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丙烯酸乙酯(EA)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、苯乙烯(St)、及丙烯酸丁酯(BA)分别和含烷氧基硅烷单体甲基丙烯酰氧基三甲氧丙基硅烷以一定比例通过自由基共聚反应制得共聚物前驱体,将TEOS在HCl催化剂作用下水解、缩合形成SiO2,然后由共聚物和SiO2通过溶胶-凝胶法合成杂化复合材料,制得的复合材料膜有较好的光学透明性,其透光率在79%以上.利用傅立红外光谱分析了杂化材料的化学结构.溶胶抽取结果表明,在杂化材料中凝胶的含量较高,对它们的形貌特性和研究结果表明:在聚合物基体中SiO2具有较好的分散性,有机-无机相相互贯穿.  相似文献   

系列功能化离子液体的合成表征及其性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过两步法合成了含不同阴离子的系列含酯基官能团的咪唑类离子液体,用核磁共振、红外光谱、元素分析对其进行了结构表征,证明了该合成方法的可靠性;对功能化离子液体的基本物化性质及热稳定性等进行了全面研究,并选择了含有相同烷基的未功能化离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐进行对比,发现酯基官能团的引入,使烷基咪唑类离子液体展现出不同的物化特性。所合成的含酯基功能化离子液体为进一步开展离子液体的各方面研究提供了全新的材料并打下了一定基础。  相似文献   

NZP陶瓷的热学性质及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了NZP族陶瓷的研究历程,制备方法,晶体化学,热膨胀等物理性质,首镒提出了NZP族陶瓷的分类方法,提出近零膨胀陶瓷的主要设计原则。研究了NZP族陶瓷的热膨胀,导热及热震法,并利用XRD,SEM和HREM等检测手段进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文将点源函数法应用于求梁和板的位移。该法具物理意义明确、运算简洁等优点。文中的两个例子说明了本文方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

光学材料和光学薄膜的光热表征(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光热技术用来测量样品的光学和热特性。简要介绍了光热技术及其在光学薄膜测量和钛蓝宝石激光晶体表征中的应用。光热技术可以提供纯光学光谱学所无法提供的、类似光-热能量转换效率之类的信息。光热技术已被用作质量测试和改善现代光学制造的有用工具。  相似文献   

搭建了纳秒激光加热、连续激光探测的光热反射实验系统,通过测量芯片中多层微米厚度薄膜不同位置的反射信号,评估了不同薄膜结构对器件散热的影响.在多层薄膜热传导模型的基础上,结合Laplace逆变换的Stehfest数值解拟合得到了微米级厚度薄膜的热物性参数以及界面传热特性.拟合得到绝缘层热导率为0.75 W/(m·K),与磁控溅射Al薄膜间的界面热阻约为10~(-8) m~2K/W.进而建立了电子器件封装镀膜的热分析有限元模型,比较了沉积类金刚石薄膜前后芯片热点温度的变化,结果表明:类金刚石薄膜可以进一步改善芯片的散热性能.  相似文献   

粉煤灰机械研磨后热学性质变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了粉煤灰经过机械研磨后的热学性质的变化。不同的机械研磨方式 ,粉煤灰的热学性质表现不一样 ;对于同一种机械研磨方式 ,不同粉煤灰的热学性质有一些共同之处。粉煤灰机械处理之后热学活性的增加 ,机械热效应在研磨中起重要作用。DTA峰温的提前 ,实质是粉煤灰颗粒在机械能的作用下位能升高 ,不稳定趋势加大  相似文献   

为提高液体静压转台的动力学性能, 该文从N-S方程着手, 计算了液体静压油腔处的动压承载力。通过供油压力计算了同位置处的静压承载力, 利用动压承载力和静压承载力的相互叠加, 计算了液体静压导轨综合承载力, 继而推导了油膜刚度的计算公式。在此基础上, 建立了以综合承载力和油膜刚度为目标函数, 以液体静压转台的振动基频为约束的优化模型, 利用响应面方法和分层可行下降方向法对优化模型进行了求解, 并对优化后的设计进行了瞬态冲击载荷下加工精度的验证, 从而为工程设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

提出和发展了适用于液体(水)环境的光热微驱动技术及光热微驱动机构(OTMA).建立了水环境中OTMA膨胀臂在激光照射下的光热膨胀模型,基于有限元分析推导出膨胀臂的温升分布公式,并对长度1080μm、宽度90μm的膨胀臂在4 mW激光照射下的温升分布进行了仿真,理论研究表明了液体环境中光热微驱动技术的可行性.设计与微加工...  相似文献   

