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1 . INTRODUCTIONInactualrivers ,theriverbediscommonlycoveredbyvegetation .Thevegetationinriversplaysanimportantroleontheenvironmentalfunc tionoftherivers,thatis,theamenitytohumanlife ,livingspaceformanylives ,purificationofwaterqualityandsoon .However ,thevegetationinriversalsoplaysakeyroleonthecarryingca pacityofachannelwithfloodplains .Therefore ,thehydraulicsoftheflowwithvegetationshouldbemoreimprovedorrefined .Logicalexplanationandaccurateevaluationaboutturbulentflowinopenchannelwith…  相似文献   

植物对明渠流速分布影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用圆柱铝棒模拟刚性植物进行水槽试验,利用激光流速仪LDV对含非淹没、淹没植物明渠流场进行了测量,对模拟植物淹没度、密度对流速分布的影响进行了研究.分析表明,植物非淹没条件下的平均流速可以表示为流量、渠宽、水深和植物密度的函数;植物淹没条件下,很难用统一的函数描述平均流速沿水深的分布,植物层上部和内部与顶部处的流速偏离有随淹没度、密度的增大而增大的规律,相同宽深比条件下,含淹没植物明渠和无植物明渠相比,最大流速位置前者高于后者,植物“抬高床面”或是减小了有效宽深比的作用.  相似文献   

A RNG numerical model together with a laboratory measurement with Micro ADV are adopted to investigate the flow through a 180o curved open channel(a 4 m straight inflow section,a 180o curved section,and a 4m straight outflow section)partially covered with rigid vegetations on its inner bank.Under the combined action of the vegetation and the bend flow,the flow structure is complex.The stream-wise velocities in the vegetation region are much smaller than those in the non-vegetation region due to the retardation caused by the vegetation.For the same reason,no clear circulation is found in the vegetated region,while in the non-vegetation region,a slight counter-rotating circulation is found near the outer bank at both 90o and downstream curved cross-sections.A comparison between the numerical prediction and the laboratory measurement shows that the RNG model can well predict the flow structure of the bend flow with vegetation.Furthermore,the shear stress is analyzed based on the numerical prediction.The much smaller value in the inner vegetated region indicates that the vegetation can effectively protect the river bank from scouring and erosion,in other words,the sediment is more likely to be deposited in the vegetation region.  相似文献   


Aquatic vegetation can influence the transport of sediment and contaminants by changing the mean velocity and turbulent flow structure in channels. It is important to understand the hydraulics of the flows over vegetation in order to manage fluvial processes. Experiments in an open-channel flume with natural vegetation were carried out to study the influence of vegetation on the flows. In a half channel with two different densities of vegetation, the flow velocity, Reynolds stresses, and turbulence intensities were measured using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). We obtained velocity profiles in the lateral direction, Reynolds stresses in the vertical direction, and the flow transition between the vegetated and non-vegetated zones in different flow regimes. The results show that the streamwise velocity in the vegetated zone with higher density is almost entirely blocked. Reynolds stress distribution distinguishes with two different regions: inside and above the vegetation canopies. The turbulence intensities increase with increasing Reynolds number. The coherent vortices dominate the vertical transport of momentum and are advected clockwise between the vegetated zone and non-vegetated zone by secondary currents (a relatively minor flow superimposed on the primary flow, with significantly different speed and direction), generated by the anisotropy of the turbulence.  相似文献   

The article summarizes previous studies on the flow in open channels with rigid vegetation, and constructs a mathematical model for submerged and emerged rigid vegetation. The model involves the forces balance in the control volume in one-dimensional steady uniform flow. For submerged vegetation, the whole flow is divided into four regions: external region, upper vegetated region, transition region and viscous region. According to the Karman similarity theory, the article improves the mixing length expression, and then gives an analytical solution to predict the vertical distribution of stream-wise velocity in the external region. For emerged vegetation, the flow is divided into two region: outer region and viscous region. In the two circumstances, the thicknesses of each region are determined respectively. The comparison between the calculated results and our experimental data and other researchers' data proves that the proposed model is effective.  相似文献   

Steady water surface profile of gradually varied flow can be calculated using ei-ther a steady flow approach or an unsteady flow approach. The steady flow approach requires it-erative procedures which may have convergence problems unless the step size 1x is less than amaximum value △x. The unsteady flow approach based on the explicit characteristic method hasa stability problem unless △x is less than △x. A series of numerical experiments were carried outand the results of two approaches are compared.  相似文献   

THELARGEEDDYSIMULATIONOFSTRONGLYCURVEDOPENCHANNELFLOW¥ZhouFa-yi(Dept.ofCivilEngrg.,DalianUniversityofTechnology,Dalian116023,...  相似文献   

An experiment concerning the sound propaga-tion in aerated open channel flow was designed and conductedin a variable slope chute. The acquisition of sound data wasdone by the hydro-phones installed into the bottom wall of thechute. The data were analyzed and processed by the tape re-corder and a 3562A analyzer. The primary experimetal resultsindicated that the sound speed in aerated flow is varied with the air concentration and highly lower than each of the soundspeed in pure water or air. As released by the derived theoryformula, the minimum sound of 24m/s in aerated flow hap-pened when the air concentration achieved to 50%. This resultshows that the compressibility of high speed aerated flowshould be considered when the air concentration is near to50%. A criterion of compressibility of high speed aerated flowwas also giv. En in this paper.  相似文献   

