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Hydrogen and electric vehicle technologies are being considered as possible solutions to mitigate environmental burdens and fossil fuel dependency. Life cycle analysis (LCA) of energy use and emissions has been used with alternative vehicle technologies to assess the Well-to-Wheel (WTW) fuel cycle or the Cradle-to-Grave (CTG) cycle of a vehicle's materials. Fuel infrastructures, however, have thus far been neglected. This study presents an approach to evaluate energy use and CO2 emissions associated with the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of energy supply infrastructures using the Portuguese transportation system as a case study. Five light-duty vehicle technologies are considered: conventional gasoline and diesel (ICE), pure electric (EV), fuel cell hybrid (FCHEV) and fuel cell plug-in hybrid (FC-PHEV). With regard to hydrogen supply, two pathways are analysed: centralised steam methane reforming (SMR) and on-site electrolysis conversion. Fast, normal and home options are considered for electric chargers. We conclude that energy supply infrastructures for FC vehicles are the most intensive with 0.03–0.53 MJeq/MJ emitting 0.7–27.3 g CO2eq/MJ of final fuel. While fossil fuel infrastructures may be considered negligible (presenting values below 2.5%), alternative technologies are not negligible when their overall LCA contribution is considered. EV and FCHEV using electrolysis report the highest infrastructure impact from emissions with approximately 8.4% and 8.3%, respectively. Overall contributions including uncertainty do not go beyond 12%.  相似文献   

The development of new infrastructure is often a consideration in the introduction of new innovations. Currently there is some confusion around how to develop a hydrogen infrastructure to support the introduction of FCVs. Lessons can be learned from similar technology introduction in the past and therefore this paper investigates how mobile phone infrastructure was developed allowing the mass-market penetration of mobile phones. Based on this successful infrastructural development suggestions can be made on the development of a hydrogen infrastructure. It is suggested that a hydrogen infrastructure needs to be pre-developed 3–5 years before the market introduction of FCVs can successfully occur. A lack of infrastructural pre-development will cause to the market introduction of FCVs to fail.  相似文献   

Hydrogen infrastructure costs will vary by region as geographic characteristics and feedstocks differ. This paper proposes a method for optimizing regional hydrogen infrastructure deployment by combining detailed spatial data in a geographic information system (GIS) with a technoeconomic model of hydrogen infrastructure components. The method is applied to a case study in Ohio in which coal-based hydrogen infrastructure with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is modeled for two distribution modes at several steady-state hydrogen vehicle market penetration levels. The paper identifies the optimal infrastructure design at each market penetration as well as the costs, CO2 emissions, and energy use associated with each infrastructure pathway. The results indicate that aggregating infrastructure at the regional-scale yields lower levelized costs of hydrogen than at the city-level at a given market penetration level, and centralized production with pipeline distribution is the favored pathway even at low market penetration. Based upon the hydrogen infrastructure designs evaluated in this paper, coal-based hydrogen production with CCS can significantly reduce transportation-related CO2 emissions at a relatively low infrastructure cost and levelized fuel cost.  相似文献   

Standards fix the parameters of technology development, as we know. They are catalysts of entrenchment and as such sooner inhibit than enhance system evolution. But increasingly studies are done which argue the opposite: standards can also increase system flexibility. This paper falls within the latter tradition, which is of studies that explore the conditions and restrictions to the flexibility claim. The question addressed here is to what extent the Wobbe index, a pivotal standard for gas distribution in the Netherlands, can facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable energy system (that is, a hydrogen economy).  相似文献   

Hydrogen is widely recognised as an important option for future road transportation, but a widespread infrastructure must be developed if the potential for hydrogen is to be achieved. This paper and related appendices which can be downloaded as Supplementary material present a mixed-integer linear programming model (called SHIPMod) that optimises a hydrogen supply chains for scenarios of hydrogen fuel demand in the UK, including the spatial arrangement of carbon capture and storage infrastructure. In addition to presenting a number of improvements on past practice in the literature, the paper focuses attention on the importance of assumptions regarding hydrogen demand. The paper draws on socio-economic data to develop a spatially detailed scenario of possible hydrogen demand. The paper then shows that assumptions about the level and spatial dispersion of hydrogen demand have a significant impact on costs and on the choice of hydrogen production technologies and distribution mechanisms.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in the energy system are necessary to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality. Green hydrogen is a key to defossilisation. Politicians frequently mention the use of hydrogen in the building sector to supply decentrally produced heat as a potential field of application. An advantage repeatedly mentioned is that the existing gas distribution network infrastructure is an important asset that could still be used in the future. However, there is a lack of analyses of the conversion of gas distribution networks to hydrogen focussing on the economic implications on the costs of the distribution network infrastructure. The paper provides insights using a techno-economic model network analysis (MNA) tool called gas Distribution grId modelliNg tOol (DINO). The analysis is carried out for Germany and considers hydrogen use in all counties. The results are compared to a synthetic methane and electrification scenario. In the hydrogen scenario, the total need for distribution grids is decreasing until 2050 by at least 130,000 km. The network length of the synthetic methane scenario is slightly lower and that of the electrification scenario drops to zero. The annual operation costs are lower in all scenarios as gas demand and infrastructure are reduced. Nevertheless, the total annual cost in the hydrogen scenario is potentially two times higher than in the case of the synthetic methane scenario and more than four times higher than in the electrification scenario. Based on the present results, it is questionable whether an advantage of the continued use of the existing gas distribution grid infrastructure in case of synthetic gas or hydrogen scenarios exists.  相似文献   

