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本文以中国电影电视技术学会与浙江广播电视台联合主办的《中国好声音》环绕声技术研讨会为依托,在吸收了广大营养之后结合自己的环绕声录制经验,从软硬件搭配到监听音箱的摆位,从环绕声拾音的话筒布置再到后期的轨道分配等都做了实际的介绍,并对环绕声制作中容易产生的误区进行了解释和纠正。 相似文献
据介绍,中国移动黑莓全系列业务作为一套成熟的移动解决方案,针让企业中的移动人群不受时间、地点的限制进行日常业务处理。 相似文献
在欧洲、在日本,人们时常会看到屋顶覆盖着电池板的建筑。2007年中国太阳能电池总体年产能3000MW,实际产量突破了1100MW,世界排名第一。中国2008年的光伏产量为2000MW,稳居全球第一但自用量约仅为10MW。在中国,尽管各大城市都在进行大规模的旧城改造,"平改坡"几乎成了旧城改造的代名词,但你绝对看不到电池板的坡顶。 相似文献
物联网与云计算是IT界近年来热议的话题。随着我国卫星应用的不断深入和发展,各相关领域、行业积累了大量数据,大规模数据密集型计算应用需求也不断出现。因此,采用云计算技术满足卫星应用领域新需求,对于发展 相似文献
在欧洲、在日本,人们时常会看到屋顶覆盖着电池板的建筑。2007年中国太阳能电池总体年产能3000MW,实际产量突破了1100MW,世界排名第一。中国2008年的光伏产量为2000MW,稳居全球第一,但自用量约仅为10MW。在中国,尽管各大城市都在进行大规模的旧城改造,"平改坡"几乎成了旧城改造的代名词,但你绝对看不到电池板的坡顶。 相似文献
很多年以前,我在新东方恶补GRE(编者注:GRE是美国大学招收研究生的一种能力考试),听那些见多识广的老师们侃留学美国的见闻成了我课余唯一的娱乐。印象最深的是那些关于海外中国人如何用聪明才智占老外便宜的段子。比如在25美分硬币上打孔穿线,以便在使用投币电话时可“以一当百”,或者为参加晚会买件高档的礼服.穿完了再去商场退货, 相似文献
刘晓人非法集资被曝光一事,应该算是投资界这几个月持续火爆的话题,沉寂多时的刘晓人也因此再度红透投资行业. 因为都是圈内人,我和刘晓人有数面之交,但他曾经给我的感觉,和他当下的表现完全不匹配.不过仔细回想起来,他出事似乎早有征兆. 相似文献
按国务院关于推进三网融合的要求,2010年至2012年重点开展广电和电信业务双向进入试点,2013年至2015年全面实现三网融合发展。这里说的三网融合对消费者来说,最直接的体验就是手机、电视和电脑三屏合 相似文献
2 .4中国广播卫星规划资源中国在重新规划中有4个规划轨位 ,每个轨位2个下行波束 ,每个波束12个频道 ,共计96个模拟频道。具体情况如下 :(1)轨位我国现有4个规划轨位 ,分别为 :62°E、92 .2°E、122°E和134°E。62°E有两个国家 (中国与阿尔巴尼亚 )使用。92 .2°E轨位为我国专用。134°E为我国与瑙鲁 (南太平洋一岛国 )及巴布亚新几内亚共用。122°E为香港特区和澳门特区使用 ,该轨位还有美国托管的关岛、北亚里亚纳两波束以及老挝规划波束。(2)下行波束及其频道我国4个规划轨位 ,有8个下行波… 相似文献
面向21世纪的现代卫星移动通信(下)陈如明(邮电部外事司北京100804)3.3MEO-Odyssey系统Odyssey(奥德赛)系统是由美国TRWInc。公司开发的MEO系统,于1991年5月28日向美国FCC提出了使用许可证申请。它由12颗星组成... 相似文献
设于伦敦、提供有关未来电视的信息的网站Informitv News在2009年9月15日报道:在9月11~15日之间举行的IBC(国际广播大会)上,BBC伦敦奥运会广播电视转播负责人Roger Mosey发表主旨演说,其中提到BBC对2012年伦敦奥运会的态度:“我们能够,我想我们应当,把部分比赛场次用立体电视形态播出;我们正在就下一波大变革之一的立体电视开展试验,如果从伦敦播出的奥运会电视节目竟然不包含一些立体电视画面,那将是一桩憾事”。 相似文献
A multiple scattering model is used and extended to characterize the channel between underwater and airborne (satellite) terminals at optical frequencies. The effects of the air/sea interface are also included with approximate solutions accurate for elevation angles above 45°. The results are presented in terms of a radiance function which is related to the transform of the spatial covariance function (mutual coherence function). The primary losses are shown to be a result of the water absorption coeffecient and not the extinction coefficient. The scattering losses can be isolated from the absorption losses and for certain cases, where the receiver is imbedded in the scattering medium, can be completely recovered. New components may be required to achieve this performance. The effects of ocean roughness are shown to have a minimal effect upon the subsurface reception while causing possible beam steering of subsurface transmission. Although substantial losses are experienced, duplex operation can be achieved at modest data rates. 相似文献
