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The problem of Horn Minimization (HM) can be stated as follows: given a Horn CNF representing a Boolean function f, find a shortest possible (optimally compressed) CNF representation of f, i.e., a CNF representation of f which consists of the minimum possible number of clauses. This problem is the formalization of the problem of knowledge compression for speeding up queries to propositional Horn expert systems, and it is known to be NP-hard. There are two subclasses of Horn functions for which HM is known to be solvable in polynomial time: acyclic and quasi-acyclic Horn functions. In this paper we define a new class of Horn functions properly containing both of the known classes and design a polynomial time HM algorithm for this new class.  相似文献   

A class of decision diagrams for representation of the normal forms of Boolean functions was introduced. Consideration was given, in particular, to the disjunctive diagrams representing the disjunctive normal forms (DNF). In distinction to the binary decision diagrams (BDD) and reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD), the disjunctive diagram representing an arbitrary DNF is constructed in a time which is polynomial of the size of the DNF binary code. Corresponding algorithms were described, and the results were presented of the computer-aided experiments where the proposed diagrams were used to reduce the information content accumulated in the course of deciding hard variants of Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT).  相似文献   

Interval functions constitute a special class of Boolean functions for which it is very easy and fast to determine their functional value on a specified input vector. The value of an n-variable interval function specified by interval [a,b] (where a and b are n-bit binary numbers) is true if and only if the input vector viewed as an n-bit number belongs to the interval [a,b]. In this paper we study the problem of deciding whether a given disjunctive normal form represents an interval function and if so then we also want to output the corresponding interval. For general Boolean functions this problem is co-NP-hard. In our article we present a polynomial time algorithm which works for monotone functions. We shall also show that given a Boolean function f belonging to some class which is closed under partial assignment and for which we are able to solve the satisfiability problem in polynomial time, we can also decide whether f is an interval function in polynomial time. We show how to recognize a “renamable” variant of interval functions, i.e., their variable complementation closure. Another studied problem is the problem of finding an interval extension of partially defined Boolean functions. We also study some other properties of interval functions.   相似文献   

Horn knowledge bases are widely used in many applications. The paper is concerned with the optimal compression of propositional Horn production rule bases-one of the most important knowledge bases used in practice. The problem of knowledge compression is interpreted as a problem of Boolean function minimization. It was proved by P.L. Hammer and A. Kogan (1993) that the minimization of Horn functions, i.e., Boolean functions associated with Horn knowledge bases, is NP complete. The paper deals with the minimization of quasi acyclic Horn functions, the class of which properly includes the two practically significant classes of quadratic and of acyclic functions. A procedure is developed for recognizing in quadratic time the quasi acyclicity of a function given by a Horn CNF, and a graph based algorithm is proposed for the quadratic time minimization of quasi acyclic Horn functions  相似文献   

We consider Boolean functions represented by decision lists, and study their relationships to other classes of Boolean functions. It turns out that the elementary class of 1-decision lists has interesting relationships to independently defined classes such as disguised Horn functions, read-once functions, nested differences of concepts, threshold functions, and 2-monotonic functions. In particular, 1-decision lists coincide with fragments of the mentioned classes. We further investigate the recognition problem for this class, as well as the extension problem in the context of partially defined Boolean functions (pdBfs). We show that finding an extension of a given pdBf in the class of 1-decision lists is possible in linear time. This improves on previous results. Moreover, we present an algorithm for enumerating all such extensions with polynomial delay.  相似文献   

