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The observed anomaly of the parallel magnetic susceptibility of Cr2O3is discussed as the effect of the changes of the crystal lattice parameters with temperature and the changes of the exchange parameters in some range above TN connected with it. It is shown that the temperature changes of the crystal parameters have an important influence on the behavior of the magnetic specific heat with temperature too. The results of the calculations based on the correlation theory and the modified Oguchi theory are presented. 相似文献
Complex oxides Ln2Mn2/3Re4/3O7 (Ln = Y, Er) and Y2Zn2/3Re4/3O7 with a zirkelite structure and hexagonal unit cells (space group P3121, z = 6) have been obtained. Static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements show that these oxides possess spin-glass behavior at low temperatures. Valence combinations of d-metals in the oxides are Mn2+(Zn2+)–Re5+. It is supposed that the examined specimens Ln2Mn2/3Re4/3O7 (Ln = Y, Er) contain the second magnetic phase of an unknown composition. 相似文献
Feng Xu Zhiming Wang Guang Chen Jianzhong Jiang Youwei Du 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,463(1-2):226-229
After a review of the selection process of (Nd0.625Ni0.375)85Al15 as a metallic glass with a relatively high glass-forming ability, we investigate the influences of its phase transitions by duplicating the heating process of the isochronal thermal analysis with low-temperature annealings. The structure, thermal stability and magnetic properties are characterized. And the influences on magnetic properties are particularly discussed with emphasis. Both the annealing processes, to the glass-transition temperature and to the onset temperature of crystallization, bring about a higher coercivity of the sample and a higher freezing temperature of the spin-glass-state. For the sample annealed to the onset temperature of crystallization, the influence is quite obvious and is ascribed to the formation of ferrimagnetic Nd7Ni3 phase, as detected by XRD. For the sample annealed to the glass-transition temperature, the indistinct influence is further identified with the analysis of the frequency dependence of the spin-glass-state, and it is mainly attributed to the change of the short-range order in the amorphous matrix. 相似文献
Powder X-ray diffraction results and macroscopic magnetic properties of new ternary RRh5Ge3 compounds (R=Sm, Gd, Tb) are reported. The compounds SmRh5Ge3 (a=2.2744(4) nm, c=0.3888(1) nm), GdRh5Ge3 (a=2.2711(5) nm, c=0.3872(1) nm) and TbRh5Ge3 (a=2.2628(7) nm, c=0.3851(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal SmRh5Ge3-type structure (space group P63/m; No. 176). The GdRh5Ge3 and TbRh5Ge3 compounds are Curie–Weiss paramagnets down to 5 K. 相似文献
The magnetic properties of KUO3 with the cubic perovskite structure have been studied. It shows an antiferromagnetic-type of transition at ca. 17 K in the magnetic susceptibility vs. temperature curve. Magnetic hysteresis is observed at 4.5 K, but not observed at 20 K. Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed on the powdered KUO3 below and above the transition temperature. The neutron diffraction pattern measured at 10 K shows no appreciable difference from that measured at 50 K. A small ordered magnetic moment of U5+ ion will make it very difficult to observe magnetic diffractions, even if a magnetic ordering occurs. If the magnetic spin alignment occurs in a small domain, no magnetic diffraction will be found in the neutron experiments. On the other hand, the magnetic phenomena of KUO3 have been analyzed on the basis of an octahedral crystal field model. 相似文献
M. Gjoka O. Kalogirou V. Psycharis D. Niarchos 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1996,240(1-2):134-138
Nd3(Fe,Ti)29Cx, carbide has been synthesized by gas-solid reaction. An enhancement of the Curie temperature Tc from 437 K to 575 K is observed, reflecting a lattice expansion of 4.1% upon carbonation. The room temperature saturation magnetization Ms of the carbide is 145.5 A m2 kg 1 and the average hyperfine field, Heff, 24.8 T. The magnetic structure of Nd3(Fe,Ti)29Cx carbide changes from easy-cone-like in the case of the parent compound to axial-like after carbonation with a room temperature anisotropy field HA of 8 T. 相似文献