Hydrogen transport over long distances is a critical cost component, and it can involve many complex pathways. We have developed a model and an associated framework that can be used to determine the cost of transport methods for both land and land-and-sea scenarios. The model assesses the transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrogen by truck, rail, and barge; as well as gaseous hydrogen pipelines. Our results show that for large scale and long-distance hydrogen transport, the only feasible gaseous hydrogen transport option are pipelines. For example, a well-planned pipeline can keep hydrogen transportation costs below $3 per kg for distances up to 7000 km so long as the demand is greater than 150 tonnes per day. Liquid hydrogen transport is feasible and efficient for long distance transport, especially when used alongside rail travel providing less than 50 tonnes per day.  相似文献   

To reduce criteria pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases from mobile sources, the use of hydrogen as a transportation fuel is proposed as a new paradigm in combination with fuel cells for vehicle power. The extent to which reductions can and will occur depends on the mix of technologies that constitute the hydrogen supply chain. This paper introduces an analysis and planning methodology for estimating emissions, greenhouse gases, and the energy efficiency of the hydrogen supply chain as a function of the technology mix on a life cycle, well to wheels (WTW) basis. The methodology, referred to as the preferred combination assessment (PCA) model, is demonstrated by assessing an illustrative set of hydrogen infrastructure (generation and distribution) deployment scenarios in California's South Coast Air Basin. Each scenario reflects a select mix of technologies for the years 2015, 2030, and 2060 including (1) the proportion of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources of the hydrogen and (2) the rate of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle adoption. The hydrogen deployment scenarios are compared to the existing paradigm of conventional vehicles and fuels with a goal to reveal and evaluate the efficacy and utility of the PCA methodology. In addition to a demonstration of the methodology, the salient conclusions reached from this first application include the following.
Emissions of criteria pollutants increase or decrease, depending on the hydrogen deployment scenario, when compared to an evolution of the existing paradigm of conventional vehicles and fuels.  相似文献   

A key factor in developing a hydrogen based transport economy is to ensure the establishment of a strong and reliable hydrogen fuel supply chain, from production and distribution, to storage and finally the technology to dispense the hydrogen into the vehicle.  相似文献   

The introduction of hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) to gradually replace gasoline internal combustion engine vehicles can provide environment and energy security benefits. The deployment of hydrogen fueling infrastructure to support the demonstration and commercialization of FCVs remains a critical barrier to transitioning to hydrogen as a transportation fuel. This study utilizes an engineering methodology referred to as the Spatially and Temporally Resolved Energy and Environment Tool (STREET) to demonstrate how systematic planning can optimize early investments in hydrogen infrastructure in a way that supports and encourages growth in the deployment of FCVs while ensuring that the associated environment and energy security benefits are fully realized. Specifically, a case study is performed for the City of Irvine, California – a target area for FCV deployment – to determine the optimized number and location of hydrogen fueling stations required to provide a bridge to FCV commercialization, the preferred rollout strategy for those stations, and the environmental impact associated with three near-term scenarios for hydrogen production and distribution associated with local and regional sources of hydrogen available to the City. Furthermore, because the State of California has adopted legislation imposing environmental standards for hydrogen production, results of the environmental impact assessment for hydrogen production and distribution scenarios are measured against the California standards. The results show that significantly fewer hydrogen fueling stations are required to provide comparable service to the existing gasoline infrastructure, and that key community statistics are needed to inform the preferred rollout strategy for the stations. Well-to-wheel (WTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, urban criteria pollutants, energy use, and water use associated with hydrogen and FCVs can be significantly reduced in comparison to the average parc of gasoline vehicles regardless of whether hydrogen is produced and distributed with an emphasis on conventional resources (e.g., natural gas), or on local, renewable resources. An emphasis on local renewable resources to produce hydrogen further reduces emissions, energy use, and water use associated with hydrogen and FCVs compared to an emphasis on conventional resources. All three hydrogen production and distribution scenarios considered in the study meet California's standards for well-to-wheel GHG emissions, and well-to-tank emissions of urban ROG and NOX. Two of the three scenarios also meet California's standard that 33% of hydrogen must be produced from renewable feedstocks. Overall, systematic planning optimizes both the economic and environmental impact associated with the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure and FCVs.  相似文献   

