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一种无线传感器网络拥塞控制机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
无线传感器网络的拥塞会增加网络延迟、降低网络吞吐量、尤其不利于传感器网络的节能。该文提出了一种能量有效的无线传感器网络拥塞控制机制,主要包括逐跳拥塞反馈和速率调节两部分。节点周期性地计算其上游节点发送速率和本地缓冲队列可用空间,并根据一定策略来推测在当前周期内发生拥塞的可能性;拥塞节点的上游节点收到拥塞反馈后根据自身缓冲队列的使用情况来降低速率,此拥塞节点同时向其下游节点申请提高发送速率;基站根据应用要求以闭环方式调节源速率。仿真实验表明,该文的拥塞控制机制不仅能有效地缓解网络拥塞,还保持了网络吞吐量的稳定并具有良好的能源有效性。  相似文献   

This paper examines some issues that affect the efficiency and fairness of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the backbone of Internet protocol communication, in multi-hops satellite network systems. It proposes a scheme that allows satellite systems to automatically adapt to any change in the number of active TCP flows due to handover occurrence, the free buffer size, and the bandwidth–delay product of the network. The proposed scheme has two major design goals: increasing the system efficiency, and improving its fairness. The system efficiency is controlled by matching the aggregate traffic rate to the sum of the link capacity and total buffer size. On the other hand, the system min-max fairness is achieved by allocating bandwidth among individual flows in proportion with their RTTs. The proposed scheme is dubbed Recursive, Explicit, and Fair Window Adjustment (REFWA). Simulation results elucidate that the REFWA scheme substantially improves the system fairness, reduces the number of packet drops, and makes better utilization of the bottleneck link. The results demonstrate also that the proposed scheme works properly in more complicated environments where connections traverse multiple bottlenecks and the available bandwidth may change over data transmission time.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, congestion leads to buffer overflowing, and increases delay. The tradi-tional solutions use rate adjustment to mitigate congestion, thus increasing the delay. A Delay-aware congestion con-trol protocol (DACC) was presented to mitigate congestion and decrease delay. In order to improve the accuracy of the existing congestion detection model which is based on the buffer occupancy of a single node, DACC presents a new model considering both the real-time buffer occupancy and the average transmission time of packets. DACC uses the untapped bits in the IEEE 802.11 Distributed coordination function (DCF) frames header to carry congestion infor-mation. During the congestion alleviation period, DACC presents a channel occupancy mechanism which is based on the real-time buffer occupancy for the purpose of decreas-ing delay and preventing packet loss. Simulation results indicate that in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio, col-lision and buffer load, DACC has comparative advantages than those of 802.11 DCF, Priority-based congestion con-trol protocol (PCCP) and Decoupling congestion control and fairness (DCCF).  相似文献   

针对互联网中端对端带宽、时延和丢包率等的差异性日益加剧,导致TCP传输性能严重退化,该文提出一种链路自适应TCP拥塞控制算法(INVS)。INVS在拥塞避免阶段初期采用基于指数函数的凸窗口增长函数,以提高链路利用率;在窗口增长函数中引入了自适应增长因子实现窗口增长速率与链路状态相匹配;采用了自适应队列门限的丢包区分策略以提高无线环境下TCP的性能。性能分析和评估表明,INVS提高了TCP拥塞控制算法的吞吐量、公平性、链路利用率和RTT公平性。  相似文献   

作为数据传输和Internet接入的另一种形式--卫星网络越来越受到人们的关注,其具有高时延、高链路误码率和链路不对称等特性.使得传统的拥塞控制算法并不适用于该环境,因此研究者们提出了许多改进的和新的算法.本文对这些算法进行了一个深入的总结,从卫星网络特点入手,分析了各种拥塞控制算法的原理、优点及缺点,并提出了卫星网络环境下拥塞控制的研究热点.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel congestion detection scheme for high-bandwidth TCP flows over optical burst switching (OBS) networks, called statistical additive increase multiplicative decrease (SAIMD). SAIMD maintains and analyzes a number of previous round-trip time (RTTs) at the TCP senders in order to identify the confidence with which a packet loss event is due to network congestion. The confidence is derived by positioning short-term RTT in the spectrum of long-term historical RTTs. The derived confidence corresponding to the packet loss is then taken in the developed policy for TCP congestion window adjustment. We will show through extensive simulation that the proposed scheme can effectively solve the false congestion detection problem and significantly outperform the conventional TCP counterparts without losing fairness. The advantages gained in our scheme are at the expense of introducing more overhead in the SAIMD TCP senders. Based on the proposed congestion control algorithm, a throughput model is formulated, and is further verified by simulation results.   相似文献   