Magnetization measurements on zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) samples as a function of temperature where made on Fe0.70−xMnxAl0.30 alloys with 0≤x≤0.10. Our data show the existence of two regimes of the spin glass temperature Tf when increasing the concentration x of the Mn atoms. We found that Tf decreases slowly with increasing x up to x=0.06 and then shows a rapid linear decrease above this concentration. The existence of two regimes of Tf behavior with x may be attributed to the disappearance of ferromagnetic clusters which exist for low values of x (x<0.06). Compared to the Mn-free alloy, the relative changes in Tf are bigger and exceed 40% at x=0.10. The second regime (x>0.06) is associated with more influence of x on Tf. 相似文献
C. D. W. Jones R. A. Gordon F. J. DiSalvo R. P ttgen R. K. Kremer 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1997,260(1-2):50-55
The title compounds were prepared from the elemental components by arc-melting and subsequent annealing at 1020 K and 1170 K. Both CePd0.63Ge1.37 and CeAu0.75Ge1.25 crystallize in the AlB2 structure type with a statistical distribution of the transition metal and germanium atoms on the boron site. The structure of CeAu0.75Ge1.25 was refined from single crystal X-ray data: P6/mmm, a=433.5(1) pm, c=422.6(1) pm, V=0.0688(1) nm3, Z=1, wR2=0.0504 for 157 F2 values and 7 variables. Magnetic susceptibility data for both compounds show a full cerium moment and ferromagnetic ordering at 6.0(5) K for CeAu0.75Ge1.25 and 3.0(5) K for CePd0.63Ge1.37. The crystal structure and properties of CeAu0.75Ge1.25 are compared with those of equiatomic CeAuGe which adopts the NdPtSb structure type, an ordered variant of AlB2. 相似文献
V. Psycharis M. Gjoka O. Kalogirou E. Devlin D. Niarchos 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1998,270(1-2)
A novel phase with nominal composition Y3Fe27.5V1.5 has been synthesized by arc melting elemental constituents, followed by annealing at 1123 K. The samples were analyzed by electron microprobe analysis and the stoichiometric composition was Y3.04Fe27.56V1.44. X-ray diffraction from powder samples shows that the structure is of a disordered CaCu5-type (Space Group: P6/mmm) with lattice parameters a=4.8769(1) Å, c=4.1729(3) Å. This disordered structure, revealed using standard difference Fourier methods, can be considered as a TbCu7-type, containing iron dumbbell sites. The disorder is not restricted to the rare earth sites and the dumbbell atoms, but is observed at other sites as well. The stoichiometric formula derived by Rietveld analysis is Y3.00(3)Fe28.5(3). Magnetic measurements give a Curie temperature of 439(5) K, and a saturation magnetization of 156.4 and 125.5 A m2 kg−1 at 5 and 300 K, respectively. The anisotropy field is 4.76 T at 5 K and 2.43 T at 300 K. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of magnetically aligned powder samples indicate that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy is of easy plane type. This result is supported from the analysis of the magnetization measurements on aligned powders which give K1<0, K2>0 and K1+2K2<0, a result that confirms the easy plane anisotropy. Mössbauer spectra were also obtained and fitted with a model consistent with the disorder. The average hyperfine fields are 28.4 and 21.5 T at 4.2 and 300 K, respectively. 相似文献
We present structural and magnetic data on ZnV2O4 single crystals. Single crystal X-ray diffraction shows the measured crystals to be of very high quality, especially with respect to atomic order. The measured magnetic susceptibility resembles to that of a spin glass system, surprising for a translational invariant structure. The results are discussed in the framework of disorder in a magnetically frustrated lattice. 相似文献
I. Panneer MuthuselvamR.N. Bhowmik 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2012,511(1):22-30
