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本文通过实验研究了非牛顿流体CMC水溶液-Air中的单气泡行为,并重点考察了操作条件,液体性质,通过型式等因素的影响,结果表明:操作条件、液体性质对气泡的形态、小及其运动均有直接影响,通过型式对气泡形态的影响并不明显;体非牛顿性的增强,气泡间的聚并加剧。  相似文献   

非牛顿流体广泛存在于各学科领域(如化工、食品和生物医学等),也与许多工业过程及人类的生命过程密切相关。非牛顿流体中的气泡行为直接影响流体传质、传热及化学过程的快慢。因此,了解和研究非牛顿流体中的气泡行为具有重要意义。本文分别从气泡生成、聚并和破裂3个方面对非牛顿流体中气泡行为的研究进展进行评述。  相似文献   

易妍妍  王智慧  杨超  毛在砂  王启宝 《化工学报》2015,66(11):4335-4341
气泡生成过程中气液传质是气液接触设备的设计、优化的重要参考指标。以二氧化碳气泡在羧甲基纤维素钠(carboxymethyl cellulose,CMC)溶液中生成过程中的传质为研究对象,分别考察了气速、CMC溶液浓度、针头直径对气泡生成过程气液传质的影响,采用具有CCD显微相机的动态接触角分析仪测量了气泡形状、表面积和体积的变化,进而获得气泡生成过程气液传质系数kl。实验结果表明,CMC浓度从0.2%增加到0.8%,黏度逐渐增大,传质系数随CMC浓度的增大而增大;针头直径从2.5 mm增加到4 mm,传质系数也随之增大;气速从1 ml·min-1增加到9 ml·min-1,传质系数也逐渐增大。  相似文献   

采用VOF-CSF法模拟研究了幂律型非牛顿流体中双喷嘴气泡的生成及聚并行为,得到稳定状态下3种不同的气泡流型:1两喷嘴处的气泡在生成过程中发生聚并;2两喷嘴处的气泡交替生成并发生在线聚并;3两喷嘴处的气泡几乎同时生成,在上升过程中由相互吸引变为相互排斥,无聚并现象发生。第1、2种流型中,先前生成气泡的尾流会对正在生成的气泡产生显著影响,使气泡倾向液体流动的方向生成;第3种流型中,气泡间因涡流重叠面积的不同和液相惯性力作用,在上升过程中由开始的相互吸引逐渐变为相互排斥。  相似文献   

CO2气泡群在液相中的传质在化工过程中广泛存在.对CO2气泡群在3种不同流体(牛顿流体、非弹性剪切变稀流体和黏弹性剪切变稀流体)中的气液传质过程进行了研究.利用CO2探针测定了不同操作条件下CO2的体积传质系数,考察了液相浓度,气体流量以及流变性质对体积传质系数的影响.结果表明:在3种流体中,体积传质系数均随气体流量的...  相似文献   

激光成像技术在气泡生成行为研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对液相中单喷嘴的气泡生成过程,采用激光成像技术结合电荷耦合器件(Charge Coupling Device, CCD)摄像机照相方法研究了甘油水溶液中的气泡生成行为,结果表明该法能够获得清晰的二维气泡放大图像. 考察了溶液浓度、气室体积、喷嘴直径和气体流量对气泡分离体积的影响,发现气泡分离体积分别随着溶液浓度和气室体积的增大而增大;在所研究的喷嘴直径(1, 1.5和2 mm)范围内,气泡分离体积随着喷嘴直径的增大而减小;气体流量对气泡分离体积的影响与喷嘴直径有关,当喷嘴直径为1和1.5 mm时,气泡分离体积随着气体流量的升高而增大,但当喷嘴直径为2 mm时,气泡分离体积随着气体流量的升高先减小后增大.  相似文献   

On the basis of Navier-Stockes equation and convection-diffusion equation, combined with surface ten-sion and penetration models, the equations of moment and mass transfer between bubble and the ambient non-Newtonian liquid were established. The formation of a single bubble from a submersed nozzle of 1.0 mm di-ameter and the mass transfer from an artificially fixed bubble into the ambient liquid were simulated by the volume- of-fluid (VOF) method. Good agreement between simulation results and experimental data confirmed the validity of the numerical method. Furthermore, the concentration distribution around rising bubbles in shear thinning non-Newtonian fluid was simulated. When the process of a single ellipsoidal bubble with the bubble deformation rate below 2.0 rises, the concentration distribution is a single-tail in the bubble’s wake, but it is fractal when the bubble deformation rate is greater than 2.0. For the overtaking of two in-line rising bubbles, the concentration dis-tribution area between two bubbles broadens gradually and then coalescence occurs. The bifurcation of concentra-tion distribution appears in the rear of the resultant bubble.  相似文献   

