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The Power Supply System of Ion Source for NBI   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The power supply system of ion source for the Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak is based on a single injector with one ion source that can deliver 700 kW of neutral beam power. Experiments and a discharges test on the ion source were successfully performed. In this paper, the circuit structures and features of every power supply are described and the results of the discharges test are presented.  相似文献   

A radio frequency positive ion source employing a non-magnetic analyzer is proposed with the eventual purpose to overcome the difficulties involved in confining, extracting and filtering ion beams.  相似文献   

An inductively coupled radio frequency ion source has been developed and its extraction characteristics measured. Beam current density up to 0.11 mA/ cm2 was obtained with argon at a rf discharge power of about 140 W. The dependences of ion beam on the discharge parameters such as rf source power, gas pressure and gas flow rate was studied.  相似文献   

In the ITER heating Neutral Beam Injector (NBI), a High Voltage air-insulated platform (named High Voltage Deck, HVD) will be installed to host the Ion Source and Extractor Power supply system and associated diagnostics referred to ?1 MV DC potential. All power and control cables are routed from the HVD via a feedthrough (HV bushing) to the gas insulated transmission line which feeds the Injector.The paper focuses on insulation and mechanical issues for both HVD and HV bushing which are very special components, far from the present industrial standards as far as voltage (?1 MV DC) and dimensions are concerned. For this purpose, a preliminary design of the HVD has been carried out as concerns the mechanical structure and external shield. Then, the structure has been verified with a seismic analysis applying the seismic load excitation specified for the ITER construction site (Cadarache) and carrying out verifications according to relevant international standards. As regards the HV bushing design, proposals for the complex inner conductor structure and for interfaces to the HVD and transmission line are outlined; alternative installation layouts (aside or underneath the HVD) are compared from both mechanical and electrical points of view.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Power law distribution is widely observed in nature. In the early years, power law distribution was studied by G. K. Zipf in words' frequency distribution of human language [1]. It shows that, if arranging the frequencies of words with a decay rank, the relationship between the frequencies and the ranks of the words correspond to the power law as follows where, P(r) is the word frequency, and r is the rank of the word. α is usually called Zipf's exponential or power exponenti…  相似文献   

The gyro oscillators or simply gyrotrons are used in a variety of applications where high electromagnetic power is required at millimeter/submillimeter wave frequencies. The research on the gyrotron microwave tube was initiated by the demand of high power, high frequency electromagnetic wave source in the magnetically confined plasma fusion application. Since the initial phase of gyrotron development, new thrust areas have been explored by the several research groups. The gyrotron shows several unique advantages as a high power source compare to the other millimeter/submillimeter wave sources either semiconductor based devices or vacuum based tube devices. At present gyrotron is used successfully in the field of plasma heating, plasma diagnosis, medical spectroscopy, material processing, whether monitoring etc. discussed in detail in this article. Several new fields of technology like security, metal joining, planetary defense etc. are under exploration for the futuristic use of gyrotron. In this review article, the applications of gyrotron, various issues remained in the further modification of the device, global scenario of the gyrotron development are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

为适应强流回旋加速器综合实验装置强流束调束需求,开展了对射频系统中功率源的末级谐振放大器的研制。功率源末级谐振放大器采用阴极驱动模式的三级真空电子管作为核心放大器件,充分地考虑了输入阻抗、输出调谐和输出耦合的调节需求,通过射频电路仿真和三维电磁场仿真等手段实现了对末级谐振放大器各参数的仿真。网络分析仪对末级谐振放大器的各项参数的测量表明:制造结果与设计参数高度一致;示波器对末级谐振放大器进行实验测试表明:8h假负载考验中功率稳定度好于1%,输出效率达70%,可为强流回旋加速器综合实验装置强流束调试提供射频功率的技术支持。  相似文献   

A control model of gas supply system is introduced for ion source and an adaptive discrete-time control algorithm to regulate the hydrogen injection. A real-time feedback control system (RFCS) is designed to control the gas supply for ion source based on the control model and the discrete-time control algorithm. The experimental results have proved that RFCS could regulate the gas supply smoothly, suppress the arc's abrupt over-current at the end of the ion source discharging, prolong the discharge pulse and stabilize the ion concentration. With RFCS, the ion source for neutral beam injection has reached its longest pulse with a length of 4.5 seconds in a stable status.  相似文献   

离子回旋共振加热是EAST超导托卡马克核聚变实验中重要的辅助加热手段。高性能的高功率射频放大器阳极电源对整个加热系统的稳定运行起重要作用。本工作设计了基于脉冲阶梯调制(PSM)技术的阳极电源及其控制保护系统,通过采集电源的实验数据对电源的设计进行了验证。实验结果证明,本阳极电源的设计和参数选择均是合理正确的,电源的开通和关断以及控制保护的数据指标完全达到设计要求。  相似文献   

An Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRF) system with a radio frequency (RF) power of 4×1.5 MW was developed for the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST).High RF power transmitters were designed as a part of the research and development (R&D) for an ICRF system with long pulse operation at megawatt levels in a frequency range of 25 MHz to 70 MHz.Studies presented in this paper cover the following parts of the high power transmitter:the three staged high power amplifier,which is composed of a 5kW wideband solid state amplifier,a 100kW tetrode drive stage amplifier and a 1.5MW tetrode final stage amplifier,and the DC high voltage power supply (HVPS).Based on engineering design and static examinations,the RF transmitters were tested using a matched dummy load where an RF output power of 1.5MW was achieved.The transmitters provide 6MW RF power in primary phase and will reach a level up to 12MW after a later upgrade.The transmitters performed successfully in stable operations in EAST and HT-7 devices.Up to 1.8MW of RF power was injected into plasmas in EAST ICRF heating experiments during the 2010 autumn campaign and plasma performance was greatly improved.  相似文献   

The development, characteristics and emittance of the Penning discharge ion source used in the Cosmotron injector are described. The maximum value of brightness reported is 3 × 1012 mA cm-2 rad-2 at 78 mA total current, 23 keV beam energy. The results are superior to recent values for duoplasmatrons from various laboratories, except for total current.  相似文献   

正High-power irradiation accelerator has been widely used in food disinfection,sterilization,preservation and so on.High-power electronic irradiation accelerator is a comprehensive mechanical and electrical equipment,and it includes electronic gun,acceleration cavity,100 MHz high-frequency power source system,accelerator  相似文献   

本文对强流质子回旋加速器射频功率源固态放大组合与电子管末级间的功率稳定性进行了研究和分析,针对实验中表现出来的不稳定现象进行了计算和仿真。结果表明,灯丝在室温和运行状态下所导致的级间电压驻波比系数(VSWR)分别为1.06和6.89;末级输入调节电容随平行板电容间距变化过于剧烈。通过阻抗匹配仿真、三维电磁场仿真及实验研究解决了由灯丝阻抗变化导致的末级输入端VSWR过大问题,并将输入调节电容的敏感度由每0.5 mm改变10 pF降至每5 mm改变1 pF。  相似文献   

The oscillator described in the text generates a frequency program which sweeps between 4 - 13.7 MHz with an initial df/dt of 172 MHz/sec and a final df/dt of 420 kHz/sec. This program is stable within 0.025% of the required value. FM noise on the order of 800 cps peak-to-peak appears on the first part of the program and reduces to less than 250 cps p - p near the end. A second rf output is provided which sweeps 1 MHz above the 4 - 14 output to be used with beam monitoring equipment employing a 1 MHz heterodyne technique. Both rf outputs employ AGC loops to maintain 2vpp across 125?.  相似文献   

针对强流双潘宁离子源等离子体发生器电源系统的特殊要求,介绍了灯丝电源和弧电源的组成及其作用,并对其主电路设计思路进行了相关的分析。离子源等离子体放电实验结果表明,该套等离子体电源系统达到了设计指标要求。  相似文献   

离子源是中性束注入器(Neutral Beam Injector,NBI)的关键子系统之一,根据射频离子源的实验和运行需求,本文设计了一套基于物理实验与工业控制系统(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System,EPICS)架构的控制程序,实现对射频离子源实验和调试过程的远程监控功能。NBI射频离子源控制程序通过集成开发平台(Control System Studio,CSS)的交互界面开发模块(Best OPI Yet,BOY)实现友好的人机交互界面,使用Jython实现界面逻辑,支持服务器/客户端和EPICS两种通信架构。程序已经上线近半年,实验表明,射频离子源控制程序具备了放电模式设置、时序幅值设置、设备状态实时监控、采集数据实时波形显示等功能,满足了射频离子源实验的远程控制和数据可视化的需求。  相似文献   

中性束注入器抑制极电源技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中性束注入(NBI)器抑制极电源是中性束电源系统的组成部分,输出电压能根据实验情况在1~5kV内可调且脉冲式输出,脉冲波形的前后沿时间不大于20μs。采用串联谐振变换技术和移相脉宽调制技术设计高压直流平台,然后使用真空四极管进行调制,满足波形上的参数需要。对有关主电路和控制方法进行了分析说明。初步实验证明该设计调整性能好,抗过载与短路能力增强,能在脉冲负载状态下运行,具有较好的NBI实验应用前景。  相似文献   

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