The lack of a hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is one of the major obstacles to the introduction of the hydrogen vehicles to the road transport market. To help overcome this hurdle a likely transitional solution is to introduce hydrogen for niche applications such as buses or other types of fleet vehicles for which fuel demand is predictable and localised. This paper analyses the costs of different hydrogen production-delivery pathways, via a case study of buses in London. Scenario analysis over time (2007–2025) is used to investigate potential changes to the cost of hydrogen as a result of technology development, growing demand for hydrogen and changes in energy prices (gas and electricity). It is found that factors related to hydrogen demand have the greatest effect on the unit cost of hydrogen, while for the whole of the analysis period, on-site SMR (steam methane reforming) remains the least-cost production-delivery pathway.  相似文献   

In this paper, performance and cost assessment studies, including the stages of hydrogen storage, transmission and distribution of three different hydrogen delivery pathways are undertaken comparatively. The produced hydrogen is stored under different temperatures and pressures and then transported to the nearby cities for distribution. In addition, three different methods for the transportation of the produced hydrogen to the distribution centers are studied, which are as transportation for hydrogen by the pressurized tanks, cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanker and the gas pipelines. Moreover, the transmission options from the distribution center to the target consumer are also examined for three different conditions. As a result, the hydrogen production capacity, the levelized cost of energy distribution (in $/kg), the infrastructure costs (truck, tanker number, gas line costs, etc.) for the selected transmission scenario are calculated. Furthermore, the environmental impact (greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) and some application parameters of the proposed system (e.g., number of hydrogen fuel stations and the distance between the stations, length of the distribution lines, etc.) are also determined. The highest levelized cost of delivery is obtained as 8.02 $/kg H2 for the first scenario whereas the lowest cost is obtained as 2.73 $/kg H2 for the third scenario.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a promising low carbon fuel option with geographically distributed production and consumption. Hence, its regional and global hydrogen supply chains (HSCs) are vital for the potential future energy markets. We present a holistic study of various options for transporting (not producing) hydrogen from both techno-economic and environmental perspectives. The infrastructure and energy requirements of four options for transporting hydrogen between export and import terminals, namely methyl cyclohexane, liquid hydrogen, compressed hydrogen, and liquid ammonia, are analyzed in detail. These are compared for HSC energy penalty, carbon avoidance and landed cost of hydrogen under different scenarios. A case study is also presented to capture the perspectives of an importer. The preferred transport mode depends on export location and end use. For Singapore's power sector, compressed hydrogen from the neighbors via pipelines is most favorable with a carbon avoidance of 54–59% at 0.3 $/kg CO2 avoided.  相似文献   

This study presents design concepts for hydrogen supply chains as a way to investigate how to transport green hydrogen from offshore sites to onshore sites where it would be available to consumers. The six concepts suggested are based on compressed hydrogen, a pipeline, liquefied hydrogen, liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), ammonia, and a subsea cable. Most of the concepts transported the hydrogen from production to consumption sites, but in the case of the subsea cable transferred electricity from the offshore wind farm. All the design concept were created to satisfy the same specific case study. For this case study, the East Sea was selected as the hydrogen production site, Busan port was chosen as the hydrogen consumption site. The six concepts were applied to the suggested case study before being compared from the viewpoint of each system's complexity. The results show that the pipeline- and subsea cable-based hydrogen supply chains are relatively simple relative to the other concepts, the LOHC- and ammonia-based hydrogen supply chains are inherently more complex because they require de-hydrogenation and cracking processes to extract hydrogen from the LOHC and ammonia. On the other hand, ammonia and liquefied hydrogen have advantages in terms of ship transportation because they both provide high volumetric densities. In the case of ammonia, the infrastructure required would be significantly reduced if it could be directly used as a fuel without the cracking and purification processes. This study proposes and compares various hydrogen supply chain concepts with the goal that the results will prove helpful to those attempting to create an offshore hydrogen supply chain by providing fundamental data to decision-makers in the early design stages.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the transition to a new energy system based on hydrogen in the European liberalized framework. After analyzing the literature on the hydrogen infrastructure needs in Europe, we estimate the size and scope of the transition challenge. We take the theoretical framework of network economics to analyze early hydrogen infrastructure needs. Therefore, several concepts are applied to hydrogen economics such as demand club effects, scale economies on large infrastructures, scope economies, and positive socio-economical externalities. Based on the examples of the electricity and natural gas industry formation in Europe, we argue for public intervention in order to create conditions to reach more rapidly the critical size of the network and to prompt network externalities, allowing for the market diffusion of and, thus, an effective transition to the new energy system.  相似文献   