We have studied magnetization, ac susceptibility, resistivity and magnetoresistance in mechanically milled La0.67Sr0.33MnO3. The material with grain size micron to nanometer scale has stabilized in rhombohedral crystal structure with space group R3C. We have found various grain size effects, e.g., decrease of ferromagnetic moment, increase of surface spin disorder, and appearance of insulator/semiconductor type resistivity. In addition to these conventional features, we have identified a magnetic anomaly at 45 K in bulk sample. Ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition temperature (TC) is above room temperature for all samples. The samples are typical soft ferromagnet that transformed from multi-domain state to single domain state in nanocrystalline samples. The remarkable observation is that low temperature freezing of ferromagnetic domains/clusters does not follow the conventional spin glass features. Experimental results clearly showed the enhancement of high field magnetoresistance in nanocrystalline samples below 200 K, whereas low field magnetoresistance gradually decreases above 200 K and almost absent at 300 K. We have discussed few more magnetic and electrical changes, highly relevant to the progress of nanomaterial research in ferromagnetic manganites. 相似文献
The effect of LMO doping on the structure, magnetic and magnetotransport properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSMO)/xLaMnO3 (LMO) has been investigated. Two types of LSMO/xLMO composites, named as SLx (low temperature sintered samples) and SHx (high temperature sintered samples) samples, were prepared by different sintering temperature and solid-state reaction method. The presence of LMO at the grain boundaries increases the disordered states at the surface of the grains and therefore the magnetization and transition temperature decrease by increasing the amount of LMO doping level. Results show that the rate of decreasing of transition temperature is much more for high temperaure sintered samples. Also the resistivity of samples increases by the increase of LMO doping level. Results also show that the LMO doping has an effect on a low field magnetoresistance (LFMR). The value of LFMR increases for low doping level of 0 ≤ x ≤ 15, for SLx samples and 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 for SHx samples. Also LFMR decreases at high doping level. The spin dependent tunneling and scattering at the interfaces of the grain boundaries are responsible for the increase of LFMR at low doping level, while reduction of LFMR at high doping level may result from the grain boundary becoming too thick for electron tunneling. 相似文献
Guoyan Huo Guanghui Rao Zhiyu Qiao Jingkui Liang Weihua Tang Baogen Shen 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1998,270(1-2)
Single-phase compounds Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.0110.034) have been synthesized. Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 crystallises in a monoclinic lattice with space group P21/c, and the crystal structure is refined by the Rietveld technique based on X-ray powder diffraction data. Thermomagnetic analysis indicates that the Curie temperature of the compounds ranges from 517 K to 538 K. The saturation magnetizations of the Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.011, 0.022, 0.034) at 1.5 K are 103.6, 102.0 and 94.3 Am2/kg, and the anisotropy fields at 1.5 K are 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4T, respectively. 相似文献
A.V. Morozkin O. Isnard P. Henry P. Manfrinetti 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,464(1-2):219-226
A neutron diffraction investigation has been performed on the Ho5Si3 and Ho5Ge3 compounds (hexagonal Mn5Si3-type, hP16, P63/mcm) to study their magnetic structure. The results prove that these intermetallic phases show a complex sine-modulated type magnetic ordering, both presenting on cooling two subsequent antiferromagnetic orderings (TN1 and TN2).Between TN1 = 24(2) and TN2 = 16(4) K Ho5Si3 shows a first antiferromagnetic ordering of the sine-modulated type with a propagation vector K1 = [0, 0, ±0.284(1)]; then, below TN2 the sine-modulated type ordering is conserved, but by the two propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±0.2773(7)] and K2 = [±1/5, ±1/5, 0].For Ho5Ge3, between TN1 = 27(2) and TN2 = 18(4) K, the sine-modulated ordering is realized through the propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±3/10] and K2 = [0, 1/2, 0], whilst below TN2 the ordering takes place with propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±3/10], K2 = [0, 1/2, 0], K3 = [0, 0, ±2/5] and K4 = [±1/5, ±1/5, 0]. For both the Ho5Si3 and Ho5Ge3 compounds, the dimensions of the magnetic unit cell are 5a × 5a × 10c times the crystal unit cell of Mn5Si3-type. 相似文献
Jinhua MaoYu Sui Xianjie WangYiyun Yang Xingquan ZhangYang Wang Yi WangWanfa Liu 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(15):4950-4953