以拟塑性羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)水溶液作为非牛顿流体,对在线上升气泡的聚并规律进行了研究。利用光电信号采集系统测定了不同高度的气泡聚并分布规律,分析了气体速度及流体性质等因素对聚并规律的影响。结果表明,在测量高度和实验气速范围内,随着高度升高,在高气速下,气泡聚并率减小,在低气速下,则先增大后减小。2种情况下,达到一定高度后均趋于恒定;在一定高度下,达到一定气速后,气泡聚并率变化较小;中低气速下,聚并率随CMC质量分数增大而减小,而在高气速下,CMC质量分数变化对聚并率影响较小。  相似文献   

实验测定了低气速下CO2气泡群在牛顿流体、剪切变稀流体及黏弹性流体中的气含率。讨论了流体的流变性、质量分数及表观气速对气含率的影响。结果表明:在3种不同性质的流体中,气含率均随表观气速的增大而增大。同时发现流体性质对气含率具有不同的影响:对于牛顿流体,表观气速较低时,质量分数对气含率影响可忽略;对于非牛顿流体,气含率随着流动指数n的减小而减小,即剪切变稀效应对气含率有负作用,而黏弹性对气含率的影响可忽略。气含率是气液传质过程设计中最重要的参数,因此研究结果为进一步研究CO2气泡群在非牛顿流体中的传质奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

A self-developed laser image measurement system was established to study the behavior of bubble formation at a single orifice in non-Newtonian polyacrylamide (PAAm) solutions. Images of bubbles were captured by a CCD camera and volumes of bubbles were digitally analyzed online. The effects of rheological property of PAAm solution, orifice, reservoir, and gas flowrate on bubble formation were studied experimentally. It is found that the volume of bubble increases with the concentration of PAAm solution, the diameter of the orifice, and the gas flowrate, respectively, whereas little effect of reservoir is observed in experiments.  相似文献   

A theoretical model has been developed for heat transfer in bubble column and airlift bioreactors, which is applicable for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fermentation media. The proposed model is based on a similarity between heat transfer in gas-sparged pneumatic reactors and turbulent natural convection. The applicability of the proposed model was discussed using a wide range of experimental data, and good agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model for the liquid phase in bubble columns is developed. The proposed model for fully developed turbulent Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids is based on an energy balance and the mixing length theory. The predictions of the model are in reasonably good agreement with data on liquid velocity at the column axis and the axial dispersion coefficient. The liquid velocity data in an inverted conical bottom gas—liquid column contactor have also been measured. They are correlated by the proposed model reasonably well.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed for modelling the non-spherical bubble formation at an orifice submerged in non-Newtonian fluids under constant flowrate conditions. The equations of motion are, respectively, the radial expansion and vertical ascension of the bubble interface. They are combined with the thermodynamic equations for the gas in the bubble and the chamber below the orifice as well as the fluid rheological equation. In particular, the influence of in-line interactions between bubbles due to the fluid memory effects of the viscoelastic characteristics is taken into account for the first time. The present model is able to compute the instantaneous growing shape of the bubble during its formation and determine the final size of detachment as well as the frequency of bubble formation. The values predicted by this model compare satisfactorily with the experimental results obtained under different operating conditions.  相似文献   

微流体技术良好的可控性为制备均一可控的微液滴提供了新的途径,而非牛顿流体因广泛的应用而受到关注。综述了近年来剪切变稀和黏弹性两类典型非牛顿流体中液滴生成机理的研究进展。围绕流动聚焦型和T型微通道两种典型微通道构型,介绍了非牛顿流体分别作为分散相和连续相时液滴生成过程的界面演化动力学,并与牛顿流体液滴生成过程进行了对比,分析了剪切变稀特性和弹性对主液滴和卫星液滴生成的影响。展望了非牛顿流体液滴生成过程待解决的关键科学问题,为进一步的模拟和实验研究提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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