Ka-band propagation measurements with the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) are entering their fifth year of data collection. Beacon-signal levels and radiometric sky noise are being measured at 20.2 and 27.5 GHz, with supporting meteorological information, at seven experiment sites in the US and Canada, using ACTS propagation terminals (PSTs) supplied by NASA. Uniform system-calibration, data-collection and data-processing procedures and software, prescribed and developed by the NASA Propagation Experimenters (NAPEX) Group, promote commonality of the data sets and permit comparison among results from the various sites. Goals of the program are to develop basic Ka-band propagation knowledge, and to supply information needed to improve propagation-prediction models and to develop impairment-mitigation techniques. The APT sites were selected to sample a variety of North American climate regions and their associated propagation features. Statistical results from the propagation measurements are presented and compared to the predictions of new and existing prediction models. Other aspects of the measurements, including unusually strong antenna-wetting effects observed with the APTs, plus analyses related to impairment dynamics, rain-rate modeling, and clear-air effects, are discussed 相似文献
晓欧 《信息技术与标准化》2002,(2):26-27
在电子商务经历了一系列的浮浮沉沉而显得有些迷茫之后,电子政务从办公自动化、政府上网、政府信息化中一步步从容走来,虽不是闪亮登场,却颇有山雨欲来的逼人气势。从早期的“三金工程”(金税工程、金关工程、金卡工程)到近期的政府上网工程等等,都承担着为年轻的中国电子政务开路的历史重任。电子政务不是简单的“政府上网”,它包含“政府部门政务信息化和网上政府”两方面。政府上网,即在网上成立一个虚拟的政府以实现政府的职能工作。政府上网以后,可以在网上向所有公众公开政府部门的名称、职能、机构组成、办事章程,各项文件、… 相似文献
Bauer R. 《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1997,85(6):853-862
The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) was conceived at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a follow on program to its long history in satellite communications projects that have reduced the risk of developing new technologies that fall outside the sponsorship capability of the private sector. To counter the foreign challenge that developed in the late 1970's to the once insuperable US lead in this field, ACTS was developed to maintain the US preeminence. Launched in September 1993 from the space shuttle, key technologies on ACTS include a multibeam antenna, a baseband processor, a 900 MHz wideband microwave switch matrix, adaptive rain fade compensation techniques, and the use of Ka-band frequencies. Since this is the United States' first effort in using Ka-band for satellite communications, beacons are incorporated on the satellite, which provide an opportunity for propagation measurements. NASA is sponsoring a network of propagation experimenters using these beacons and receive-only terminals identical in design. This paper provides some history that leads to the eventual development of ACTS. Also, a system overview of the spacecraft is provided for those less familiar with it 相似文献