A Boolean function in disjunctive normal form (DNF) is aHorn function if each of its elementary conjunctions involves at most one complemented variable. Ageneralized Horn function is constructed from a Horn function by disjuncting a nested set of complemented variables to it. The satisfiability problem is solvable in polynomial time for both Horn and generalized Horn functions. A Boolean function in DNF is said to berenamable Horn if it is Horn after complementation of some variables. Succinct mathematical characterizations and linear-time algorithms for recognizing renamable Horn and generalized Horn functions are given in this paper. The algorithm for recognizing renamable Horn functions gives a new method to test 2-SAT. Some computational results are also given.The authors were supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under University Research Initiative grant number N00014-86-K-0689. Chandru was also supported by NSF grant number DMC 88-07550.The authors gratefully acknowledge the partial support of NSF (Grant DMS 89-06870) and AFOSR (Grant 89-0066 and 89-0512).  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the notion of models for quantified Boolean formulas. For various classes of quantified Boolean formulas and various classes of Boolean functions, we investigate the problem of determining whether a model exists. Furthermore, we show for these classes the complexity of the model checking problem, which is to check whether a given set of Boolean functions is a model for a formula. For classes of Boolean functions, we establish some characterizations in terms of classes of quantified Boolean formulas that have such a model. This research has been supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant FA9550-06-1-0050. This research has been supported in part by the NSFC under grants 60573011 and 10410638.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define double Horn functions, which are the Boolean functionsfsuch that bothfand its complement (i.e., negation)fare Horn, and investigate their semantical and computational properties. Double Horn functions embody a balanced treatment of positive and negative information in the course of the extension problem of partially defined Boolean functions (pdBfs), where a pdBf is a pair (T, F) of disjoint setsT, F⊆{0, 1}nof true and false vectors, respectively, and an extension of (T, F) is a Boolean functionfthat is compatible withTandF. We derive syntactic and semantic characterizations of double Horn functions, and determine the number of such functions. The characterizations are then exploited to give polynomial time algorithms (i) that recognize double Horn functions from Horn DNFs (disjunctive normal forms), and (ii) that compute the prime DNF from an arbitrary formula, as well as its complement and its dual. Furthermore, we consider the problem of determining a double Horn extension of a given pdBf. We describe a polynomial time algorithm for this problem and moreover an algorithm that enumerates all double Horn extensions of a pdBf with polynomial delay. However, finding a shortest double Horn extension (in terms of the size of a formula?representing it) is shown to be intractable.  相似文献   

Any Boolean function can be defined by a Boolean circuit, provided we may use sufficiently strong functions in its gates. On the other hand, what Boolean functions can be defined depends on these gate functions: Each set B of gate functions defines the class of Boolean functions that can be defined by circuits over B. Although these classes have been known since the 1920s, their computational complexity was never investigated.In this paper we will study how difficult it is to decide for a Boolean function f and a class B, whether f is in B.Moreover, we will provide such a decision algorithm with additional information: How difficult is it to decide whether or not f is in B, provided we already know a circuit for f, but with gates from another class A? Given such a circuit, we know that f is in A. Is the problem harder if we do not have a concrete representation for f, but still know that it is from A? For nearly all possible combinations, we show that this is not the case, and that the problem is either in P or coNP-complete.  相似文献   

The goal of Knowledge Compilation is to represent a Boolean expression in a format in which it can answer a range of “online-queries” in PTIME. The online-query of main interest to us is model counting, because of its application to query evaluation on probabilistic databases, but other online-queries can be supported as well such as testing for equivalence, testing for implication, etc. In this paper we study the following problem: given a database query q, decide whether its lineage can be compiled efficiently into a given target language. We consider four target languages, of strictly increasing expressive power (when the size of compilation is restricted to be polynomial in the data size): read-once Boolean formulae, OBDD, FBDD and d-DNNF. For each target, we study the class of database queries that admit polynomial size representation: these queries can also be evaluated in PTIME over probabilistic databases. When queries are restricted to conjunctive queries without self-joins, it was known that these four classes collapse to the class of hierarchical queries, which is also the class of PTIME queries over probabilistic databases. Our main result in this paper is that, in the case of Unions of Conjunctive Queries (UCQ), these classes form a strict hierarchy. Thus, unlike conjunctive queries without self-joins, the expressive power of UCQ differs considerably with respect to these target compilation languages. Moreover, we give a complete characterization of the first two target languages, based on the query’s syntax.  相似文献   

