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为了避免运动学参数误差辨识中存在参数不连续、计算收敛速度慢的现象,基于一种6参数模型,在DH(Denavit-Hartenberg)法建立的杆件坐标系上建立了6R串联机器人的误差模型,并给出了参数转化公式.设计了计算机仿真实验,在存在驱动器、测量仪器随机噪声误差的条件下对比了使用MDH(改进DH)参数误差模型和6参数模型的仿真辨识效果.6参数模型和MDH模型辨识后定位平均误差分别降低了96.1%和52.9%.结果显示6参数模型具有良好的完备性、连续性.6参数模型的误差参数范围可以从制造公差中得出,辨识速度高于MDH模型,通过公差控制参数范围,消除了没有达到极小性要求对误差辨识的影响.应用此方法对一台SR165型机器人进行参数辨识,定位平均误差由2.5 mm降低至0.35 mm.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach for calibration of dead reckoning process. Using the well-known UMBmark (University of Michigan Benchmark) is not sufficient for a desirable calibration of dead reckoning. Besides, existing calibration methods, usually require explicit measurement of actual motion of the robot. Some recent methods, use the smart encoder trailer or long range finder sensors such as ultrasonic or laser range finders for automatic calibration. Manual measurement is necessary in the case of the robots that are not equipped with long range detectors or such smart encoder trailer. Our proposed approach, uses an environment map that is created by fusion of proximity data, in order to calibrate the odometry error automatically. In the new approach, the systematic part of the error is adaptively estimated and compensated by an efficient and incremental maximum likelihood algorithm. Actually, environment map data are fused with the odometry and current sensory data in order to acquire the maximum likelihood estimation. The advantages of the proposed approach are demonstrated in some experiments with Khepera robot. It is shown that the amount of pose estimation error is reduced by a percentage of more than 80%.  相似文献   

It is known that a behavior-based control approach is effective for acquiring an intelligent control system of robots. However, further improvements are required for making any behavior-based control system robust against changes in the environments. A module learning method has been applied in the framework of fuzzy behavior-based control to have an adaptive behavioral fusion. In this paper, an adaptive fusion strategy is proposed to adaptively select a cooperative fusion unit or competitive fusion unit, depending on the external sensor information. Some simulations are given to illustrate that the present control systems are flexible against the change of environments or untrained environments, compared to those with a conventional priority-based fusion unit.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider trajectory tracking control of a head raising snake robot on a flat plane by using kinematic redundancy. We discuss the motion control requirements to accomplish trajectory tracking and other tasks, such as singular configuration avoidance and obstacle avoidance, for the snake robot. The features of the internal motion caused by kinematic redundancy are considered, and a kinematic model and a dynamic model of the snake robot are derived by introducing two types of shape controllable point. The first is the head shape controllable point, and the other is the base shape controllable point. We analyzed the features of the two kinds of shape controllable point and proposed a controller to accomplish the trajectory tracking of the robot’s head as its main task along with several sub-tasks by using redundancy. The proposed method to accomplish several sub-tasks is useful for both the kinematic model and the dynamic model. Experimental results using a head raising snake robot which can control the angular velocity of its joints show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

Modelling and reducing uncertainty are two essential problems with mobile robot localisation. Previously we developed a robot localisation system, namely, the Gaussian Mixture of Bayes with Regularised Expectation Maximisation (GMB-REM), which introduced the sensor selection technique. GMB-REM allows a robot"s position to be modelled as a probability distribution and uses Bayes" theorem to reduce the uncertainty of its location. A new sensor selection technique incorporated with sensor fusion is introduced in this paper. Actually the new technique is realised by incorporating with the sensor fusion scheme. Empirical results show that the new system outperforms the previous GMB-REM with sensor selection alone. More specifically, we illustrate that the new technique is able to considerably constrain the error of a robot"s position.  相似文献   

为了利用”凝视视觉几何约束”的信息来确定移动机器人的位置和方位角,就需要解决数据融合的问题。”几何约束”不是来自真实传感器的直接可测量的数据,这种特殊形式的信息不能被直接融合。为此目的,该文提出了一种融合特殊形式信息的新途径,也即利用”软传感器”的方法来融合来自”几何约束”的信息。软传感器的输出与其它真实传感器的输出一起经过扩展信息滤波器最终实现融合。文中最后提供了利用该方法进行移动机器人定位的计算机仿真例子。仿真结果表明了软传感器信息融合方法的可行性和有效性。软传感器可以广泛应用在很多类似的信息融合问题中。  相似文献   