The magnetic properties of Nd0.85Sr0.15CoO3 have been systematically investigated by dc magnetization, ac susceptibility and magnetic relaxation. The dynamics scaling analysis of ac susceptibility and magnetic relaxation give sufficient evidence of the existence of a spin-glass phase, which can be ascribed to the complicated interactions among Co3+ and Co4+ ions in this phase-separated compound. The field-cooled magnetic hysteresis loop displays both horizontal and vertical shifts, i.e., the exchange bias effect, while no shifts are present with increase of the measuring field up to ±50 kOe. The results further sustain the picture of the spin-glass phase coexisting with other magnetic regions in the sample. 相似文献
Miroslav O?ko Sanja ?onja Ivica AvianiE.D. Bauer J.L. Sarrao 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(25):6999-7003
We report thermopower and resistivity measurements of an YbAl3 single crystal obtained by the “self-flux” method. Our data reveal Fermi liquid behavior up to TFL = 35 K. The Kondo temperature, TK ≈ 450 K, was determined from the high temperature thermopower data. The characteristic temperature, T0, extracted from the temperature slope of the thermopower in the Fermi liquid regime is higher than the TK. We discuss a possible explanation of the obtained energy scales of YbAl3. 相似文献
H. Samata M. Kai T. Uchida M. Ohtsuka G. Tanaka S. Sawada T. Taniguchi Y. Nagata 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2003,350(1-2):77-85
Crystals of Ba3NaRu2O9−δ (δ≈0.5) and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) were grown by an electrochemical method, and their crystallographic, magnetic, and electric properties were studied. All crystals have a hexagonal structure of space group P63mmc. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) have a negative asymptotic Curie temperature suggesting the existence of an antiferromagnetic order; however, they are paramagnetic at temperatures above 1.7 K. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ has an effective magnetic moment Peff of 0.91 μB, while Peff of Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) reflects the large free-ion moment
of the rare earth ions. Ba3(Na, Ce)Ru2O9−δ shows peculiar magnetic behavior that differs from the magnetism of other Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ crystals. The resistivity of all crystals exhibits an activation-type temperature dependence with an activation energy in the range of 0.10.2 eV. 相似文献
Shen Jun Fang Wang Yang-Xian Li Ji-Rong Sun Bao-Gen Shen 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,458(1-2):L6-L8
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of Pr6Co1.67Si3 compound have been investigated by magnetization measurements. The saturation moment at 5 K is found to be 10.7μB. The compound undergoes two magnetic transitions below Curie temperature TC = 48 K and shows a reversible second-order magnetic transition around TC. A magnetic entropy change ΔS = 6.9 J/(kg K) is observed for a magnetic field change from 0 to 5 T. The full width at half maximum of the ΔS peak is found to be about 38 K. 相似文献
J.M. Heintz L. Rabardel M. Al Qaraoui M. Alami Talbi R. Brochu G. Le Flem 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》1997,250(1-2):515-519
Materials with the general formula MxZr2(PO4)3 are known to possess low coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE). The present work investigates the thermal properties of new composite materials issued from the decomposition at high temperature of Ln1/3Zr2(PO4)3 (Ln=La, Gd). The decomposition process was studied and showed that the resulting powder was a LnPO4, Zr2P2O9 and ZrO2 mixture. Composite materials made of that mixture were sintered and characterized. The effect of sintering aids such as ZnO was considered. Final densities of the composites were about 90% of theoretical density and these materials presented low CTE in the 10−6 °C−1 range. 相似文献
The crystal structure of the U–Ni binary compound previously designated U5Ni7 was studied by X-ray single crystal diffraction showing that the exact formula is U11Ni16. Uranium and nickel atoms are distributed respectively on 5 and 6 Wyckoff positions of the trigonal space group R
(n° 148), and the unit-cell dimensions in the hexagonal setting are: a=11.7786(4) Å, c=20.7485(8) Å. Magnetisation measurements indicate itinerant ferromagnetism below Tc=33 K for U11Ni16. 相似文献