By considering that the coherent structure is the main cause of the Reynolds stress, a new Reynolds stress expression was given. On this basis the velocity distribution in the trapezoid-section open channel flow was worked out with the pseudo-spectral method. The results were compared with experimental data and the influence of the ratio of length to width of the cross-section and the lateral inclination on the velocity distribution was analyzed. This model can be used the large flux in rivers and open channes.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONInthedesignofanovertoppedrock--filldam,oneofthemajortasksistodecidethesizeofthedownstreamprotection.Theovertoppedrock--filldamismadeofporousmedia,thereforethewaterwillpenetrateintothedamfromtheupperfaceandemergeoutofitfromthelowerpart,whileitflowsoverthedam.Hence,theprotectionissubjectedtotheactionofboththeoverflowandtheseepageflow,andneitherofthemcanbenegligible.Inthiscase,theflowfieldconsistsoftwoparts:theopenflowandtheseepageflow,whichhavedifferentproperties.Infact,forthe…  相似文献   

The formulae for average velocity of groundw-ater flow in a single fracture were derived based on the characteristics of fracture properties and hydraulic methods. The results show that the average velocity is proportional to the square root of the hydraulic gradient. In order to verify the results, a laboratory model was established, and the experimental data were analyzed. Experimental results indicate that the relation between the average velocity and hydraulic gradient is nonlinear, and can be fitted with power functions. And for both the unconfined and confined flows, the value of the exponent of power functions are close to 0. 5. Thus the experimental results agree well with those from the theoretical analysis. By comparing the calculated and measured values of the average velocity under the same conditions, the formulae presented herein are more effective than the traditional formula based on Darcy's Law. These results provide the evidences of non-Dar-cy's flow in single fracture.  相似文献   

Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the flow structure of open channels and thus changes the fate and the transport of sediment. This article proposes a three-dimensional turbulence model by introducing vegetation density and drag force into the control equations of water flow in the presence of vegetation. The model was used to calculate the impacts of submerged vegetation on the vertical profiles of longitudinal flow velocities, the changes of the depth-averaged flow velocities in a compound channel with emergent vegetation in the floodplain, the removal of suspended sediment from the channels by emergent vegetation, and the bed changes around and in a vegetated island. Numerical investigations show that aquatic vegetation retards flow in the vegetation zone, reduces the sediment transport capacity, and contributes to erosion on both sides of the vegetated island. Calculated results agree well with experimental results.  相似文献   

A model that incorporates the important phenomena in the annular gas-water flow through the Venturi tube is presented. A series of experiments are carried out to measure the flow and heat transfer characteristics in cold and hot conditions. Comparison between numerical and experimental results shows good agreement.  相似文献   

l.mThODUCnONInhydraulicengineeringifwaterdischargesfromtheflipbucketatcertainhighspeed,atomizedflowwouldformowingtothespreadingoftheaeratedjetandthesplashingasthisaeratedjetimpingeswiththewaterdownstream.Thisatomizedflowmaythreatenthesafe-tyofthehydraulicengineering,sometimesevencausescertainharm,sincethisflowmightproduceheavyrainaswellasheavyfoginacertainareadownstreamofthedamundertheinfluenceofupstreamwindanddownstreamtopography.Insomehydraulicprojectsonceflooddischargesthereexistsarelativ…  相似文献   

明渠均匀流的摩阻流速及流速分布   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
刘春晶  李丹勋  王兴奎 《水利学报》2005,36(8):0950-0955
在水槽系统上对明渠恒定均匀流进行了系列实验,利用实测流速资料,对明渠均匀流摩阻流速的各种方法(雷诺应力法、对数流速分布法、阻力平衡法等)的计算结果进行了对比,并分析了流速分布。结果表明:(1)利用阻力平衡法计算摩阻流速时应考虑边壁影响;(2)包含尾流函数的对数-尾流公式比单一对数公式可以更好的符合实测数据。用单一对数公式描述垂线流速分布时,应采用较小的Karman常数;(3)现有大量明渠均匀流实测资料中,用常用的Karman常数(x=0.4)时单一对数公式仍可以较好的表示全水深流速分布是因为采用了较大的摩阻流速。  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONTheformationoficecoveronflowingwatergreatlyaltersflowcharacteristics,resultinginthechangeofvelocitydistributionandtheincreaseofflowdepthincomparisonwithfreesurfaceflowwiththesamedischargeduetotheincreasedresistancecausedbyanadditionalsolidboundary.Fromengineeringpointofview,estimationofconveyingcapacityofice--coveredstreams,orcalculationofwatersurfaceprofilealongriverreachwithicecoverisveryoftenrequiredinrivermanagementinvolvingtheoperationofreservoirswhenreleasesbaseduponthe…  相似文献   


Results of several Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation are presented in this article. It is shown that the vegetation can make the flow structure in the mainstream direction uniform for both supercritical and subcritical flows. For subcritical flows, the LES results of the ensemble-average of time-averaged velocity distributions at four vertical sections around a single plant are in good agreement with measurements. The velocity sees double peaks at the upper and lower positions of flows. For supercritical flows, the ensemble-average velocities see some discrepancy between LES and measurement results. Some secondary flow eddies appear near the single plant, and they just locate in the positions of the double peaks in stream-wise velocity profiles. It is also found that the vegetation drag coefficient deceases as the Froude number increases.  相似文献   

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