In many visions and roadmaps, there is a broad agreement that fuel cells - both for stationary and mobile applications - are the key technology to allow the development of a hydrogen infrastructure. Furthermore, this development is generally thought to be based on a gradual, decentralised evolution. Nevertheless, in this paper it is argued that, taking into account the entire hydrogen chain (production, transport, storage, distribution and end-use), this decentralised fuel-cell based philosophy shows some serious flaws.Therefore, a new hydrogen-transition approach was pushed forward: mixing in of hydrogen into the natural-gas bulk. Using Flanders - the Northern part of Belgium - as a case study, the development of a transitory hydrogen infrastructure has been studied, taking into account the entire hydrogen chain and its dynamics, from production to end use.In a next step, this transition is being quantified. An optimisation model has been developed using Matlab and the commercial solvers GAMS and CPLEX. Following a mixed-integer linear-programming approach, this model is able to determine the economically optimal hydrogen-production mix and operational behaviour of each hydrogen-production plant separately. The model then allows gaining valuable insights in the importance of storage and the influence of fuel prices and carbon taxes with regard to the development of an early hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are expected to be commercially available on the world market in 2015, therefore, introducing hydrogen-refueling stations is an urgent issue to be addressed. This paper proposes deployment plan of hydrogen infrastructure for the success of their market penetration in the Northeastern United States. The plan consists of three-timeline stages from 2013 to 2025 and divides the designated region into urban area, suburban area and area adjacent to expressway, so that easy to access to hydrogen stations can be realized. Station is chosen from four types of stations: off-site station, urban-type on-site station, suburban-type on-site station and portable station, associated with growing demand. In addition, on-site station is used as hydrogen production factory for off-site station to save total investment. This deployment plan shows that 83% of urban residents can reach station within 10 min in 2025, and that more than 90% people especially in four major cities: Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. can get to station within 10 min by Geographic Information System (GIS) calculation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a method for prioritizing and classifying the sustainability of hydrogen supply chains and assist decision-making for the stakeholders/decision-makers. Multiple criteria for sustainability assessment of hydrogen supply chains are considered and multiple decision-makers are allowed to participate in the decision-making using linguistic terms. In this study, extension theory and analytic hierarchy process are combined to rate the sustainability of hydrogen supply chains. The sustainability of hydrogen supply chains could be identified according to the synthesis correlation degrees to each classical domain. Finally, an illustrative case is studied by the proposed method, and the results show that the proposed method is feasible for prioritizing and classifying the sustainability of hydrogen supply chains.  相似文献   

Variable renewable energy sources (VRES) will be the cornerstones of future energy supply systems. Nevertheless, their inherent intermittency remains an obstacle to their widespread deployment. Renewably-produced or ‘green’ hydrogen has been suggested as an energy carrier that could account for this in a sustainable manner. In this study, a fully VRES-based European energy system in the year 2050 is designed using an iterative minimal cost-optimization approach that ensures robust supply security across 38 weather-year scenarios (1980–2017). The impact of different power generation locations is factored in by defining exclusive VRES groups within each optimization region. From this, it can be seen that higher numbers of groups in each region offer cheaper electricity generation locations to the optimizer and thus decrease the system's total annual costs. Furthermore, the robust system design and impact of inter-annual variability is identified by iteratively combining the installed capacities of different system designs derived through the application of the 38 historical weather years. The system design outlined here has significantly lower capacities in comparison to the maximum regional capacities obtained in the first round of optimization.  相似文献   

The use of vehicles powered by hydrogen from renewable sources can be a viable alternative for Andalusia, given its accessibility to renewable energies and the problems of energy dependence and pollution resulting from the current energy model. However, the introduction of this type of technology requires an initial infrastructure that solves the classical chicken and egg problem. Given that hydrogen fueling infrastructure will require significant initial capital investment, it is reasonable to assume that a possible strategy of introduction could be the establishment of a station network that is sparse to avoid redundancy and therefore minimize costs. In this paper, we utilize Analytic Hierarchy Process to rank, on the basis of several supply, demand and environmental criteria, the more than 750 municipalities of Andalusia according to their suitability for the establishment of hydrogen fueling stations. Subsequently, we incorporate these results into an optimization problem to achieve optimal planning of the number and location of hydrogen fueling stations to provide coverage for the region.  相似文献   

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