Skid-steered mobile robots are widely used because of their simple mechanism and high reliability. Understanding the kinematics and dynamics of such a robotic platform is, however, challenging due to the complex wheel/ground interactions and kinematic constraints. In this paper, we develop a kinematic modeling scheme to analyze the skid-steered mobile robot. Based on the analysis of the kinematics of the skid-steered mobile robot, we reveal the underlying geometric and kinematic relationships between the wheel slips and locations of the instantaneous rotation centers. As an application example, we also present how to utilize the modeling and analysis for robot positioning and wheel slip estimation using only low-cost strapdown inertial measurement units. The robot positioning and wheel slip-estimation scheme is based on an extended Kalman filter (EKF) design that incorporates the kinematic constraints for accuracy enhancement. The performance of the EKF-based positioning and wheel slip-estimation scheme are also presented. The estimation methodology is tested and validated experimentally on a robotic test bed.  相似文献   

采用时间测量以估计节点位置的方法实现简单,在传感网中得到了广泛的使用。然而节点计时时钟存在漂移和偏离,导致时间测量不准确。为此文本以节点时钟漂移和偏离模型为基础,提出了一种时间同步和节点定位的联合线性估计方法,包括最小平方(LS)及权重最小平方(WLS)方法。仿真测试了所设计算法的运行时间,分析了噪声对联合估计方法的估计误差影响。结果表明,LS及WLS线性估计方法运算速度较半正定(SDP)算法快,在低噪声条件下LS及WLS线性估计方法具有较高的稳定性和定位精度。  相似文献   

This paper considers the design of minimal mean square error (MMSE) transceivers in a wireless sensor network. The problem is nonconvex and challenging, and previous results (with partial solutions and/or with convergence unproved) left much to be desired. Here we propose several approaches – 2 block coordinate descent (BCD), essentially cyclic multi-block method and its variants and distributive method to solve this problem. The proposed 2-BCD approach formulates the subproblem of joint beamformer optimization as a general second-order cone programming problem, which lends itself to standard numerical solvers and which requires no extra assumptions like previous works do. The proposed essentially cyclic multi-block approach further decomposes the joint beamformer design subproblem into multiple blocks, and rigorously solves each with semi-closed-form solution. The distributive algorithm optimizes transmitters in a decentralized manner and has never been considered in existing literature. The distributive algorithm has time complexity independent of number of sensors and is especially suitable for large-scale networks. All the previous BCD-based approaches left some singularity issue unattended as well as the convergence property unaddressed, our proposals are the first to provide a complete and provably-converging analytical solution. Extensive analysis and simulations demonstrate the merits of the novel approaches relative to existing alternatives.  相似文献   

针对雷达、声纳、移动通信等系统中对多个目标方位、速度与距离等信息同步提取的要求,文章通过对原始数据的时延补偿等处理,构造了具有时移旋转不变性的一组虚拟相关矩阵,提出了一种基于空时扩展虚拟传感器阵列的二维方位角、多普勒频率和相对时延联合估计的新方法。该方法对于噪声不敏感,可应用于低信噪比环境,具有较高的估计精度,且无需谱峰搜索,各参数在求解过程中自然配对,理论可同时处理的目标数目超过系统阵元数限制。算法对于传感器阵列的结构无特殊限制,可应用于任意常见阵列如均匀方阵、“L”阵、圆阵等等,具有很好的理论价值以及应用前景。理论分析与计算机仿真实验都证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

编码式传感器应用于精密测量时,由于旋转轴的晃动可能引起传感器输出波形的抖动,从而导致计数错误。文章从波形分析入手,提出了一种基于纯软件编程的方法,解决了上述问题,简化了电路设计。  相似文献   

针对里程计在定位过程中存在累积误差的问题,建立了一种通用的移动机器人里程计误差模型,对里程计误差进行实时反馈补偿.在利用激光雷达进行环境特征提取过程中,根据激光雷达原始数据存在的误差,建立了激光雷达的观测误差模型,并根据环境特征和机器人的相对位置关系,建立了移动机器人观测模型.最后,结合里程计和激光雷达误差模型,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)实现了基于环境特征跟踪的移动机器人定位.实验结果验证了里程计和激光雷达误差模型的引入,在增加较短定位时间的情况下,可以有效地提高移动机器人的定位精度.  相似文献   