Congestion Control Framework for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last few years, bandwidth and traffic control have immerged as issues of great importance in ad-hoc wireless networks, requiring sophisticated managing techniques. Moreover, due to the increasing variety of applications and consequently respective need for bandwidth control, such issues are expected to become even more critical in the near future. Main characteristics of MANETs such as multi-hop communication and supporting dynamically varying topologies rapidly and unpredictably change or remain static over long periods of time augments the complexity of the problem as well as the need to efficiently handle it. In order to circumvent those problems, many researchers turn their attention to cross-layer design which provides the possibility to create lightweight and flexible substrate for the demanding ad-hoc wireless networks. This design approach provides critical features that suit the characteristics of ad-hoc wireless networks. This paper proposes a novel, lightweight and efficient cross-layer architecture for congestion control at wireless ad-hoc networks. The performance of this framework is evaluated considering characteristic ad-hoc routing protocols, such as AODV and DSR, in static as well as mobile network topologies using the well known network simulator NS2.  相似文献   

基于无线传感器网络的跨层拥塞控制协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张玉鹏  刘凯  王广学 《电子学报》2011,39(10):2258-2262
无线传感器网络(WSN)中由拥塞引起的大量分组重传以及重传多次失败后的分组丢弃会导致较长的时延、较高的分组丢失率和较多的能量消耗.为了准确探测和控制网络拥塞,提出了一种基于跨层设计的拥塞控制协议,即上行拥塞控制(UCC)协议.该协议利用节点在媒质接人控制(MAC)层中未占用的缓冲器区间大小和所预测的通信流量作为该节点的...  相似文献   

Recently, the interest of research is going to be focused on the emerging vehicular ad-hoc networks paradigm. In these networks, vehicles communicate with each other and have the possibility of exploiting a distributed approach, typical of ad-hoc networks, which allow mobile nodes (vehicles) to communicate with each other. Thanks to the different standards for this kind of network, such as DSRC, WAVE/IEEE802.11p, the researchers have the possibility of designing and developing new MAC and routing algorithms, trying to enhance the mobile users experience in the mobile environment. In this paper, the attention is focused on the optimization of traffic flowing in a vehicular environment with vehicle-2-roadside capability. The proposed idea exploits the information that is gathered by road-side units with the main aim of redirecting traffic flows (in terms of vehicles) to less congested roads, with an overall system optimization, also in terms of Carbon Dioxide emissions reduction. A deep campaign of simulations has been carried out to give more effectiveness to our proposal.  相似文献   

IP服务质量是目前国际上的一个研究热点,IETF为此而定义了区分服务体系结构.然而,该体系中存在不公平问题.本文提出了一种直接拥塞反馈机制(DCCS),配合网络边缘的动态流量调节(DTC)算法,能够为该体系提供很好的公平性.该机制不仅能保证响应流与非响应流之间的公平性,而且能解决响应流(如TCP)自身由于分组长度,微流数目及环回时延(RTT)等因素而产生的差异.  相似文献   

Telecommunication technology advances in the past decade have brought networking to another level in terms of reliability and link speeds. However, existing transmission control protocols do not provide satisfactory performance due to their inefficient congestion control mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a new congestion control scheme to provide Quality of Service provisioning while ensuring bandwidth efficiency. Based on the evolutionary minority game (EMG) model, the proposed algorithm adaptively controls the packet transmission to converge a desirable network equilibrium. For the efficient network management, the proposed EMG approach is dynamic and flexible that can adaptively respond to current network conditions. A simulation shows that our proposed scheme can approximate an optimized solution while ensuring a well-balanced network performance under widely different network environments.  相似文献   

In monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs),the traffic usually has bursty characteristics when an event occurs.Transient congestion would increase delay and packet loss rate severely,which greatly reduces network performance.To solve this problem,we propose a Burstiness-aware Congestion Control Protocol(BCCP) for wireless sensor networks.In BCCP,the backoff delay is adopted as a congestion indication.Normally,sensor nodes work on contention-based MAC protocol(such as CSMA/CA).However,when congestion occur...  相似文献   