Photothermal techniques were used for the thermal characterization of linear alcohols. This was carried out by measuring the thermal diffusivity (by means of a photopyroelectric technique) and thermal effusivity (by means of a photoacoustic technique) of ten linear alcohols, from methanol to 1-decanol. The thermal conductivity and specific heat for these substances were obtained by means of their relations with the two previous thermal properties, by using the values reported for the densities of the alcohols. The values of thermal effusivity showed a decreasing behavior with the increase in length of the linear molecule, and the values of thermal diffusivity, on the other hand, showed a similar behavior but only up to 1-pentanol, from which these values began to increase; this latter behavior was also observed, although to a lesser extent, for thermal conductivities. This peculiar behavior for thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivities is attributed to the influence of the hydroxyl group, which is strong for low molecular weight alcohols, but it diminishes as the size of alcohol’s molecule increases.  相似文献   

Laser infrared photothermal radiometry (PTR) was used to measure the thermophysical properties (thermal diffusivity and conductivity) of various thermal sprayed coatings on carbon steel. A one-dimensional photothermal model of a three-layered system in the backscattered mode was introduced and compared with experimental measurements. The uppermost layer was used to represent a roughness-equivalent layer, a second layer represented the thermal sprayed coating, and the third layer represented the substrate. The thermophysical parameters of thermal sprayed coatings examined in this work were obtained when a multiparameter-fit optimization algorithm was used with the backscattered PTR experimental results. The results also suggested a good method to determine the thickness of tungsten carbide and stainless-steel thermal spray coatings once the thermophysical properties are known. The ability of PTR to measure the thermophysical properties and the coating thickness has a strong potential as a method for in situ characterization of thermal spray coatings.  相似文献   

We have carried out the theoretical and experimental time evolution and amplitude study of the photothermal mirror signal generated by focusing a laser beam on the surface of a suite of solid samples. Based on a theoretical model that resolves the thermal diffusivity equation and the equation for thermo-elastic deformations simultaneously, we have calculated the transient time evolution and amplitude of the signal. We observe the same time evolution pattern for samples as diverse as glass, quartz, metals, and synthetic ceramic oxides. The data have yielded a linear dependence between the time build-up of the thermal mirror and the inverse of the thermal diffusivity for all the samples. For moderate power levels, we also observe a linear behavior between the stationary value of the signal and the thermally induced phase shift value. From the calibration curves, we have determined the thermally induced phase and the thermal diffusivity coefficients of two prospective nuclear reactor control rod materials, dysprosium titanate (\(\hbox {Dy}_{2}\hbox {TiO}_{5}\)) and dysprosium dititanate (\(\hbox {Dy}_{2}\hbox {Ti}_{2}\hbox {O}_{7}\)) to be \(D = (7.0 \pm 0.4) \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{m^{2}\cdot s^{-1}}\).  相似文献   

In this study, thermal properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) filled with nanosized Al particles (80 nm) were investigated. Samples were prepared using melt mixing method up to filler volume fraction of 29 %, followed by compression molding. By using modulated photothermal radiometry (PTR) technique, thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity were obtained. The effective thermal conductivity of nanocomposites was calculated directly from PTR measurements and from the measurements of density, specific heat capacity (by differential scanning calorimetry) and thermal diffusivity (obtained from PTR signal amplitude and phase). It is concluded that the thermal conductivity of HDPE composites increases with increasing Al fraction and the highest effective thermal conductivity enhancement of 205 % is achieved at a filler volume fraction of 29 %. The obtained results were compared with the theoretical models and experimental data given in the literature. The results demonstrate that Agari and Uno, and Cheng and Vachon models can predict well the thermal conductivity of HDPE/Al nanocomposites in the whole range of Al fractions.  相似文献   

A novel comparative method has been developed at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) to measure the thermal diffusivity of semi-infinite samples without a priori knowledge of the boundary conditions. It is based on photothermal radiometry, and involves the detection of modulated thermal radiance from a target irradiated by a modulated, focused diode laser beam with a power of 1W. The technique exploits the fact that the frequency response of the surface temperature modulation scales with thermal diffusivity for a given target geometry (this is a fundamental property of the heat diffusion equation). In the process two samples are measured, one of which is known, and the diffusivity of the second material is derived from scaling the results over frequency. Measurements on samples of platinum and Inconel have shown the validity of the methodology but also raised issues concerning the difficulty of accurate measurements due to surface coatings or roughness.Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22--27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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