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The recent increase in offences has provoked a call for longer prison terms under the assumption that longer prison terms reduce offences. A critical barrier to examining this assumption is the unavailability of consistent data on offences and the recidivism due to the separation of various agencies in the criminal justice. This paper examines the assumption by proposing a total system model over separated agencies to estimate the figures needed. This model also enables one to forecast the caseload of the system and to identify critical factors for crime control.  相似文献   

本文将结合网络犯罪的发展态势,针对刑事法律在网络犯罪狂潮所面临的挑战,分析、探索刑事证据制度如何应对网络犯罪的冲击。  相似文献   

The exponential growth of computers and computer applications since the 1960s has not been matched with personnel capable of conducting involved computer crime investigations. There is a need for intensive training programmes in this area, following an interdisciplinary team approach modelled on the MBA Degree. An international clearing house for the creation and exchange of case studies for training Computer Crime Investigators is a primary need.  相似文献   

网络游戏是近年来兴起的一个新的娱乐方式和新兴产业,青少年网络游戏成瘾的现象越来越严重,而由网络游戏诱发的青少年犯罪也频频发生。本文从网络游戏本身的特点和青少年自身特点出发,深入分析网络游戏对青少年犯罪的影响。最后提出相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

Some people say that computer security is an impossible goal to achieve. Some security specialists shake their heads and say that nothing can ever really work. In this paper the author draws upon twenty years of experience to show there is a way to achieve a measure of security and keep it. The author shows that in every situation there are pros and cons and describes in a practical fashion how to overcome some real life problems in computer security and thus reduce computer crime.  相似文献   

The dynamics of computerization is actually reorienting itself towards industrial work. Particularly affected will be white-collar work in industry. Large scale unemployment, degradation of work for the masses of workers, as well as better working conditions for small groups of specialists, and increasing control fn work and of the worker by information systems, will be the main consequences.Computerization has at the same time to be understood as a strategy of firms to fight against worsening conditions in their enviroments. Especially the stagnative tendencies in all major western economies force them to produce inside their productive and bureaucratic apparatus, the profits which they cannot find on their markets. The positive possibilities inherent to computerization, for instance for a reduction of socially necessary work or for a thorough self-management of workers, cannot be used or are perverted by the impact of the ruling economic forces.  相似文献   

VOIP被日益广泛应用的同时,利用VOIP技术特性和漏洞实施的犯罪行为也日益增多。为有效扼制、打击这种新型的科技犯罪,本文立足法理,从定义VOIP犯罪和主要犯罪类型着手,重点研究VOIP犯罪证据的概念、形式及归类。以指导司法实践为目的,运用刑事诉讼法和哈希函数理论,分析了VOIP犯罪证据的获取和保全方法。创先提出VOIP犯罪和VOIP犯罪证据概念,为后续司法研究抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

According to Russian Federation Ministry of the Interior data, damages inflicted by computer crimes run into the rouble equivalent of billions of US dollars. Law enforcement agencies are trying hard to combat these crimes, says Deputy Head of the Ministry's Main Department for Economic Crimes, Kuzma Shalenkov. In a report for RIA-Novosti, Mr Shalenkov tells a little of the background to such crimes and reports on new legislation designed to tackle this growing problem for Russian and international law enforcement bodies.  相似文献   

伴随着Internet的普及和网络应用的蓬勃发展,网络赌博犯罪案件呈现出有组织性、国际性、隐蔽性等特征,这些特征致使公安机关在侦查网络赌博犯罪时面临诸多困境,如犯罪行为难以发现、取证困难等。本文阐述了网络赌博案件的特点、类型、侦查难点,并提出了网络赌博犯罪案件的侦查对策。  相似文献   

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