一般7R串联机器人标定的仿真与实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王品  廖启征  庄育锋  魏世民 《机器人》2006,28(5):483-487
为了标定一般7R冗余度串联机器人的所有几何参数,提出了一种实效的算法.首先,使用D-H矩阵对机器人建立了运动学模型和几何参数识别模型,对雅可比矩阵进行奇异值分解并对分解后的正交阵的最后5行进行初等行变换,以确定需要补偿的几何参数.通过机器人关节角和末端手爪位置的测量数据,计算雅可比矩阵以及手爪位置理论值和实测值的误差,采用最小二乘法对机器人的尺寸参数进行补偿量的计算.仿真过程表明,在有测量扰动的情况下,算法是稳定的和可靠的.最后,对机器人进行了实际的测量和标定,取得了满意的结果.  相似文献   

鉴于阵元位置误差会严重影响MUSIC算法的测向性能,基于W-F方法的思想给出了一种基于辅助阵元的阵元位王误差和信源方位联合估计算法.该算法可看作是W-F方法的一种变形,因为它仍以交替迭代的方式给出,其目标函数建立在信号子空间性质的基础上,并且可推广应用于任意阵列流型.同时本文推导了各个参数估计的克拉美罗下界(CRLB),仿真结果验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

轮式移动机器人在圆形管道中的运动学建模与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋章军  陈恳  杨向东 《机器人》2006,28(6):636-641
为解决圆形管道中轮式移动机器人的运动控制问题,分析了轮式移动机器人在圆形管道中的运动学特性.借助接触点的切平面,单个轮子在平面上的位置和运动描述方法被应用在圆管的柱面上.推导了单个轮子在柱面上纯滚动时轮心的轨迹和速度.运用刚体运动瞬时螺旋理论,对由两个固定轮和一个舵轮组成的(1,1)型三轮机器人在圆形管道中的运动进行了建模分析,并对此运动学模型进行了仿真.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - This paper investigates an event-triggered fusion estimation problem for a class of discrete-time nonlinear stochastic systems with...  相似文献   

针对大型协作环境中移动机器人的全局定位问题,提出根据机器人车载传感器、环境传感器以及其他机器人的实时数据估计移动机器人的位置。首先,提出的方法整合大量不同类型传感器,从最简单传感器到最复杂传感器;然后,考虑了测量值数量可变、通用测角测量、受容错约束的测量统计知识等约束条件,将非线性边界误差估计问题看作一种反演集合。最后处理特定类型的异常值和不精确环境下的模型误差。完成了误差和异常值的处理,就基本上获得了定位图,解决了移动机器人的定位问题。提出的方法利用实物实验进行验证。测试区域装备有多个传感器、固定在墙顶部的摄像机以及位于机器人上的可见标记。实验结果表明提出的方法在协作环境中具有明显优势,处理异常值更加可靠。  相似文献   

本文针对CDMA系统,提出使用DSP器件ADSP21160实现对感兴趣用户的波达方向和多径时延进行联合估计的算法。该算法是对传统MUSIC方法的推广与变形,克服了要求接收信号数小于阵元数的局限,能有效估计时延不同、波达方向相差很小的多径信号的参数。  相似文献   

本文针对CDMA系统,提出使用DSP器件ADSP21160实现对感兴趣用户的波达方向和多径时延进行联合估计的算法.该算法是对传统MUSIC方法的推广与变形,克服了要求接收信号数小于阵元数的局限,能有效估计时延不同、波达方向相差很小的多径信号的参数.  相似文献   

针对健康服务机器人室内导航的应用需求,设计出一种基于STM32F429的嵌入式导航视觉传感器,内嵌500万像素CMOS图像传感器和拥有高性能无线SOC的ESP8266,此次开发的视觉传感器,不是一般的CMOS图像传感器,而是综合了图像感知,图像处理,无线通信,节电唤醒等等功能于一体的智能化微型装置,即眼睛加大脑。经测试,本导航视觉传感器能够以每秒3次的速度向服务机器人发送位置,完全满足室内移动机器人的移动需求。  相似文献   

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