Predictive Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Available congestion control schemes, for example transport control protocol (TCP), when applied to wireless networks, result in a large number of packet drops, unfair scenarios and low throughputs with a significant amount of wasted energy due to retransmissions. To fully utilize the hop by hop feedback information, this paper presents a novel, decentralized, predictive congestion control (DPCC) for wireless sensor networks (WSN). The DPCC consists of an adaptive flow and adaptive back-off interval selection schemes that work in concert with energy efficient, distributed power control (DPC). The DPCC detects the onset of congestion using queue utilization and the embedded channel estimator algorithm in DPC that predicts the channel quality. Then, an adaptive flow control scheme selects suitable rate which is enforced by the newly proposed adaptive backoff interval selection scheme. An optional adaptive scheduling scheme updates weights associated with each packet to guarantee the weighted fairness during congestion. Closed-loop stability of the proposed hop-by-hop congestion control is demonstrated by using the Lyapunov-based approach. Simulation results show that the DPCC reduces congestion and improves performance over congestion detection and avoidance (CODA) [3] and IEEE 802.11 protocols.  相似文献   

针对分层多播接收者的可用带宽异构性问题,提出了一种自适应动态分层多播拥塞控制算法(ADLM).ADLM自适应地运用最优层输率分配算法来满足接收者的异构性,ADLM可以根据网络情况变化动态地调整分层的数量以及每一分层的层速率.仿真实验表明,该拥塞控制策略比分层组播控制常用的典型策略(RLC)更有效地利用网络带宽,解决网络带宽的异构性问题,同时ADLM是TCP友好的,较好地改进了分层多播拥塞控制的性能.  相似文献   

CongestionControlforATMNetworksBasedonDiagonalRecurentNeuralNetworksHuangYunxianYanWei(AirForceInstituteofMeteorology,Nanjing...  相似文献   

In this paper, a congestion control mechanism is presented for multiservice wireless OFDMA networks. The revenue rate and the user SNR’s are used to partition the bandwidth in accordance with a complete partitioning structure. Moreover, through the use of our scheme the QoS of any ongoing connections can be satisfied. Results show that the revenue rate plays an important role in prioritizing the different services.  相似文献   

Congestion control in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is crucial. In this article, we discuss congestion control and the adaptive load-aware problem for sensor nodes in WSNs. When the traffic load of a specific node exceeds its the available capacity of the node, a congestion problem occurs because of buffer memory overflow. Congestion may cause serious problems such as packet loss, the consumption of power, and low network throughput for sensor nodes. To address these problems, we propose a distributed congestion control protocol called adaptive load-aware congestion control protocol (ALACCP). The protocol can adaptively allocate the appropriate forwarding rate for jammed sensor nodes to mitigate the congestion load. Through the buffer management mechanism, the congestion index of neighboring sensor nodes, and an adjustment of the adaptive forwarding rate, the degree of congestion is alleviated markedly. The performance in allocating the forwarding rate effectively to neighboring sensor nodes also improves. The ALACCP can avoid packet loss because of traffic congestion, reduce the power consumption of nodes, and improve the network throughput. Simulation results revealed that the proposed ALACCP can effectively improve network performance and maintain the fairness of networks.  相似文献   

本论文在分析无线传感器网络不同于普通有线网络的特征后,提出了一种适用于无线传感器网络的TCP 拥塞控制机制DW-TCP,此机制将TCP拥塞窗口分为拥塞丢包窗口和误码丢包窗口,在链路误码率较高时通过降低发送速率提高数据发送的可靠性,节约无线节点的能源消耗和系统不必要的开销,该机制不但考虑到拥塞丢包对数据发送速率的影响,而且考虑到无线链路中的误码丢包对数据发送速率的影响.  相似文献   

基于显式速率的TCP友好的UDP拥塞控制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种基于显式速率的UDP拥塞控制策略:通过源端和网络中的路由器相互配合,使得实时UDP应用能够根据网络的反馈以瓶颈链路的公平带宽为速率发送数据。此种控制策略对TCP应用是友好的,并且提高了网络的吞吐量和利用率。仿真结果表明:基于显式速率的UDP拥塞控制策略与采用TFRC(TCP—Friendly Rate Control)的UDP拥塞控制策略相比,在吞吐量、TCP友好性等方面性能有较大提高。  相似文献   

文中在TCP基于窗口的端到端的拥塞控制算法和IP层拥塞控制算法上提出了一种改进的增强型非线性比例积分算法,该算法主要解决PID算法的参数设置、鲁棒性和算法敏感性问题,减少了PID算法的参数设置.改进的算法采用了内模控制和优化控制来实现算法的稳定性.通过仿真实验证明提出的算法有快的收敛速度和稳定性,提高了算法的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

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