实现故障期间电路电阻吸收功率的动态调节,同时设置高、低电压穿越两种模式,根据并网点电压变化情况自主启动。最后,在Matlab/Simulink中对智能卸荷电路控制策略进行验证。仿真结果表明,基于智能卸荷电路的风电机组故障穿越控制策略在直流母线电压抑制、电压恢复所需时间、转子电流畸变程度和方案经济成本等方面具有优势。  相似文献   

凌禹  贾权 《太阳能学报》2021,(5):437-442
分析电网电压故障期间双馈风电机组功率流动关系、减载控制原理以及减载能力影响因素,并提出一种基于减载的双馈风电机组联合故障穿越方案,该方案包括:1)定子电流实时跟踪的减载故障穿越方案;2)直流侧卸荷电路.前者主要抑制双馈感应电机转子故障电流,后者主要稳定直流母线电压.最后,基于PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件搭建的模型,验...  相似文献   

This paper describes a control approach applied on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to provide both voltage and frequency regulation capabilities, and hence, an improvement in the dynamic behavior of a microgrid system. The microgrid system is assumed to be a portion of a medium voltage distribution feeder and is supplied by two distributed generation (DG) units, i.e., a gas-turbine synchronous generator and a variable-speed wind turbine with DFIG. A control approach algorithm is proposed for the DFIG unit to improve both voltage and primary frequency controls. Two distinct operation modes, i.e., grid-connected and islanding mode, are used in the proposed approach for proper transfer from normal to islanding operation. Case studies are simulated based on both planned and unplanned islanding scenarios to evaluate the performance of the control approach. The study results show that the proposed control approach for DGs in the microgrid increase the microgrid system's dynamic performance, reduce frequency changes, and improve bus voltages regulation during islanding and autonomous operations.   相似文献   

当电网电压跌落时,风电机组须维持一定时间与电网连接而不解列,并且能提供无功以支持电网电压的恢复,即具有低电压穿越能力,而双馈风电机组低电压穿越能力最弱。分析建立了双馈风力发电机组的模型,通过使用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真,来研究它的LVRT性能,及影响它LVRT性能的因素,探讨它的改进方案。  相似文献   

为保持系统稳定,必须要求大规模并网风电场具有低电压穿越能力。双馈感应发电机(DFIG)低电压穿越功能已成为研究热点。介绍了串联制动电阻装置对双馈感应发电机暂稳特性贡献的机理。详细分析了在电网故障情况下,制动电阻装置对双馈风电场低电压穿越能力的贡献,分别就制动电阻接在风电场升压变处与接在双馈感应发电机机端对低电压穿越的改善效果进行分析。试验结果表明:故障期间投入适当大小制动电阻,能较好地提高双馈风电场低电压穿越功能;将制动电阻放置在风电场升压变处贡献效果优于将制动电阻装置放置在双馈感应发电机机端处。  相似文献   

Transient performance of a 1.7-MW wind-power doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) under network disturbances is studied using a coupled field-circuit simulator. The simulator consists of the finite-element method model of a DFIG coupled with the circuit model of the frequency converter, a transformer, and a simple model of the network. The simulation results show the transient behavior of the DFIG when a sudden voltage dip is introduced. The field-circuit simulator is experimentally validated by full-power measurement  相似文献   

Short-Circuit Current of Wind Turbines With Doubly Fed Induction Generator   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The short-circuit current contribution of wind turbines has not received much attention so far. This paper considers the short-circuit behavior, especially the short-circuit current of wind turbines with a doubly fed induction generator. Mostly, these wind turbines have a crowbar to protect the power electronic converter that is connected to the rotor windings of the induction generator. First, the maximum value of the short-circuit current of a conventional induction machine is determined. The differences between a crowbar-protected doubly fed induction generator and a conventional induction generator are highlighted and approximate equations for the maximum short-circuit current of a doubly fed induction generator are determined. The values obtained in this way are compared to the values obtained from time domain simulations. The differences are less then 15%  相似文献   

The use of doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) in large wind turbines has become quite common over the last few years. These machines provide variable speed and are driven with a power converter which is sized for a small percentage of the turbine-rated power. A drawback of the DFIG is that it is very sensitive to grid disturbances, especially to voltage dips. However, the operation of the machine in these situations has only been studied in the literature by means of simulations. This paper develops a theoretical analysis of the dynamic behavior of the induction machine during three-phase voltage dips. The proposed analysis contributes to understanding the causes of the problem and represents a very useful tool to improve the existing solutions and propose new alternatives. Experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained theoretically and validate the proposed analysis.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the control of doubly fed induction generators to ride through unbalanced voltage sags. A control strategy is proposed by choosing certain current reference values in the positive and negative sequences so that the torque and the dc voltage are kept stable during such unbalanced sags. Both rotor- and grid-side converters are considered, detailing the control scheme of each converter while considering the effect of the crowbar protection. The control strategy is validated by means of simulations.   相似文献   

基于DFIG精确暂态数学模型,深入研究了机端三相短路所激起的双馈电机电磁过渡过程产生的机理及定、转子电流中各频率成分之间的依存关系,并详细推导了三相短路电流的解析表达式, 在此基础上,深入分析了定子和转子绕组阻值对短路电流幅值的影响规律,得到抑制短路电流最佳阻值,实际仿真验证了分析结论的有效性。此研究对于深入探索风机crowbar保护的电阻值整定及短路电流抑制措施都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Wind energy is often installed in rural, remote areas characterized by weak, unbalanced power transmission grids. In induction wind generators, unbalanced three-phase stator voltages cause a number of problems, such as overcurrent, unbalanced currents, reactive power pulsations, and stress on the mechanical components from torque pulsations. Therefore, beyond a certain amount of unbalance, induction wind generators are switched out of the network. This can further weaken the grid. In doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs), control of the rotor currents allows for adjustable speed operation and reactive power control. This paper presents a DFIG control strategy that enhances the standard speed and reactive power control with controllers that can compensate for the problems caused by an unbalanced grid by balancing the stator currents and eliminating torque and reactive power pulsations  相似文献   

独立光伏发电混合储能系统容量优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
准确建立系统中各环节数学模型,综合考虑不同储能元件(超级电容器和蓄电池)的储能特性,以混合储能系统成本最低为优化目标,以独立光伏发电系统各项运行技术指标为约束条件,提出了一种基于单纯形法的容量优化配置方法,并进行了编程实现和算例验证。  相似文献   

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