We investigate a single machine scheduling problem in which the processing time of a job is a linear function of its starting time and a variable maintenance on the machine must be performed prior to a given deadline. The goals are to minimize the makespan and the total completion time. We prove that both problems are NP-hard. Furthermore, we show that there exists a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the makespan minimization problem. For the total completion time minimization problem we point out that there exists a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for a special case.  相似文献   

Valiant (1984) and others have studied the problem of learning various classes of Boolean functions from examples. Here we discuss incremental learning of these functions. We consider a setting in which the learner responds to each example according to a current hypothesis. Then the learner updates the hypothesis, if necessary, based on the correct classification of the example. One natural measure of the quality of learning in this setting is the number of mistakes the learner makes. For suitable classes of functions, learning algorithms are available that make a bounded number of mistakes, with the bound independent of the number of examples seen by the learner. We present one such algorithm that learns disjunctive Boolean functions, along with variants for learning other classes of Boolean functions. The basic method can be expressed as a linear-threshold algorithm. A primary advantage of this algorithm is that the number of mistakes grows only logarithmically with the number of irrelevant attributes in the examples. At the same time, the algorithm is computationally efficient in both time and space.  相似文献   

A central topic in query learning is to determine which classes of Boolean formulas are efficiently learnable with membership and equivalence queries. We consider the class kconsisting of conjunctions ofkunate DNF formulas. This class generalizes the class ofk-clause CNF formulas and the class of unate DNF formulas, both of which are known to be learnable in polynomial time with membership and equivalence queries. We prove that 2can be properly learned with a polynomial number of polynomial-size membership and equivalence queries, but can be properly learned in polynomial time with such queries if and only if P=NP. Thus the barrier to properly learning 2with membership and equivalence queries is computational rather than informational. Few results of this type are known. In our proofs, we use recent results of Hellersteinet al.(1997,J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.43(5), 840–862), characterizing the classes that are polynomial-query learnable, together with work of Bshouty on the monotone dimension of Boolean functions. We extend some of our results to kand pose open questions on learning DNF formulas of small monotone dimension. We also prove structural results for k. We construct, for any fixedk2, a class of functionsfthat cannot be represented by any formula in k, but which cannot be “easily” shown to have this property. More precisely, for any functionfonnvariables in the class, the value offon any polynomial-size set of points in its domain is not a witness thatfcannot be represented by a formula in k. Our construction is based on BCH codes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address a fundamental problem related to the induction of Boolean logic: Given a set of data, represented as a set of binary “truen-vectors” (or “positive examples”) and a set of “falsen-vectors” (or “negative examples”), we establish a Boolean function (or an extension)f, so thatfis true (resp., false) in every given true (resp., false) vector. We shall further require that such an extension belongs to a certain specified class of functions, e.g., class of positive functions, class of Horn functions, and so on. The class of functions represents our a priori knowledge or hypothesis about the extensionf, which may be obtained from experience or from the analysis of mechanisms that may or may not cause the phenomena under consideration. The real-world data may contain errors, e.g., measurement and classification errors might come in when obtaining data, or there may be some other influential factors not represented as variables in the vectors. In such situations, we have to give up the goal of establishing an extension that is perfectly consistent with the given data, and we are satisfied with an extensionfhaving the minimum number of misclassifications. Both problems, i.e., the problem of finding an extension within a specified class of Boolean functions and the problem of finding a minimum error extension in that class, will be extensively studied in this paper. For certain classes we shall provide polynomial algorithms, and for other cases we prove their NP-hardness.  相似文献   

We consider two issues in polynomial-time exact learning of concepts using membership and equivalence queries: (1) errors or omissions in answers to membership queries, and (2) learning finite variants of concepts drawn from a learnable class.To study (1), we introduce two new kinds of membership queries: limited membership queries and malicious membership queries. Each is allowed to give incorrect responses on a maliciously chosen set of strings in the domain. Instead of answering correctly about a string, a limited membership query may give a special I don't know answer, while a malicious membership query may give the wrong answer. A new parameter Lis used to bound the length of an encoding of the set of strings that receive such incorrect answers. Equivalence queries are answered correctly, and learning algorithms are allowed time polynomial in the usual parameters and L. Any class of concepts learnable in polynomial time using equivalence and malicious membership queries is learnable in polynomial time using equivalence and limited membership queries; the converse is an open problem. For the classes of monotone monomials and monotone k-term DNF formulas, we present polynomial-time learning algorithms using limited membership queries alone. We present polynomial-time learning algorithms for the class of monotone DNF formulas using equivalence and limited membership queries, and using equivalence and malicious membership queries.To study (2), we consider classes of concepts that are polynomially closed under finite exceptions and a natural operation to add exception tables to a class of concepts. Applying this operation, we obtain the class of monotone DNF formulas with finite exceptions. We give a polynomial-time algorithm to learn the class of monotone DNF formulas with finite exceptions using equivalence and membership queries. We also give a general transformation showing that any class of concepts that is polynomially closed under finite exceptions and is learnable in polynomial time using standard membership and equivalence queries is also polynomial-time learnable using malicious membership and equivalence queries. Corollaries include the polynomial-time learnability of the following classes using malicious membership and equivalence queries: deterministic finite acceptors, boolean decision trees, and monotone DNF formulas with finite exceptions.  相似文献   

We provide machine-independent characterizations of some complexity classes, over an arbitrary structure, in the model of computation proposed by L. Blum, M. Shub, and S. Smale. We show that the levels of the polynomial hierarchy correspond to safe recursion with predicative minimization and the levels of the digital polynomial hierarchy to safe recursion with digital predicative minimization. Also, we show that polynomial alternating time corresponds to safe recursion with predicative substitutions and that digital polynomial alternating time corresponds to safe recursion with digital predicative substitutions.  相似文献   

Aizenstein  Howard  Pitt  Leonard 《Machine Learning》1995,19(3):183-208
We present two related results about the learnability of disjunctive normal form (DNF) formulas. First we show that a common approach for learning arbitrary DNF formulas requires exponential time. We then contrast this with a polynomial time algorithm for learning most (rather than all) DNF formulas. A natural approach for learning boolean functions involves greedily collecting the prime implicants of the hidden function. In a seminal paper of learning theory, Valiant demonstrated the efficacy of this approach for learning monotone DNF, and suggested this approach for learning DNF. Here we show that no algorithm using such an approach can learn DNF in polynomial time. We show this by constructing a counterexample DNF formula which would force such an algorithm to take exponential time. This counterexample seems to capture much of what makes DNF hard to learn, and thus is useful to consider when evaluating the run-time of a proposed DNF learning algorithm. This hardness result, as well as other hardness results for learning DNF, relies on the construction of particular hard-to-learn formulas, formulas that appear to be relatively rare. This raises the question of whether most DNF formulas are learnable. For certain natural definitions of most DNF formulas, we answer this question affirmatively.  相似文献   

Boolean functions with a small number of zeros are studied. A linear algorithm for constructing a dead-end disjunctive normal form (DNF) is obtained for a function of special form from this class. The resulting dead-end DNF insignificantly differs from theoretical estimates for the minimal DNF.  相似文献   

In the futile questioning problem, one must decide whether acquisition of additional information can possibly lead to the proof of a conclusion. Solution of that problem demands evaluation of a quantified Boolean formula at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. The same evaluation problem, called Q-ALL SAT, arises in many other applications. In this paper, we introduce a special subclass of Q-ALL SAT that is at the first level of the polynomial hierarchy. We develop a solution algorithm for the general case that uses a backtracking search and a new form of learning of clauses. Results are reported for two sets of instances involving a robot route problem and a game problem. For these instances, the algorithm is substantially faster than state-of-the-art solvers for quantified Boolean formulas.  相似文献   

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